- 1.What is the purpose of the Surveys agenda?The Surveys agenda is used to create questionnaires and surveys not only for users in the VŠTE IS, but also outside it. It offers a number of advanced settings, including automatic sending of emails to respondents for organizer holding the explicit access right.
- 2.How do I create a survey?Go to:Information System Surveys Create a new surveyMandatory information includes:
- The name of the survey and its identifier
- Responses collected from–to
- Whether all or only certain persons or studies included in the list of respondents may respond
- Whether the questions are answered by individual people or fields of study
- Whether it is accessible only authenticated users
- Whether the survey is anonymous
- Whether respondents are allowed to see the results
- 3.How do I ensure that the survey is anonymous?If you want the survey to be anonymous, check the "Yes" option when you create the survey. Information about the anonymity of the survey will be displayed to respondents automatically when the survey is opened. If you use this option, no additional information will be available to you to uniquely identify the person. You can change the option until the first respondent opens the survey, after which editing is no longer possible.
- 4.Modification of sections and questionsIn the My Surveys section, select the "Questionnaire" option for the survey you want. Each survey always contains at least one section. Within a section, there is a uniform setup for linking questions to study objects (see below) and can be checked for completeness. It is not necessary to fill in the section name. At the top of the page there is a fixed banner which allows you to switch on various functions, e.g. deletion, reordering of questions, editing of identifiers (mainly used for machine processing of exported answers), etc. To create a bilingual version of the survey, select "česko-anglický" in the Formulář operations panel. For each section, you can set the study objects to which it responds:
- Žádný studijní objekt (No study object)
- The questions in the section will not be repeated for any of the enrolled courses, seminars, etc. This is the most typical setting.
- Zapsané předměty (Enrolled course)
- It is responded to the courses that the study has enrolled in the semester and faculty, according to the survey setting.
- Semináře zapsaných předmětů (Seminar goups of enrolled courses)
- It is responded to the seminars that the study has enrolled in the semester and faculty, according to the survey setting.
- Předmět-přednášející (Course-lecturer)
- It will be responded to each course-lecturer pair for courses enrolled in the semester at faculty, according to the survey setting.
- Seminář-cvičící (Seminar group-seminar tutor)
- It is responded for each seminar group – seminar tutor pair to the seminars in which the study is enrolled in the semester and faculty, according to the survey setting.
- Předmět-přednášející a seminář-cvičící (Course-lecturer and seminar group-seminar tutor)
- Course survey mode. It is responded to each course - lecturer and seminar group - seminar tutor pair that the study has enrolled in the semester and faculty, according to the survey setting.
- 5.What are the types of questions?The following types of questions can be used in the survey:
- Jedna z možností – odpovědi pod sebou (One of the options – answers below)
- Jedna z možností – odpovědi vedle sebe (One of the options – answers side by side)
- Jedna z možností – odpovědi v rozbalovacím seznamu (One of the options – the answer in the drop-down list)
- Jedna z možností v matici vodorovně, první otázka (One of the options in the matrix horizontally, the first question)
- Jedna z možností v matici vodorovně, další otázka (One of the options in the matrix horizontally, the next question)
Sample matrix horizontally (using "first question" and "next question" questions) - Jedna z možností v matici svisle, první otázka (One of the options in the matrix vertically, the first question)
- Jedna z možností v matici svisle, další otázka (One of the options in the matrix vertically, the next question)
Sample matrix vertically (using "first question" and "next question" questions) - Více z možností – odpovědi pod sebe (Multiple choice – answers below)
- Více z možností – odpovědi vedle sebe (Multiple choice – answers side by side)
- Více z možností – odpovědi v rozbalovacím seznamu (Multiple choice – answers in the drop-down list)
- Text, 1 řádek (Text, 1 line)
- Text, 3 řádky (Text, 3 lines)
- Text, 6 řádků (Text, 6 lines)
- Číslo (Number)
- Datum (Date)
- Škála s popisem krajních hodnot (Scale with description of border values)
Sample scale with description of border values - Vložení textu mezi obrázky (Inserting text between questions)
- Instrukce (Instructions)
Sample instructions in surveys
- 6.How do I view the survey from the respondent's perspective?To check how respondents will see the survey, select the link for the language version for the selected survey on the front page of the agenda (via Links to the survey button). If the survey is only for a list of studies, it will be displayed in sample mode. This is a view through a randomly selected student from the list, the questions will be displayed for all of his/her courses, just as if he/she was completing the survey themselves.
- 7.Where can I find the survey results?As a survey creator or administrator, you can access the results of your surveys via the "Results" link in the operations panel of the selected survey. Here you can view all responses to questions in different modes. Other users can access the results of the surveys they have answered, if publishing the answers has been enabled. The results for study objects are always displayed to the persons in relation to the course. Lecturers, seminar tutors for objects with their name, as well as guarantors and persons with the anketa_predm access right for the department where the course is assigned (or according to the guarantor or supplier department). You can also export the survey results to different formats using the "Export answers" application available in the survey operations menu.
- 8.How can I email survey respondents?For each survey, it is possible to email users who have responded authenticated. If a list of respondents is set up for a survey, it is also possible to email those who have not responded. The emailing can be done using the Send email to those "who have completed" / "who have not yet completed" links in the operations menu. In order to use this feature, there must be a minimum of 5 people to be contacted to preserve anonymity. For users with the e_pruzkum, s_studium or k_people access rights there is also an automatic mailing of respondents option. You can set up either a welcome email to be sent out when the survey is launched or an urgent email to go around to non-respondents at a specified time. In the survey announcement form, all you need to do is fill in the "Uvítací e-mail" section (welcome email), where you enter the time of the distribution, the subject and the text of the email. Similarly, you can set up automatic mailing of respondents during the survey. For this purpose, the "Urgence respondentů" section (respondent urgence) is available. Here you can set the subject and text of the urgent email as well as the date when the emails will be sent out. Up to three variants can be created. The versions of the emails can be set in both cases in the English version.
- 9.What is the purpose of active filtering?Active filtering allows you to change the menu of displayed questions according to the respondent's answers. It is possible to either hide or reveal questions based on previous answers. You can also set the filter to apply to the whole section at once. We do not recommend combining hiding and uncovering in one survey. The resulting combination of rules may, in the extreme, prevent the respondent from passing the survey.
- 10.How can I check the history of survey operations?You can check changes to a survey in the History of operations application. Here you will find information about all saved changes as well as information about automatically sent emails. The displayed items can be filtered by operation type.
- 11.How do I copy the survey to the next term?For the survey you want to copy, select the "Create a new survey with pre-filled information" option in the operation selection line. Next, follow the same procedure as for the creation of a new survey.
- 12.Can I delegate the administration of my survey to another person?Each survey can be set up with administrators, who can manipulate the survey in the same way as the survey's creator. However, administrators are not allowed to delete a survey. The survey can also be manipulated by the person with e_pruzkum access right at the department the survey is associated with. If the survey is not associated with a department, only the creator can edit it.
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