The material basis for reproduction is: :r1 process of continuous restoring the production :r2 a set of system elements and a set of links between them :r3 purposeful defined set of elements :r1 ok -- Smooth processes in production and entire market mechanism require so that labor, resources and objects (both work and consumer) are: :r1 mathematically expressed :r2 in the required quantity, assortment and quality, - ecologically and economically optimally - in a determined time and at the desired location :r3 the transformation of the technological or logistics nature of the material objects :r2 ok -- The production, distribution, circulation and consumption of production means and consumed objects are realized through transformation processes in which: :r1 model of materials circle and related information occur :r2 process chains occur :r3 the structure, shape, position and time of substances (masses, materials), information and energy are transformed :r3 ok -- The model of materials circle and related information does not include: :r1 consumption :r2 inter-warehouse :r3 tram :r3 ok -- The term system represents a purposeful defined set of elements and set of relationships (relations) between them which together determine the properties, behavior and functions of the system as a whole. Mathematically can be expressed as: :r1 S = (A, R) :r2 S = (m, g) :r3 S = (v1, vi….vj) :r1 ok -- The material basis for reproduction is: :r1 process of continuous restoring the production :r2 a set of system elements and a set of links between them :r3 purposeful defined set of elements :r1 ok -- Smooth processes in production and entire market mechanism require so that labor, resources and objects (both work and consumer) are: :r1 mathematically expressed :r2 in the required quantity, assortment and quality, - ecologically and economically optimally - in a determined time and at the desired location :r3 the transformation of the technological or logistics nature of the material objects :r2 ok -- The production, distribution, circulation and consumption of production means and consumed objects are realized through transformation processes in which: :r1 model of materials circle and related information occur :r2 process chains occur :r3 the structure, shape, position and time of substances (masses, materials), information and energy are transformed :r3 ok -- The model of materials circle and related information does not include: :r1 consumption :r2 inter-warehouse :r3 tram :r3 ok -- The term system represents a purposeful defined set of elements and set of relationships (relations) between them which together determine the properties, behavior and functions of the system as a whole. Mathematically can be expressed as: :r1 S = (A, R) :r2 S = (m, g) :r3 S = (v1, vi….vj) :r1 ok -- The content of logistics in a modern conception includes: :r1 market survey :r2 finding and selecting optimal resources :r3 to provide comprehensively the material and integrated information flows from suppliers to enterprises and by enterprise to customers :r3 ok -- Procurement logistics ensures: :r1 supplier solvency :r2 input processes to the enterprise in the whole range of integrated material and information flows :r3 input processes in the supply chain on a business side :r2 ok -- The task of procurement logistics is: :r1 to plan and ensure the necessary material inputs with the optimal economy :r2 to provide a relative effective value :r3 supplier selection and pricing :r1 ok -- Logistics management in the supply field does not provide: :r1 acceptance and inspection of good :r2 relative effective value :r3 planning, managing and controlling integrated flows of materials and information :r2 ok -- When selecting a supplier, it is recommended to put particular emphasis on some criteria. They do not include: :r1 supplier solvency :r2 delivery times and their reliability :r3 storage and warehouse management :r3 ok -- Alternative supply chain structures do not include: :r1 one-stage with tranship areas :r2 two-stage structure :r3 Supply Chain Management :r3 ok -- The most commonly used transport and storage strategies do not include: :r1 external distribution warehouse :r2 logistics centers :r3 JIT :r3 ok -- Supply chains linking suppliers, warehouses, manufacturers, logistics centers and final customers can have a different structure. The most commonly used are as follows: :r1 direct deliveries, shipments through the central warehouse, transhipment, crossdocking :r2 Randez-Vous system, concept of regional carriers, logistics centers :r3 1st distribution law, 2nd distribution law and Supply Chain Management :r1 ok -- The distribution network consists of: :r1 all distribution points, distribution equipment, distribution interactions and their mutual relationships :r2 distribution sources, distribution centers, customers and mutual relationships between these elements :r3 Supply Chain Management, Transhipment a Crossdocking :r2 ok -- 1st distribution law says: :r1 a. The sum of logistics objects at the exit of a distribution source over a given period of time