Application form
- Filling out the application
- When and how do I send the required documents? What do I need to send?
- I have forgotten my electronic application password. What shall I do now?
- Chtěl bych změnit studijní program
- Do I have to provide my email address and telephone number?
Application fee payment
- I have submitted more than one application. May I send the required documents just once?
- I have submitted more than one application. May I send the application fee just once?
- My application has not been confirmed yet, and I believe that I have correctly followed all the steps of the application procedure.
Application form
- 1. Filling out the application
- select field of study
- fill in personal information (you do not need to fill this in if you have an older application on file)
- write down password and application identification number
- fill in field-related sections until the application prompts you (turning orange) to submit it
- definitively Submit the application
- pay the application fee
- make sure after two weeks that your payment has arrived
- find out your examination date and the result of admission procedure
While the application is processed electronically, you still have to send an authenticated secondary-school transcript of records, an authenticated copy of your secondary-school leaving exam certificate, and a proof of payment to the university.
- 2. When and how do I send the required documents? What do I need to send?
Send the authenticated copy, an authenticated Transcript of Records, and a fee payment confirmation (450 CZK) to the university address. The documents are authenticated by your secondary school.
When in the Applicant section, always look for "Conditions for admission to Bachelor's degree programmes", because it states what has to be done for your application to be confirmed as well as the deadline for doing so.
Explanation of some terms:- school-confirmed catalog sheet for the first and second school terms of the penultimate year at secondary school or for the first year of two-year postgraduate study – upon request, your school can issue a catalog sheet containing the grades of both terms. You can either send us the original of this document (a stamp and signature is required; in addition, both terms must be listed in order to calculate the grade average), or you can have an authenticated copy of the document made and then send it to us.
- an authenticated copy of the certificate for the first and second school terms of the penultimate year of study at a secondary school or for the first year of two-year postgraduate study – please send us an authenticated copy of the certificate from the penultimate year.
- Do not send us the originals of the certificates, as we cannot send them back!
- If you have been studying secondary schools with the regular length of study longer than four years, please send us the penultimate year before graduating.
- You must always indicate the grades from both school terms, so that the average that replaces the entrance examination can be calculated.
- 3. I have forgotten my electronic application password. What shall I do now?
Z bezpečnostních důvodů k heslům nemáme přístup, není tedy možné Vám je zaslat. Pokud máte ve Vaší přihlášce korektně vyplněný kontaktní e-mail, můžete si heslo změnit. Změna hesla je možná pouze u přihlášek v aktuálním přijímacím řízení. Pokud přihlášku nemáte úplně vyplněnou a podanou, založte si zcela novou. Pokud máte přihlášku již úplně vyplněnou, podanou a zaplacenou, heslo nadále nepotřebujete, informace o přijímací zkoušce a výsledcích přijímacího řízení zjistíte i bez hesla, po zadání čísla přihlášky a data narození.
Pokud neznáte ani číslo přihlášky, můžeme Vám číslo přihlášky sdělit e-mailem, ovšem pouze za předpokladu, že o něj požádáte z e-mailové adresy, kterou jste uvedl(a) ve své e-přihlášce jako kontaktní, a uvedete své celé jméno.
- 4. Chtěl bych změnit studijní program
If you want to change your field of study, please create a new application. If you have already paid the application fee, you may want to send an email to the address above requesting the transfer of the application fee to the new application. This is, however, only possible until the end of the application submission period; additional changes to field of study are not possible after the submission period.
Cancel the application with the incorrect field of study; alternatively, you can contact us by email and we can cancel it for you.
- 5. Do I have to provide my email address and telephone number?
Although it is not mandatory, entering this data is crucial. In case of any problems, you can be contacted by Office for Studies in a fast and effortless manner. Please make sure to regularly check your email.
Application fee payment
- 6. Kde zjistím, jak a v jaké výši poukázat poplatek?
Once you click 'Application submission', the option Pay application will be displayed. The System will give you the total sum to pay, the bank account number and your unique variable symbol identifier. Please use this information in your postal money order, payment order, internet banking transaction, or with a bank teller directly at your bank (usually subject to fees).
Please be aware that paying the fee using a postal money order takes a longer time to process, therefore do not choose this option of paying the fee one week before before the application collection ends.
- 7. Payment-related problems
- I have underpaid the fee - please make another payment to pay the remainder of the sum using the correct variable symbol identifier; in addition, please send an email to us explaining the situation, or contact directly the VŠTE Economics Section.
- I made the payment two weeks ago, but the application has not confirmed the payment yet - please scan your account statement or the document substantiating your payment and send it to the Office for Studies address. The Economics Section will look into the payment.
- I have used a wrong or no variable symbol identifier - please scan your account statement or the document substantiating your payment and send it to the Office for Studies address. The Economics Section will try to find the correct payment and match it with the application.
- 8. I have submitted more than one application. May I send the required documents just once?
You cannot send only once, but individually for each submitted application. Each document will receive its identification number according to the application.
- 9. I have submitted more than one application. May I send the application fee just once?
You cannot send the fee only once, but according to the number of applications submitted. Each payment must have the correct payment identification number (according to the application identification number) so that the payment can be matched with the specific application.
- 10. My application has not been confirmed yet, and I believe that I have correctly followed all the steps of the application procedure.
Nejčastějším problémem bývá špatné dodání požadovaného dokumentu (vysvědčení). K potvrzení přihlášky je zapotřebí přiložit kopii vysvědčení z obou pololetí předposledního ročníku, ze kterého v případě Bc. přij. řízení je počítán průměr.