Below is a description of a set of tools you can use for posting study materials
on the Information System and setting their access rights. You may not be
able to access all of the features mentioned below since some of these
are only available to a limited number of users (students, teachers, etc.).
The reference Work with study materials allows:
teachers to post various types of study
materials on the Information System for these to be used by
students of their courses, other IS users as well as users from
outside the System
teachers to open Homework Vaults - folders into which
students can upload their assignments; teachers can easily
retrieve these later on.
Archive of Theses/Dissertations allows:
students to post their Bachelor's theses, Master's
theses, or dissertations (doctoral theses) on IS
the IS user to browse and read the posted theses
Document Server allows IS users:
to post various regulations and minutes of meetings
and make these accessible to the University community
to make certain materials accessible to a limited
number of users (e.g. Dean's Council, Senate, etc.)
File Depository can be used for:
depositing a file in the System and retrieving it later
the posting and temporal storage of files for other
IS users (and/or those outside the Information System) to
retrieving the files which, if attached to an e-mail
message, are rejected by the IS mailbox due to their large
To read through the instructions on how to use the File
Depository, please use the following path:
Personal Administration DEPOSITORY
Instructions on how ...
Study materials (files, Internet addresses of
sites hosting some related information, etc.) can be stored in
folders, which can also contain sub-folders (containing other
files). Clicking on the name of a file, folder or reference
expands it and displays its contents and further information related to
it. The objects not hitherto read are highlighted (different background
When you do not intend to read an object and, at the same time, you do
not want it to be displayed as the one not hitherto read, you can mark it
as read. The information pertaining to how many times an object
has been read and how many times it has been marked as read (rejected)
can be found in the access statistics section.
The System generates plain text versions of the uploaded materials
automatically so that these can be searched easily. The contents of these
newly generated files, however, might not completely correspond to their
originals since images, tables and some formulae cannot be converted into
plain text.
The plain text version is usually shorter than the original and may help
the user decide whether he/she will or will not download the
unabbreviated original.
When uploading the files of the formats that are not common, you should
check the result of their subsequent conversion (it usually takes the
newly generated files a few minutes to appear in the folder).
Apart from the plain text versions, the System also generates the
.pdf ones (it usually takes the newly generated files a few minutes to
appear in the folder). Therefore, after you upload a file containing some
text (e.g. a .doc or .rtf one), the System always displays three
different icons next to its name that you can use for opening the
individual automatically generated versions. Clicking on the name of
file opens the original.
The Document Server consists of multiple noticeboards on which authorized
users can post texts for other users to read. These may be, for instance,
regulations, instructions, minutes of meetings, etc.
Types of noticeboards/groups
The Document Server thematic groups can be used in the following
A group of users need to share some official documents such as
official proposals, minutes of meetings which are not public, etc.
They want these documents to be accessible only to a limited number
(a certain group) of users within the Information System that has
been delimited with the aid of Personnel Groups application.
Here are examples of groups (noticeboards) that can be created:
Doctoral Board
Scientific Board
Academic Senate
Dean's Council
A certain department want to inform the general public of some
new regulations, provide them with some news, etc. The department
want the groups (noticeboards) to be accessible to every Internet
user regardless of whether he/she is inside or outside the
Information System. Here are examples of groups (noticeboards) that
can be created:
The study materials posted on IS can be found at the address of or that of (the latter
applies to the materials inaccessible from outside the System). The exact
address of folder can be found in the folder-related information section.
Here is an example of an internal WWW reference:
The address contains "/el/" meaning e-learning,
information identifying the faculty, term, and course. Addresses in this
format can be used anywhere on the Internet (e.g. on your Web site) as
well. In such a case, the reference to the study materials of the PB151
course would have the following form:
Sub-folder Addresses
Every newly created folder is given an automatically generated
identification number, which is unique. As a result, the address of a
file stored in a sub-folder has, for instance, this format:
However, the folder identification number can be replaced with an
abbreviation entered at the creation of the folder or when its
properties are modified. The abbreviations are used to facilitate
navigation inside folders. Here is a version of the aforementioned
address containing an abbreviation instead of the number:
Every file stored on the System is checked for viruses within
several minutes of being uploaded or generated. The file remains marked
with the bug icon
until the virus
check is complete. Provided the antivirus application detects a virus in
the file, it deletes its contents and inserts into it the message
'Virus found, file removed.'.
NB: The presence of
means the file
has not been checked for viruses yet, not that it is infected. The
contents of the infected files are removed immediately after a virus has
been detected.
In some situations, users might want the uploaded materials to be
automatically removed from the System after some time. The expiration
date, which you can specify using
, is used for this purpose. The files (or folders) in which
this option has been activated are automatically removed once they
expire. In some sections, the expiration date is imposed on files (or
folders) without any action on the part of the user. The expiration date,
if specified, can be found next to the name of file (or folder).
The information about the objects that have been removed is stored in the
file titled expired (placed in the Folder Management
folder). The expired file expires a year after it was last written
If a folder containing a file (or folder) which has not expired yet
expires, it is not removed.
No expiration date can be specified for the sections of Study
Materials and Theses/Dissertations. On the other hand, the
Depository section requires that the users specify the date(s).