Filtrování publikací


    1. HANZL, Jiří, Ladislav BARTUŠKA, Rudolf KAMPF a Brlek PREDRAG. Indicators as a Tool for Assessing the Level of Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics. Promet – Traffic&Transportation. Zagreb, Croatia: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, 2023, roč. 35, č. 4, s. 485-499. ISSN 0353-5320.


    1. ŠARKAN, Branislav, Michal LOMAN, František SYNÁK, Tomáš SKRÚCANÝ a Jiří HANZL. Emissions Production by Exhaust Gases of a Road Vehicle’s Starting Depending on a Road Gradient. Sensors. Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2022, roč. 22/2022, č. 24, s. nestránkováno, 19 s. ISSN 1424-3210.
    2. BARTUŠKA, Ladislav, Ondrej STOPKA, Jiří HANZL, Josef ŠEDIVÝ a Iwona RYBICKA. CHANGES IN TRANSPORT BEHAVIOUR OF THE CZECH POPULATION CAUSED BY STATE OF EMERGENCY. Transport problems. Katowice, Poland: The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, 2022, roč. 17, č. 1, s. 101-114. ISSN 2300-861X.
    3. LIŽBETIN, Ján, Jan PEČMAN, Jiří HANZL a Ondrej STOPKA. MODELING THE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS ELEMENTS FUNCTIONALITY TESTING PLAN: A CASE STUDY. Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina. Žilina, Slovakia: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022, roč. 24, č. 4, s. 97-108. ISSN 1335-4205.
    4. STOPKA, Ondrej, Patrik GROSS, Jan PEČMAN, Jiří HANZL, Mária STOPKOVÁ a Martin JURKOVIČ. Optimization of the Pick-Up and Delivery Technology in a Selected Company: A Case Study. Technologies. Basilej, Švýcarsko: MDPI, 2022, X.22, č. 4, s. 1-23, 24 s. ISSN 2227-7080.
    5. HANZL, Jiří, Jan PEČMAN, Ladislav BARTUŠKA, Ondrej STOPKA a Branislav ŠARKAN. Research on the Effect of Road Height Profile on Fuel Consumption during Vehicle Acceleration. Technologies. Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2022, roč. 10/2022, č. 6, s. nestránkováno, 12 s. ISSN 2227-7080.
    6. HANZL, Jiří a Ladislav BARTUŠKA. Smart City Concept of Waste Logistics and Its Implementation in a Real Environment. In neuvedeno. Proceedings of 26th International Scientific Conference. Transport Means 2022. 26. vyd. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2022, s. 68-73, 980 s. ISSN 1822-296X.


    1. HANZL, Jiří. Defect Detection of Moving Railway Vehicles on the Czech Railway Network. Online. In Gašparík, J., Zitrický, V., Čamaj, J., Bartuška, L. Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 53. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2021, s. 58-65, 328 s. ISSN 2352-1465. Dostupné z:
    2. HANZL, Jiří. Design of Incentive Parking Lots in the Region – Conception, Technology and Pricing Policy. Online. In Gašparík, J., Zitrický, V., Čamaj, J., Bartuška, L. Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 53. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2021, s. 244-251, 328 s. ISSN 2352-1457. Dostupné z:
    3. HANZL, Jiří a Ladislav BARTUŠKA. Road Safety at Intersections and Roundabouts: A Case Study. In neuvedeno. 25th International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2021. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, 2021, s. 30-34. ISSN 1822-296X.
    4. HANZL, Jiří, Patrik GROSS, Ladislav BARTUŠKA a Jan PEČMAN. Simulation of Autonomous Mobility of Connected Vehicles in the Context of Real Conditions – a Case Study. Logi – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics. Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter Poland Sp. z o.o., 2021, roč. 12, č. 1, s. 226-237, 13 s. ISSN 2336-3037.


    1. HANZL, Jiří. General Application of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods for Finding the Optimal Solution in City Logistics. Open Engineering. Warsaw, Poland: DE GRUYTER Poland, Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str., 01-811 Warsaw, Poland, 2020, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 147 - 153. ISSN 2391-5439. Dostupné z:
    2. HANZL, Jiří. Parking Information Guidance Systems and Smart Technologies Application Used in Urban Areas and Multi-storey Car Parks. Online. In Stopkova M.,Bartuska L. Transportation Research Procedia. 44. vyd. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2020, s. 361 - 368. ISSN 2352-1457. Dostupné z:
    3. BARTUŠKA, Ladislav a Jiří HANZL. Traffic Planning Concerning Pedestrian Traffic in Cities. Online. In Yilmaz I.,Marschalko M.,Drusa M. IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering. Neuveden: IOP Publishing, 2020, s. 1-6. ISSN 1757-8981. Dostupné z:
    4. HANZL, Jiří, Ladislav BARTUŠKA a Ján LIŽBETIN. URBAN TRAFFIC DETECTORS DATA MINING FOR DETERMINATION OF VARIATIONS IN TRAFFIC VOLUMES. The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji. Warsaw, Poland: Łukasiewicz Research Network - Automotive Industry Institute, 2020, roč. 90, č. 4, s. 15-31. ISSN 2084-476X.


