Cambridge with CD-ROM/ Audio CD Winner English-Speaking Union President's Award Chris Redston & Gillie Cunningham Elementary Student's Book Chris Redston & Gillie Cunningham CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Welcome to the class! EJH colours; the alphabet and spelling; days of the week p4 ■flSEH'i'fflini saying hello and goodbye; introducing yourself; classroom instructions Time off cd-rom O 4a-d J Meeting people 1A Where are you from? 3J countries and nationalities cd-rom O 1a-d P6 vocabuta Grammar Real World Hetp *rth Usteni be (1): positive and Wh- questions; subject pronouns and possessive adjectives introducing people word stress Real World Vocabula Help with listen 1B In the coffee break p8 CS3B33ES1 numbers 0-20; phone numbers; jobs; a and an fltf'Tnlii'Mll be (2): negative, yes/no questions and short answers 1C Personal details plO asking for and giving personal details; asking people to repeat things numbers 20-100; age !$| numbers with -teen and -ty; sentence stress (1) 1D Lost property p12 tWSIWMl1! personal possessions (1); plurals; this, that, these, those 1 Review and Progress Portfolio p13 Reading and Writing Portfolio 1 Workbook p64 ^ People and possessions cd-rom | 2A What's important to you? p14 adjectives (1); adjectives with very, personal possessions (2) have got Vocabula Grammar Vocabul Grammar 2B Meet the Robinsons p16 BJJ family; How many... ? possessive's IJS'lPH'iU'-i'iiiriT'l the schwa hi in words and sentences 2C Time and money p18 limivffrir»i talking about times and prices; buying tickets lV.l4-.MHM'Ji time words (minute, year, etc.); How much... ? 2D Where's the baby? p20 ftV'Tj--li!tlM'tll things in a house; prepositions of place; Whose... ? 2 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 p21 Workbook p66 cd-rom O 3a-d p22 Daily life 3A A glamorous life? tWWiWMi'li daily routines 3| Present Simple (1); positive and Wh- questions (l/you/we/they) 3B Evenings and weekends p24 31 free time activities (1); time phrases with on, in, at, every Present Simple (2): negative and yes/no questions (l/you/we/they) questions with do you ... ? 3C Special days phrases for special days; suggestions months and dates dates 3D Early bird or night owl? 5JJ frequency adverbs subject and object pronouns 3 Review and Progress Portfolio p29 Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 Workbook p68 Vocabu Grammar Help with listen Real World Vocabulary Vocabula Grammar p26 p28 p30 Vocabulary Grammar p32 4A Away from home free time activities (2) Present Simple (3): positive and negative (he/she/it) mm linking (1) 4B First Date! flWtMilW-.UH things you like and don't like; wrb+ing MtWiW'iMJI Present Simple (4): questions and short answers (he/she/it) 4C Eating out p34 ■ irenvffiiFB requests and offers with Can l/we have ... ?, I'd/We'd like Would you like... ? i'/ifftlfflfflfl food and drink (1) GSI3HIfg3SI!| questions with Would you like... ? 4D Breakfast time p36 ■TiiETf food and drink (2); countable and uncountable nouns 4 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 4 p37 Workbook p70 J Homes and shops cd-rom 5A My kind of place JHU places in a town/the country there is/there are sentence stress (2) 5B Renting a flat rooms and things in a house How much ... ?/How many... ?; some, any, a 5C At the shops m:mi\Wtr>m shop language t'/'fr-WIMi'l shops; one and ones; things to buy iiairRliil'BlfflT'- a shop 5D In fashion p44 AViWMIiM'M clothes; plural nouns 5 Review and Progress Portfolio p45 Reading and Writing Portfolio 5 Workbook p72 Vocabu Grammar p3S p40 p42 Good times, bad times cd-rom | 6A Three generations adjectives (2); years Past Simple (1): be was and were Vocabula Grammar p46 p48 6B People who changed the world iMifflEBl life events Mt'c'ivr.'A'M Past Simple (2) regular and irregular verbs: positive and Wh- questions 6C Four weekends p50 ■:EEH7fiTiri< showing interest and continuing a conversation weekend activities showing interest p52 Vocabula Help with listen! 6D The good and the bad i'ffmilMi'l adjectives with very, really, quite, too 6 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 6 p53 Workbook p74 Films, music, news CD-ROM O 7A-D 7A Licence to kill p54 33 types of film Past Simple (3): negative, yes/no questions and short answers Past Simple questions vocabula Grammar Help wrttj listen 7B My music p56 types of music; past time phrases with ago, last and in; question words question forms 7C What's in the news? p58 ■iiTnyrani talking about the news i'/i'^li'liMt1! irregular Past Simple forms; verbs and nouns from news stories t!gfifff!!i1iaiSffPi stressed words Vocabula Grammar 7D Do you know any jokes? i'miilHHii'I articles: a, an and the 7 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 7 p60 p61 Workbook p76 J Mind and body CD-ROM 10A A healthy heart IViMiMHMJi health; How often ... ?and frequency expressions EBB imperatives; should/shouldn't 10B What's he like? J3 describing people's appearance and character questions with like sentence stress (3) IOC I feel terrible! ■ ;renymn< talking about health; giving advice with Why don't you . J3 health problems and treatment being sympathetic Vocabula :GfaiWitiaf Vocabula wtmtlstei 10D Are you SAD in winter? 33 seasons; weather; word building Vocabula 10 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 10 p78 pSO p82 p84 p85 Workbook p82 jj Let's go away 8A Holiday USA ) holiday activities can/can't for possibility 3HJB| can/can't Vocabula Grammar Hein with 8B A trip to Thailand J3 adjectives to describe places Vocabula comparatives CD-ROM p62 p64 p66 8C Planning a day out ■;?%HWiTifii planning a day out: I'd rather... /I'd like .../I want... iZmvmttm I'd and the schwa hi 8D Come to the wedding p68 iVi'^I'l'iMi'l verb collocations 8 Review and Progress Portfolio p69 Reading and Writing Portfolio 8 Workbook p78 Future plans Vocabula Grammar Real World Vocabul CD-RDM ©11A-D p86 p88 11A New Year's resolutions J3 verb collocations be going to (1): positive, negative and Wh- questions 11B No more exams! CEME3 studying MtfBBViBH might; be going to (2): yes/no questions and short answers IflpBiitttSflBBl going to 11C Finding your way p90 asking for and giving directions 23 prepositions of place and movement p92 11D The grass is always greener C2ISSS3 verb patterns 11 Review and Progress Portfolio Reading and Writing Portfolio 11 p93 Workbook p84 j All in a day's work 9A The meeting E3 work Present Continuous for 'now' CD-ROM O 9A-D Vocabul Grammar Vocabula Grammar p70 p72 9B Strike! 33 transport Present Simple or Present Continuous? liMW'SSJTOlr linking (2) 9C On the phone p74 iiffli'i'ffirii phone messages; talking on the phone IJBETOiilW'flXff phone messages 9D The Adventure Centre p76 CS2IJJ3 indoor and outdoor activities; adverbs and adjectives 9 Review and Progress Portfolio p77 Reading and Writing Portfolio 9 Workbook p80 Life experiences 12A World records HEIM big and small numbers superlatives Grammar CD-ROM 12B Have you ever ... ? 33 past participles Present Perfect for life experiences: positive and negative, Have you ever... ? questions and short answers 12C Have a good trip! ■:r?Hi'iTO7fl< at the airport; saying goodbye CE22E3 things and places at an airport Vocabula Grammar questions on the phone 12 Review and Progress Portfolio End of Course Review Reading and Writing Portfolio 12 p94 p96 p98 p100 p101 Workbook p86 Songs pl02 Pair and Group Work pl04 Language Summaries pl21 Recording Scripts pl48 Answer Key p158 Phonemic Symbols pl59 Irregular Verb List pl59 CD-ROM/Audio CD Instructions p160 Welcome to the class! Vocabulary colours; the alphabet and spelling; days of the week Real World saying hello and goodbye; introducing yourself; classroom instructions (j5 teacher Hello. What's your name, please? claire My name's Claire Dupont. teacher I'm Sarah Taylor. Welcome to the class. claire Thank you. Hello! a) Look at conversation 1 and listen. b) Practise conversation 1 with your teacher. Use your name. a) h Look at conversation 2 and listen. b) Practise conversation 2 with six students. Use your name. Colours Match die words to the colours. red green blue yellow white black grey •At The alphabet a) I O Listen and say the alphabet. TIP! • Q = pronunciation. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 03 Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx ¥\v Zz b) Work in pairs. How do we say these letters? letters 1 the 1MB m letters 4 the 2 the mk I letters 5 the 3 the letters 6 the letters and c) | 13 Listen and practise. d) fjUPJJI Listen and write the words. TIP! • ee = double e Welcome Vocabulary and Real World Classroom instructions e a) Tick (/) the instructions you understand. Then do the exercise in Language Summary Welcome ^ pl21. Look at page ten. Answer the questions. Fill in the gaps. Open your book. Read the article. Match the words to the pictures. Check your answers. Work in pairs. Work in groups. Listen and practise. Don't write. Close your book. b) Listen and underline the instructions in 5a) when you hear them. Spelling a) Look at conversation 3. Then match the teacher's questions to Pablo's answers. 1 teacher What's your first name? a) PABto R-U-A-N-O. 2 teacher What's your surname? b) pablo Ruano. 3 teacher How do you spell that? c) PABto It's Pablo. b) luifrl Listen and check. C) Listen to two conversations, A and B. Write the names. d) Look at R0.8, pl48. Listen again and check your answers. a) ti^j O Listen and practise the questions in 6a). b) Ask four students these questions and write the names. Goodbye! a) Put the days of the week in order. Friday Tuesday Thursday Monday 7 Wednesday Saturday Sunday b) i'it'if'l Q Listen and check. Then listen again and practise. What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow? (2j *t Listen and write the day Practise with other students. pablo Bye, Lin. lin Goodbye! See you on............... pablo Yes, see you. Progress Portfolio 1B9BC ^ Tick (/) the things you can do in English. You can check this language in Language Summary j | Welcome, pl21. ■ I can say hello and goodbye. I can introduce myself. I can say colours. I can say the alphabet. I can understand instructions. I can spell my name. I can say the days of the week. Work in pairs. Close your book. Tell your partner three things you can do in English. 