J 2013

The alternative solution of absorptive noise barriers

JÍLKOVÁ, Ivana and Michal NOVÁK

Basic information

Original name

The alternative solution of absorptive noise barriers

Name in Czech

Alternativní řešení protihlukových clon


JÍLKOVÁ, Ivana (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) and Michal NOVÁK (203 Czech Republic)


Ad Alta: Journal of interdisciplinary research, Hradec Králové, Magnanimitas, 2013, 1804-7890

Other information



Type of outcome

Článek v odborném periodiku

Field of Study

20101 Civil engineering

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

RIV identification code


Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice

Keywords (in Czech)

hluk; doprava; clona; alternativní řešení

Keywords in English

noise; traffic; barrier; stop; alternative solutions


Změněno: 4/4/2014 13:31, Věra Kostková


V originále

The noise from traffic on roads can unpleasantly affect humans and therefore we must search for means to reduce the intensity of the noise. It can be achieved either by reducing the sound intensity at the source (active measures) or by preventing the transmission of sound by shielding structures (passive measures). In both cases this can be achieved in several ways, which are briefly described in the article. Two main wais are typical for passive measures - either the sound is absorbed by a solid construction and it is subsequently converted to another energy (heat), or the sound is reflected off a monitored area, The combination of these two methods of noise reduction brings modern combined acoustic barriers with higher effiiciency. One of such method is presented here, but the idea of sound absorption massive structure is replaced by the idea of damped oscillation lightweight construction.