Detailed Information on Publication Record
Application of different forms of transport in relation to the process of transport user value creation
KAMPF, Rudolf, Jozef GAŠPARÍK and Nina KUDLÁČKOVÁBasic information
Original name
Application of different forms of transport in relation to the process of transport user value creation
Name in Czech
Uplatnění různých druhů dopravy ve vztahu k procesu tvorby hodnoty pro uživatele
KAMPF, Rudolf (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution), Jozef GAŠPARÍK (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution) and Nina KUDLÁČKOVÁ (203 Czech Republic)
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2012, 0303-7800
Other information
Type of outcome
Article in a journal
Field of Study
20104 Transport engineering
Country of publisher
Confidentiality degree
is not subject to a state or trade secret
RIV identification code
Organization unit
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
Keywords (in Czech)
individuální doprava; kvalita; pěší doprava; cyklistika; sdílení automobilů; dopravní systém
Keywords in English
individual transport; quality; pedestrian transport; cycling; car sharing; transport system
Changed: 4/4/2014 14:35, Věra Kostková
V originále
This article deals with the problems of application of different forms of transport which create by the force of mutual connection the transport in “door to door” quality. The aim of the transport system is to decrease the level of individual motor transport on sustainable level which is nowadays for many modern states absolutely necessary. Such integrated transport system must take into account also the Pedestrian transport, the Cycling transport, the Car sharing and the Car pooling together with adequate infrastructural, organizational and information background which will contribute to optimal utilization of complex transport systems.