Number of results: 347

Results of 3 selected fields/plans of study
Field of Study/plan
VŠTE - Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical Engineering
include only defended theses

Gušlbauer, Jiří

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2020

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Optimalizovaný návrh kuželočelní převodovky

Habich, Jan

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2018

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Material, construction, calculation, production technology and assembly of a gear pump

Hadrava, Tomáš

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2021

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Analýza a optimalizace procesů TPV se zaměřením na montážní operace ve zvolené firmě

Haisman, Stanislav

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2017

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Srovnání konvenční a nekonvenční strojírenské technologie metodou párového hodnocení

Hála, Zdeněk

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2021

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Technologie výroby loveckého nože z vrstvených materiálů

Hamr, Filip

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2018

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Úprava motoru TAZ 1500 pro požární čerpadlo

Hána, Jiří

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2017

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Návrh modelu narážecího zařízení, táhlového ústrojí a šroubovky kolejového vozidla

Hauer, Jan

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2018

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Konstrukční návrh okružní pily

Häusler, Josef

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2021

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Fyzikální modelování odplynění taveniny hliníkových slitin inertním plynem na jednotce FDU pro nízkotlaké lití

Häusler, Patrik

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2023

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Study plan: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Řízení parametrů a vliv kvality válcovací emulze na povrchovou kvalitu za studena válcované oceli

Havel, Daniel

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2019

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Návrh aerodynamického měřicího tunelu s tepelným výměníkem

Havel, Miroslav

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2017

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Konstrukční návrh spojení součástí nýtovým spojem

Hejda, Daniel

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2020

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Protikorozní ochrana kovů pomocí povlaků

Hejda, Tomáš

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2017

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Vliv vstupních parametrů v technologii tlakového lití na kvalitativní vlastnosti odlitků

Hindy, Tomáš

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2019

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Měření charakteristiky čerpadla

Hlaváček, Ondřej

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2022

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Study plan: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Metalurgická svařitelnost korozivzdorných austenitických Cr-Ni (Mo) ocelí

Hoblík, Šimon

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2018

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Racionalizace a harmonizace materiálových toků se zaměřením na montážní operace

Holeček, Michal

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2016

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Fyzikální a matematické modely deformovatelných rotorů

Holický, Jakub

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2016

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Rapid prototipyng - využití 3D tiskáren v praxi

Holub, Vojtěch

(the defence was successful)

Bachelor's Studies, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, 2021

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Field of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor's thesis: Strukturní a mechanické změny materiálů při protlačování metodou ECAP