is equal to the inventories volume at the distribution nodes at the end of that time period :r2 b. The sum of the logistics objects entering the distribution node and located at that node is equal to the sum of the logistics objects exiting from that node and remaining there :r3 c. interconnection of all internal and external participants along the entire process chain, from the customer of the final product to the raw material supplier :r2 ok -- STEP consists in: :r1 assessing the impact of only external factors (global environment factors) on the enterprise position :r2 identification of enterprise strengths and weaknesses taking into account opportunities and threats :r3 respecting the requirements of the environment across the entire process chain :r1 ok -- „E“ in the term STEP stands for: :r1 E- econometric factors :r2 E- environmental factors :r3 E- economic factors :r3 ok -- SWOT analysis is a tool especially used within value management and corporate strategy creation: :r1 to identify enterprise strengths and weaknesses taking into account opportunities and threats :r2 to respect the requirements of the environment across the entire process chain :r3 to assess the impact of only external factors (global environment factors) on the enterprise position :r1 ok -- Relevant objectives in the field of logistics, ranging from large to small companies and individual craftsmen include: :r1 required performance, required quality of these performances, optimize costs :r2 individual approach, favorable prices and new innovative products and services :r3 opening the EU market, possibility to extend for additional services, low competition :r1 ok -- Lean Production  or  Lean Management is based on Japanese conditions: :r1 Kanban :r2 Kaizen :r3 Seiketsu :r2 ok -- Intentions for analyzing logistics chains and systems can be very diverse. They do not include: :r1 capacity expansion and equipment upgrading :r2 change of technological or logistics processes :r3 simulation :r3 ok -- Usual objectives of analyzes do not include: :r1 observation :r2 reducing inventory volumes :r3 shortening the running time :r1 ok -- The outcome of the analysis and its qualitative level depends on a number of factors. First of all, however, it depends on the clear and unambiguous: :r1 ensuring the proper functionality of the material flow system :r2 formulation of the assigned task :r3 data flow simulation :r2 ok -- Analytical systematics does not include: :r1 task formulation :r2 assessment of stochastic influences :r3 specification of analyzed objects :r2 ok -- Simulation is: :r1 an imitation of the dynamic process on the model in order to gain knowledge transferable to reality :r2 an image of a real state, however, insignificant properties are suppressed (not shown), and on the other hand, significant properties in terms of the monitored objectives are highlighted :r3 rebuilding, extension or construction of new objects :r1 ok -- The main task of logistics planning is: :r1 to implement a strategic business plan into implementation plans in compliance with the environmental changes and the system possibilities :r2 planning the distribution structure :r3 planning the manufacturing program :r1 ok -- Main objectives of the logistics plan do not include: :r1 optimal material and information flows mutually integrated :r2 cost minimization :r3 objectives defining :r3 ok -- The field of procurement logistics does not include: :r1 inventory management of final products :r2 inventory planning in shopping warehouses :r3 planning, management, implementation and control of material procurement :r1 ok -- Stages of the panning process do not include: :r1 system study :r2 inventory management of final products :r3 decision on offers selection :r2 ok -- The task of the logistics information system (LIS) is: :r1 warehouse management, material demand planning and system study :r2 to provide the right information, at the right time, in the right amount, in desired quality, in the right place :r3 production, storage and supply :r2 ok -- The basic functions of the manufacturing enterprise's information system do not include: :r1 securing the production equipment :r2 warehouse management :r3 communication with the external surroundings :r1 ok -- In terms of the range, the networks are divided into: :r1 picking and server :r2 local and wide :r3 server and storage network :r2 ok -- The automatic transmission of messages formatted according to a given standard among business partner application systems is referred to as: :r1 WAN :r2 JIT :r3 EDI :r3 ok -- What is the main function of storage? :r1 to assemble (collate) a certain amount of logistics objects from the prepared quantity of required assortment based on information about the assigned requirements :r2 stocks and storage places management :r3 to balance capacity and time disproportion among raw material suppliers and their processors, among individual technological or logistics processes in the production or assembly, among the rhythm of production and requirements of the products users, among the dates of supplies