1 Meeting people 1A Where are you from? QUICK REVIEW Write six words in English. Work in pairs. Spell the your partner. He/She writes them down. Are they words to correct? Introducing people Vocabulary countries and nationalities Grammar be (1): positive and Wh- questions; subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Real World introducing people Help with Listening word stress Review saying hello; the alphabet a) |";"pf]f |p Read and listen to conversation 1. Listen again and practise. b) Practise conversation 1 with four other students. Use your name. a) f ItWl fj Read and listen to conversation 2. Listen again and practise. b) Work in groups of six. Take turns to introduce students to each other. Help with Listening Listen and notice the word stress (•) in the countries and nationalities in 3a). J iiiliil O Listen again and practise. Copy the word stress. Brazil Brazilian Vocabulary Countries and nationalities a) Tick (/) the countries © you know. countries I'm from... nationalities I'm... Brazil Australia • Argentina the USA Germany Italy Mexico Russia ■ Brazili an Australi • Argentini __ Améric__ Germ Itali __ Mexic__ Russi the UK Spain Poland Turkey Brit L 5/7 Span___ Pól___ Turk"___ • China lapan Chin ěs e Japan* __ France French carol Hello, John. john Hi, Carol. How are you? carol I'm fine, thanks. And you? john I'm OK, thanks. ® receptionist Good morning. What's your name, please? It's Maria Favia. And where are you from? I'm from b) Write the missing letters in the nationalities. Check in Language Summary 1 I'iHI pl22. 1A Vocabulary and Grammar Listening and Grammar c gjlfrftr. Read and listen to conversations 3, 4 and 5. Write the countries. Help with Grammar a) Fill in the gaps with'm, 're or's. positive 1 r . from Italy. (= 1 am) 2 You' in room C. (= you are) 3 He' from Mexico. (= he is) 4 She' from Australia. (= she is) s It' Maria Favia. (= it is) 6 We' from the USA. (= we are) 7 They'_ _____from Spain. (= they are) b) Fill in the gaps with are or's WH- questions 1 Where you from? 2 Where' ._............he from? 3 Where' she from? 4 What' your name? s What your names? 6 Where they from? C) Check in fyU pl23. ■■■I receptionist What are your names, please? joe My names Joe Hill and this is Susan West. receptionist Where are you from? joe We're from................ receptionist Welcome to the conference. You're in room C. 1_ r /I molly Where's he from? david He's from ............. . molly OK. And where's she from? david She's from__________...... molly Right. And where are they from? david They're from ._............ , I think. a) i;?H Q Listen and practise the sentences in 7a). b) jjjjRHi Q Listen and practise the questions in 7b). C) Work in pairs. Practise conversations 3, 4 and 5. Fill in the gaps with'm, 're, are or's. david Where xare......... they from? molly They 2...............both from Germany. david What 3_.........their names? molly His name 4..............Tomas and her name 5__............Verena. receptionist What6............. your names? Barbara Our names 1 _____.........Barbara Pent and Pedro Moreno. receptionist Where 8._____....... you from? Barbara I 9...............from France and he 10_____from Mexico. Help with Grammar a) Fill in the table with the words in bold in 9. t^i^Lo I you he she it we they pronouns J J possessive r,. .. my .....----- -----............— its ---.................. adjectives J b) Check in § pl23. dE^Tjl Q Listen and practise. My name's Carol. * Listen and fill in the gaps on the name cards. 'Name: Country: jp Get ready ... Get it right! Work in pairs. Student A p!04. Student B pi 12. Follow the instructions. 1B 1B In the coffee break QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner the names of other students in the class: What's his name? It's Mario, I think. 11 can't remember! Vocabulary numbers 0-20; phone numbers; jobs; a and an Grammar be (2): negative,yes//io questions and short answers Review be: positive; countries Vocabulary Numbers 0-20 Work in pairs. Can you say these numbers? Check in Wiwm pl22. 0123456789 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a) Listen to five conversations A-E. Write the hotel room numbers. b) Work in pairs. Take turns to say five numbers. Your partner writes the numbers. Are they correct? a) How do we say these phone numbers? TIP! • In phone numbers 0 = oh and 22 = double two. o^Md 010 0695 m i>) Pater 0ll?9 S6?390 t) M»r* 0W9 m«0 a) MW oosu- 93 16» W b) 1 ft IE [J Q Listen and check. Then listen again and practise. a) fiTKilffr Listen and write the phone numbers. b) Ask three students their phone numbers. You can invent numbers if you like! What's your phone number? ) What's your mobile number? ) Vocabulary Jobs; a and an ^3 a) TickjJie words you know. Then do the exercise * pl22. a doctor a musician an engineer a shop assistant a cleaner a police officer a wa'iter/a waitress an accountant an actor/an actress a builder a te'acher a manager a housewife a lawyer unemployed retired TIP! • In these vocabulary boxes we only show the main stress. b) Listen and practise. Copy the stress. Help with Vocabulary a) Look at the jobs in 5a). Then complete the rules with a or an. We use...............with nouns that begin with a consonant sound. (The consonants are b, c, d,f, etc.) • We use............... with nouns that begin with a vowel sound. (The vowels are a, e, i, o, u.) b) Fill in the gaps with a or an. 1 ........._____job 4 2 ._.............student 5 .............English book 3 . ... answer 6.....number £P a) Look again at the pictures in I'iM pl22. Take turns to cover the words and test your partner. (what's his job? ) (He's an actor^) (what's her job?} (she's a doctor^) b) What's your job? Ask other students, (what's your job?} (I'm a manager} 5 What do you do? m an engineer, 1B Vocabulary and Grammar Listening and Grammar a) liiifcl Read and listen. mm Fill in the gaps. 1 a Are you from Sydney? b No, we aren't from Australia. We're from _ South Africa. B|t /^n a Oh, really? And what do SlP"* you do? £" b Well, I'm an ______and A Connie's a ..... RuA 2 Wrr , a Who's he? tt^Xr / b His name's John Palmer. a Is he a............... ? b Yes, he is. But he isn't famous. 3 a And what do you do? b I'm a ._............. a Oh, really? I'm a .,__ b Are you from Spain? a No, I'm not. I'm from Argentina. b) Look at the photo. Match the conversations to the groups of people A-C. Help with Grammar a) Look again at 8a). Find the parts of be in the conversations. b) Fill in the gaps in these negative sentences with'm, aren't and isn't. 1 I'_____........not a teacher. 2 You/We/They...............from Australia. (= are not) 3 He/She/It____famous. (= is not) c) Fill in the gaps in these questions and answers with 'jh, Is, Are, isn't or aren't. 1 ...Al.e_ you from Spain? Yes, I am./No, I......_____not. 2 ___________he a musician? Yes, he is./No, he............... . 3 ......____you from Sydney? Yes, we are./No, we............... . d) Check in tUS p!23. ^) CUED 0 Listen and practise. I'm not a teacher. We aren't from Australia. a) Tick the sentences that are true for you. Make the other sentences negative. Write the correct sentences. 1 I'm from France. I'm not from France. I'm from Germany. 2 My English class is in room 17. 3 I'm a doctor. 4 My teacher's from Canada. 5 My language school is in England. 6 My English lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays 7 The students in my class are all from my country. b) Work in groups. Compare sentences. C3 o ready... Get it Ji2 Work in pairs. Student A pl04. Student B pi 12. Follow the instructions. 1C Personal details QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Write all the jobs you know. Which pair has the most words? What number is it? How do we say these numbers? Check in 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 Work in pairs. Say these numbers. 28 34 47 51 63 75 86 92 100 mbers with -teen anů -ty a) Listen to these numbers and notice the stress. thirteen thirty fifte'en fifty ninete'en ninety b) Where is the stress in these numbers? forty seventeen eighty sixty eighteen fourteen sixteen seventy pl22 C) Listen and check. United Passport ^^'"^S*1- Passeport ■"^TZain and Northern Ireland - ° Surname f a V-s^r, Given names _MOLLY JANE BRITISH CITIZEN © Date of birth _ _ 23 JUN 80 Q a) ) in 3b). Listen again and practise the numbers b) Work in pairs. Say a number between 1 and 100 Your partner says the next three numbers. place of With LONDON Dale of issue _ , 15 MAY 04 Date ol exptry 15 HAY 14 Auirronty UKPA Signatur« ,-v ,__. P,r.RRBLACKWELL«yiOLLY Brazilian c) Work in pairs. Where is the stress on the countries and nationalities? Brazil Brazilian a) Put an apostrophe (') in these sentences. Sydney is in England. Sydney isn't in England. It's in Australia. 2 Brad Pitt is an accountant. 3 Venus and Serena Williams are from Spain. 4 Nike and Ford are British companies. 5 Ferraris are German cars. b) Write three more incorrect sentences. c) Work in pairs. Swap sentences. Correct your partner's sentences. 1 His names Boris. 2 Theyre from Italy. 3 Im from England. 4 Her surnames Owen. 5 My names Amanda. 6 Hes from Germany. b) Write questions for the answers in 2a). 7 What's his name? Fill in the gaps in these jobs with the vowels a, e, i, o, u. Then put a or an in the boxes. 1 I 3|lawyer 2 _ct_r 3 I | m_s_c__n 4 | | w __ tr _ ss 5 | | _ cc__nt _ nt 6 □ m _n _g _r 7 [ ] _ng _n __r 8 [^]p_l_ce _ff_c_r a) Choose a new nationality and a new job for you. Don't tell other students. a) Write questions with you or your for these answers. IJWilEI 1 Smith. What's your surname? 2 It's Jane. 3 I'm British. 4 It's 01865 568004. 5 6 28 New Road, Leeds. 7 I'm 26. 