a 2012

Analysis of stakeholders at public universities

SLABÁ, Marie

Basic information

Original name

Analysis of stakeholders at public universities

Name in Czech

Analýza stakeholderů veřejných vysokých škol


SLABÁ, Marie


Modern and current trends in the public sector research, 2012

Other information



Type of outcome

Konferenční abstrakt

Field of Study

50200 5.2 Economics and Business

Country of publisher

Czech Republic

Confidentiality degree

není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Organization unit

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice



Keywords (in Czech)

stakeholder; veřejná vysoká škola; analýza stakeholderů; základní skupiny stakeholderů veřejných vysokých škol

Keywords in English

stakeholder, public university; analysis of stakeholders, basic groups of stakeholders of public universities
Změněno: 19/11/2014 08:15, Ing. Ivana Čertická


V originále

Public universities as institutions of public sector have very significant position at the market of tertiary education in the Czech Republic. Universities and their activities had been negatively impressed with the communistic rgime in the same way as activities of other institutions in the Czech Republic till 1989. First private universities appeared at the Czech market of tertiary education ten years later. Their activities at the market of tertiary education gave rise to first signs of competitive fight that intensified in next years. Public universities have begun to employ in their activities methods that were used primarily by private sector. One of methods that were originally intended only for private sector is mapping and analyzing of stakeholders. This initial groups of stakeholders of public univerdities were defined on the basis of the literary research and approved by the autor’s survey. The aim of this survey was to define basic groups of stakeholders and their priorities according to the opinion of public universities.