In what different term can be named in database terminology view? :c1 query :c2 Macro :c3 Assembly :c4 table :c1 ok 3 :c2 0 :c3 0 :c4 0 -- Where is actually stored data in the database application? :c1 query :c2 view :c3 assembly :c4 table :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 0 :c4 ok 3 ex -- Relacy in databases is: :c1 The relationship between the report and the table on which the report was created :c2 Link between form, query, and assembly :c3 The relationship between the table and its form :c4 Interconnection between multiple tables :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 0 :c4 ok 3 ex -- How many tables the database can have? :c1 Up to ten :c2 Any number :c3 only one :c4 As much as the default value is set :c1 0 :c2 ok 3 ex :c3 0 :c4 0 -- What are the benefits of a database against data retention in spreadsheet files? :c1 Records can be filtered :c2 You can sort records by any column :c3 It is possible to link data between different tables :c4 It is possible to create more than one table :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 ok 3 ex :c4 0 -- Why the primary key is used? :c1 In order to retrieve external data into the database :c2 Ensures correct linking of items in the table :c3 Ensures unambiguous identification of records in tables :c4 It makes it easier to sort the records in tables :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 ok 3 ex :c4 0 -- What is indexing?? :c1 Ensures reference integrity :c2 It is important for creating sessions and linking tables :c3 Faster and more efficient data lookup in tables :c4 Controls duplicate data in tables :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 ok 3 ex :c4 0 -- Why databases usually have multiple tables? :c1 To avoid repetitive data being stored unnecessarily :c2 Because that's what everyone does, and it's worth not doing otherwise :c3 In more spreadsheets, the data is more transparent, but it is difficult to find and correct data :c4 For faster reports and reports :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 :c4 0 -- What is a database? :c1 Databases are data for business accounting :c2 The database is a group of information organized according to certain properties :c3 Databases are any data stored on your computer :c4 A database is a group of stored tables in one folder on your computer :c1 0 :c2 ok 3 ex :c3 0 :c4 0 -- What Referential Integrity serves for? :c1 It is important for entering data in queries and linking them to assemblies :c2 Ensures the integrity of the data in the table, meaning that after deletion of a record it will ensure that the table does not leave an empty line :c3 Ensures correct data connection for sessions and protects against accidental deletion of records :c4 Affects tables and assembly links and their proper functionality :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 ok 3 ex :c4 0 -- What claims apply to sessions? :c1 Session describes the relationship between the two tables records :c2 One spreadsheet can only be in one session :c3 Sessions are always created using the "Auto Number" field :c4 Sessions are of the type 1:1, 1:N, M:N :c1 ok 1.5 :c2 0 :c3 0 :c4 ok 1.5 -- The term "record" is important in database relational systems: :c1 One recorded property of a particular entity :c2 One column of the table :c3 One row of the table :c4 Specific n-tice attributes that describe the properties of an entity (entity) :c5 Of all the rows of the table that are related to the selected entity :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 ok 1.5 :c4 ok 1.5 :c5 0 -- Primary key :c1 Is a special table that has a way to sort another table :c2 Is always an unambiguous record identifier :c3 Has unique values for each record :c4 Can be any of the attributes in the table :c1 0 :c2 ok 1.5 :c3 ok 1.5 :c4 0 -- Which statements apply to sessions? :c1 They are based on unambiguous identification of records in tables :c2 Some types of sessions have to be created using a spreadsheet :c3 Indexes are used for their implementation :c4 This is the relationship between two tables :c1 ok 1 :c2 ok 1 :c3 0 :c4 ok 1 -- If we choose larger field sizes in the field properties, what will be the consequence of the time that you will need to count on working with the database? :c1 The database will be faster because it will work with more accurate data :c2 The database will be slower because it will have to process more data :c3 No influence :c4 The database will be faster because it will better harvest the computer :c2 ok 3 ex :c1 0 :c3 0 :c4 0 -- The database is: :c1 An ordered set of data stored on the computer :c2 Any data on your computer :c3 Data stored in a text editor :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- The relational data model means that: :c1 Data is organized into a tree structure :c2 Is based on real world objects :c3 All relationships between data can be represented by tables :c4 Relationships between tables are represented by sessions :c1 :c2 :c3 ok 3 ex :c4 -- Integrity of the database means that: :c1 Data is stored in at least two repositories :c2 Only data that meets predefined criteria can be entered :c3 The data is encrypted against abuse :c1 0 :c2 ok 3 ex :c3 0 -- The type of session you usually have to create in the middle is: :c1 1:1 :c2 1:N :c3 M:N :c1 0 :c2 0 :c3 ok 3 ex -- Sessions are: :c1 Relations between tables :c2 Relationships 1: 1 or 1: N between entities :c3 Special storage for data storage :c1 ok 1,5 ex :c2 ok 1,5 ex :c3 0 -- SQL means: :c1 Structured query language :c2 On-line data-handling applications :c3 MS Office applications :c4 Special databases :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 :c4 0 -- The SELECT FROM statement means employees: :c1 Deleting data in a table :c2 Lists the contents of the entire table "Employees" :c3 Looks for all employees in the table :c1 0 :c2 ok 3 ex :c3 0 -- Command DELETE FROM lide WHERE name = "Adam"; means, that: :c1 Find all records by the people column :c2 Delete all rows from the table of the people, where the name column is "Adam" :c3 Finds all records from a people table where the column name is "Adam" :c1 0 :c2 ok 3 ex :c3 0 -- Graph databases mean that: :c1 Data is stored and processed in the form of a chart :c2 Data is stored in special tables :c3 Records are in the form of charts :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- NoSql means that: :c1 Not Only SQL, that relational database is not the only solution for relationships :c2 NoSQL is suitable for storing large volumes of data that do not need to be interrelated :c3 SQL is superior to NoSql :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- The transaction is: :c1 A logical unit of work consisting of one or more SQL statements that are atomic in terms of recovering from errors :c2 Transactions can be understood as sequence of database operations that meet ACID :c3 transakce lze chápat jako sekvence databázových operací, které splňují ACID :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- The methods are: :c1 Ways to work with data :c2 Indicate functions in object-oriented programming :c3 JavaScript features :c1 0 :c2 ok 3 ex :c3 0 -- The methods are: :c1 A special function case - DOES NOT have a return value and may not even have input parameters :c2 How to control the database :c3 Data Editing command in SQL :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- Trigger is: :c1 The procedure that is automatically triggered when something happens :c2 programming language :c3 Command in Javascript :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- OLAP means: :c1 on-line analytical processing :c2 That the resulting data is stored in a relational database :c3 That the data is stored in the tree structure - the cube :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- The geographic information system is: :c1 An information system that allows you to store, manage and analyze spatial data :c2 File system with fixed records structure :c3 GPS for laptops :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0 -- Geo objects are divided: :c1 By number of dimensions :c2 By geographic location :c3 By number of users :c1 ok 3 ex :c2 0 :c3 0