D 2016

Heavy Machinery Required for the Proper Application of Geosynthetic Products in the Implementation of Transport Constructions

STOPKA, Ondrej, Daniel KUČERKA, Rudolf KAMPF, Ján LIŽBETIN, Ladislav BARTUŠKA et. al.

Základní údaje

Originální název

Heavy Machinery Required for the Proper Application of Geosynthetic Products in the Implementation of Transport Constructions

Název česky

Těžké stroje nevyhnutné pro správnou aplikaci geosyntetických výrobků při realizaci dopravních staveb


STOPKA, Ondrej (703 Slovensko, domácí), Daniel KUČERKA (703 Slovensko, domácí), Rudolf KAMPF (203 Česká republika, domácí), Ján LIŽBETIN (703 Slovensko, domácí), Ladislav BARTUŠKA (203 Česká republika, domácí), Ján KMEC (703 Slovensko, domácí), Miroslav GOMBÁR (703 Slovensko, domácí) a Viktorie WEISS (203 Česká republika, domácí)


Netherlands, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium 2016 (WMCAUS 2016), od s. 445-449, 5 s. 2016


Elsevier Ltd.

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Stať ve sborníku


20104 Transport engineering

Stát vydavatele

Nizozemské království


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Forma vydání

elektronická verze "online"



Organizační jednotka

Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích


Klíčová slova česky

zhutnění; geosyntetický materiál; těžké stroje; dopravní stavby

Klíčová slova anglicky

compaction; geosynthetic material; heavy machinery; transport constructions


Změněno: 4. 1. 2017 11:25, Hana Dlouhá


V originále

The application of geosynthetic materials has become an ordinary part of not only transport constructions. Such materials are very versatile depending on the earth construction requirements and soil character. With regard to their popularity in use, research and development of new material and innovations of the existing ones are under way, so that the demands on their usability were met and their long life was ensured. According to their production methods, geosynthetics may be classified into basic groups of woven, non-woven and knitted materials. According to their function, which is expected from the different types of geosynthetics, we distinguish geosynthetics with a filtration, separation, protection barrier, erosion control, drainage and reinforcement functions. However, the application of the geosynthetic materials is not possible without a conveniently prepared subgrade. The use of heavy machinery thus becomes an important step in the implementation of transport constructions. Without quality preparation of the surface and subgrade of the body, the effectiveness of the geosynthetics would be supressed and their life would be much shorter. This could lead to deformations and cause fatal consequences to the overall transport structure. A set of earth works, depending on the type of transport structure, precedes the laying of the geosynthetic material. In general, heavy machinery is used to handle earth in extraction or filling, removal of unsuitable sharp-edged stones and other undesirable objects, to even the surface and to compact it. The article deals with the building machines vital for the preparation of the earth body before the application of geosynthetics. At the same time, it mentions the basic types of geosynthetic materials used in transport constructions.