Software engineering What were the features of the software crisis? : r1 project prolongation and price increase, low quality, difficulty of maintenance and innovation, poor labor productivity : r2 lack of programmers : r3 steep cheaper computer systems : r4 none of the listed : r1 ok 2 -- What is not the cause of the software crisis? : r1 Extending and increasing the costs of projects : r2 unmanaged technologies : r3 underestimation of threats and risks : r4 ignorance of basic rules : r1 ok 2 -- “A discipline dealing with real software development problems” is a definition of : r1 software engineering : r2 software systems : r3 computer technology : r4 programming : r1 ok 2 -- What is the last phase of the SDLC software life cycle? : r1 Disposition Phase : r2 Development Phase : r3 Integration and Test Phase : r4 Operations and Maintenance Phase : r1 ok 2 -- What are not the disadvantage of a waterfall approach? : r1 Repetition : r2 impossibility to estimate the resulting product quality during development : r3 dependence of the final product on the input quality : r4 development time is too long : r1 ok 2 -- The approach where each development activity is repeated periodically and a small set of functions leading to the target state is added at each repetition is called : r1 iterative approach : r2 waterfall approach : r3 agile approach : r4 “Exploratory” programming approach : r1 ok 2 -- People and their interactions are more important than processes and tools; working software is more important than detailed documentation, cooperation with the customer is more important than the contracts concluded; responding to change is more important than adhering to the plan - they are principles : r1 agile approach : r2 iterative approach : r3 waterfall approach : r4 exploratory programming approach : r1 ok 2 -- Identifying key system functionality, the most critical Use Cases, is one of the goals: : r1 Start phase : r2 Development phase : r3 Construction phase : r4 Deployment phase : r1 ok 2 -- The output of the Elaboration phase is: : r1 executable, tested architecture (working part of application) : r2 understanding the issues and identified risks : r3 beta-release application : r4 product ready for final deployment : r1 ok 2 -- The output of the Construction phase is : r1 beta-release application : r2 executable, tested architecture (working part of application) : r3 product ready for final deployment : r4 understanding the issues and identified risks. : r1 ok 2 -- The output of the Transition phase is: : r1 product ready for final deployment : r2 understanding the issues and identified risks. : r3 executable, tested architecture (working part of application) : r4 beta-release application : r1 ok 2 -- According to prof. Vondrák highest time allocation? : r1 Creation : r2 Development : r3 Start : r4 Transmission : r1 ok 2 -- Stakeholder consensus on the scope, cost and timing of the project and agreement on estimating all risks and risk reduction strategies are two of the basic criteria: : r1 LOM : r2 RUP : r3 UML : r4 SDLC : r1 ok 2 -- Event, Activity, and Gateway are elements : r1 flow objects : r2 connecting objects : r3 swimming lanes : r4 artifacts : r1 ok 2 -- A diagram showing instances of classes and the relationships between them at one time is called : r1 object diagram : r2 class diagram : r3 component diagram : r4 structural diagram : r1 ok 2 -- A diagram designed to model computational, organizational processes or data flows is called: : r1 Activity diagram : r2 Behavior diagram : r3 Component diagram : r4 Object diagram : r1 ok 2 -- Which diagram is most often used to illustrate customer-system relationships? : r1 Use case diagram : r2 Activity diagram : r3 Behavior diagram : r4 Component diagram : r1 ok 2 -- The following are used to test for clarity and consistency: : r1 tests documentation : r2 safety tests : r3 stress tests : r4 usability tests : r1 ok 2 -- Defining, measuring, analyzing, improving and managing are phases : r1 DMAIC : r2 LOM : r3 LAC : r4 UML : r1 ok 2 -- By which test do we verify the functioning of individual branches of the program? : r1 White box testing : r2 Black box testing : r3 verification : r4 evaluation : r1 ok 2