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@inproceedings{32426, author = {Vysoká, Jana and Smetanová, Dana}, address = {Bratislava}, booktitle = {APLIMAT 2016 : 15th Conference on Applied Mathematics}, editor = {L'udovít Balko, Dagmar Szarková, Daniela Richtáriková}, keywords = {A questionnaire survey; an attitude towards mathematics; an attitude towards physics}, howpublished = {tištěná verze "print"}, language = {eng}, location = {Bratislava}, isbn = {978-80-227-4531-4}, pages = {1126-1138}, publisher = {Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava}, title = {ANALYSIS OF ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS TOWARDS MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS}, year = {2016} }
TY - JOUR ID - 32426 AU - Vysoká, Jana - Smetanová, Dana PY - 2016 TI - ANALYSIS OF ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS TOWARDS MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS PB - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava CY - Bratislava SN - 9788022745314 KW - A questionnaire survey KW - an attitude towards mathematics KW - an attitude towards physics N2 - This paper describes the results of a research, which was conducted at two schools. With the use of a questionnaire there were investigated attitudes of the students of two different forms of study towards mathematics and physics. The survey was deliberately targeted at two different groups of students, students of economics and technology studying a combined form of study and students of teacher training study programmes studying the full-time form of study and it was particularly focused on the detection of the following facts: whether the two subjects, mathematics and physics, are interesting for the students and whether the students are aware of using their mathematical and physical knowledge in their field of study and in everyday life. Subsequently the aim of this paper was to analyse the discovered results. ER -
VYSOKÁ, Jana and Dana SMETANOVÁ. ANALYSIS OF ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS TOWARDS MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS. In L'udovít Balko, Dagmar Szarková, Daniela Richtáriková. \textit{APLIMAT 2016 : 15th Conference on Applied Mathematics}. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016, p.~1126-1138. ISBN~978-80-227-4531-4.