Studijní plány
Přijímací řízeníADMISSION PROCEDURE FOR MASTER’S DEGREE STUDY PROGRAMME FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024.Termín podání do půlnoci 30. 4. 2023
- Informace o přijímacím běhu
The Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (hereinafter "VŠTE") announces admissions in the academic year 2023/2024 for these degree programmes:
- Economics and Management, study field: Business Administration
- Form of study: full-time
- Length of study: 2 years
- Type of study: Master‘s
- Language of study: English
- Fee: 35.000 CZK (1 347 EUR)/semester
- Transport Technology and Communications, study field: Logistics
- Form of study: full-time
- Length of study: 2 years
- Type of study: Master‘s
- Language of study: English
- Fee: 35.000 CZK (1 347 EUR)/semester
- Prerequisites for admission to the degree programmes
- Provide a certified copy of the diploma of at least from a bachelor's degree program including a certificate of recognition of a foreign university degree in the Czech Re-public (validation) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act no. No. 561/2004 Coll. no later than on the day of registration for the study at VSTE.
- The submission of a duly completed electronic applications in the period from from 1.11.2022 to 30.4.2023.
- Participation in the entrance examination on January 16, 2023 and on March 13, 2023. Examinations will take the form of on-line interview via Microsoft Teams, Skype or Zoom.
- Payment of 35 euro by credit card or as application fee. Payment instruction (UniCredit Bank, account number: 2111158563/2700), no later than on 30 April 2023, payment reference number is 666 and the number of application form (e.g. 66672642). Payment details: IBAN: CZ68 2700 0000 0021 1115 8563 SWIFT: BACXCZPPXXX
Podrobnosti o charakteristice programu nejsou k dispozici.
Základní údaje
magisterský navazující
Doba studia
2 roky
Vyučovací jazyk
počet aktivních studentů
počet závěrečných prací
Program zajišťuje
Garant programu