Logistic services At present, the principleof services is explained, for example by American authors Kotler and Armstrong (Vaštíková, 2008), like this: :r1 Transmission of information by telecommunications networks for a fee to third parties. :r2 It is any activity or benefit which can be offered by one party to another party; it is basically immaterial (intangible) and the result cannot results in ownership. :r3 State administration, types and forms of health care, rights and obligations of patients and persons close to patients, health service providers. :r2 ok -- The most important services featuresdo not include: :r1 inseparability :r2 heterogeneity :r3 possibility of its ownership :r3 ok -- Within services classification​, services are part of the: :r1 Tertiary sector :r2 Primary sector :r3 Secondary sector :r1 ok -- Relevant logistics processes do not include: :r1 Transport :r2 Storage :r3 Social services :r3 ok -- We recognize the functions of each type of stocks (inventory) that affect inventory management. These do not include: :r1 Inventory of customer service :r2 Disconnecting inventory :r3 Technological inventory :r1 ok -- Služby v obecném hospodářském zájmu je možné definovat jako: :r1 výkony poskytované za úplatu, pokud nejsou upraveny ustanoveními o volném pohybu zboží, kapitálu a osob :r2 služby, se kterými je spjat určitý veřejný zájem a jsou poskytovány za úplatu (např. poštovní služby, zásobování elektřinou, telekomunikace) :r3 manažerské a poradenské služby :r2 ok -- Mezi služby podléhající Směrnici o službách na vnitřním trhu (2006/123/CE) nepatří: :r1 služby tržní a netržní :r2 manažerské a poradenské :r3 certifikace a testovaní :r1 ok -- Mezi služby nepodléhající Směrnici o službách na vnitřním trhu (2006/123/CE) nepatří: :r1 služby obecného zájmu nehospodářské povahy :r2 finanční služby :r3 služby v oblasti reklamy :r3 ok -- V kontextu služeb na vnitřním trhu je poskytovatelem služeb: :r1 jedná se o fyzickou osobu, která je příslušníkem členského státu, nebo právnickou osobu v členském státě usazenou, která nabízí nebo poskytuje službu. :r2 jednak fyzická osoba, která je příslušníkem členského státu nebo která požívá práv, jež jí přiznávají právní předpisy Společenství. :r3 podnikatelský subjekt kompetentní uspokojit přepravní potřebu vzniklou na straně přepravce, nabízející a uskutečňující vlastní přemísťovací činnost v prostoru a v čase :r1 ok -- Jednotné kontaktní místo představuje: :r1 centrální článek, kterým procházejí logistické řetězce mezi dodavateli a odběrateli. Uskutečňuje třídění, kompletaci a konsolidaci zboží, zpravidla v průtokovém (tranzitním) režimu. :r2 místo, kde si podnikatel vstupující na trh se službami daného státu může vyřídit veškeré postupy a formality, které daný stát vyžaduje :r3 objekty, v nichž samostatně působí dopravní, logistické, zasilatelské, distribuční a jiné společnosti, působící v logistickém řetězci :r2 ok -- In the Czech Republic, the conditions for the provision and operation of postal services, the rights and obligations arising from the provision and operation of postal services as well as the special rights and special obligations of those postal operators who are required to provide basic services are regulated by: :r1 Act No. 39/2000 Coll., On postal services :r2 Act No. 29/2000 Coll., On providing the postal services :r3 Act No. 29/2000 Coll., On postal services :r3 ok -- For the purposes of postal services, postal item shall be understood as: :r1 a postal service the purpose of which is to provide the specific amount of money :r2 written communication on a letter intended to a particular person :r3 a thing that has been taken by the operator as a single entity to provide postal services :r3 ok -- The condition of the postal services operationin the Czech Republic is: :r1 license under Act No. 29/2000 Coll., On postal services :r2 trade license under Act No. 455/1991 Coll., On trade licensing :r3 authorization under the Directive on Services in the Internal Market (2006/123/EC) :r2 ok -- The state administration in the field of electronic communications and postal services in the Czech Republic is performed by: :r1 Czech Telecommunication Office :r2 Ministry of Informatics of the Czech Republic :r3 Czech Post Office :r1 ok -- The division of telephone services do not include: :r1 Shared-cost telephone services :r2 Penetration telephone