D 2017

Speed resonances of coupled shafts in drives with Hooke's joints

HRUBÝ, Petr and Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ

Basic information

Original name

Speed resonances of coupled shafts in drives with Hooke's joints

Name in Czech

Otáčkové rezonance vázaného systému hřídelí v pohonech s Hookeovými klouby


HRUBÝ, Petr and Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ


London, CER Comparative European Research 2017, p. 79-82, 4 pp. 2017


Sciemcee Publishing

Other information



Type of outcome

Stať ve sborníku

Field of Study

10307 Acoustics

Country of publisher

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Publication form

printed version "print"

Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice



Keywords (in Czech)

hřídel; systém; vázaný; resonance; otáčky; spektrum; frekvence

Keywords in English

shaft; system; bound; resonance; speeds; spectrum; frequency


Změněno: 19/6/2017 10:47, Hana Dlouhá


V originále

When considering some effects on the natural frequency spectrum of propulsion shafts, significant sensitivity of natural frequency spectrum of relative transverse oscillations to the rigidity of proshaft edges bearing appears. Therefore, it is necessary to withdraw from the static understood stiffness of storage of propshaft edges and solve the whole propshafts system, i. e. clutches, propeller shaft, gear shaft. Not only the connecting shaft, but also the clutch shaft and the gear shaft thus being understood as a flexurally oscillating one-dimensional continuum. The basic mechanics method, imaginary cut method being applied not to the rigid bodies, but the system of coupled deformable bodies in a state of steady circular vibration. This approach to solving especially allows that the order of the transfer matrix does not increase with the number of the model segments when using the transfer-matrix-method. The dimension of frequency matrix is only determined by the number of shafts of the system.

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