Object-oriented engineering 1 What is a class? - Group objects with some common properties -- 2 Parameter-free parameter : does not require any parameters (information) to function -- 3 Recursion : is defining an object using itself -- 4 encapsulation data and code wrapping mechanism -- 5 Debugger A tool to help a programmer detect errors in a program -- 6 What does the "step" button do? To perform the next code step -- 7 Describe the difference between “step” and “step into” In the case of step, the whole method is performed, while in the case of step into, the method is performed sequentially -- 8 What do we call "static"? Static class attributes -- 9 How can I execute code execution? By calling the method; write the method name and any method parameters in parentheses. -- 10 What is a method? A specific subroutine performing some specific function. It belongs to the most commonly used tools of almost every programming language -- 11 What does the method consist of? An access specifier specifying who can call a method, return type, method name, method parameter list -- 12 What does “This” do? “This” is a keyword that, along with the following parameter list, prevents the constructor body from typing again -- 13 How are parameters passed to the methods? Characters, logical values, or numbers are passed to the methods by copying the value to the local variable of the method -- 14 What do local variables do? It is used to remember information within the method. They are declared inside the method and cannot be accessed outside the method -- 15 Class interface The public part of the class that other functions should have access to. It is recommended to include only the necessary information in the class interface -- 16 What types of errors do we know? Syntax, compilation, runtime, semantic errors -- 17 What does "Test Driven Development" mean? This is a test driven programming -- 18 Define "Error" Fatal error caused by lack of resources for virtual machine operation or stack overflow -- 19 How can we create a "file" object? - filename (we create from an absolute or relative path that is converted to an abstract path. - file name relative to parent - the abstract path will be created relative to the parent path - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) -- 20 What does GUI stand for? It is a graphical user interface; it is a graphical environment that a common user encounters and works with. -