J 2015

The storage area market in the particular territory

NĚMEC, František, Silvia LORINCOVÁ, Miloš HITKA a Libuše TURINSKÁ

Základní údaje

Originální název

The storage area market in the particular territory

Název česky

Skladovací prostory na trhu v konkrétním území


NĚMEC, František (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí), Silvia LORINCOVÁ (703 Slovensko), Miloš HITKA (703 Slovensko) a Libuše TURINSKÁ (203 Česká republika, domácí)


Nase More, Dubrovnik, University of Dubrovnik, 2015, 0469-6255

Další údaje



Typ výsledku

Článek v odborném periodiku


20104 Transport engineering

Stát vydavatele



není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství



Organizační jednotka

Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích

Klíčová slova česky

logistika; logistika skladování; skladovací prostory; skladovací zařízení; vývojové trendy skladovacích prostorů

Klíčová slova anglicky

Logistics; Storage facilities; Warehouse area development trends; Warehouse areas; Warehousing logistics


Změněno: 1. 4. 2016 23:53, Mgr. Václav Karas


V originále

Each enterprise contemplates the ways of saving. The warehouse is one of the tools that helps in optimizing company costs and that also forms an integral part of the transformation process at the same time. It allows one to bridge the mismatch between the transfer of goods and materials between a producer and a consumer. Selecting the correct type of warehouse can affect not only the cost items, but it can also affect the delivery time of the required goods or materials which the end customer´s satisfaction depends upon. What is equally important is the role of a warehouse area location as it can affect the time required for a consignment delivery, which is also in conjunction with the right connections to the transport infrastructure. As certain analyses show, there are enough of the different types of storage facilities in various locations in Slovakia. Just such a tactical and strategic decision must take into account not only the location, the infrastructure connection or the provided services, but it must also include the financial aspects in order to achieve cost savings and the optimization of the costs.The aim of this paper is to define the current situation in the market with storage facilities in Slovakia.