8 No, I'm single. b) Work in pairs. Ask your partner five questions from 6a). Write the answers. c) Check your partner's information about you. Is it correct? Progress Portfolio b) Work in groups. Take turns to ask each student yes/no questions to find out his/her new nationality and job. a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can introduce people. I can say countries and nationalities. I can say and understand the numbers 1-100. I can talk about jobs. I can ask for, give and understand personal information (name, address, etc.). I can ask people to repeat things. b) What do you need to study again? See CD-ROM " ©1a-d 2 People and possessions 2A What's important to you? r QUICK REVIEW • • • What's in the lost property room at the hotel? Write all the things you can remember. Compare your lists in pairs. Then check on p12. Vocabulary adjectives (1); adjectives with very; personal possessions (2) Grammar have got Review be; possessive adjectives Vocabulary Adjectives (1) Tick the adjectives you know. Then do the exercise in Language Summary 2 new old good bad cheap expensive beautiful ugly easy difficult nice important great favourite p]24. big small long short fast slow young old right wrong Reading, Listening and Grammar a) liKWM Read and listen to Sally and her grandfather, Bill. Find four things that are important to each person. sally What's important in my life? Well, I've got a great CD player. I haven't got lots of CDs, but my friend Ian is a musician and he's got hundreds! And I've got an old bike - that's very important to me. What else? Well, I've got a beautiful long dress. It's red, my favourite colour, and I love it. Oh, and my new mobile phone is very important to me -it's got all my friends' phone numbers in it! a) Look at these sentences. Then choose the correct words in the rules. She 5 old. He's a very happy child. It's a small bag. Those are my new shoes. • We put adjectives before/(jijter) the verb be. We put adjectives before/after a noun. • We put very before/after adjectives. • Adjectives are /aren't plural with plural nouns. b) Check in KwM pl24. a) Make sentences with these words. 1 expensive / It / isn't. It isn't expensive. 2 camera / old / 11 / s / my . 3 very / are / The / dresses / beautiful. 4 cheap/a/It/very/watch/'s . 5 your / They / new / 're / books . b) Work in pairs. Check your sentences. bill What things are important to me? Well, I've got a very old Toyota. It's not very fast but it's important to us - my wife, Pat, hasn't got a car. And we've got a dog. His name's Fred and he's twelve years old. He's very important to us. Oh, and I've got an expensive digital camera. It's very small but the pictures are great. And I've got a very good DVD player and hundreds of DVDs - we love old films. The problem is, we haven't got a very good TV! b) Read the texts again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Sally's friend Ian is a doctor. F 4 Bill's camera is very cheap. 2 Her favourite colour is red. 5 His dog is called Fred. 3 Her mobile phone is very old. 6 His DVD player isn't very good 2A Vocabulary and Grammar Help with Grammar a) Look again at the texts in 4a). Find all the positive and negative examples of have got and has got. b) Fill in the gaps with've, 's, haven't and hasn't. POSITIVE I/you/we/they' (= have got) he/she/it' (= has got) NEGATIVE I/you/we/ (= have not got) he/she/ (= has not got) c) Check in ' ' p!25. Listening and Grammar a) Bill and Sally answer questions for a survey. Work in pairs. Guess which things they've got. Write yes or no in the your guess columns. ^jk^i Q Listen and practise. Copy the stress and contractions (I've, he's, etc.). I've got an old dr. a) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of have got. 1 1 Jiavea'tgat— a car, but I'„............. an expensive bike. 2 Oh, you'...............a blue dress! 3 We'...............a black cat. 4 They'...............a big house in France. It's very nice. 5 He'...............lots of CDs, but he...............a CD player! b) Listen and write yes or no in Bill and Sally's answer columns. Are your guesses correct? 1111 1 p with Grammar e got questions and short answers b) Think of four things that are important to you. Then compare ideas in groups. I've got a lot of old books. Really? What's your favourite? J Vocabulary Personal possessions (2) ^ Work in pairs. Tick the words you know. Check new words in CH P124- a mobile (phone) [US: a cell phone] CDs a CD player videos a video recorder [US: a VCR] a TV/television a computer a personal stereo a DVD player DVDs a laptop a digital camera a radio I a) Fill in the gaps with have, has, haven't or hasn't. QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS Have., you got a computer? Yes, I .have, ./No, I.............. .............he/she got a DVD player? Yes, he/she_____________./No, he/she .............they got any cheap TVs? Yes, they_______....._ ./No, they__________ got in your bag? b) Check in Jt^M pl25. CS&I Q Listen and practise the questions and short answers in 10a). Have you got a computer? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about Bill and Sally. (^Has Bill got a new car? ^ ( No, he hasn't^) Get ready ... Get it right! ffi Work in pairs. Student A pl05. Student B pi 13. Follow the instructions. Í2B 2B Meet the Robinsons • • • QUICK REVIEW Work in pairs. Ask questions with have got. Find five things you've got but your partner hasn't got. Vocabulary family; How many Help with Listening the schv in words and sentences Grammar possessive s Review be; have got; jobs BILL JjusbancI jdaughteT son father • • • mother brother children usa We're a typical British family, 1 think. My 1 husband's name is Tom and we've got two 2__............., a girl and a boy. Our 3.daughter's name is Emma and Chris is our 4...............- he's just a baby. And my parents? Well, Bill is my 5...............and Pat is my 6_______________. I've got one 7_..........., his name's Max, and one sister, Kate. PAT jArffe parents- sisters grandson granddaughters grandchildren max My s....wife... 's name is Anna and we've got one daughter, Sally. She's sixteen years old now. I've got two 9..............., Lisa and Kate. Lisa's married with two kids and Kate's divorced. My ^parents'names are Pat and Bill. They've got three children and three 11............... : two 12......_________, Sally and Emma, and a 13..............., Chris. KATE EMMA CHRIS aunts gcmdparerrts cousins grandmother grandfather uncle sally My mum and dad's names are Anna and Max. I've got two u..a.UQts_ , Lisa and Kate, and one 15...............His name's Tom and he's a musician. I've also got two 16..............., Emma and Chris. My "grandparents' names are Bill - he's my 1S......_________- and Pat, my 19................ SALLY Vocabulary Family a) Look at the family tree. Then read about the family. Fill in the gaps with the words in the boxes. b) Listen and check your answers. Look again at the family tree. Put the words in the boxes in three groups. Then check in Qj£j£J pl24. 1 (3 male father/dad 2 Q female mother/mum 3 dig) male and female parents Help with Listeninc The schwa tef in words a) l;M;l The schwa hi is very common in English. Listen to these words. Is the schwa stressed? parents da'ughter children brother uncle cdusin M M M M M M b) Listen to these words. Where are the schwas? doctor address woman musician manager Work in pairs. Look at the family tree. Ask and answer six questions with How many ...? about the people. How many brothers and sisters has Lisa got? How many children have Pat and Bill got? 2B Vocabulary and Grammar Grammar and Listening ^ Tick the correct sentences. Change the words in bold in the incorrect sentences. 1 Kate is Lisa's cousin, sister 2 Bill is Pat's husband. / 3 Lisa and Tom are Chris's parents. 4 Pat is Emma and Chris's grandmother. 5 Kate is Sally's cousin. 6 Sally is Anna's daughter. Help with Gramme a) Look again at 5. Then complete the rule. We use name + _..............for the possessive. b) 's can mean is, has or the possessive. Match 1-3 to a)-c). 1 Bill is Lisa's father, a) 's = is 2 Kate's her sister. b) 's = has 3 She's got a brother, c) 's = possessive C) Check in fjtf^f pl25. Make sentences about these people. 1 Lisa / Sally Lisa is Sally's aunt. 2 Max / Anna 3 Pat/Bill 4 Chris / Bill and Pat 5 Emma / Chris 6 Sally / Anna and Max ^ llWft-i fjj| Listen and practise. Sally's -» Lisa is Sally's a'unt. a) Kate wants to show her new boyfriend, Tim, some photos. Look at photos A-C. Who are the people? b) ' Listen to their conversation. Put the photos in order. C) Listen again and choose the correct words. Kate's sister Lisa is a (^factor)/lawyer. Lisas husband Tom is a teacherImusician. Their daughter Emma is six/seven. Kate's brother Max is a musician/lawyer. His wife Anna is Spanish/Italian. Kate's mother is retired/a teacher. Kate's father is sixty-three/seventy-three. he schwa fal in sentences a) § In sentences we often say small words like and, are, a, of, to, the with a schwa /a/. Listen to the first sentence again and notice the schwas. Are they stressed? Come and /an/ look at /at/ these photos o//sv/ my family. b) Look at R2.9, pl49. Listen and notice the stressed words and the schwas. Get ready ... Get it right! a) Write your name and the names of five people in your family on a piece of paper. Think what you can say about these people (age, job, married, etc.). Don't write this information. b) Choose a partner, but don't talk to him/her. Swap papers. Make questions to ask about your partner's family. W/70's (Johann) ? Is he married? Has he got any children ? a) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask questions about his/her family. Make notes on your partner's answers. b) Tell another student about your partner's family. Time and money r QUICK REVIEW • • • Work in pairs. Write all the family words you know. Which words are for men/boys, women/girls, or both? What's the time? Put these words in order. Then check in * pl24. a minute a year a day a week an hour a second 7 a month a) Work in pairs. Look at photos A-F. What are these things, do you think? a cooker a laptop a radio a mobile (phone) a TV a digital camera I think E is a mobile. (~Me t0°Q I don't. I th a digital camera ink it's mera. b) Match the times to photos A-F. five o'clock A eight fifteen nine twenty two thirty ten forty three forty-five c) We can say times in a different way. Match these times to photos B-F. • • • quarter to four twenty past nine half past two quarter past eight twenty to eleven Real World talking about times and prices; buying tickets Vocabulary time words [minute,year, etc.); How much...? Review numbers Write the times. Then check in jjJJJJJ pl25 1 five past____________ 2 twenty-five to 3 ten -five twelve FiEETO Listen and match conversations 1-3 to three of ' the photos A-F in 2a). Real World £_^ a) Fill in the gaps in the questions and answers, (what time ) (it's five o'z._..._._.......