    1. HANZL, Jiří. Analytical model assessing the effect of increased traffic flow intensities on the road administration, maintenance and lifetime. Open Engineering. Warsaw, Poland: DE GRUYTER Poland, Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str., 01-811 Warsaw, Poland, 2019, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 359 - 366. ISSN 2391-5439. Dostupné z:
    2. BARTUŠKA, Ladislav a Jiří HANZL. Assessment of Modern Approaches in the Area of Road Traffic Flow Monitoring. In Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2019. vyd. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2019, s. 1070 - 1074. ISSN 1822-296X.
    3. KAMPF, Rudolf, Jiří HANZL, Ondrej STOPKA a Iwona RYBICKA. Possibilities of Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Biological Protection of Airports in Europe. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-SERIES TRANSPORT. Gliwice, Poland: FAC TRANSPORT SILESIAN UNIV TECHNOLOGY, AKADEMICKA 2A RM NO 45, GLIWICE, 44100, POLAND, 2019, roč. 104, č. 2019, s. 47-56. ISSN 0209-3324. Dostupné z:
    4. HANZL, Jiří, Ladislav BARTUŠKA a Vladimír ĽUPTÁK. Traffic Counts on Roads in the Czech Republic. In Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2019. vyd. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2019, s. 1346 - 1350. ISSN 1822-296X.
    5. HANZL, Jiří. Transport of Oversized Cargo in the Czech Republic – Critical Places on the Route from the Perspective of Road Infrastructure and Traffic Safety. In Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. 2019. vyd. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2019, s. 615 - 620. ISSN 1822-296X.


    1. FEDORKO, Gabriel, Vieroslav MOLNÁR, Martin VASIL a Jiří HANZL. Application of the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Program to Modelling the Handling of Ocean Containers using the AGV System. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2018, roč. 65, č. 4, s. 230-236. ISSN 0469-6255. Dostupné z:
    2. ĽUPTÁK, Vladimír, Ladislav BARTUŠKA a Jiří HANZL. Assessment of Connection Quality on Transport Networks Applying the Empirical Models in Traffic Planning: a Case Study. In neuvedeno. 22st International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2018. vol. 2018. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018, s. 236-240. ISSN 1822-296X.
    3. POTKÁNY, Marek, Martina HLATKÁ, Marek DEBNÁR a Jiří HANZL. Comparison of the Lifecycle Cost Structure of Electric and Diesel Buses. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2018, roč. 65, č. 4, s. 270-275. ISSN 0469-6255.
    4. HANZL, Jiří a Ladislav BARTUŠKA. Intelligent Transport Systems for Traffic Flow Management on Capacitive Roads. In neuvedeno. 22st International Scientific Conference Transport Means 2018. vol. 2018. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018, s. 749-752. ISSN 1822-296X.
    5. HANZL, Jiří, Ladislav BARTUŠKA, Josef ŠEDIVÝ, Tomáš KŮS, Martin KŮS a Jiří NOVOTNÝ. Possibilities of Using Tracking Methods for Trains in the Czech Republic. Online. In J. Gašparik, J. Čamaj, J. Mašek and V. Zitrický. MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 235. Les Ulis Cedex A, France: EDP Sciences, 2018, s. nestránkováno, 5 s. ISSN 2261-236X.


    1. HANZL, Jiří a Ladislav BARTUŠKA. Model of the Heavy Freight Vehicle's Running Speed Used for Diversion Traffic Routes Determination. Online. In Odrej Stopka. MATEC Web of Conferences. France: EDP Sciences, 2017, s. nestránkováno, 8 s. ISSN 2261-236X.
    2. HANZL, Jiří. Telematické aplikace na pozemních komunikacích. Mladá veda. Prešov: Vydavateľstvo UNIVERSUM, spol. s r. o., 2017, roč. 5, č. 8, s. 60-67. ISSN 1339-3189.
    3. BARTUŠKA, Ladislav a Jiří HANZL. Vehicle Detection Methods Used in Traffic Engineering. Online. In V. Ostaševičius. Transport means 2017 Proceedings. KAUNAS, LITHUANIA: Publishing House “Technologija“, 2017, s. 442-447. ISSN 2351-7034.
    4. HANZL, Jiří. Výpočtový model jízdní rychlosti těžkého nákladního vozidla. Mladá veda. Prešov: Vydavateľstvo UNIVERSUM, spol. s r. o., 2017, roč. 5, č. 4, s. 44-52. ISSN 1339-3189.


    1. HANZL, Jiří, Ladislav BARTUŠKA, Elena ROZHANSKAYA a Petr PRŮŠA. Application of Floyd´s Algorithm on Transport Network of South Bohemian Region. Communications : scientific letters of the University of Žilina. Žilina: The University of Žilina, 2016, Volume 18, č. 2, s. 68-71. ISSN 1335-4205.
    2. BARTUŠKA, Ladislav, Jiří HANZL a Lenka LIŽBETINOVÁ. Possibilities of Using the Data for Planning the Cycling Infrastructure. Online. In M. Drusa, I. Yilmaz, M. Marschalko, E. Coisson, A. Segalini. Procedia Engineering. Neuveden: Elsevier Ltd., 2016, s. 282-289. ISSN 1877-7058.
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