STEHEL, Vojtěch, Caroley BRADLEY, Petr ŠULEŘ a Svitlana BILAN. Cyber-Physical system-based real-time monitoring, industrial Big Data analytics, and smart factory performance in sustainable manufacturing Internet of Things. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets. New York, USA: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2021, roč. 16, č. 1, s. 42-51. ISSN 1842-3191.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/59821/cs
ŠULEŘ, Petr, Laura PALMER a Svitlana BILAN. Internet of Things sensing networks, digitized mass production, and sustainable organizational performance in Cyber-Physical system-based smart factories. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics. New York, USA: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2021, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 42-51. ISSN 2329-4175.Podrobněji: https://is.vstecb.cz/publication/59801/cs
Zobrazeno: 9. 3. 2025 01:38