J 2016

The Mechanics of Machining Ultrafine-Grained Grade 2 Ti Processed Severe Plastic Deformation

SYMONOVA, Anastasiya, Francois DUCOBU and Viktorie WEISS

Basic information

Original name

The Mechanics of Machining Ultrafine-Grained Grade 2 Ti Processed Severe Plastic Deformation

Name in Czech

Mechanika obrábění ultrajemnozrnných Grade 2 Ti zpracovaných plastickou deformací


SYMONOVA, Anastasiya (804 Ukraine), Francois DUCOBU (250 France) and Viktorie WEISS (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)


Manufacturing Technology, Ústí nad Labem, J. E. Purkyne University, 2016, 1213-2489

Other information



Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Field of Study

20501 Materials engineering

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

Keywords (in Czech)

krystalová segregace; barevna metalografie; homogenizační žíhaní; barevné leptání; AlCu4MgMn; AlZn5,5MgCu; EDS

Keywords in English

crystal segregation; colour metallography; intermetallic phase; eutectic; colour etching; AlCu4MgMn; AlZn5.5MgCu; EDS



Změněno: 19/7/2016 10:46, Věra Kostková


V originále

Aluminium alloys with higher content of alloying elements are very susceptible to the emergence of crystal segregation that significantly affects the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of these alloys. Crystal segregation is called chemical heterogeneity in microscale and is formed during crystallization. Crystallization of alloys does not occur at a particular temperature, as is the case of pure metals, but in a certain temperature interval. During cooling of the melt occurs to formation of different regions within the dendritic cell that differs in chemical composition. Generally is crystal segregation defined as chemical heterogeneity formed during alloy crystallization that is enriched or deprived of alloying elements and impurities that segregate unevenly across the surface of the dendrites. In the central area of the dendritic cells is alloy deprived of alloying elements, while the outer parts of dendritic cells and in space between dendrites is the concentration of alloying elements richer. This concentration has a hyperbolic course, when the central region of dendritic cells has the lowest concentration of the alloying elements and the outer part of dendrite boughs and interdendritic space have the maximum. Distribution of individual elements has a recurring character and can be described by sine function. The distance between two main axes of dendritic cells is affected by the temperature interval between the liquidus and solidus for the given alloy, the cooling rate of the melt and temperature gradient during solidification. Formation of the crystal segregation in aluminium alloys rich in alloying element and additives cannot be prevented, it is possible only influence its scope and with the right choice of heat treatment parameters can be suppressed. To suppress the crystal segregation the castings are subjected to heat treatment which is called homogenization annealing. It is the diffusion process in which there occurs to a balancing of chemical composition of alloy and the uniformity of its structure.