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    1. HLATKÁ, Martina, Ondrej STOPKA, Ladislav BARTUŠKA, Mária STOPKOVÁ, Daniela YORDANOVÁ, Patrik GROSS and Petr SÁDLO. Draft Methodology of the Age Management Implementation in Human Resource Management in a Transport Company. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2021, vol. 14, No 4, p. 2-15, 15 pp. ISSN 1911-8074. Available from:


    1. HLATKÁ, Martina, Rudolf KAMPF, Srećko KRILE and Iveta KUBASÁKOVÁ. Streamlining the Logistics Evacuation Process Using the Specific Simulation Software. Online. In Maria Stopkova, Ladislav Bartuska, Ondrej Stopka. Conference LOGI 2019 - Horizons of autonomous mobility in Europe. 44. vyd., Transportation Res. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2020, p. 369-377. ISSN 2352-1465.


    1. HLATKÁ, Martina, Karel KOREC and Rudolf KAMPF. Design of evaluation tool used to improve the production process. Open Engineering. Polsko: De Gruider, 2019, vol. 9, No 1, p. 641-649. ISSN 2391-5439.


    1. LIŽBETINOVÁ, Lenka, Miloš HITKA and Rudolf KAMPF. Motivace zaměstnanců z hlediska vybraných atributů v prostředí českých a slovenských dopravních a logistických podniků (Motivation of employees from the view of selected atributes in environmental of Czech and Slovak transport and logisticks enterprises). 1. vyd. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích, 2017, 167 pp. ISBN 978-80-7468-107-3.


    1. KAMPF, Rudolf, Peter MAJERČÁK and Pavel ŠVAGR. Application of Break-Even Point Analysis. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2016, vol. 63, No 3, p. 126-128. ISSN 0469-6255.
    2. KAMPF, Rudolf, Marek POTKÁNY, Lucia KRAJČÍROVÁ and Katarína MARCINEKOVÁ. Life Cycle Cost Calculation and its Importance in Vehicle Acquisition Process for Truck Transport. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2016, vol. 63, No 3, p. 129-133. ISSN 0469-6255.
    3. STOPKA, Ondrej, Lenka ČERNÁ and Vladislav ZITRICKÝ. Methodology for Measuring the Customer Satisfaction with the Logistics Services. Nase More. Dubrovnik: University of Dubrovnik, 2016, vol. 63, No 3, p. 189-194. ISSN 0469-6255.


    1. STOPKA, Ondrej and Rudolf KAMPF. Draft Methodology for Selecting the Appropriate Storage Area Design in Intermodal Logistics Center. Online. In Applied Mechanics and Materials. 1. vyd. Curych (Švýcarsko): Trans Tech Publications, 2015, p. 300-305. ISSN 1662-7482. Available from:


    1. KAMPF, Rudolf, Marek VOCHOZKA, Pavla LEJSKOVÁ and Tomáš CMIRÁL. Dependencies of Personal Vehicle Sales on the Financial Support of their Sales. In ITELMS´ 2014. 1. vyd. Kaunas (Lithuania): Kaunas University of Technology, 2014, p. 141-150. ISSN 2345-0088.
    2. KAMPF, Rudolf, Miloš HITKA and Marek POTKÁNY. Interannual differences in employee motivation in manufacturing enterprises in Slovakia. COMMUNICATIONS. Žilina: University of Zilina, 2014, roč. 16, No 4, p. 98-102. ISSN 1335-4205.


    1. JEŘÁBEK, Karel and Marcela FRAJOVÁ. Logistic criteria of the pricing of construction works. Transport & Logistics = Doprava a logistika. Košice: Technická univerzita Košice, Fakulta BERG, 2011, Neuveden, No 9, p. 150-153. ISSN 1451-107X.
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