^) (what's the3________________pleaseT) (it's about half4............_, two) Excuse me. Have ._ the time you "^j (Ves, it's eight fifteen?) i, please? J b) Fill in the gaps with to, from or at. 1 My English class is............... ten. 2 My son's class nine thirty. c) Check in lilVWM p!25. a) l&Wki Q Listen and practise the questions and answers in 5a). Copy the polite intonation. b) Write six times. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 5a). Write your partner's times. Are they correct? 2C Real World An evening out a) Look at adverts A-C. Which is for: 1 a cinema? 2 a concert? 3 an exhibition? b) liMEM Listen and write the missing times 1-5 on the adverts. a) Work in pairs. How do we say these prices? £20 £7.50 40p £29.99 €9 €6.50 $35 50c b) Listen and check. Listen again and practise. The Lewishnm Giltery Molesworth St, Lewisham SE13 Modern Art in Europe April 2nd-May 25th Opening times: 10-00-i..........Mon-Fri 10-00-2-.........Sat & Sun ■»£.......... (Students/Children »£__.. ) Ticket office: 020 8960 2424 c) Listen and write the ticket prices a)-f) on the adverts. a) Kate is at the cinema. Match the ticket sellers part y of the conversation a)-d) to Kate's sentences 1-4. Mary Colgan at the Camden Apollo Thursday 4th/Friday 5th April at3.......... p.m. Tickets c'£..........and d)£..........(plus booking fee) From the box office or by credit card on 0870 636 3200 or book online at © > The Ritz Catford, London SE6 Films for all the family April 5th-11th Sons and Daughters (12) 3.25, 4.........., 8.50 Good Times, Bad Times (15) s..........,5.10, 8.30 Tickets: e>£..........adults, f>£.......... For more information phone 0870 505 2000 KATE 1 Two tickets for Sons and Daughters, please. 2 Yes, please. How much is that? 3 Here you are. What time is the film? 4 Right. Thanks a lot. TICKET SELLER a) £13, please. b) You're welcome. Enjoy the film. c) Two adults? d) Ten to nine. b) yjfjl? Listen and check. c) Practise the conversation in pairs. children. ieal wor sking about prices O jj a) Write is or are in the gaps. 1 How much............... that? 2 How much...............the tickets? 3 How much...............the concert? 4 How much...............these books? b) Check in RW2.3 pl25. Work in pairs. Student A pl05. Student B -> pi 13. Follow the instructions. 2D 2D Where's the baby? QUICK REVIEW ••• Write four times and four prices. Work in pairs. Say them to your partner. He/She writes them down. Are they correct? Vocabulary things in a house; prepositions of place; Whose... ? Review possessive's; possessive adjectives; personal possessions Work in pairs. Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in l^^l pl24. a table a chair a desk a sofa a carpet a door a window the floor a plant a coffee table Help with Vocabulary Q Match the prepositions to pictures 1-6 Then check in d| pl24. epositions of place in on by under behind in front of Look at the picture. Work in pairs. Where are these things? Lisa's DVDs Tom's suitcase Tom's keys Tom's mobile phone the DVD player Lisa's coat Emma's new shoes the cat Emma's bag Emma's books Tom's passport Emma's personal stereo Lisa's DVDs are on the floor, by the TV. D Work in pairs. Cover the box in 3. Point to the picture and ask questions with Whose... ? ((whose mobile phone is it? ) ( It's Tornas/) (whose shoes are they? j (They're Emma^) a) Listen and tick the things in the box in 3 that the family talk about. b) Listen again. Three things are in the wrong place in the picture. What are they? C) Where's the baby?! fiEiFEl Look at R2.16, pl49. Listen again and underline all the prepositions of place. Look at the picture for two minutes. Cover the picture. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask where things are in the living room. (Where's Emma's personal stereo?) ( It's on the coffee table^) (where are Lisa's DVDs?) (l can't rememberQ 2 Review Language Summary 2, p124 3 a) Write the adjectives. KfcSH 1 ewn new...... 2 epahc c............... 3 lamls s............... 4 swol s............... 5 teubaulfi b............... 6 ysea e............... 7 uogny y............... 8 dogo g............... b) Work in pairs. What are the opposites of the adjectives? 1 new old a) Write four sentences with the adjectives in 1a) and have got. Hm My sister's got a new car. I've got a very old laptop. b) Work in groups. Compare your sentences. a) Fill in the gaps with Have or Has. J[<$$fe 1 .M$ve.. you got a bike? 2 ...............your mother got a car? 3 ............... you got a mobile phone with you? 4 _______________your parents got a DVD player? 5 .............._ you got a laptop? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences. |£££J 1 Your mother's son is ... ...your brother. 2 Your mother's daughter is ... 3 Your son's children are ... 4 Your mother's brother is ... 5 Your sister's grandfather is ... 6 Your father's sister is ... 7 Your father's parents are ... 8 Your mother's brother's daughter is ... Look at these sentences. Does's mean is, has or possessive? 1 John's got a camera, 's = has 2 He's got a computer. 3 Mark's unemployed. 4 This is Jo's baby. 5 She's from Moscow. 6 That's Kim's husband. a) Put these times in order. RW2.1 five to ten ten past ten twenty to ten 7 quarter past ten quarter to ten ten to ten twenty-five past ten half past ten b) Work in pairs. Say the times a different way. twenty to ten -» nine forty a) Write three true sentences and three false sentences about the picture on p20. Use in, on, by, under, behind and in front of. The books are in the bag. (true) The bag is by the TV. (false) b) Work in pairs. Close your book. Take turns to say the sentences to your partner. Are they true or false? Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can use adjectives with very to describe things. I can talk about personal possessions. I can talk about families. I can talk about times and prices. I can find important information in adverts for concerts, exhibitions, etc. I can say where things are in a room. b) What do you need to study again? Q2A-d 3 Daily life 3A A glamorous life? QUICK REVIEW • • • Work in pairs. Say where something is in the classroom: It's on the floor behind the desk.Your partner guesses what it is: Is it a bag? and you answer: Yes, it is./No, it isn't. Vocabulary Daily routines a) Tick the words/phrases you know. Then do the exercise in Language Summary 3 w7*u pl26. get up go to běd leave home get home have bre'akfast have lunch have dinner start work/classes finish work/classes work study sleep live TIP! • In these vocabulary boxes we only show the main stress in phrases. b) Match words/phrases from 1a) to these times of day. 1 in the morning get up 3 in the evening Vocabulary daily routines Grammar Present Simple (1): positive and Wh- questions (l/you/we/they) Review the time ehind the camera - an actor's life 2 in the afternoon 4 at night Reading and Grammar 1 get up 2 have breakfast a) Look at the photos of Sam Dane. What's his job? b) Guess the times that film actors do these things. 3 start work 4 have lunch C) Read the interview and check your answers. Read the interview again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1 A lot of the actors live at home. F A lot of the actors live in a hotel. 2 They get up late. 3 The actors have breakfast at the studio. 4 They have 45 minutes for breakfast. 5 After breakfast, they work for four hours before lunch. 6 They have an hour for lunch. Beautiful clothes, expensive restaurants, all-night parties, holidays in the Caribbean. This is the glamorous life of a film actor. Or is it? We talk to Sam Dane, star of Good Times, Bad Times, about his daily routine. Sam, tell us about your life as a film actor. Well, a typical film is about three months' work. We work very long days and a lot of the actors live in a hotel, not at home. Q What time do you get up? A I get up at five o'clock in the morning. The people from the studio phone us then. Help with Grammar youfwe/tticy) a) Find the verbs in these sentences. They are in the Present Simple. 1 I(get^p)at five o'clock. 2 You get up very early. 3 We start work at about 5.45. 4 They have an hour for lunch. b) Is the form of the Present Simple the same or different after I, you, we and they? c) Check in JgJJ p!27. EH9 Q Listen and practise the sentences in 4a). / get Spat five o'clock. 3A Vocabulary and Grammar Help with Grammar i'lTfVi'iirlif /VI f It V<.'rfl "ML IFi a) Look at the table. Notice the word order in questions. question word auxiliary subject infinitive Where do they have dinner? What time do you go to bed? b) Write questions 1-3 in the table. 1 When do you get back to the hotel? 2 What time do they finish work? 3 When do we start work? C) Check in pl27. Q You get up very early! A Yes and I'm not a morning person, so it's always difficult! We leave the hotel at 5.15 and I get to the studio at about 5.30. That's when I have my first coffee of the day. Then we start work at about 5.45. Q What about breakfast? A We have breakfast at the studio at about 7.30. But that's only for half an hour. Q And lunch? A We have lunch at twelve and we start work again at about one o'clock. a) Make questions with these words. 1 Where / live / you / do ? you / do / Where / work ? What time / get up / you / do ? start / When / do / you / work or classes ? do / What time / get / you / home ? dinner / do / When / you / have ? b) liKftg Q Listen and check. Then listen again and practise. Where do you /d^sl live? C) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 9a). Get ready ... Get it right! Write six sentences about your daily routine. Use words/phrases from 1a). / start classes at half past nine. a) Read about Sam's afternoon and evening routine. Which answers are correct, do you think? 1 Most days we finish at about 9/11 o'clock. 2 But some days I sleep for four hours /an hour or two in the afternoon. 3 We have dinner at the studio at 9.30/11.30 p.m. 4 I get back to the hotel at 10.30/12 o'clock. 