STOPKOVÁ, Mária a Martina HLATKÁ. MEASURES TO IMPROVE EVACUATION SAFETY IN DURA AUTOMOTIVE CZ LP. Archives of Automotive Engineering. Warszawa: Lukasiewicz Research Network - Automotive Industry Institute, 2024, roč. 106, č. 4, s. 31-47. ISSN 1234-754X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/73941/cs
STOPKOVÁ, Mária, Petr KOLAŘÍK, Martin JURKOVIČ a Jarmila SOSEDOVÁ. Proposal of Set of Optimization Criteria and Their Specific Calculation for Effective Inventory Management in an Industrial Enterprise. TEM Journal. Serbia: UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, 2024, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 1290-1296. ISSN 2217-8309.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/73961/cs
DUDZIAK, Agnieszka, Andrzej KURANC, Grzegorz ZAJĄC, Szyszlak-Bargłowicz JOANNA, Słowik TOMASZ, Ondrej STOPKA, Droździel PAWEŁ a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Smart solutions in car dashboard interfaces as a response to needs of drivers and their assessment. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd., 2024, Vol. 16, nečíslováno, s. nečíslováno, 11 s. ISSN 2213-624X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/73141/cs
PEČMAN, Jan, Ondrej STOPKA, Iwona RYBICKA a Mária STOPKOVÁ. INFLUENCE OF ROAD LONGITUDINAL TERRAIN PROFILE ON VEHICLE KINETIC ENERGY RECOVERY AND MITIGATION OF SELECTED TRANSPORT NEGATIVE ASPECTS. Transport problems. Katowice, Poland: The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, 2023, roč. 18, č. 4, s. 125-133. ISSN 2300-861X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/70841/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK, Miloš POLIAK a Mária STOPKOVÁ. OPTIMIZATION OF COLLECTION ROUTES USING THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY METHOD: A CASE STUDY. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. Katowice, Poland: Faculty of Transport of Silesian University of Technology. Silesian University of Technology, 2023, roč. 121, Neuveden, s. 241-256. ISSN 0209-3324.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/71861/cs
PEČMAN, Jan, Josef ŠEDIVÝ, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Ladislav BARTUŠKA. PACKAGING WASTE RESEARCH RESPONDING TO THE RISE OF TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS VOLUMES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji. Warsaw, Poland: Łukasiewicz Research Network - Automotive Industry Institute, 2023, roč. 101, č. 3, s. 50-66. ISSN 2084-476X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/69361/cs
DERKACZ, Arkadiusz J., Agnieszka DUDZIAK, Ondrej STOPKA a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Profitability Determinants of Transport Service and Warehouse Enterprises A Case Study from Poland. Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering. Hungary: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2023, roč. 51, č. 3, s. 275-286. ISSN 0303-7800.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/73041/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Jozef PALO, Martin MICHALSKY, Paweł DROŹDZIEL a Jan VRABEL. Research Regarding Different Types of Headlights on Selected Passenger Vehicles when Using Sensor-Related Equipment. Sensors. Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2023, roč. 23, č. 4, s. 1-21. ISSN 1424-3210. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s23041978.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/66941/cs
JURKOVIC, Martin, Tomas KALINA, Piotr GORZELANCZYK a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Use of Operational Research in Car Transport Logistics. Online. In Igor Kabashkin, Irina Yatskiv, Olegas Prentkovskis. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. 22. vyd. Neuveden: Springer, Cham, 2023, s. 141-150. ISBN 978-3-031-26655-3.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/69842/cs
DUDZIAK, Agnieszka, Jacek CABAN, Ondrej STOPKA, Monika STOMA, Marie SEJKOROVÁ a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Vehicle Market Analysis of Drivers’ Preferences in Terms of the Propulsion Systems: The Czech Case Study. Energies. Švýcarsko: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023, roč. 16, č. 5, s. 1-20. ISSN 1996-1073.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/73021/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Jan PEČMAN. APPLICATION OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION MAKING METHODS FOR EVALUATION OF SELECTED PASSENGER ELECTRIC CARS: A CASE STUDY. COMMUNICATIONS. Žilina, Slovensko: University of Žilina, 2022, VI.22, č. 3, s. 133-141. ISSN 1335-4205.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/65001/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Patrik GROSS, Jan PEČMAN, Jiří HANZL, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Martin JURKOVIČ. Optimization of the Pick-Up and Delivery Technology in a Selected Company: A Case Study. Technologies. Basilej, Švýcarsko: MDPI, 2022, X.22, č. 4, s. 1-23, 24 s. ISSN 2227-7080.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/65161/cs
STOPKOVÁ, Mária, Jacek CABAN, Aleksander NIEOCZYM, Agnieszka DUDZIAK a Tomasz KRAJKA. The Planning Process of Transport Tasks for Autonomous Vans—Case Study. Applied Sciences. Basel, Switzerland: Applied Sciences Editorial Office, applsci@mdpi.com, MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2022, roč. 12, č. 6, s. 1-18. ISSN 2076-3417.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/67002/cs
LIŽBETIN, Ján a Mária STOPKOVÁ. A case study into safety compliance within the road freight transport sector with regards to securing cargo. Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina. Zilina, Slovakia: University of Zilina, Slovakia, 2021, roč. 23, č. 2, s. 43-48. ISSN 1335-4205.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/61241/cs
