česky | in English
Name (in English): Teaching of financial accounting and assessment of students' knowledge.
Economics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: accounting; teyching; account assignment
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 25/11/2013 10:00.
Name in Czech: Harmonizace české účetní legislativy na mezinárodní Standardy účetního výkaznictví pro malé a střední podniky
Name (in English): Harmonization of Czech Accounting Legislation on International Financial Reporting Standards for SME
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Harmonization; SME- small and medium-sized companies; IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standard; corporate performance; accounting
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 17/1/2013 12:47.
Name in Czech: Daň z přidané hodnoty a její zúčtování
Name (in English): Value Added Tax and its settlement
Economics. Russian. Russian Federation.
Keywords in English: value added tax; taxpayer; tax year; tax rates; tax documents; taxable; own tax liability; overpayment; accounting for VAT input tax; output tax
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 29/1/2013 09:51.
Name in Czech: Mzdová agenda - postup výpočtu mezd a jeho zúčtování v České republice.
Name (in English): Payroll - payroll calculation procedure and its settlement in the Czech Republic.
Economics. Russian. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Employment relations; labor law; employment; contract of employment; remuneration; gross salary; net salary; super-gross wage; the amount to be paid; statutory deductions; social insurance; health insurance; income tax of natural persons
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 12/4/2013 09:27.