Methodology of pedagogical research and evaluation: 6. Methods of pedagogical research Methodological Concept for Effectively Supporting Key Competencies Using the Foreign Language ATCZ62 - CLIL as a Learning Strategy at the College Typology of methods by authors (Skalková): 1.Empirical methods Method of observation as a scientific method: • Direct observation • Indirect observation • Short-term observation ü Experimental method: • Classic experiment • Multifactor experiment ü Action research - systematic data collection by the teacher and their critical analysis - the teacher is involved in the research: • A problem that has arisen in practice, • The idea of solving the problem, • Activity to the selected solution, • Evaluating the results of the activities leading to the problem, • Modification of the problem. 2. Theoretical methods of research ü Abstraction. Analysis and Synthesis: Classification analysis, Relationship analysis, Causal analysis, Dialectical analysis. ü ü Comparison. Generalization and Concretization. Induction and deduction. Modeling methods: Model experiment, Thought experiment. ü ü ü ü Set of methods of pedagogical research by Pelikán exploratory methods -the information obtained from the testimony of the monitored person itself, the problematic validity of the results. Questionnaire - finding data about the respondent interested in the interviewer, large number of respondents, but subjective answers Poll - unspecified circle of respondents, answers who wants Autobiography - psychological method, respondent Rating methods • • • Measures phenomena that are not accurately measurable, Scales, assessment scales - several groups of scales, numerical, graphical, standard, cumulative, judging scale with forced selection, Expert investigation. Indirect technique of assessment of pedagogical phenomena by respondents and experts, Combines the rating method, psychometry and statistical procedures, Q-types> card packs Knowledge of individual systems of meanings that introduce into the interpretation of words individual people the technique of vocabulary associations. Semantic differential - allows to penetrate the individual meanings of concepts in the concept of individual respondents. Q-sorting method • • • Psychosemantic methods • • Content analysis • Analysis of personal documents - about pupils, school staff, Analysis of school documents - documents describing the concept of teaching, Analysis of school indicators - absence, benefit. • • tests • Accurate, objective measurement of personal qualities, personality activities and their performance, An instrument of systematically learning (measuring) learning outcomes. Psychological tests - intelligence, personality, Psychomotor tests - prerequisites for physical abilities, Didactic tests - school performance of the pupil. • • • • Projective methods and techniques • • • • A personality research method confronting an investigator with a particular situation in which he / she will respond according to the meaning of the situation. Verbal projective method - word association experiment, test of unfinished sentences, Graphic projective method - font analysis, drawings, Manipulative techniques Sociometric techniques - preference scales of the people with whom we communicate; Techniques exploring preferential attitudes - bias towards people, groups. Observation of certain phenomena, situations, behavior of individuals Method of measuring social relationships • • Behavioral method • Experimental method • • • • • Ø Ø Ø Allows verification of hypotheses, changes to an independent variable. Laboratory - a maximum clean environment with a minimum of external influences in which the measurement of the effects of an independent variable should be as close as possible to the requirements of science. Simulation - the effort to create conditions imitating real conditions in which people normally solve problems. Natural - uses the natural life situation to allow variables to be introduced and influenced by the required degree of control. Forming - conducted under normal conditions, focuses on changes, interference with life situations, conditions. Exploratory - does not rely on theory, probes, Confirmatory - verifies the theory, Krucial - confirms one and refutes alternative theories. The method of school ethnography • • Chooses qualitative approaches to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena, He attempts to inspect the environment through the eyes of those involved in his work. The longitudinal investigation method Repeated measurements for the same group of people. Typology of methods by other authors (Gavora): Qualitative research methods • • • Participatory observation, Ethnographic interview Research on the life story of a teacher.