- 1.What is course registration and what is its purpose?Course registration allows you to select the courses in which you want to enroll. Provided you meet certain conditions specified for a concrete course (its enrollment pre-requisites), and unless the course is full, your registration will be confirmed and you will be enrolled in it. If you fail to meet the conditions, the course will be marked red and you will not be enrolled. You can only be enrolled in a course during the enrollment period and the period of enrollment changes (for more information, see Term Calendar).
- 2.How can I register for a course?
Course registration can be done by road
The Information system Student Start of term Course Registration and Enrolment Add coursesThere are several ways to register/enroll in courses:
- Course catalog – specific courses can be selected using the course code, name and other parameters.
- Registration template – allows you to choose suitable courses from your study's registration templates.
- Study planner – allows you to choose courses from a pre-created study plan.
- Unsuccessful courses – the possibility of choosing courses that you have not successfully completed and are listed in the given semester. According to the SZŘ, you must re-enroll in unsuccessful courses as soon as possible. If you do not add them with this option, the system will add them automatically at the beginning of the course registration period (applies to courses listed every semester). Courses that are not offered every semester are automatically registered before registration begins.
- Courses for everyone – a faculty offer directly intended for students of foreign faculties and fields (the courses have no enrollment restrictions and do not require in-depth knowledge of the field).
- Courses enrolled in most often – the offer of courses most enrolled by students of the same program.
1 Registration options in the system.
After selecting the courses in Preparation for registration, the courses can be registered by clicking the "Try to register or enroll courses" button. If courses are added during the registration period, they are registered immediately upon addition. If courses are added during the enrollment period, they will be enrolled immediately.
- 3.Is there any way I can print syllabi of the courses I have completed?To print the syllabi, use the following path:The Information System Student End of Studies Grades and Credits Obtained During All My Studies and My Grade Average Syllabi of completed courses
- 4.How do individual links work in the registration application?
The registration application is divided into the following areas:
- Preparation for registration – Courses you will want to add during the registration/enrollment period.
- Registered courses – courses that you have successfully registered for. White registered courses are ready for enrollment.
- Enrolled courses – successfully enrolled courses.
The application also offers the following options:
- Logging into seminar groups
- Change the number of credits
- Change the course termination method
- Request an exception
- View schedule
- 5.When and how can I cancel my registration for or enrollment in a course?Your registration for or enrollment in courses can be canceled during the registration and enrollment periods, as well as the periods of registration and enrollment changes. You can cancel your registration for/enrollment in individual courses by clicking on “registration/enrollment cancellation” in the Requesting column of the table listing these courses. Only registered courses can be cancelled at any time.
You can also cancel your registration for/enrollment in more than one course at a time using the following path:1 If there is a period when a course can be cancelled, a blue (active) trash can icon is displayed for that course.
The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment Cancel course registration/enrollmentCheck the courses for which you wish to cancel your registration/enrollment and click on “Cancel registration for or enrollment in the courses selected”. - 6.What is the difference between registration, enrollment and changes in enrollment?
- Registration
- The registration period determines the interest of students in courses. Students can obtain better time stamps for capacity-limited courses.
- Enrollment
- During this period there is an automatic enrollment / confirmation of subjects for which enrollment conditions have been met (capacity, prerequisites, etc.). Only at the moment of enrollment do you acquire the right and obligation to study the course. Courses can still be registered or canceled, registration without problems is automatically enrolled every night.
- Changes in enrollment
- Courses can still be registered or canceled at the time of final registration changes. Registration without problems is automatically registered every night.
- 7.Why does the registration system prioritize students repeating courses?According to , it is every student's duty to repeat the course he/she has failed to complete in the nearest possible term the course is offered. The Information System prioritizes each such student to enable him/her to fulfill this duty. For information on how students are prompted to enroll in the courses they have failed to complete, see the section Prompting students to enroll in the courses they have failed to complete.
- 8.Prompting students to enroll in the courses they have failed to completeWhen it comes to prompting you to enroll in the courses you have failed to complete, the following rules apply:
- You get automatically registered for the course which you have failed to complete and which is not offered every term before the start of registration period. This way, you get the best position in the registration queue (enrollment waiting list).
