J 2014

Finansovoje i učetno-analitičeskoje obecpečenije dejatel’nosti chozjajstvujuščich sub’jektov.

VOCHOZKA, Marek and Vojtěch STEHEL

Basic information

Original name

Finansovoje i učetno-analitičeskoje obecpečenije dejatel’nosti chozjajstvujuščich sub’jektov.

Name in Czech

Controlling při řízení podniku - stanovení kreditního rámce na základě bankrotních a bonitních modelů


Vestnik Astrachanskogo gosudarstvennogo techničeskogo universiteta. Serija: Ekonomika, Astrachan, Astrachanskij gosudarstvennyj techničeskij universitet, 2014, 2073-5537

Other information



Type of outcome

Article in a journal

Field of Study

50200 5.2 Economics and Business

Country of publisher

Russian Federation

Confidentiality degree

is not subject to a state or trade secret

Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

Keywords (in Czech)

Kralickův test; Index bonity; Altmanovy modely; bankrot; bonita

Keywords in English

Kralicek’s quick test; Solvency index; Altman’s models; Model IN; bankruptcy; credit;


Changed: 6/3/2015 08:39, Mgr. Václav Karas


V originále

This paper is concerned in a very important aspect of a company’s life. The law as well as many experts claim that profit is the main goal of carrying business. However we can prefer cash at present days. Profit is only a virtual value very frequently. That is because many companies are not able to collect effectively their receivables. Their business partners do not pay for their liabilities, i.e. they do no pay for received goods, material, services. So that the companies should implement such a system of prevention that helps them to choose collaborates, which will be able to pay their debts. One of the possible system of the prevention can be based on bankruptcy and creditability indexes. The companies can set with help of the indexes a limit of possible future cooperation. The companies that gain index higher than set limit of possible cooperation can become business partners in the future.