services :r3 Telephone services with a special tariff :r2 ok -- The Lifelong Learning Program2007 - 2013has four main fields. It does not include: :r1 Erasmus :r2 Leonardo da Vinci :r3 White book :r3 ok -- In the Czech Republic, the field of education is treatedin severallegislations. It does not include: :r1 Act No. 109/2002 Coll., On the performance of institutional education or protective education in school facilities and on preventive educational care. :r2 Act No. 100/1999 Coll., On secondary schools :r3 Act No. 561/2004 Coll., On pre-school, elementary, secondary, higher and other education (Education Act) :r2 ok -- Public cultural services are: :r1 services based on the objectives of the National Education Development Program in the Czech Republic :r2 services consisting in making the artistic creation and cultural heritage available to the public and in the acquisition, processing, protection, preservation and disclosure of information that serves the cultural, cultural-upbringing or cultural-educational needs to the public :r3 consulting services to assess the individual cultural process :r2 ok -- State administration at the central level in the Czech Republic in the field of cultural services is carried out by the: :r1 Office for Cultural Services :r2 Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic :r3 Office for Culture :r2 ok -- In the Czech Republic, health services are regulated by the: :r1 Act No. 54/1956 Coll., On Health Insurance of Employees :r2 Act No. 100/1988 Coll., On Social Security :r3 Act No. 372/2011 Coll. On health services and the conditions for their providing :r3 ok -- The main activitiesthat are necessary for the smooth flow of products from the place of origin to the place of their consumption do not include: :r1 Order processing :r2 Market services :r3 Procurement :r2 ok -- Main services of logistics providers do not include: :r1 Implementation logistics :r2 IT services :r3 financial services related to cargo :r1 ok -- Provider 3PL: :r1 takes over partial implementation of financial services :r2 provides only transport and forwarding services :r3 takes over complex implementation of a part of the logistics chain and ensure its result :r3 ok -- Outsourcing means: :r1 providing manufacturing and assembly services :r2 providing assembly services and customs services :r3 utilizing external entities for performing internal processes in the enterprise :r3 ok -- At present, specific categories of logistics services providers are of particular importance. These do not include: :r1 Courier, express and parcel services providers :r2 Carriers :r3 Agents of shipowners :r3 ok -- Carrieris define as: :r1 a comprehensive name for the sender (exporter; consignor) and recipient (importer; consignee) :r2 a person (legal or natural) who undertakes to provide transportation of goods in his own name and on behalf of his principal (consignor or consignee). :r3 entity that concludes a transport contract with the shipper, under which he undertakes to arrange transportation within the agreed time and price to the agreed place under his own name on his account :r3 ok -- Transport services are: :r1 services of all kinds relating to the provision of transport, collection, storage and handling of goods :r2 services directly related to the process of carrying goods (cargo; passengers) in space and time :r3 services of all kinds that relate to the providing transportation offered by the forwarder to his principal (his customer) :r2 ok -- According to thecharacter of the transport route and the means of transport moving on this route, these are divided into transport sections. They do not include: :r1 unconventional transport :r2 maritime transport :r3 dynamic transport :r3 ok -- Freight forwarding, in the Czech Republic, is regarded as a: :r1 reporting trade :r2 free trade :r3 licensed trade :r2 ok -- The principal activities of the freight forwarder according to the FIATA do not include: :r1 collecting, sorting, dismantling and processing used products, components, by-products, surplus stocks and packaging material where the main purpose is to ensure their re-use or material evaluation in an environmentally sound and economically attractive way :r2 to assist the principal (customer) in solving all transportation issues :r3 to provide, organize and optimize goods transportation (carriage) :r1 ok