česky | in English
Name in Czech: Zjemňující výrazy v akademickém diskurzu: Porovnání textů rodilých mluvčí angličtiny s českými a slovenskými autory
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: hedging devices;epistemic modal verbs;lexical verbs; attribution to sources;reference to the first person
Changed by: Mgr. Eva Hynešová, učo 23116. Changed: 18/4/2018 08:18.
Name in Czech: Mzdy, odvody z mezd, slevy na dani z příjmů a daňová zvýhodnění na dítě v České republice během let 2007–2017
Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: wage calculations;personal income tax;pension insurance;health insurance and social security;super gross wage
Changed by: Mgr. Eva Hynešová, učo 23116. Changed: 17/4/2018 13:03.
Name in Czech: Účetní procesy v zemědělském podniku po novele zákona o účetnictví
RIV/75081431:_____/16:00000821 Article in a journal. Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Raušer, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kabourková, Kristina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: International Accounting Standards; accounting; Act on Accounting
Changed by: Mgr. Daniel Raušer, učo 15525. Changed: 14/11/2016 10:42.
Name in Czech: Vybrané oblasti spolupráce mezi Čínou a Jihočeským krajem
Management, administration and clerical work. English.
Keywords in English: co-operation; business; health care system; culture and tourism
Type of proceedings: pre-proceedings
Changed by: Hana Dlouhá, učo 19800. Changed: 15/3/2017 13:58.
RIV/75081431:_____/16:00000893 Proceedings paper. Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Turinská, Libuše (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Gálová, Dana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: ESP; EST; learners´ needs analysis; grammar structures; target language
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Hana Dlouhá, učo 19800. Changed: 4/1/2017 09:12.
Name (in English): Cooperation of Region of South Bohemia with China
RIV/75081431:_____/16:00000820 Article in a journal. Management, administration and clerical work. Czech. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: co-operation; business; health care systém; culture and tourism
Changed by: Hana Dlouhá, učo 19800. Changed: 21/10/2016 08:38.
Name in Czech: Program Jazyky bez bariér v kombinaci s učebnicí Transportation and Logistics Basics
RIV/75081431:_____/16:00000896 Proceedings paper. Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Raušer, Daniel (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Languages without Barriers; English for Transportation; dyslexic students; study support material; online library
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Hana Dlouhá, učo 19800. Changed: 4/1/2017 09:13.
Name in Czech: Stručná jazyková analýza obchodního a strojírensko-technického lexikonu
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Professional Language; Semantics; Morphology; Syntax; Distinction; Lexis
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 4/2/2016 10:22.
Name in Czech: Aspektuální vlastnosti direkcionálních předložek a příslovcí vyjadřujících dráhu pohybu
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000528 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Kolářová, Pavlína (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: a/telicity; manner-of-motion verbs; path; prepositions; adverbs
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 14/10/2015 11:33.
Name in Czech: Efektivní využití překladu ve výuce
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000536 Article in a journal. Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Turinská, Libuše (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Translation; teaching process; source language; target language; message
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 18/4/2016 21:17.
Name in Czech: Napůl žid, napůl gój : „vnitřně rozerván“ obraz dítěte v novelách rodina karnovsky a americká pastorála
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000523 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Koy, Christopher (840 United States of America, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: similarities; intertextual study; two novels; Singer
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 18/2/2016 11:29.
Name in Czech: Mezinárodně uznávané jazykové certifikáty v angličtině jako efektivní nástroj pro řízení lidských zdrojů, zvláště v kontextu malých a středních podniků
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: CEFR levels qualifications; ELP; language strategy
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 4/2/2016 10:32.
Name in Czech: Systém jazykového vzdělávání na vysoké škole technické a ekonomické v českých budějovicích
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000538 Article in a journal. Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: conception; standardization; language education; professionally oriented tertiary school
Changed by: doc. et doc. PaedDr. Mgr. Zdeněk Caha, Ph.D., MBA, MSc., učo 4056. Changed: 20/10/2015 15:33.
Name in Czech: O dynamice velkých skupin ve výuce
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000537 Article in a journal. Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: large class; dynamics; learner; educator; environment
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 15/10/2015 15:13.
Name in Czech: Aplikace matematických metod do stanovení dopravních toků
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000547 Article in a journal. Theory and management systems. English. Croatia.
