Methodology of pedagogical research and evaluation: 2. Basic methodological starting points of scientific knowledge in pedagogy Methodological Concept for Effectively Supporting Key Competencies Using the Foreign Language ATCZ62 - CLIL as a Learning Strategy at the College METHODOLOGY ● Is of Greek origin and means learning about the method or theory of the method. Deals with the general theoretical problems of the ways and means of scientific knowledge and the principles of scientific research as a creative process. Is the theory of the method of science, or science on the principles and methods of scientific knowledge. Is formed on the interface of philosophy and special sciences. A system of knowledge about the foundations and structure of pedagogical theory, ● Methodology of sciences • • Methodology of pedagogy • METHOD In the general sense: an indication of how to achieve a certain, predetermined goal through conscious and planned action. In the field of science, the term "method" refers to the intentional and systematic procedure used to identify the objects under study; Is always inseparably linked to theory. The characteristic of the scientific method is that we approach systematically and organized to learning. Method in pedagogy - the whole complex of cognitive practices and practical operations that aim to gain scientific knowledge THEORY • is a system of views on a particular subject of study, a complex of phenomena or a realm of reality. • is the ideal model to analyze and describe contexts, relationships, patterns, but also ways of conveying and proving them in an area at an accessible level of knowledge. • is a set of ideas, thoughts and imaginations aimed at explaining a phenomenon. • is the most advanced form of scientific knowledge giving a systematic, generalized image of law, reality. SCIENCE • A kind of systematic knowledge, already distinguished in antiquity from general philosophy; Systematized at the beginning of modern times, when individual disciplines were formulated, usually with a specific original methodology and subject. A set of institutional, individual, collective activities that can be communicated in a certain way. The product of certain knowledge. Expresses relationships, relationship structures, self-reflection, self-realization. • • • • Science from today's point of view • Philosophical aspect - a form of social consciousness; • A specific kind of knowledge and transformation of experience; • Cultural anthropological aspect - formation in national culture; • Political - economic aspect - production power; • Social institutions and professions; • Form of creative activity; • Form of the testimony of facts by linguistic means; • Pedagogical Aspects - Method of Learning.