L_SMS L-Supply systems management

Material handling in the supply chain.

Key words:

Handling system, handling equipment, criteria for handling equipment selection, handling equipment dimensioning

Chapter objectives:

  • To identify basic types of handling equipment and describe their function,
  • To describe the structure of the handling system,
  • To apply criteria for selecting the handling equipment,
  • Dimensioning the handling equipment

Time required to study the chapter: 8 hours


Overview and breakdown of handling equipment
Material handling is a necessary part of all processes across the whole value-creating chain, from raw material extraction to processing, distribution, consolidation, circulation, consumption and reverse logistics. Material handling is understood in modern terms as the complex issue of transportation, loading and storage processes consisting of a number of operations performing in handling systems and which need to be mutually aligned and controlled in order to achieve the desired effects in an optimal way.

Handling equipment - characteristics, parameters
Handling equipment is an essential part of handling systems and includes handling tools (devices) consisting of supporting structures, drive units, gears and control units, as well as building structures allowing their operation (concrete or steel crane tracks, tracks, handling surfaces and aisles, etc.). Grabbing device is used to grab and hold the primary handled logistics material. Handling equipment together with organizational means and means of information and communication create a handling system.

Criteria for handling equipment selection
The number of input factors influencing decision-making when selecting the transport, handling, storage and other systems is very extensive. Prerequisites for selection of the optimal handling equipment or system are the knowledge of the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period, etc.

Dimensioning of handling equipment
The material flow may be continuous or pulsating for this equipment. The flow in mass units is determined by the product of the material weight per 1 meter of length for continuously working equipment with a continuous material flow q [kg.m-1 ] and speed of movement v [m.s-1].

Study materials:

Basic literature:
JEŘÁBEK, Karel. Logistika: study support for combined study. 1. ed. České Budějovice: Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2012. 96p. ISBN 978-80-7468-016-8.
TOUŠEK, R. Management dopravy. České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7394-172-7.
JEŘÁBEK, K., FRAJOVÁ, M. Výroba a distribuce stavebních materiálů – racionalizační potenciály logistiky. Construction information, Volume XIII. September 2006, monothematic number, 44th publication, pp. 3-27. ISSN 1211-2259.

Recommended study materials:
JüNEMANN, R.: Materialfluss und Logistik. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1989. ISBN 3-540-51225-X.

Questions and tasks

  1. Material handling is:
    1. complex issue of transportation, loading and storage processes consisting of a number of operations performing in handling systems and which need to be mutually aligned and controlled in order to achieve the desired effects in an optimal way
    2. the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period
    3. handling equipment together with organizational means and means of information and communication
  2. Handling equipment consists of:
    1. the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period
    2. organizational means and means of information and communication
    3. handling tools (devices) as well as building structures
  3. Handling equipment together with organizational means and means of information and communication is referred to as:
    1. handling equipment
    2. material handling
    3. handling system
  4. Prerequisites for selection of the optimal handling equipment or system are:
    1. material flow of continuously operating equipment, organizational means and means of information and communication
    2. the knowledge of the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period
    3. handling equipment, material handling and handling system
  5. Material flow for the handling equipment can be:
    1. loading and storage
    2. continuous and pulsating
    3. traffic and transport

Key to solve the questions:

  1. a
  2. c
  3. c
  4. b
  5. b