HLATKÁ, Martina, Ondrej STOPKA, Ladislav BARTUŠKA, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Daniela YORDANOVÁ, Patrik GROSS a Petr SÁDLO. Draft Methodology of the Age Management Implementation in Human Resource Management in a Transport Company. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2021, roč. 14, č. 4, s. 2-15, 15 s. ISSN 1911-8074. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jrfm14040183.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/57721/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej a Mária STOPKOVÁ. The planning process of transport tasks for autonomous vans. Open Engineering. Warsaw, Poland: DE GRUYTER Poland, Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str. 01-811 Warsaw, Poland, 2021, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 871-879. ISSN 2391-5439.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/62761/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Patrik GROSS, Karel JEŘÁBEK a Iwona RYBICKA. USE OF ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING APPROACH FOR COST MANAGEMENT IN A RAILWAY TRANSPORT ENTERPRISE. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. Katowice, Poland: Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8 Street, 40-019 Katowice, Poland, 2021, roč. 111/2021, neuvedeno, s. 151-160. ISSN 0209-3324.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/62841/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK a Srećko KRILE. APPLICATION OF THE CHOSEN MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION-MAKING METHODS TO IDENTIFY THE AUTONOMOUS TRAIN SYSTEM SUPPLIER. TRANSPORT PROBLEMS. Katowice, Poland: Silesian University of Technology, 2020, roč. 15, č. 2, s. 45-47. ISSN 1896-0596. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.21307/TP-2020-019.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/55603/cs
ZITRICKÝ, Vladislav, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK, Ondrej STOPKA a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Comparative analysis in terms of environmental impact assessment between railway and air passenger transport operation: a case study. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation. Ženeva, Switzerland: Inderscience Publishers, World Trade Centre Building II, 29 route de Pre-Bois, Case Postale 856, CH-1215 Genève 15 Switzerland, 2020, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 21-35. ISSN 2050-0475.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/55484/cs
T., Skrucany, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Ondrej STOPKA a Milojević S. Design of a daily-user methodology to detect fuel consumption in cars with spark ignition engine. Applied Engineering Letters. Beograd, Serbia: Serbian Academic Center, 2020, roč. 5, č. 3, s. 80-86. ISSN 2466-4677. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.18485/aeletters.2020.5.3.2.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/55601/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Ján LIŽBETIN, Jakub SOVIAR a Jacek CABAN. Development Trends of Electric Vehicles in the Context of Road Passenger and Freight Transport. Online. In neuvedeno. 2020 XII International Science-Technical Conference AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY. XII. Kielce, Poland: IEEE Xplore, 2020, s. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-7281-5812-9.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/57921/cs
ĽUPTÁK, Vladimír, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Martin JURKOVIČ. Proposal for Introducing Uniform Traction Power System in Context of Efficient Locomotive Use. Online. In Maria Stopkova, Ladislav Bartuska, Ondrej Stopka. Transportation Research Procedia, ELSEVIER. Transportation Research Proc. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2020, s. 378-386. ISSN 2352-1457.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/55485/cs
ĽUPTÁK, Vladimír, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Martin JURKOVIČ. Proposed Methodology for the Calculation of Overview Distances at Level Crossings and the Inclusion Thereof in National Standards. Sustainability — Open Access Journal, MDPI. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI Headquarters, Basel, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2020, roč. 11, č. 14, s. nestránkováno, 17 s. ISSN 2071-1050. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12145684.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/55486/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Martin JURKOVIČ a Karel JEŘÁBEK. Streamlining possibility of transport-supply logistics when using chosen Operations Research techniques. Open Engineering. WARSAW: DE GRUYTER POLAND SP Z O O, 2020, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 195-204. ISSN 2391-5439. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/eng-2021-0023.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/56221/cs