- You do not get automatically registered for the course which you have failed to complete and which is offered every term before the start of registration period since some of the currently enrolled students may not have been granted their grades yet, i.e. they may not have completed the course yet. For such a course, you will be registered automatically only before the start of enrollment period and you will be given enrollment preference over those who are not repeating it. However, you are recommended to carry out the registration yourself (and not leave it up to the System) as soon as you become aware of the fact you have to repeat the course.
- If you get a grade completing the course in the meantime, in which case you are no longer required to repeat it, the Information System cancels your previously completed registration automatically.
Students are not prompted to register for courses in the following situations:Provided the course you are required to repeat is marked red as a result of, for instance, a pre-requisite issue, you should attend to the problem by, for example, applying for en enrollment permission/exception or else you might wind up unenrolled and become a student failing to fulfill his/her study requirements, which might result in termination of your studies.
- interrupted studies – provided you plan to enroll in a term (studies), please make sure that you register for courses separately and have your studies resumed by the Office for Studies as soon as possible, as this act, if done in time, prevents the situations where there are no longer any vacancies in courses,
- Studies with customized study plans – students can be prompted to register for the courses they have failed to complete by the Office for Studies after the period of registration/enrollment changes.
- 9.What determines my position (on the waiting list)? Why has it changed?Provided there is a capacity limit imposed on a course, every student who has registered for it occupies a certain position on the enrollment waiting list, which is compiled on the first-come-first-served basis. Your current position is specified in the Positioncolumn.
The waiting list is compiled according to the following rules:- The students who have already enrolled in the course are situated at the top of the list and their position is 0. The number of these can be found in the Numbers section.
- The students situated below these are those who are required to repeat the course. In most cases, these get registered by IS at the start of registration period. As for the students required to repeat courses offered every term, these get registered at the start of enrollment period. Their current number, i.e. the number of those who have not completed the course yet, can be found in the Repeating section.
- The students enrolled in the field of studies the course is directly associated with are given preference over the others. To find out whether you are one of these students, check out the section titled 'Preference'. The numbers of students with and without preference can be found in the Numbers section.
- The students not enrolled in the field of studies the course is directly associated with and those not repeating the course are listed last.
- The association of the course with a field of study listed in the Course Catalogue changes, i.e. the number of students who are given enrollment preference changes.
- Some new students repeating the course appear on the list before the start of enrollment period and the System registers them automatically.
- Some students who interrupted their studies in the past have resumed these and enrolled in the term.
- The Office for Studies staff have enrolled some students manually (applies to special situations).
- Someone ahead of you on the waiting list has canceled his/her registration or interrupted his/her studies, which has moved you up the list.
- You may move up the list provided someone occupying a position in front of you cancels his/her enrollment in the course he/she was supposed to repeat, he/she is no longer required to repeat it or he/she interrupts/terminates his/her studies. You may also move up the list in the situation where a student in a position in front of you has the course recognized.
- 10.What does the term of pre-requisites stand for?Pre-requisites represent the requirements which the student must meet to be allowed to enroll in a course.
Tag Meaning: Requirement that has to be met P10 || P11 completion of P10 or P11 P10 && P11 completion of P10 and P11 !P10 P10 not completed (!P10) && (!P11) neither P10 nor P11 completed NOW(P10) also registered for or enrolled in P10 NOW_LIMIT(P10) also registered for or enrolled in P10, the capacity limit must not be exceeded !NOWANY(P10,P11,P12) registered for or enrolled in none of the following: P10,P11,P12 fakulta(1411) student must study at the specified faculty program student must be enrolled in the specified programme smer student must be enrolled in the specified specialization obor(HOT) student must be enrolled in the specified field forma(P) student must be enrolled in the specified study mode typ_studia(BM) student must be enrolled in the specified type of studies (B, M, N, D, C, R) semestr(2) student must be enrolled in the specified term rocnik(1) student must be enrolled in the specified year studijni_skupina(N) student must be enrolled in the specified study group souhlas exception granted by a teacher (via Information System) kredity_min(125) at least 125 credits gained vycet says how many of all the pre-requisites have been met nesplneno_tv “requirements fulfilled” gained for a PE course fewer than four times in Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes (B, M), full-time study mode vol_tv can only be enrolled in by full-time students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes who have gained “requirements fulfilled” for a PE course twice as well as the students of the N and D full-time study modes; does not apply to the students studying at the Faculty of Sports Studies or the ones studying Primary School Pedagogy pov_tv can only be enrolled in by full-time students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes who have gained “requirements fulfilled” for a PE course less than twice; does not apply to the students studying at the Faculty of Sports Studies or the ones studying Primary School Teacher Training, Pre-school Teacher Training, Paramedic or Physiotherapy smi_placenou_tv can only be enrolled in by students of N and D studies (full-time study mode) or those who have already gained 4 PE credits and who are not students of the Faculty of Sports Studies or enrolled in Primary School Pedagogy maxszz can only be enrolled in by students who have gained fewer than 3 grades for the S_SZZ_PREDMETY course szz_vyplneno can only be enrolled in by students whose Thesis Archive section has been finalized szz_vyplneno_tema can only be enrolled in by students who have already enrolled in another course with the szz_vyplneno_tema pre-requisite and whose Thesis Archive sections have been finalized (in the situations where a student has not enrolled in any course with the szz_vyplneno_tema pre-requisite, the student's Thesis Archive section is not checked) sem_sk(P10/S1) the student must be enrolled in the given seminar group (S1) of the subject P10 The exclamation mark in front of a course code marks the course whose completion prevents the enrollment in the course in question.
