VŠTE SBPEp Business Administration
Název anglicky: Business Administration
bakalářský prezenční jednooborový, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: VŠTE SB_PE Business Administration

Informace o studiu

  • Součásti SZZ a jejich obsah
    Součást 1 – SZZ Economics (Microeconomics – for Bachelor Degree, Macroeconomics – for Bachelor Degree)
    Součást 2 – SZZ Business Economics (Business science, Purchase and inventory management, Production process, Marketing, Business activity)
    Součást 3 – SZZ Business management (Business management, Strategic management, Personnel management, Investment management, Business finance I) Součást 4 – SFE Bachelor Thesis defense
  • Návrh témat kvalifikačních prací a témata obhájených prací
    Analysis of individual work demand in a selected company Factors affecting individual work demand in a selected profession Application of rational choice theory on the professional labour market Factors affecting human capital Analysis of aggregate labour market in the CR Relation of labour market and housing market Relation of financial market and labour market Analysis of economic policy and its impacts on the labour market Labour market regulation: economic effects Agricultural subsidies from the perspective of a small family farm Purchasing process management in a selected company Effective purchasing group management for the optimization of purchasing process in a selected company Innovation in production process management in a selected company Inventory management in selected company Analysis of managerial style of selected managers in a selected company including the proposals and measures to increase the effectiveness Evaluation of existing incentive system in a selected company (questionnaires, controlled interviews) and innovation proposals Analysis of communication system in a selected company with a specification of critical communication nodes with proposals to completion and quality improvement Assessment of organizational and management structure in a selected company Evaluation of the scope and level of management in a selected company

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