J 2019

Design of placing the national intermodal transport terminal by applying the Operations Research methods: a research study

STOPKA, Ondrej

Basic information

Original name

Design of placing the national intermodal transport terminal by applying the Operations Research methods: a research study


STOPKA, Ondrej (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution)


The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji, Warsaw, Poland, Łukasiewicz Research Network - Automotive Industry Institute, 2019, 2084-476X

Other information



Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Field of Study

50703 Transport planning and social aspects of transport

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství



RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

Keywords in English

Intermodal transport; road transport; logistics chain; container reloading station; Operations Research




LTC19009, research and development project.
Změněno: 5/12/2023 10:16, Barbora Kroupová


V originále

The manuscript is focused on the design of methodical procedure to locate container reloading station of national importance in the examined country. Slovakia represents the investigated country where ten container reloading stations , specialized above all in transshipment of loading units, are currently in operation. The introductory parts of the manuscript outline the most important concepts associated with the very term of intermodal transport, container reloading stations in the given country as well as a brief literature review in a given context. The following parts discuss the specification of relevant data and methods for this study as well as a description of the general procedure of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives; namely consisting of, identifying a set of alternatives (Slovak regions), establishing a set of criteria and determining the weights of such criteria. The last part of the manuscript addresses forming a criteria matrix and subsequent calculations in order to search for the most suitable region when applying particular techniques of Operations Research. Specifically, the weights of criteria being determined based on the Saaty quantitative pairwise comparison method, and the final procedure in the context of selecting the most suitable alternative is suggested by using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (also called as the TOPSIS method).
Displayed: 8/1/2025 23:26