SKRÚCANÝ, Tomáš, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Ondrej STOPKA, Alica KALAŠOVÁ a Peter OVČIARIK. User’s determination of a proper method for quantifying fuel consumption of a passenger car with compression ignition engine in specific operation conditions. Open Engineering. Warsaw, Poland: DE GRUYTER Poland, Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str. 01-811 Warsaw, Poland, 2020, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 151-160. ISSN 2391-5439.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/61121/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Karel JEŘÁBEK a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Using the Operations Research Methods to Address Distribution Tasks at a City Logistics Scale. Online. In Maria Stopkova, Ladislav Bartuska, Ondrej Stopka. Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 44 - 20th Horizons of A. České Budějovice: Elsevier B.V., 2020, s. 348-355. ISSN 2352-1457. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2020.02.032.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/55591/cs
MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta, Ondrej STOPKA a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Application of Multi-criteria Decision-making Methods for the Area of Recycling. TEM JOURNAL-TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATICS. SERBIA: UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, 2019, roč. 8, č. 3, s. 827-835. ISSN 2217-8309. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.18421/TEM83-19.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/51101/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Rudolf KAMPF. Application of the Operational Research Method to Determine the Optimum Transport Collection Cycle of Municipal Waste in a Predesignated Urban Area. Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2019, roč. 11, č. 8, s. nestránkováno, 15 s. ISSN 2071-1050. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11082275.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/52582/cs
ĽUPTÁK, Vladimír, Paweł DROŹDZIEL, Ondrej STOPKA, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Iwona RYBICKA. Approach Methodology for Comprehensive Assessing the Public Passenger Transport Timetable Performances at a Regional Scale. Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2019, roč. 11, č. 13, s. nestránkováno, 18 s. ISSN 2071-1050. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11133532.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/52561/cs
ĽUPTÁK, Vladimír, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Karel JEŘÁBEK. Comparative analysis in terms of environmental impact assessment between railway and road passenger transport operation: A case study. Online. In neuvedeno. Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2019. vyd. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2019, s. 1330-1334. ISSN 1822-296X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/51681/cs
STOPKOVÁ, Mária, Ondrej STOPKA a Karel JEŘÁBEK. Design of the stock replenishment system regarding distribution to minimize the risk of stock shortages with cost-effective spending and respect to stochastic demand. In neuvedeno. Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2019. vyd. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2019, s. 414-418. ISSN 1822-296X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/51701/cs
STOPKOVÁ, Mária, Ondrej STOPKA a Vladimír ĽUPTÁK. Inventory Model Design by Implementing New Parameters into the Deterministic Model Objective Function to Streamline Effectiveness Indicators of the Inventory Management. Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2019, Vol. 11, Issue 15, s. 1-15. ISSN 2071-1050. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11154175.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/50501/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Vladimír ĽUPTÁK. Proposal of the Inventory Management Automatic Identification System in the Manufacturing Enterprise Applying the Multi-criteria Analysis Methods. Open Engineering. Berlin, Německo: Walter de Gruyter, 2019, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 397-403. ISSN 2391-5439. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/eng-2019-0046.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/50601/cs
MIKUŠOVÁ, Nikoleta, Ondrej STOPKA, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Erika OPETTOVÁ. Use of simulation by modelling of conveyor belt contact forces. Open Engineering. Warsaw, Poland: DE GRUYTER, 2019, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 709-715. ISSN 2391-5439. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/eng-2019-0070.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/57641/cs
SARKAN, Branislav, Stefania SEMANOVA, Veronika HARANTOVA, Ondrej STOPKA, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Miroslaw SZALA. Vehicle fuel consumption prediction based on the data record obtained from an engine control unit. Online. In Kulisz, M; Szala, M; Badurowicz, M; Cel, W; Chmielewska, M; Czyz, Z; Falkowicz, K; Kujawska, J; Tulwin, T. MATEC Web Conference. Volume 252. Parc d'Activités de Courtabœuf, France: EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2019, s. nestránkováno, 4 s. ISSN 2261-236X. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201925206009.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/48381/cs
RYBICKA, Iwona, Ondrej STOPKA, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Pawel DROZDZIEL. Application of the methodology related to the emission standard to specific railway line in comparison with parallel road transport: A case study. In Rudawska A., Cubonova N., Stancekova D., Sapietova A., Tlach V., Mrazik J., Vasko M., Szabelski J. 22st International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2018. Volume 244. Parc d'Activités de Courtabœuf, France: EDP Sciences, 2018, s. nestránkováno, 7 s. ISSN 2261-236X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/47022/cs
