Analysis of material composition dumps in the Ostrava-Karviná coal district
BEDNÁŘOVÁ, Petra, Marian MARSCHALKO, Petra ZÁSTĚROVÁ, Karel KUBEČKA, Jan DURĎÁK et. al.Basic information
Original name
Analysis of material composition dumps in the Ostrava-Karviná coal district
Name in Czech
Analýza materiálového složení hald v ostravsko-karvinském revíru
BEDNÁŘOVÁ, Petra (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Marian MARSCHALKO (203 Czech Republic), Petra ZÁSTĚROVÁ (203 Czech Republic), Karel KUBEČKA (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) and Jan DURĎÁK (203 Czech Republic)
1. vyd. Sofia (Bulharsko), 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference and EXPO, SGEM 2015, p. 57-63, 7 pp. 2015
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference
Other information
Type of outcome
Proceedings paper
Field of Study
Earth magnetism, geodesy, geography
Country of publisher
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
Publication form
electronic version available online
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
Keywords (in Czech)
druhotné suroviny; ostravsko-karvinský revír; hornoslezská uhelná pánev; halda; černé uhlí
Keywords in English
secondary construction materials; Ostrava-Karviná coal district; Upper Silesian Coal Basin; dumps; hard coal
Changed: 20/2/2016 15:06, Mgr. Václav Karas
V originále
Knowledge material composition coal waste dump is a necessary condition of their subsequent utilizations. Knowledge this fact gives a first prerequisite for possible mining and processing materials of coal waste dumps and their possible use as secondary construction materials. Coal mine dumps are specific geological environment which in its volume is relatively homogeneous. Intensive mining in the Ostrava-Karvina coal district left behind a lot of coal waste dumps. Coal waste dumps composite entirely of gangue material are very numerous (around 46). Heap of Ostrava-Karviná coal district have a specific character resulting from hard coal mining in Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Knowledge of the composition and behaviour of the material from coal waste dumps allow you to select the most optimal utilization of affected areas. Although their number is gradually decreases it is still a large area, which needs to continue to study. The basis for understanding the material composition of these coal waste dumps, there is an analysis of the material and also a schematic cross section of Ostrava-Karviná coal district. The aim of this publication is to analyze the character material.
In Czech
Znalost materiálového složení uhelné haldy je nezbytnou podmínkou pro možnost jejich následného využívání. Dobré poznání materiálu hald z těžby a procesu úpravy vytváří základní předpoklad jejich využití jako druhotných materiálů. Uhelné haldy představují specifické geologické prostředí, které je ve svém objemu relativně homogenní. Haldy ostravsko-karvinského revíru mají svůj specifický charakter, vyplývající z těžby černého uhlí v hornoslezské uhelné pánvi. Cílem této publikace je analýza charakteru tohoto materiálu.