D 2019

Color as a Psychological Agent to Perceived Indoor Environmental Quality

KRAUS, Michal

Základní údaje

Originální název

Color as a Psychological Agent to Perceived Indoor Environmental Quality

Název česky

Barva jako psychologický agent vnímané kvality vnitřního prostředí


KRAUS, Michal (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí)


5. vyd. Spojené království, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, od s. 1-5, 5 s. 2019


Institute of Physics Publishing

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Stať ve sborníku


20101 Civil engineering

Stát vydavatele

Velká Británie a Severní Irsko


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Forma vydání

elektronická verze "online"



Organizační jednotka

Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích


Klíčová slova česky

Barvy; vnitřní prostředí; kvalita vnitřního prostředí; architektura; budovy; vlnová délka; zdraví

Klíčová slova anglicky

Color; indoor environment; indoor environment quality; architecture; buildings; wavelength; health


Změněno: 10. 12. 2019 10:00, Ing. Anna Palokha


V originále

Achieving suitable and comfortable indoor environmental quality comfort via innovative, sustainable, energy efficient approaches is a contemporary research aim world-wide. The indoor space and its perception are influenced by three basic components: The surrounding factors (temperature, noise, odor, noise and lighting), the structural factors (architecture, color, materials, pattern, and structure) and the social factors (occupants). The relationship between IEQ and wellbeing is complicated. A range of indoor factors such as thermal, visual, acoustic, and chemical can impact the wellbeing, performance and health of the occupants. Colors are an interesting and well-studied psychological phenomenon. Colors, combinations, saturation and shades are the focus of advertising creators, interior designers and exteriors, architects, psychologists and many others. Specific colors and patterns have a direct influence on health, emotions, behavior, and performance of building users. Color is one of the basic properties of objects and environments. Colors have a great impact on our perception and evaluation. For example, it is proven that long-term stay in a deeply painted room is very nervous on the nervous system or that red and yellow tend to be seen as warning signals. A color's hue is determined by its wavelength [nm]. Long wavelengths are associated with warm colors, with red (625-800 nm) being most extreme followed by orange (590-625 nm). Short wavelengths are associated with cold colors, with violet (430-500 nm] being most extreme followed by blue (430-500 nm). In this study, the impact of indoor coloŕs use and indoor environmental quality is examined. The focus of this contribution is to establish a link between the color as IEQ parameter and health and well-being of occupants.

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