J 2015

The quality of service in the public transport and shipping industry

STOPKA, Ondrej, Ivana ŠIMKOVÁ and Vladimír KONEČNÝ

Basic information

Original name

The quality of service in the public transport and shipping industry

Name in Czech

Kvalita služeb ve veřejné dopravě a lodním průmyslu


STOPKA, Ondrej (703 Slovakia, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Ivana ŠIMKOVÁ (703 Slovakia) and Vladimír KONEČNÝ (703 Slovakia)


Nase More, Dubrovnik, University of Dubrovnik, 2015, 0469-6255

Other information



Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Field of Study

20104 Transport engineering

Country of publisher


Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

Keywords (in Czech)

systém řízení kvality; veřejná doprava; lodní průmysl; spokojenost; služby

Keywords in English

Public transport; Quality management system; Satisfaction; Service; Shipping industry


Změněno: 1/4/2016 23:33, Mgr. Václav Karas


V originále

This paper deals with the quality system in public transport and the shipping industry. The quality in transport is a significant determinant of the demand. It is an important tool for customer retention and it also has effects on the performance and economic results of the organization in the competitive environment. The increasing level of satisfaction must be one of the main objectives of each organization. The purpose of quality standards in public transport and the shipping industry implementation, as well as the example of measuring customer satisfaction in public transport, will be shown in this article. The questionnaire will be used and those results will be compared with the real value (the measurement of quality criteria in real conditions).