D 2020

Surface temperature of flat roofs with waterproofing polymer membranes


Basic information

Original name

Surface temperature of flat roofs with waterproofing polymer membranes

Name in Czech

Povrchová teplota plochých střech s hydroizolací na bázi polymerních fólií


PLACHÝ, Jan (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) and Jana VYSOKÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


1st ed. Spojené království, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 11th International Conference Building Defects 2019), p. nestránkováno, 4 pp. 2020


Institute of Physics Publishing

Other information



Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Field of Study

20101 Civil engineering

Country of publisher

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

electronic version available online

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice


Keywords (in Czech)

plochá střecha; polymerní folie; povrchová teplota

Keywords in English

flat roofs; polymer membranes; surface tenperature


Změněno: 25/3/2020 09:27, Mgr. Milada Šanderová


V originále

This paper deals with the problematics of the surface temperature of flat roofs, where the waterproofing layer is used as polymeric waterproofing membrane of softened PVC. Currently, it is possible to encounter defects on flat roofs due to the high surface temperature of the waterproofing layer. The consequence of such a high surface temperature is, for example, the sublimation of the thermal insulation of the foam polystyrene. The paper focuses on the influence of the color of the plasticized PVC membrane on the surface temperature. The aim of this paper is to determine the maximum surface temperature of a polymeric PVC membranes in the dependence on color on the basis of experimental measurements and furthermore, to determine the maximum temperature on the surface of the thermal insulation under PVC polymeric membrane. Measurements were taken during a warm summer day. Used samples were represented by polymeric membranes in green, gray, red and brown colors. Mineral wool was used as a substrate under the polymeric membrane.