Bartuška, Ladislav (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Čejka, Jiří (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Decision making; Detroit model; Operational analysis methods; Public bustransport; Solving optimization problems
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 1/4/2016 22:36.
Name in Czech: Rakouský penzijní systém: aktuální problémy, penzijní privilegované skupiny a jeho nejnovější vývoj
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000492 Article in a journal. Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Alexa, Michael (40 Austria, guarantor) -- Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Pension; scheme; expenditure; developments
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 1/7/2015 10:30.
Name in Czech: Laboratorní ověření nasákavosti asfaltových izolačních pásů v závislosti na vybraných parametrech
Civil engineering. English. Switzerland.
Keywords in English: Bitumen waterproofing sheets; sheet thickness; areal weight; bitumen substance; surfacing; carrier
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 22/6/2015 10:53.
Name in Czech: Statistické vyhodnocení vlivu tepelné odolnosti na cenu asfaltových izolačních pásů
RIV/75081431:_____/15:00000487 Proceedings paper. Civil engineering. English. Switzerland.
Plachý, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vysoká, Jana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Vejmelka, Radek (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Petránek, Vít (203 Czech Republic) -- Petříček, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic) -- Kalousek, Lubor (203 Czech Republic) -- Bednářová, Petra (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Areal weight; Bitumen; Bitumen extraction; Bitumen substance; Filler; Flexibility at low temperatures; Resistance at higher temperature; Sheet thickness; Waterproofing ability; Waterproofing sheets
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 11/1/2016 10:55.
Name in Czech: Analýza asfaltové hmoty
RIV/75081431:_____/14:00000488 Proceedings paper. Civil engineering. English. Switzerland.
Plachý, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Petránek, Vít (203 Czech Republic) -- Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bitumen waterproofing sheets; sheet thickness; areal weight; waterproofing ability; bitumen; bitumen substance; filler; extraction
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 16/2/2016 15:43.
Name in Czech: Korelace hodnot nasákavosti asfaltových izolačních pásů získaných dle ČSN EN 14223 A ČSN 503602
RIV/75081431:_____/14:00000432 Article in a journal. Civil engineering. English. Slovakia.
Plachý, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Vysoká, Jana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Vejmelka, Radek (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: bitumen waterproofing membranes (AIP); carrier; caarse gritting; fine gritting; water absorption
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 13/4/2015 08:48.
Name (in English): Defining areté in Plato's Dialogue Menon
RIV/75081431:_____/14:00000442 Article in a journal. Philosophy and religion. Czech. Czech Republic.
Weis, František (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: areté; tradition and moral individuality
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 29/1/2015 10:51.
Name in Czech: Učebnice angličtiny pro studenty strojírenských oborů na technických vysokých školách v České Republice
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: textbooks; English; mechanical engineering study programs; technical universities
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 30/1/2015 15:35.
Name in Czech: Lingvisticko-didaktická analýza textu
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: reading; skill; task; skimming; scanning; analysis
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 6/2/2015 15:29.
Name in Czech: Neologismy v internetových blozích
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: neologism; word formation; clipping; compounding; acronymy; affixation
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 6/2/2015 15:39.
Name in Czech: Reflexní výuka dvou hodin anglického jazyka
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: lesson; English language; Reflective teaching; methodology; film recording; teaching unit; evaluating; outcome; suggesting; teaching performance
Changed by: Mgr. Daniel Raušer, učo 15525. Changed: 25/2/2016 11:07.
Name in Czech: Problematika pečetících vrstev na betonových mostovkách
RIV/75081431:_____/14:00000433 Proceedings paper. Civil engineering. English. Switzerland.
Plachý, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Petránek, Vít (203 Czech Republic) -- Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bitumen waterproofing sheet; Concrete; Concrete bridge deck; Epoxy; Primary layer; Sealing layer; Tensile adhesion; Waterproofing system
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 13/4/2015 14:39.
Name (in English): The summary of the experiences with the electronic testing of foreign languages at the university level
Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: electronic testing; foreign language university level; experiences
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 16/7/2014 11:50.
Name in Czech: Použití cílového jazyka při výuce
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: target language; mother tongue; acquisition; learning; communication
Changed by: Mgr. Daniel Raušer, učo 15525. Changed: 25/2/2016 11:09.
Name in Czech: Výuka anglického jazyka pro strojírenství na Vysoké škole technické a ekonomické v Českých Budějovicích
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: English for Mechanical Engineering; technical English language teaching; course description
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 30/1/2015 15:37.