5 Then I sleep for seven/six hours. b) Listen to the end of the interview and check your answers. C) Look at R3.2, pl50. Listen again and find all the questions. Write eight questions about people's routines in the week or at the weekend. Use words/phrases from 1a). What time do you go to bed in the week? When do you get up at the weekend? a) Ask other students your questions. For each question, find one student who does this at the same time as you. b) Tell the class two things that you and other students do at the same time. Q Petra and I both get up at seven o'clock/) 3B Evenings and weekends QUICK REVIEW • • • Write your daily routine and the times you do these things: get up - 8.30, have breakfast-9.00, etc. Work in pairs. Compare your daily routines. Are the times the same or different? Vocabulary Free time activities (1) a) Tick the phrases you know. Then do the exercise in ' 3 pl26. go out stay in eat out go for a drink go to the cinema go to concerts go shopping phone friends/my family visit friends/my family have coffee with friends do sport watch TV b) Work in pairs. What are your five favourite things to do on Saturdays? Vocabulary free time activities (1); time phrases with on, in, at, every Grammar Present Simple (2): negative andyes/no questions (I/you/we/they) Help with Listening questions with doyou... ? Review Present Simple: positive Listening and Grammar Look at the photo of Tanya and Robert. Where are they? Are they good friends, do you think? I O uestions with do you... ? elp with Listening a) Listen to Robert's questions. Fill in the gaps. 1 Do you __ge_. for a ..drink, after work? 2 What do the..............? 3 Do you______________out? 4 And what do you the..............? 5 Do ? b) Listen again. Notice how we say do you /d3s/ in questions. a) EE] Listen to the conversation. Tick the true sentences. 1 Robert and Tanya work in the same office. 2 Tanya stays in a lot in the week. 3 She goes out on Saturday evenings. 4 Robert and Tanya want to go to a concert together. 5 They're both single. b) Listen again. Choose Tanya's answers toTfobertT questions in 3a). b) C^o, I don^ b) I don't go out very much, b) No, I don't. b) I have coffee with friends, b) No, I don't. 1 a) Yes, I do. 2 a) I visit friends. 3 a) Yes, 1 do. 4 a) I go shopping. 5 a) Yes, I do. Present Simpler negative {t I you/wef they) Help with Grammar ^} a) Look at the table. Notice the word order. subject auxiliary infinitive 1 don't (= do not) go out in the week. b) Write sentences 1 and 2 in the table. 1 We don't stay in at the weekend. 2 They don't watch TV in the day. C) Check in p!27. 3B Vocabulary and Grammar a) Tick the sentences that are true for you. Make the other sentences negative. 1 I phone my family every day. / don't phone my family every day. 2 I go shopping on Saturdays. 3 I watch TV every evening. 4 I eat out with my friends a lot. 5 I live near this school. 6 I have lunch at 12.00 every day. 7 1 work at the weekends. b) Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. go shopping on Saturdays.^ (Me too./l doďt) b) flffiifrf fjP Listen and check. Then lislen again and practise. Do you go out in the we'ek? c) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask A's questions in 8a). Answer for you. Vocabulary Time phrases a) Write these words and phrases in the correct circle. Some words/phrases can go in more than one circle. Then check ~~J pl26. (kfon't watch TV every evening.} (Me neither./Oh, I do) Help with Grammar a) Look at the table. Notice the word order. Present Simple: d short answers (1/you/wvl they) YES/NO questions short answers auxiliary subject infinitive Do you eat out a lot? Yes, 1 do. No, 1 don't. Yes, we do. No, we don't. Yes, they do. No, they don't. b) Write questions 1 and 2 in the table. 1 Do you go to concerts? 2 Do they watch TV a lot? c) Check in pl27. a) Fill in the gaps with do, don't or an infinitive from the box. I---^-—-~~ "I go (x 3) have stay visit watch do L_,____I 1 a in the week? b Yes, sometimes. We.........._ friends. 2 a ........__„ you......... ... coffee with friends at the weekends? b Yes, sometimes. 3 the cinema every week? b Yes, I............... 4 a ..............your friends..............out a lot? b No, they............... They.............. in and..............TV! 5 a at the weekends? b No, we______________. J in Saktrday the metTrrrrg ni«e-e:eroTK AveeK Thursday the afternoon day the evening month half past three night the week Mondays Monday mornings the weekend Sunday afternoon morning b) Work in pairs. Test your partner. (die weekend ) ( at the weekendj Get ready ... Get it right! ^) Work in three groups. Group A pl06. Group B pll4. Group C S pl20. Follow the instructions. 3C Special days • • • QUICK REVIEW Write four ways to end this sentence: On a perfect day I... (get up in the afternoon/don't go to work). Work in pairs. Compare your days. Real World phrases for special days; suggestions Vocabulary months and dates Help with Listening dates Review be; Present Simple 31«n Congratulations! a) Match cards A-E to special days 1-5. 1 a wedding 2 a New Year's Eve party 3 a birthday 4 a wedding anniversary 5 the birth of a new baby b) *;itM Listen to five conversations. Which special day is each conversation about? When's your birthday? a) Put the months in the correct order. July March December January 1 April October August June February November May September b) Listen and check. Then listen again and practise. a) Match the dates with the words. Notice the two letters at the end of each number and word. Then check in pl26. Match these phrases to the special days in 1a). Happy birthday! Happy New Ye'ar! Congratulations! Happy anniversary! a) liKK'I Q Listen and practise the phrases in 2. b) Listen and answer with the correct phrase. 2nd J* I* -th second fourth first fifth third l3 20 2 2 23 31s \ twenty-second thirteenth thirtyTirst twentieth twenty-third b) Listen and practise the dates in 5a). Help with Listening ©3) Listen and fill in the gaps. 1 A What's the date today? 2 A What's the date tomorrow? 3 A When's your birthday? b) Listen again. Notice how we say the /da/ and of /av/. B It's the fifth of.............. . B It's..............the sixth. B It's on the twentieth of 3C Real World Listen. Which date do you hear? 4 July 22nd/July 2nd 5 October 12th/October 20th 6 February 1st/February 3rd ^<^eptember^^September 15th 2 December 3(fh/December 13th 3 March 4th/March 14th b) Listen and practise the dates in 7a). a) Write four dates that are important to you. b) Work in pairs. Say all your dates to your partner. Write your partner's dates. Then ask why they are important. (^Why is May 20th important? ) Q Because it's my birthday.^ ^ What shall we get him? i a) f?EW13 Listen to Tanya and her husband, Simon, talk about their friend Tom's birthday. What do they decide to buy? b) Listen again and fill in the gaps. tanya What's the date today? simon The 1............... Why? tanya It's Tom's 2______________tomorrow. What shall we get him? simon Let's get him a 3............... tanya I'm not sure. simon OK. I know! He's got a new 4..............player. Let's buy him a 5..... tanya That's a 6..............idea. What about a Star Trek DVD? simon Yes, or the Simpsons. tanya Oh yes. Let's give him the new Simpsons DVD. Then we can 7... ... it first! a) Look at the conversation - in 9b). Then fill in the gaps in the table. asking for suggestions What we get him? buy him? give her? making suggestions get him a book, buy him a DVD. give her a CD. about a DVD? responding to suggestions / That's a good............ // I'm not ............ X No, I don't think so. b) Check in RW3.2 pl27. ffl a) (jjjgg Q Listen and practise. What shall we get him for his birthday? Let's get him a bo'ok. b) Work in pairs. Practise the conversation in 9b) until you remember it. Use today's date. C) Close your book. Practise the conversation again. a) Work in groups of four. Make a list of typical birthday presents. b) Choose one birthday present from your list for each student in another group. Draw the presents on four pieces of paper. C) Work with the other group. Take turns to give your presents and say thank you. Happy birthday, Maria. This is for you. Oh, thank you. It's great/lovely. 2 3D Early bird or night owl? QUICK REVIEW ••• Your class wants to go out tonight. Work in groups of four. Ask for and make suggestions. Then decide what to do and where to go.Tell the class your group's plan. Which plan is the best? ^ Put these frequency adverbs on the line. Check in pl26. uardiy-ever never always sometimes often usually hardly ever 100% 0% a) Read the questionnaire. Tick your answers. b) Look at pi58. What's your score? Are you an early bird or a night owl? C) Work in groups. Compare scores. How many of your answers are the same? Vocabulary frequency adverbs Grammar subject and object pronouns Review Present Simple; routines U oln \/\/ith \/npahi ilarx; Word order of frequency adverbs a) Find the frequency adverbs {often, etc.) in the questionnaire. b) Choose the correct words in the rules. • Frequency adverbs go before/after the verb be. • Frequency adverbs go before/after other verbs. C) Check in p!26. a) Put a frequency adverb in these sentences and make them true for you. 1 I get up at eight in the morning. / never get up at eight in the morning. 2 I have breakfast before 9 a.m. 3 I'm tired on Friday evenings. 4 I study English in the evening. 5 I'm happy on Monday mornings. 