J 2014

Measuring of efficiency of activities of administrative bodies on an example of hygienic stations


Základní údaje

Originální název

Measuring of efficiency of activities of administrative bodies on an example of hygienic stations

Název česky

Měření efektivnosti činnosti správních úřadů na příkladu hygienických stanic


SYLWAN, Warszava, Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne, 2014, 0039-7660

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Článek v odborném periodiku


50200 5.2 Economics and Business

Stát vydavatele



není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Impakt faktor

Impact factor: 0.322

Organizační jednotka

Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích

Klíčová slova česky

hygienické stanice; fixní technická efektivnost; DEA; produkční funkce; obalové křivky

Klíčová slova anglicky

hygienic stations; fixed technical efficiency; DEA; production function; envelope curve


Změněno: 24. 10. 2014 15:39, Mgr. Václav Karas


V originále

The paper demonstrates one of the possible ways to measure efficiency of administrative bodies on an example of hygienic stations in the Czech Republic. The literature search provides a historical overview of development of modern methods to measure efficiency and a general concept of efficiency is defined, including the fixed technical efficiency (FTE) used in the calculations. To calculate FTE by means of DEA a set of data inputs was used generated from financial statements of 13 regional hygienic stations in the Czech Republic and the hygienic station for the Capital of Prague from the period 2003 - 2008. The actual calculation consists of a series of steps, from allocation of weights to the individual outputs, grouping of inputs and outputs according to the mutual correlation, correction of the data according to the inflation rate, selection of the production function for the hygienic stations up to the calculation of the dependence of the weighted inputs and outputs. The latter step involves creation of a graph with a correlation field, while its shape indicates the relationship between inputs and outputs, calculation and proposal of a suitable type of production function, calculation of the correlation coefficient as the coefficient of determination, calculation of the production function, which is then rotated so that it becomes the tangent of the highest point of a graph and thus we get the function and envelope curve values (i.e. FTE). Thus a new constant is established (angular coefficient). By comparing the actual level of the output achieved with the corresponding point on the curve we can find the degree of efficiency of the individual measurements, i.e. the degree of efficiency of performance of the individual hygienic stations. The achieved results justify the assumption that the DEA is a relevant method to determine FTE as a tool to assess efficiency of state institutions on the example of the Czech hygienic stations.