- 11.Where can I find out what courses I am expected to register for?This information is available in the Course Catalogue. Furthermore, you can also use the registration template prepared for your field. Regardless of whether you decide to use the template or not, please ensure you always consult the Catalogue about the recommendations for the students enrolled in your field. To get some further information on a course, click on its code. As the information is provided by its teacher(s) or course guarantor, its extent may vary from the extent of information available on other courses.
You can find the following items in the course information section:- Extent and intensity
- This section provides information on teaching sessions (there can be three possible types) and their amount. The information listed relates to lectures, seminars, and other teaching activities (laboratory practice, projects, etc.), respectively.
- Teachers
- This section lists the people participating in teaching the course and the extent to which they do so (lecturer, seminar tutor, assistant, etc.).
- Guarantor
- A person or department responsible for running the course. This section also lists a person one can contact to discuss general matters concerning the course.
- Timetable-related information
- Times at which the course is taught.
- Pre-requisites
- Enrollment requirements and information about whether you meet them or not (see the link “Do I meet enrollment requirements?”).
- Course enrollment limitations
- Course enrollment limitations such as course capacity limit, restrictions imposed on certain fields of study, etc.
- Fields of study the course is directly associated with
- The fields the course has been primarily designed for and students of which are given enrollment preference.
- Course objectives
- These describe teaching outcomes, i.e. knowledge, skills, etc. which students should have after completing the course.
- Syllabus
- List of topics to be dealt with during the course.
- Literature
- List of books the students enrolled in the course are recommended to read.
- Teaching methods
- This section describes the methods used to achieve course objectives (e.g. theoretical part, laboratory practice, etc.).
- Assessment methods
- A section describing teacher's requirements related to students' attendance, assignments, examinations, etc.
- Follow-up courses
- This section lists related courses.
- Teacher's information
- A section usually containing information about teacher's office hours, various links to Web pages and other information sources.
- Further comments
- Other information related to the course.
- Listed among pre-requisites of other courses
- The courses whose enrollment requires completion of this course. List of courses the enrollment in which requires completion of the course and the link 'Do I meet enrollment requirements?'.
- Full information on the course
- Lists all the information on the course.
- Evaluation statistics
- An application providing evaluation statistics and success rates of the course in previous terms.
- Enrollment statistics
- This application displays the numbers of students registered for or enrolled in the selected courses (applies to the current term).
- List of seminar groups
- Seminar groups of the course in the current term.
- Course opinion poll results
- Results of the course opinion poll conducted for the previous term.
- Course discussion group
- List of discussion groups created for the course under all the terms it was offered.
- Permalink
- Permanent link to the page containing information on the course.
- 12.How can I find out about the registration dates for my faculty?To do so, use the following path:The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment
Here you will find a graphic representation of the period of registration, enrollment and enrollment changes at your faculty. After clicking on the colored line, more detailed information will be displayed, including information about moving the start of course registration.