HLATKÁ, Martina a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Calculation of GHG Emissions in the Selected Air Traffic Company. Online. In L. Bartuška. MATEC Web Conference. Parc d'Activités de Courtabœuf, France: EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2018, s. nestránkováno, 6 s. ISSN 2261-236X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/45921/cs
HŘEBÍČEK, Zdeněk, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Determining lateral resistance of sleeper in railway ballast. Online. In J. Gašparik, J. Čamaj, J. Mašek and V. Zitrický. MATEC Web of Conferences. Neuvedeno. Les Ulis Cedex A, France: EDP Sciences, 2018, s. nestránkováno, 4 s. ISSN 2261-236X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/47042/cs
STOPKOVÁ, Mária, Ondrej STOPKA a Martina HLATKÁ. Material Deliveries Rationalization by Utilizing the Specific Designed Methodol-ogy. In neuvedeno. 22st International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2018. vol. 2018. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018, s. 43-48. ISSN 1822-296X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/45381/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Optimization Process of the Stock Quantity Based on a Set of Criteria when Considering the Interaction among Logistics Chain Components. In neuvedeno. 22st International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2018. vol. 2018. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018, s. 737-742. ISSN 1822-296X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/45382/cs
HLATKÁ, Martina, Ondrej STOPKA a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Proposal of Innovative Flooring Options for Marine Containers. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2018, roč. 65, č. 4, s. 174-179. ISSN 0469-6255.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/46981/cs
ŠARKAN, Branislav, Ondrej STOPKA, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Andrzej KURANC. Simulating Real Driving Conditions on the Single Roller Dynamometer: a Case Study in Terms of the Fuel Consumption Measurement. In Neuvedeno. 2018 XI INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE-TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY. Vol. 11. New York, USA: IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, 2018, s. Nestránkováno, 6 s. ISBN 978-1-5386-4578-9.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/44782/cs
JAGELČÁK, Juraj, Monika KIKTOVÁ a Mária STOPKOVÁ. The Application of the Verified Gross Mass of Intermodal Loading Units in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2018, roč. 65, č. 4, s. 218-223. ISSN 0469-6255.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/45902/cs
VRBOVÁ, Petra, Václav CEMPÍREK, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Ladislav BARTUŠKA. Various Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Usage Options and Possible Substitution. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2018, roč. 65, č. 4, s. 187-191. ISSN 0469-6255.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/45903/cs
HLATKÁ, Martina, Ondrej STOPKA a Mária STOPKOVÁ. Applying the techniques of vehicle routing problem on the particular transport section and their comparison. In neuvedeno. Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference, Part II. vol. 21. Kaunas, Lithuania: Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference, Part II, 2017, s. 412-417. ISSN 1822-296X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/44801/cs
RICCI, Stefano, Vladimír ĽUPTÁK a Mária CHOVANCOVÁ. Baseline Model to Increase Railway Infrastructure Capacity on a Single-Track Section: a Case Study. LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics. České Budějovice: De Gruyter, 2017, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 69-80. ISSN 2336-3037.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/41061/cs
CHOVANCOVÁ, Mária a Ondrej STOPKA. Modeling the "Current reality tree" diagram in the context of industrial logistics for determination of system contraints. Mladá veda. Prešov: Vydavateľstvo UNIVERSUM, spol. s r. o., 2017, Roč. piaty, číslo 4, s. 95-100. ISSN 1339-3189.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/39523/cs
STOPKOVÁ, Mária, Ondrej STOPKA a Vladimír KLAPITA. Modeling the Distribution Network Applying the Principles of Linear Programming. In neuvedeno. 21st International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2017. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2017, s. 73-77. ISSN 1822-296X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/44822/cs
ĽUPTÁK, Vladimír, Jozef GAŠPARÍK a Mária CHOVANCOVÁ. Proposal for Evaluating a Connection Quality within Transport Networks. Online. In Odrej Stopka. MATEC Web of Conferences. 1. vyd. France: EDP Sciences, 2017, s. nestránkováno, 7 s. ISSN 2261-236X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/43522/cs
STOPKA, Ondrej, Mária CHOVANCOVÁ a Rudolf KAMPF. Proposal for Streamlining the Railway Infrastructure Capacity on the Specific Track Section in the Context of Establishing an Integrated Transport System. Online. In Ondrej Stopka. MATEC Web of Conferences. vol. 134. France: EDP Sciences, 2017, s. 1-8. ISSN 2261-236X.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/44161/cs
HLATKÁ, Martina, Ondrej STOPKA a Mária CHOVANCOVÁ. The Solution of the Sorted Waste Collection Using the Methods of Multi-criteria Decision-making. Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering. Budapešť: Budapesti Mszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem/Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2017, roč. 46, č. 3, s. 164-170. ISSN 0303-7800.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/44443/cs
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