Name in Czech: Učebnice English for logistics jako výukový materiál, její hlavní znaky a užití v hodinách
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: overview; textbook; English; Logistics; teaching material; university; course; content; eligibility; the main features; students
Changed by: Mgr. Daniel Raušer, učo 15525. Changed: 25/2/2016 11:09.
Name in Czech: Systém zdravotního pojištění ve Spojených státech amerických
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: private health insurance; medicare; structure; the flow of funds; Medicaid; high health expenditures; private health insurers; uninsured americans; health care reform; the affordable health care act; health insurance exchange
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 5/8/2014 08:50.
Name in Czech: Význam zranitelnosti oblastí s potenciálem rozvoje cestovního ruchu: případová studie turistického regionu český les a jižní Čechy.
RIV/75081431:_____/14:00000480 Article in a journal. Economics. English. Slovenia.
Navrátil, Josef (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Lesjak, Miha (705 Slovenia) -- Pícha, Kamil (203 Czech Republic) -- Martinát, Stanislav (203 Czech Republic) -- Navrátilová, Jana (203 Czech Republic) -- White, Vivian Lee (380 Italy, belonging to the institution) -- Knotek, Jaroslav (203 Czech Republic) -- Kučera, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic) -- Švec, Roman (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Balounová, Zuzana (203 Czech Republic) -- Rajchard, Josef (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: geography; landscape; tourism; Czech Republic
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 23/6/2015 09:19.
Name in Czech: Vztah mezi a/telicitou a ne/ohraničeností dějů v angličtině
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: verbs; aspect; a/telicit; un/boundedness; tense; noun phrases; prepositional phrases
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 30/1/2015 15:34.
Name (in English): The Application of Electronic Media in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing at the University of Applied Sciences
Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: electronic media; foreign languages; University of Applied Sciences; pre-test; English language
Changed by: Jiřina Hřebečková, učo 8397. Changed: 4/4/2013 15:18.
Name in Czech: Srovnání bankovní krize mezi mezi Rakouskem a Českou republikou
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: view; Austria; Czech Republic; demand; output; prices; EU 2020; targets; debt crisis
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 9/9/2013 12:18.
Name in Czech: Objemová hmotnost asfaltových pásů
RIV/75081431:_____/13:00000357 Proceedings paper. Civil engineering. English. Switzerland.
Plachý, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Petránek, Vít (203 Czech Republic) -- Šuhajda, Karel (203 Czech Republic) -- Vysoká, Jana (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Petříček, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic) -- Bednářová, Petra (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Sidibe, Karim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bitumen waterproofing sheets; sheet thickness; area density; waterproofing ability; bitumen; bitumen substance; polymers; filling; bulk density; product technical sheet
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 7/4/2014 10:24.
Name in Czech: CLIL a jeho přístup v používání
Pedagogy and education. English. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: CLIL; use; soft CLIL; hard CLIL; advantages; disadvantages
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 3/2/2014 10:52.
Name in Czech: Zaostřeno na studující - Výslovnostní a gramatické chyby
Pedagogy and education. English. Poland.
Keywords in English: Students; mistakes; grammar; pronunciation; samples; economically; technologically
Changed by: Jiřina Hřebečková, učo 8397. Changed: 12/12/2013 11:45.
Name in Czech: Další rozvoj učitelů angličtiny
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: CELTA; advantages; disadvantages
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 9/1/2014 09:46.
Name (in English): Inspirational trends in english teaching
Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: inspirational; international; trends; teaching English; planning; experienced / expert teachers; intercultural
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 12/5/2014 09:52.
Name in Czech: Interculturní informovanost ve výuce
Pedagogy and education. English. Poland.
Keywords in English: Intercultural; awareness; Erasmus; students; group; clash
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:11.
Name in Czech: Otázky týkající se zlepšení výkonu studentů
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: egoism; society; underfunding; education; behavior
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 4/8/2014 12:05.
Name (in English): The Comprehensive Analysis of the Language Textbook with Respect to its Use for the Purposes of Corporate Language Training
Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: the analysis of the language textbook; the corporate training
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 4/9/2013 14:31.
Name in Czech: Lingvisticko-didaktická analýza textu
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: reading; skill; task; skimming; scanning; analysis
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: Jiřina Hřebečková, učo 8397. Changed: 10/9/2013 09:07.