of construction materials and the construction procedures, etc. :r3 ok -- Requirements for the warehouse do not include: :r1 commissioning :r2 flow and warehouse capacity requirements resulting from the amount of revenue and expense depending on time :r3 assortment requirements :r1 ok -- In terms of warehousing type, warehouse can be divided into: :r1 free, covered and open :r2 free, stacking, warehousing in racks :r3 flat, layered, high :r2 ok -- What requirements are placed on the organization of warehouses? We can divide them into two fields: :r1 billing and inventory field :r2 warehouse regime field, administrative field :r3 assortment requirements and order :r2 ok -- Picking is: :r1 to balance capacity and time disproportion among raw material suppliers and their processors :r2 to assemble (collate) a certain amount of logistics objects from the prepared quantity of required assortment based on information about the assigned requirements :r3 ensuring the optimum operation of the warehouse :r2 ok -- Transport stands for: :r1 a special mode of transportation :r2 the intentional movement (ride, voyage, flight) of means of transport in transport systems and their infrastructure :r3 the transported shipment, i.e. containers, pallets, crates and other auxiliary secondary logistics :r2 ok -- Elementary transport elements are: :r1 handling unit or logistics object, means of transport, transportation process :r2 JIT, EDI and mean of transport :r3 transport costs, transport performance and distance and means of transport :r1 ok -- Handling units consist of: :r1 JIT, EDI and means of transport :r2 transported consignments, i.e. containers, pallets, crates, other auxiliary secondary logistics tools and goods carried therein, i.e. general cargo, bulk material, liquid, gas, even biological objects, referred to as the primary logistics objects :r3 handling unit or logistics object, means of transport, transportation process :r2 ok -- The means of transport include: :r1 transport costs, transport performance and distance and means of transport :r2 WAN devices, LAN devices and handling units :r3 rail vehicles, road, off-road and special vehicles, vessels, airplanes, helicopters, airships and balloons, or special means of transport :r3 ok -- Material handling is: :r1 complex issue of transportation, loading and storage processes consisting of a number of operations performing in handling systems and which need to be mutually aligned and controlled in order to achieve the desired effects in an optimal way :r2 the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period :r3 handling equipment together with organizational means and means of information and communication :r1 ok -- Handling equipment consists of: :r1 the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period :r2 organizational means and means of information and communication :r3 handling tools (devices) as well as building structures :r3 ok -- Handling equipment together with organizational means and means of information and communication is referred to as: :r1 handling equipment :r2 material handling :r3 handling system :r3 ok -- Prerequisites for selection of the optimal handling equipment or system are: :r1 material flow of continuously operating equipment, organizational means and means of information and communication :r2 the knowledge of the matrix of connections, flow, frequency of operations, paths topology, restrictions, properties of logistics objects, their kinds, quantity in total as well as individual kinds, frequency of warehouse operations, storage period :r3 handling equipment, material handling and handling system :r2 ok -- Material flow for the handling equipment can be: :r1 loading and storage :r2 continuous and pulsating :r3 traffic and transport :r2 ok -- The corporate strategy stands for: :r1 the complex issue of transport, loading and storage processes consisting of a number of operations that take place in handling systems and which need to be mutually aligned and controlled :r2 the formulation of basic enterprise development processes. Enterprise strategy includes its strategic goals and strategic operations :r3 handling equipment together with organizational means and means of information and communication :r2 ok -- Logistics provides and controls the movement of: :r1 objects (products, pallets, orders, etc.) through partial process of the chain processes :r2 hardware and software :r3 administration and legislation :r1 ok -- The level of interactions among process chain elements affects the quality of logistics and the level of ……………………………………….is therefore the main aim of logistics experts (add the correct answer instead of the dots). :r1 administration and legislation :r2 communication systems :r3 means of transport :r2 ok -- RFID is an abbreviation for: :r1 radio frequency identification :r2 rapid perishable food while import and distribution :r3 rapid freight import of distribution units :r1 ok -- Transponder consists of: :r1 WAN module and LAN module :r2 the transponder antenna and the chip :r3 RIDF module and JIT antenna :r2 ok