M 2018

Air Transport in the Context of Regional Development

KAMPF, Rudolf, Ondrej STOPKA, Ladislav BARTUŠKA and Martina HLATKÁ

Basic information

Original name

Air Transport in the Context of Regional Development

Name in Czech

Letecká doprava v kontextu rozvoje regionu


KAMPF, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Ondrej STOPKA (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution), Ladislav BARTUŠKA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Martina HLATKÁ (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)



Other information



Type of outcome

Uspořádání konference

Field of Study

50200 5.2 Economics and Business

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

Keywords (in Czech)

Letecká doprava; management leteckých dopravních společností; regionální rozvoj letecké dopravy; regionální turistika; destinační management

Keywords in English

Air Transport; air transport companies management; air transport regional development regional tourism; destination management



International impact, Reviewed


LTC17040, research and development project.
Změněno: 17/7/2019 08:54, Mgr. Blanka Mikšíková


V originále

The scientific conference LOGI 2018 was organized by the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice on the 6th – 7th November 2018. A primary objective of LOGI 2018 Conference was to present the highest quality research results in the field of air transport and regional development. The conference programme consisted of 2 thematic sessions focused on air traffic operation and technology, and regional development. The topics included issues which are main objectives of the Czech research project LTC17040 within INTER-EXCELLENCE program, the INTER-COST subprogram (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports). Following topics were discussed at the conference: - Impact of air transport on the regional economy; - Impact of air transport on the social area and local environmental impacts; - Regional development; - Airport efficiency and air traffic operation; - Airline economics and its management; - Air freight transport and its connection with regional manufacturers; - Regional tourism; - Cost benefit analysis in the context of regional air transport operation; - Aviation and local transportation system; - Aviation wider economic benefits. The papers published in LOGI 2018 conference proceedings include many of the interesting facts and answers. The authors and their research teams have been analysing and solving the problems of air transport or regional development for many years. The members of Organizing Comittee are convinced that the materials offer an interesting overview of the progress of their work and will provide inspiration for new scientific challenges.