Name in Czech: Výuka anglického jazyka ve víceúrovňovém prostředí
Pedagogy and education. English. Poland.
Keywords in English: mixed; level; receptive; productive; skills acquisition
Changed by: Jiřina Hřebečková, učo 8397. Changed: 11/12/2013 15:42.
Name in Czech: Možné způsoby vypořádání se s krizí v rámci EU
Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: budget; crisis; suggestion; stress tests; Maastricht fines; cope
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:12.
Name in Czech: Soukromé doučování v zemích dálného východu
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: private tutoring; examinations; Confucianism; juku; hakwon; inequality
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 9/1/2014 11:47.
Name in Czech: Reflexe na krizi v Řecku
Pedagogy and education. English. Poland.
Keywords in English: view; Greek; Greece; demand; output; prices; EU 2020; targets; debt crisis
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:11.
Name (in English): Reflection of the Experience with E-testing.
Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: e-testing; Information system; Exam test; Answer sheet
Changed by: Jiřina Hřebečková, učo 8397. Changed: 5/4/2013 15:10.
Name in Czech: Komparace výsledků úspěšnosti u studentů technické a ekonomické angličtiny.
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: electronic testing; Civil Engineering English; Business English; graphs; comparison
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:08.
Name in Czech: Rolové hry a simulace ve vztahu ke stylům učení
RIV/75081431:_____/13:00000367 Article in a journal. Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Sidibe, Karim (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: role play; simulation; teaching methods; learning styles; bipolarity; NLP
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 27/3/2014 13:31.
Name in Czech: Učební materiály
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: teaching; materials; supplementary; course book
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 9/1/2014 09:27.
Name in Czech: Alternativní řešení protihlukových clon
RIV/75081431:_____/13:00000366 Article in a journal. Civil engineering. English. Czech Republic.
Jílková, Ivana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Novák, Michal (203 Czech Republic)
Keywords in English: noise; traffic; barrier; stop; alternative solutions
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 4/4/2014 13:31.
Name in Czech: Možných způsoby opravování chyb v ústním projevu, zpětná vazba
Pedagogy and education. English. Poland.
Keywords in English: Approach; mistake; teaching; foreign language; feedback
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 12/6/2013 09:33.
Name in Czech: Tepelné mosty v zateplovacích systémech fasád
RIV/75081431:_____/13:00000358 Proceedings paper. Civil engineering. English. Switzerland.
Petránek, Vít (203 Czech Republic, guarantor) -- Šubrt, Roman (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Plachý, Jan (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Nevrivová, Lenka (203 Czech Republic) -- Petříček, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic) -- Kalousek, Lubor (203 Czech Republic) -- Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: thermal bridge; contact thermal insulation system (ETICS); ventilated facade; spot heat transfer coefficient
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 7/4/2014 10:27.
Name (in English): The teaching activity “powerpoint presentation“ within the subject professionally/vocationally oriented foreign language at university
Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: learning activity; student‘s PowerPoint presentation; professionally and vocationally oriented foreign language teaching at university
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 28/8/2013 10:31.
Name in Czech: Schodek rozpočtu EU z pohledu Rakouska
RIV/75081431:_____/12:00000264 Article in a journal. Economics. English. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Alexa, Michael (40 Austria)
Keywords in English: budget deficit; Euro zone; non-Euro zone; Maastricht criteria
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:07.
Name (in English): English for Economics
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: economic systems; banking sectors; marketing; market; legal forms of business; payment system
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 19/3/2012 14:01.
Name in Czech: Management třídy a jeho elementy
Name (in English): How to Manage the Classroom – Elements of the Classroom Management
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: classroom management, planning; classroom language; teacher and student talking time; rapport; seating arrangements; students’ groupings
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:08.
Name in Czech: Interkulturní vnímavost při výuce anglického jazyka
RIV/75081431:_____/12:00000275 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: intercultural awareness; language; differences
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:07.
Name (in English): TheLegacy of the Works of Jan Amos Comenius and the Teaching Methods of Role Play and Simulation
Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Comenius; spontaneity; development; teaching; simulation; role play
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 21/1/2013 11:23.
Name in Czech: Profesní/odborná„powerpointová prezentace“ studentů v rámci výuky cizího jazyka na profesně zaměřené vysoké škole
Name (in English): Professional / vocational students powerpoint presentation within the foreign language teaching at the university of aplied sciencies
Pedagogy and education. Russian. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: modern technologies; professionally / technically oriented students PowerPoint presentation; professionally and vocationally oriented foreign language at university
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 11/12/2013 15:07.