6 I'm late for class. b) Work in pairs. Compare sentences. How many are the same? Do the questionnaire to find out! 1 When I get up in the morning ... a) I'm always happy and I have a lot of energy. b) I'm sometimes happy, but I don't have a lot of energy. c) I'm not very happy and I never have a lot of energy. At the weekend... a) I sometimes get up before 9 a.m. b) I always get up before 9 a.m. c) I hardly ever get up before 9a.m. When there's a good film on TV late at night.. a) I always watch it to the end. b) 0 I usually record it and go to bed. I often watch the beginning but I never see the end, 4 6When a friend phones me before 8 a.m.... a) I'm always happy to talk to him/her. b) I'm sometimes happy to talk to him/her. c) I never answer the phone. When I go to a party... a) I always stay to the end. b) I sometimes stay to the end. c) I never stay to the end. When I see friends at the weekend ... a) I usually see them in the afternoon. b) I sometimes have coffee with them in the morning. c) I hardly ever see them before 9 p.m. Help with Grammar a) Look at the words in bold in these sentences. Which are the subject pronouns? Which are the object pronouns? / often phone her at 7 7 p.m. We usually see him in the week. b) Fill in the table with these object pronouns. D*r you her us them him it subject pronouns object pronouns 1 me you he she it we they C) Check in pl27. Find the object pronouns in the questionnaire. What do they refer to? When there's a good film on TV... I always watch it to the end. a) QUB Listen to Tanya do the questionnaire. Write T by her answers. b) Check your answers in pairs. What's Tanya's score? What kind of person is she? 3 Review a) Write questions with you for the words in bold. V3.1 I 63.2 I live in London. Where do you live? I get up at 7.00. I work in a school. I start work at 9.00. I have lunch at 1.30. I finish work at 4.45. I have dinner at home. I go to bed at 11.30. b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Match a verb in A to a word/phrase in B. A B eat your family have \ TV watch \ shopping g° out g° coffee with friends visit to the cinema stay sport do in a) Fill in the gaps with in, Language Summary 3, p126 a) Put the dates in order. t%f?l Jan 1st 7 Nov 30th Sept 10th Dec 25th June 19th Apr 7th Aug 22nd July 13th Oct 4th May 31st Mar 16th Feb 28th b) Work in pairs. Take turns to say the dates in 4a). Your partner says the next two dates. C) Ask seven people when their birthday is. Write the dates. a) Make sentences with these words, cm egg 1 Sundays / work / don't / I / usually / on / don't usually work on Sundays. 2 I / in / hardly ever / the afternoons / sleep 3 on / I / Friday / at home / sometimes /'m / evenings 4 don't often / go / friends / the week / out / My / in 5 always / My / birthday / remember / friends / my b) Which of these sentences are true for you? Compare with a partner. on or at. l'flftl 1 in.....the week 2..............the weekend 3 ..............Friday evenings 4 ______________Saturdays 5 ..............night 6...........Sunday afternoons 7 ..............the morning 8.............. two o'clock b) Write three true sentences and three false sentences about your free time. Use phrases from 2 and 3a) or your own ideas. ^ffifftp I go out at the weekend. I don't work on Saturdays. C) Work in pairs. Swap sentences. Guess your partner's false sentences. Progress Portfolio n a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can describe my daily routine. I can talk about my free time activities and say when I do them. I can ask people about their routines and free time. I can say how often I do things. I can use phrases for special days. I can say months and dates. I can ask for, make and respond to suggestions. b) What do you need to study again? O 3A-D 4 Time off 4A Away from home r QUICK REVIEW ••• Write sentences about things you: never, sometimes, always, often do on Sundays. Compare sentences in pairs. Are any of your sentences the same? Vocabulary free time activities (2) Grammar Present Simple (3): positive and negative (he/she/it) Help with Listening linking (1) Review Present Simple (//you/we/ they); frequency adverbs ^tk lots of la/. Vocabulary Free time activities (2) a) Tick the phrases you know. Then do die exercise in Language Summary 4 (JD pl28. read books/magazines watch DVDs/videos play tennis take photos go skiing go swimming go running go dancing listen to music listen to the radio watch sport on TV b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the free time activities. Listening and Grammar a) Look at the photo. Where is Paul? Who are Alison and Erin, do you think? b) Listen to Alison talk about Paul to her friend, Vicky. Choose the correct answers. 1 Paul is in the Arctic /(Antarctica)/Canada. 2 He's a doctor/an engineer la pilot. 3 People at the weather station work five/six/seven days a week. 4 They have two/three/four months off a year. a) Work in pairs. What does Paul do in his free time, do you think? Choose four activities from 1a). b) litfrl Listen and check. Are your guesses correct? Help with Listenin Do you watch } No, never, sport on TV? rj (^NoTneve^^ Yes, every weekend. a) GQ9 Look at R4.2, pl50. Listen again and follow Alisons part of the conversation. Notice the linking between consonant (h, c, d, /, etc.) sounds and vowel (a, e, i, o, u) sounds. The peopleat the weather station all work six days a week. b) Work in pairs. Find four examples of consonant-vowel linking in Vicky's part of the conversation. 4A Vocabulary and Grammar Help with Grammar Present Simple: e {he/she/it) a) Look at these sentences. Then complete the rules. Paul works in Antarctica. He watches a lot of sport on TV. He doesn't like the job very much. She doesn't talk to him very often. • In positive sentences with he/she/it we the infinitive. • In negative sentences with he/she/it we use...............+ infinitive. TIP! • have is irregular: he/she/ithas ... b) When do we use doesn't in negative sentences? When do we use don't? C) Check in pl30. a) Check the spelling rules in pl30. What are the he /she /it forms of these verbs? play watch get go write phone finish - have study live do start b) f:CKI Q Listen and practise the he/she/it forms of the verbs in 6a). Which verbs have the sound /iz/ at the end? Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Alison, Paul and Erin *..Jiy§___ (live) in Toronto, Canada. Alison 2_________......(work) at the airport and she always 3„.............(meet) Paul when he 4...............(get) home from Antarctica. Erin is always very happy when her father 5...............(come) home. He 6............... (buy) her a lot of presents and they 7............... (go) to the cinema or 8...............(play) tennis in the evenings. When her husband is away Alison 9...............(watch) TV all the time, but she 10_________......(not watch) it when he's at home. Alison 11............... (not have) a lot of holiday, but they usually 12......_....... (go) to a hot country for two weeks before Paul 13............... (go) back to Antarctica. JJ Q Listen and practise the consonant-vowel linking. • • • livejn -> They Ttyejn Toronto. Get ready ... Get it right! a) Choose a partner, but don't talk to him/her. Look at the sentences in the box. Guess what your partner does/doesn't do. Complete the sentences. How active is your partner?, (play) He/She plays/doesn't play tennis. work/school every day. (walk) _____.............________.............__. a lot of sport, (do) ..................._......a lot of sport on TV. (watch) .......___________.........___..........running, (go) _.__............._....................____ a lot of DVDs or videos, (watch) ................................._________dancing at the weekend, (go) swimming, (go) ...........................early at the weekend, (get up) ................out with friends a lot. (go) b) Make questions with you for each sentence in the box. Do you play tennis? ^ff) a) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. How many of your guesses are correct? (Yes. I do) (Do you play tennis? } (\es, sometimes/) ->- — < (No, I don^t) b) Is your partner very active, quite active or not very active? c) Tell another student about your partner. 4B First Date! QUICK REVIEW • • • Write ten free time activities. Work in pairs. Tell your partner when you do the things on your list: I play tennizon Fridays. I watch sport on TV at the weekend. Vocabulary Things you like and don't like Tick the words/phrases you know. Then do the exercise in ITO pl28. reading football travelling cats shopping for clothes computer games animals dancing cooking dance music rock music jazz Italian food « # Chinese food fast food Put these phrases in order 1-7. Check in jjjj pl28. I love ... 7 I hate ... 7 I like ... ... is/are OK. I don't like ... I really like ... I quite like ... Vocabulary things you like and don't like; verb+Zng Grammar Present Simple (4): questions and short answers (he/she/it) Review free time activities Help with Voca a) With the phrases in 2 we can use verb+ing or a noun. Look at these sentences. / love reading, (verb+ing) I like books, (noun) b) Find all the verb+ing words in 1. Work in pairs. Talk about the things in 1 and your own ideas. Do you like the same things? (jjeaUy like computer games/) (jMe too./I don't. I hate themlj) (Doyou like dance music?J (Yes, I love it./lt's OK./No, not realty.) Reading and Grammar fÜHl Read and listen to the TV game show, First Date!. Find four things Mark likes and one thing he doesn't like. a) Match Mark's questions 1 What does she do in her free time? 2 Does she watch TV a lot? 3 Does she like films? 4 What music does she like? 5 Does she like animals? 6 And what does she do? about Kim to the presenter's answers. a) Yes, she does. She's got two dogs. b) Yes, she goes to the cinema every Saturday evening. c) She loves dance music, but she doesn't like rock. d) She plays tennis and she eats out a lot. She loves Italian food. e) No, she doesn't. She hates watching TV! f) She's a vet. b) Listen and check. 4B Vocabulary and Grammar I Help with Grammar n'itTh'it-fiiitiii'ii Present Simple: answers {he/she/it) Get ready ... Get it right! a) Look at 6a). Then fill in the gaps with does or doesn't. QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS 1...............she like animals? Yes, she................ 2 ...............she watch TV a lot? No, she..........._.. . 3 What............... she do in her free time? b) Look at the table. Notice the word order in questions. Then write questions 3 and 4 from 6a) in the table. question word auxiliary subject ' infinitive What does she do in her free time? Does she watch TV a lot? C) When do we use does in questions? When do we use dol d) Check in l^M pl30. Then read J a) Write questions with she. 1 What/do? What does she do? 2 I like rock music? 3 What food / like? 4 / like sport? 5 / have any animals? 6 What / do on Saturday evenings? b) ii'l'Phi Q Listen and check. Then listen again and practise What does she do? C) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 8a) about Kim. Find her answers in 6a). a) Work in pairs. Student A, read about Jo on pl04. Student B, read about Susie on pll2. Find the answers to the questions in 8a). b) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 8a) about Jo or Susie. c) Tell your partner three more things about Jo or Susie. ^) a) Work in groups. Which woman do you want to choose for Mark's first date - Kim, Jo or Susie? Why? b) Tell the class which woman your group wants for Mark's first date and why. The class must agree on one person! C) Read about Mark's date with the woman the class chose. (Kim -» pl09, Jo -» p!17, Susie -» pl20). Answer these questions. 