Intelligent vehicular networks, deep learning-based sensing technologies, and big data-driven algorithmic decision-making in smart transportation systems
ALDRIDGE, Susan and Vojtěch STEHEL
Basic information
Original name
Intelligent vehicular networks, deep learning-based sensing technologies, and big data-driven algorithmic decision-making in smart transportation systems
ALDRIDGE, Susan (guarantor) and
Vojtěch STEHEL (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, New York, USA, Addleton Academic Publishers, 2021, 1948-9137
Other information
Type of outcome
Článek v odborném periodiku
Field of Study
50200 5.2 Economics and Business
Country of publisher
United States of America
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
Keywords in English
algorithmic decision-making; smart transportation; deep learning; intelligent vehicular network; big data; sensing technologies
V originále
The authors analyze the outcomes of an exploratory review of the current research on intelligent vehicular networks, deep learning-based sensing technologies, and big data-driven algorithmic decision-making in smart transportation systems.
Displayed: 7/1/2025 15:48