Name (in English): The Reflection of the First Experience with Electronic Testing in Foreign Languages Teaching at the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: electronic testing; foreign language teaching at university; experience; reflection; nalysis of pre-testing; German language
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 11/12/2013 15:07.
Name (in English): Role play in it age
Informatics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: role play; simulation; virtual; teaching; depersonalization
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 8/6/2012 10:00.
Name (in English): Simulation, Role Play and new Information Technologies
Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Comenius; teaching; motivation; role play; simulation; information technology
Changed by: Mgr. Václav Karas, učo 10752. Changed: 21/1/2013 11:21.
Name (in English): English for Civil Engineering
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: architecture; building materials; construction; construction management; energy-efficient house; construction site
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:07.
Name (in English): English for Mechanical Engineering
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: machine design; technical documentation; electrical engineering; industrial management; technical communication; workplace safety
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 20/3/2012 14:04.
Management, administration and clerical work. English. Czech Republic.
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:06.
Name in Czech: Agresivita a copingové strategie v prostředí dětského domova
Psychology. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: aggression; coping; children’s home
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:06.
Name in Czech: Conversation
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: conversation; English; teach; language; foreign; experience
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:05.
Name in Czech: Základní kulturní rozdíly mezi Velkou Británií a Českou republikou implementované do výuky anglického jazyka
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: intercultural awareness; language; differences
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:06.
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Changed by: Ing. Eva Simotová, učo 7388. Changed: 9/9/2013 13:06.
Name in Czech: Výuka slovní zásoby jako důležitá součást výuky anglického jazyka
Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: teaching English; teaching vocabulary; lexis
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 31/1/2012 12:55.
Name in Czech: Názor občanů Českobudějovicka na efektivnost decentralizace municipální úrovně veřejné správy
Management, administration and clerical work. English. Slovakia.
Keywords in English: municipal government; effectiveness; decentralization; České Budějovice region
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 22/3/2012 14:00.
Name in Czech: Ekonomické, společenské a kulturní změny v Anglii založené na knize Gulliverovy cesty od J. Swifta
RIV/75081431:_____/10:00000219 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: cultural; economic; social changes; colonial and commercial interests; Great Fire in London; warless period; adventures; voyage; experiments
Changed by: Mgr. Michaela Votavová, učo 6769. Changed: 21/12/2011 11:54.
Name in Czech: Iterkulturní povědomí ve výuce cizího jazyka
Pedagogy and education. English. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: intercultural awareness; culture; language
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 22/3/2012 15:03.
Name in Czech: Studiní materiály pro techniky I
Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: civil engineering
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 4/3/2011 14:47.
Name in Czech: Studijní materiály pro techniky II
Linguistics. Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: civil engineering
Changed by: Věra Kostková, učo 6173. Changed: 4/3/2011 14:57.
Name in Czech: Anglický jazyk : Studijní opora pro kombinované studium : Bakalářský studijní program
Name (in English): English : Combined Studies Supportive Material : Bachelor Study Programme
Changed by: Mgr. Olga Toufarová, učo 4063. Changed: 17/9/2010 10:25.
Name in Czech: Klíčová témata v multikulturní současné literatuře
RIV/75081431:_____/09:00000121 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: cultural awareness;multicultural; nationality; spiritual quest; insights; culture; death; goyish; health
Changed by: Mgr. Lenka Bejlková, učo 6172. Changed: 19/4/2010 08:26.
Name in Czech: Edutainment intercultural Business-Training. Prezentace projektu e-learningového kurzu
Name (in English): Edutainment intercultural Business-Training.
RIV/75081431:_____/08:00000088 Proceedings paper. Pedagogy and education. Czech. Czech Republic.
Caha, Zdeněk (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: e-learning; professionally concentrated course
The record has been imported from the library system. Changed: 8/10/2009 13:06.
Name in Czech: Komu náleží anglický jazyk?
RIV/75081431:_____/08:00000073 Article in a journal. Linguistics. English. Czech Republic.
Šulistová, Jindřiška (203 Czech Republic, guarantor)
Keywords in English: language; culture; social identity
The record has been imported from the library system. Changed: 8/10/2009 13:06.