1 Does Mark like her? Why?/Why not? 2 Does she like Mark? Why?/Why not? 3 Do they want to see each other again? a) Work in pairs, but don't talk to your partner. Choose a friend to introduce to your partner. Tick the things in the box that your friend does or likes. I've got a friend for you! My friend's name:.................................. □ watches TV a lot □ likes travelling/'cooking/'dancing □ plays tennis/football □ likes shopping for clothes □ goes to the cinema a lot D likes cats/dogs/animals D reads a lot of books D likes rock music/dance music/jazz □ eats out a lot Q likes Chinese/Italian/fast food © b) Choose eight things you do or like from the box. Make questions with he/she. Does he/she watch TV a lot? Does he/she like Italian food? a) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer questions about your friends. First, ask about the friend's name, age, job and where he/she lives. Then ask your questions from 11b). b) Do you and your partner's friend do or like the same things? Tell another student. (^We both eat out a lot) ( He likes rock music, but I donl~) 4C Eating out QUICK REVIEW • • • Write the names of three people in your family Work in pairs. Ask questions about the people on your partner's list: What does Lucia do in her free time? Let's go to the Jazz Café Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 When do you usually eat out? 2 What's your favourite restaurant? 3 Is it cheap or expensive? 4 What do you usually eat there? I Listen to the answerphone message. Choose the correct information ;ÍC& FfiOlli Heny/(jack)/John TI Úl E 4/6(8 o'clock Real World requests and offers with Can l/we have...?, I'd/We'd like..., Would you like...? Vocabulary food and drink (1) Help with Listening questions with Would you like...? Review How much...?; prices; Present Simple E: \ I'm at/Meet me at the airport. 2 See you in about two/three hours. 3 We can eat at home/eat out. Q E3 Emma phones Jack. Listen. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Jack is at the airport. 2 Jack wants to go to the Chinese restaurant. 3 There's a new restaurant on Queen Street. 4 The Jazz Cafe is an expensive place to eat. 5 Emma doesn't want to go to the Jazz Cafe. a) Match photos 1-10 to food and drink on the menu. Check in jjjjjj pl29. 7 Chicken salad b) Work in pairs. Take turns to point to a photo and test your partner. (what's that?) A cheese and — I tomato sandwich. Help with Listening estions with Would you like... ? ^} a) Si^f'l Listen and fill in the gaps in questions 1 - 4 with these words. Work in pairs. Take turns to choose something to eat and drink from the menu. Ask your partner questions with How much ... ? 'How much is a tuna salad and ( Nine nds. a bottle of mineral water? J \_L__ anything drink order red 1 Would you like..........____or white? 2 Would you like..........____else? 3 Would you like to 4 What would you like to_______________? b) Listen again. Notice how we say would you Iwud^a/. Open from 12 noon to 11 p.m. Margherita Neapolitan Burger Ö chips Cheeseburger Ö chips Cheese Ö tomato Tuna mayonnaise 4C Real World pizzas NJKEB SftHDWICnCS SALADS Chicken Mixed Red/White wine Glass Bottle Bottle of beer Bottle of mineral water (still or sparkling) Coffee a) Read Jack and Emma's conversation with the waiter. Then fill in the gaps with questions 1-4 from 6a). waiter 1_________________.......___________............................................ ? emma Yes. I'd like a tuna salad, please. jack And can I have a cheeseburger and chips, please? waiter 2.....................................___________..................................______________ ? jack Can we have a bottle of wine? waiter 3....................____________................................................................. ? jack White, please. emma And we'd like a bottle of sparkling mineral water, please. waiter Yes, of course. _ jack Excuse me. waiter Yes, sir. 4........_______........______________......................___________________ ? jack No, thank you, but can we have the bill, please? waiter Certainly. b) Listen and check. What do Emma and Jack order? a) Look at these sentences. Then complete the rules with the phrases in bold. Would you like to order now? I'd/We'd like a bottle of water, please. Can l/we have the bill, please? • We use...............and________....... for requests (we want something). We use...............for offers (we want to give something or help someone). b) Check in pi30. c) Look at the conversation in 7a) again. Find three more requests. J a) (j Listen and notice the stress and polite intonation. Would you like to order now? b) yEaS Listen to these requests and offers. Which is polite, a) or b)? 1 © b) 3 a) b) 5 a) b) 2 a) b) 4 a) b) 6 a) b) C) >;EBE1 Q Listen and practise the polite sentences in 9b). Copy the stress and intonation. |P a) Work in groups of three. Practise the conversation in 7a) until you remember it. b) Close your book. Practise the conversation again. ^) a) Work in the same groups. Look at the menu. Write a conversation between a waiter and two customers. b) Swap conversations with another group. Correct any mistakes. C) Practise the new conversation. Then role-play it for the other group. 4G 4D Breakfast time QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. What is on the Jazz Cafe menu? Which pair has the most things? Check on p35. Tick the food and drink you know. Then do the exercise in KLfM pi29. biscuits milk an apple rice toast bread sausages fish eggs coffee soup cheese vegetables a banana orange juice tea jam meat fruit cereal Which of the things in 1 do you usually have for breakfast? Is this typical for your country? Compare answers in groups. a) What is a typical breakfast in Japan, Brazil, Spain and England, do you think? Work in pairs and make four lists. Use words from 1. b) Listen to two cooks at an international language school. Tick the food and drink on your lists that they talk about. C) Listen again. Complete your lists of the four breakfast menus. Vocabulary food and drink (2); countable and uncountable nouns Review Present Simple; likes and dislikes; frequency adverbs a) Look at the pictures in the table. Then choose the correct words. 1 We can /can't count biscuits and apples. 2 We can/can't count milk and rice. COUNTABtE NOUNS UNCOUNTABtE NOUNS 0 oeoo singular plural a biscuit biscuits milk rice an apple....... apples............. b) Write the words from 1 in the table. Write the singular and plural if possible. Help with Vocabulary a) Look at the table in 4a). Choose the correct words in these rules. COUNTABtE NOUNS • Countable nouns can /can't be plural. • We use/don't use a or an with singular countable nouns. • We use /don't use a or an with plural countable nouns. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS • Uncountable nouns are/aren't usually plural. • We use/don't use a or an with uncountable nouns. b) Check in pl29. a) Fill in the gaps with a, an or -. 1 I often have ,,-.......rice with my main meal. 2 My friends and I often go out for...............burger. 3 I always have...............toast and...............jam for breakfast. 4 My family hardly ever eats ...............soup. 5 We don't eat............... vegetables ever)' day. 6 I sometimes in my break. 7 I usually have...............cheese sandwich for lunch. b) Make the sentences in 6a) true for you. Change the underlined words if necessary. / often have chips with my main meal. C) Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. Work in groups. Tell the other students which food and drink you like /don't like. (|really like eggs.) (oh, I hate therrp (Hnáte cheese!) (Me,t0<^) (Move coffeeľj (oh, I hate it^ a) Imagine your perfect breakfast. Where are you? What time is it? Who are you with? What do you have for breakfast? b) Work in groups. Tell the other students about your perfect breakfast. a) Match the verbs to the words/phrases. running/dancing tennis/football photos books/magazines music/the radio DVDs/sport on TV b) Work in pairs. Tell your partner which things in 1a) you: always, sometimes, never do at the weekend. a) Add -s, -es or - to the verbs in these sentences. 1 My kids watch..-.. TV a lot. 2 Ed on Sundays. 3 My sister the USA. 4 Jo and Liz work________at home. 5 She go........ out a lot. 6 Tim's parents like........jazz. 7 Our class start........ at 6. b) Make the sentences negative. My kids don't watch TV a lot. a) Write sentences for you with these phrases. QO GZO 1 I love ... I love cats/reading. 2 I really like ... 3 I like ... 4 I quite like ... 5 ... is OK. 6 I don't like ... 7 I hate ... b) Work in groups. Compare sentences. Are any the same? a) Make questions about Mark from the TV programme First Date!. ftfH 1 What / do / does / he ? What does he do? 2 What / like / he / does / food ? 3 like / Does / shopping for clothes / he ? 4 What / he / at the weekend / does / do ? 5 like / does / What / he / musics 6 he / like / Does / animals ? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Don't look at p32. c) Check your answers on p32. a) Work in pairs. You have a restaurant. Choose a name for it and write the menu. J223 b) Work in groups. Compare menus. Which restaurant has got the best food, do you think? a) Find fifteen words for food and drink. 1333 A (B R E A D )0 V if] A C H E E S E A N A P P L E G U A S W C A M E S N 0 T O A S T A A U E F M R A G K p A F I M B E G G S E L E L U, R I C E K A E B I S C U I T S b) Work in pairs. Which words are countable (C)? Which are uncountable (U)? £23 bread (U) sausages (C) Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can talk about other people's routines and free time activities. I can say what I like and don't like. I can ask and answer questions about people I don't know. I can say and understand words for food and drink. I can order something to eat and drink in a restaurant. I can offer things to people. b) What do you need to study again? 