1 Primarily, the student sees the dates of his faculty, after clicking the switch he can see the dates of all faculties.
- 13.What are registration waves?The term “registration waves” refers to the phases of a registration period during which the registration opens for certain groups of students in succession. Registration waves always start on weekdays and there are usually five of them with each subsequent one allowing more students to register for courses than the previous one. Every student is assigned to a certain registration wave according to the number of credits he/she has to gain to reach the total required for the completion of his/her studies within a programme. This number is calculated as the difference between the minimal credit value, i.e. the standard length of the student's studies in years multiplied by 30, and the number of credits the student has gained up to now which, at the same time, have already been included in the total of his/her programme (this also covers the credits gained for recognized courses). Provided the latter is greater than the former, the result is considered to be 0.
- The first registration wave
- It is the students whose number of credits to gain for them to reach the total required for the completion of their studies is lower than 61 .
- The second registration wave
- It is the students whose number of credits to gain for them to reach the total required for the completion of their studies is lower than 121 that are allowed to start registering for courses one weekday after the start of registration period.
- The third registration wave
- It is the students whose number of credits to gain for them to reach the total required for the completion of their studies is lower than 181 that are allowed to start registering for courses two weekdays after the start of registration period.
- The fourth registration wave
- It is the students whose number of credits to gain for them to reach the total required for the completion of their studies is lower than 241 that are allowed to start registering for courses three weekdays after the start of registration period.
- The fifth registration wave
- It is all the students that are allowed to register for courses four weekdays after the start of registration period.
The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment Change of my registration start date recalculate creditsThis application cannot be used between 16:45 and 17:15 and at the time the system workload degree is 2 or higher. Provided you plan to use it, please do so sufficiently ahead of the course hunt so as to avoid technical difficulties. - 14.I cannot register/cancel my registration for coursesThere might be several reason why you cannot register for courses:
- You may have selected a wrong term:
- Please ensure that you have selected the right term (see the top of the registration page).
1 Select another term.
- A new programme of studies:
- If the Information System does not display any information related to the programme of studies you have newly enrolled in
(your data gets automatically updated/verified every night), update/verify the data manually using the application the path to which is as follows:
The Information System System System settings Verify the IS main page data now
- The registration period has not yet started for you:
- Another reason why you might not be able to register for any courses is that the registration period has not started for your faculty yet or you are not a student covered by the registration wave which is currently under way. You can find the registration start date in the colored line in the header of the registration application.
- I cannot find the course I would like to register for:
- Provided the registration period is under way, but you still cannot find a certain course in your registration template, please look its code up in the Course Catalogue and try to register for it manually (using the code). Another cause of the aforementioned problem might be the fact the course is not offered during the term and thus cannot be registered for.
- The period of enrollment changes is over, so no changes can be made any longer.
- It is a day preceding the start of enrollment period.
- 15.I failed to register for the courses during the registration period, what am I supposed to do now?If you did not manage to register for the courses during the registration period, you can still do so during the enrollment one or the period of enrollment changes. If the teacher sent an e-mail to the students of the course before the course was enrolled, you will be informed by an automatic e-mail. E-mails are also automatically stored in the “Organizational Instructions” folder in the “Study Materials” of the subject.
- 16.Is there any way I can mark my favourite courses?Yes, there is. You can star your favourite courses after clicking on the course code (the star to mark the course with is located next the course name). You can star your favourite courses in other applications as well (for further information, please go to the Help section.
You can then simply register for marked courses by searching for a course with an asterisk in the registration application.1 Use to star a course.
- 17.Where can I find the history of my registration and enrollment operations?The following path will take you to the page listing the name of term as well as the names of courses registered for/canceled, time stamps of the operations and information on who has performed the operations.The Information System Student Start of Term My operations history
1 Operation performed.
2 Term.
3 Name of course.
4 Person who has performed the operation.
- 18.I have interrupted my studies. Shall I register for courses?Provided you plan to resume your studies in the upcoming term, please register for the courses you wish to enroll in. However, your registration records will not be put on the course enrollment waiting list until you have re-enrolled in your programme. Once you have resumed your studies, the time stamps of your registration records will take effect. It is therefore crucial that you re-enroll in your studies before the start of course enrollment period so as to avoid the situations where you are skipped by the students whose studies are active. This rule is of great importance chiefly when it comes to courses with a limited number of vacancies.
Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at fi