04A-D 5 Homes and shops 5A My kind of place QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Write all the words for food and drink you know. Which pair has the most? Which words are countable/uncountable? Vocabulary Places in a town/the country a) Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in fc'fcfl pl31. Vocabulary places in a town/the country Grammar there is/there are Help with Listening sentence stress (2) Review adjectives a square a park a market a bus station a station a lake a beach the sea a river a museum an airport mountains a road a cafe a bar a shop a flat [US: an apartment] a house a hotel a bed and breakfast b) Which four things from 1a) are important to you where you live and where you go on holiday? Listening and Grammar Look at the photos. Which is a big city, a v_/ small town, a village, do you think? Which things from 1a) can you see in the photos? Help with Listening Sentence stress (2) a) Listen to these sentences from three conversations about the places in the photos. Notice the stressed words. 1 There's a beautiful lake near the town. 2 There's only one road. 3 There are lots of things to do in the evening. 4 Is there a hotel? 5 There are lots of mountains. 6 And there aren't any restaurants. 7 There's a nice beach. 8 Are there any che'ap places to stay? 9 There isn't a park near our flat. b) Are nouns, verbs, adjectives and negatives usually stressed or unstressed in sentences? e e Listen to three conversations A-C and match them to the photos. Which person talks about: 1 where he/she lives now? 2 where his/her family lives? 3 where he/she goes on holiday? a) Work in pairs. Look again at sentences 1-9 in 3a). Are they about Auckland, Keswick or Eyeries? (There are three sentences for each place.) b) Listen again and check your answers. a) Work in groups. Which place would you like to visit: Auckland, Keswick or Eyeries? Why? b) Compare answers with the class. Which place is the most popular? 5A Vocabulary and Grammar a) Look at the table. Complete questions 1-8 with Is there or Are there. places near my home me my partner 1............... a park? 2 ...............any shops? 3...............any good restaurants? 4...............a station? 5 ..........._.. any nice cafes? 6 ... a market? 7...............any nice hotels? 8............... a cinema or a theatre? Help with Gramma or arent there is/there are a) Fill in the gaps in iht tables with's, is, are, isn't singular positive There............ .. a beautiful lake. negative There............ .. a park near our flat. questions ............. there a hotel? short answers Yes, there _ .........../No, there................ plural positive There............. .. lots of things to do. negative There....._______ .. any restaurants. questions there any cheap places to stay? short answers Yes, there................/No, there TIP! • We use any in negatives and questions with there are. b) Check in pl33. b) Listen and practise the questions in 9a) and the short answers. Is there a park? Are there any shops? c) Think about places near your home. Put yes or no in the me column. d) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 9a). For each question, put yes or no in the my partner column. Give more information if possible. Do you live in similar places? (js there a park near your home?) ' Yes, there is. It's only j five minutes away. Get ready ... Get it right! a) Look at these sentences about Keswick. Fill in the gaps with's, are, isn't or aren't. 1 (/) There ...are... lots of good shops. 2 (X) There isn't a station. 3 (/) There...............a big theatre by the lake. 4 (X) There............ any five-star hotels. I Choose a favourite place (a town/city/village in your country or a holiday place you know). Tick/Cross the things in the box that are/aren't in this place. My favourite place is:................................._ nice parks interesting markets an airport a beach mountains a river beautiful squares a university good hotels interesting shops museums interesting streets a station a lake cheap/expensive restaurants nice cafes good places to go at night big hotels 5 (/) There...............three interesting museums. 6 (/) There________.....a nice old cinema. 7 (X) airport near the town. 8 (/) There...............two lovely parks. b) O Listen and practise the sentences in 8a). Notice how we say there's /5az/ and there are /deara/. a) Work in groups of three or four. Tell the other students about your favourite place. There isn't an airport. There are lots of nice cafes. b) Choose one of your group's places you would like to visit. Tell the class why you want to go there. 5B 5B Renting a flat QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Make three true sentences and three false sentences about places near your school. Use there is/are and there isn't/aren't. Compare sentences with another pair. Can you find the false sentences? r Vocabulary rooms and things in a house Grammar How much...?/ How many... ?; some, any, a Review there is/there are; have got /" r r' r' /* Vocabulary Rooms and things in a house Alex and his wife, Martina, want to find a flat. Read the advert and match the words in bold to A-E on the plan of the flat. Match these words with 1-18 on the plan of the flat. furniture 7 a double bed 70 a single bed a fridge a coffee table a bath a chair a shower a cooker a toilet a sink an armchair a desk a plant a sofa a washing machine a washbasin a table Grammar and Listening Look again at the plan of the flat and the advert. Answer these questions. You have two minutes! 1 Where is the flat? 2 How much is the rent every month? 3 How many bedrooms are there in the flat? 4 How much space is there in the flat? 5 How many chairs are there in the flat? 6 How much furniture is there in the living room? 7 How do you get more information about the flat? a) Which of these nouns are countable (C)? Which are uncountable (U)? table C bedroom furniture people money chair space time phone b) Look again at the questions in 3. Then complete the rules with How much ... ? or How many ...?. • We use...............with plural countable nouns. • We use...............with uncountable nouns. c) Check in pl33. 5B Vocabulary an a) Look at the questionnaire. Fill in the gaps with How much or How many. 1 Wowmarty people live in your home? 2....................rooms are there? 3 is there in your living room? 4 ............_.......TVs have you got? 5 ........................time do you spend watching TV every day? 6 .._....................phones are there? 7 ........................time do you spend on the phone every day? 8 are there in your living room? b) Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Are-any-of your partner's answers surprising? a) Read the advert again. Find two things you thj about the flat. b) Listen to Alex talk to an estate agent about Put the things they talk about in order. a) the furniture 7 c) the kitchen e) the rent b) the bathroom d) the bedrooms f) shops Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 There's some furniture in the flat. T 2 There isn't a TV in the flat. 3 The estate agent says both bedrooms are big. 4 Alex hasn't got any children. 5 The estate agent says there isn't a cooker. 6 There aren't any shops near the flat. 7 The rent is £700 a month. 8 Alex wants to see the flat. Help with Gramm a) Fill in the gaps in the table with some, any or a. singular countable nouns plural countable nouns uncountable nouns positive There's ....9.......... cooker. There are ..SP.H7.€. chairs. I'd like information. negative There isn't............... TV. We haven't got ............... children. 1 haven't got .S.ny...... money. questions Has it got............... shower? Are there shops? Is there.........._____ furniture? b) When do we use some and any? C) Check in fiEKl pl33. a) Alex and Martina now live in the flat. Read their phone conversation. Fill in the gaps with some, any or a. martina Hi. I'm at the supermarket. Have we got \.._any._. bread? alex Yes, we've got2...............bread, but we haven't got 3...............butter. martina OK. So we need 4...............butter. Is there 5...............milk? alex No, there isn't. And we need 6...............meat and 7...............eggs. martina Right. Have we got8...............fruit? alex We've got9...............big bag of oranges, but we haven't got 10...............apples. martina OK, I'll get11............... more fruit. And 12............... cheese. alex And can you get 13..._...........big bottle of water too? martina Yes, OK. See you later. Bye. b) liWvi Listen and check. Get ready ... Get it right! T) Work in two groups. Group A pl06. Group B ' pi 14. Follow the instructions. 5C At the shops r QUICK REVIEW ••• What's your favourite room in your home? Work in pairs. Tell your partner five things about your favourite room using There is/There are. Real World shop language Vocabulary shops; one and ones; things to buy Help with Listening in a shop Review Have you got... ?; Can I have... ?; this/that/these/those Shopping o Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you like shopping? Why?/Why not? 2 When do you usually go shopping? Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in pl31. a supermarket a bookshop a bank a dry cleaner's a chemist's [US: a pharmacy] a kiosk a newsagent's a butcher's a baker's a department store a greengrocer's a post office Look at Alex and Martina's shopping list. Where do people buy these things? You buy stamps at/in a post office. y**? •»•>.*» -~ >*, ,«t Shopping l',s-t stamps aspirin c.igare.-iie.s dic.-ijona.ry satcsaßes apples bananas pas-ia TV ne.u) sofa.! a) Listen to two conversations. Which shops are Martina and Alex in? b) Listen again and fill in the gaps. What do they buy? 1 martina Excuse me, how much is this 1 sofa ? shop assistant This one? Let me see. It's 2£ martina OK and what about that one? shop assistant That one is 3£ martina Thanks. I'll4 about it. 2 alex Can I have a kilo of5 , please? shop assistant Yes, of course. The 6 ones? alex Er, no, not those. The 7 ones. shop assistant OK. Anything else? alex Yes, I'd like some 8 , please. Help with Vocabular Look at these examples from the conversations in 4b). Then complete the rules with singular or plural. How much is this sofa? -> This one? A kilo of apples, please. -> The green ones? • We use one in place of a...............noun. • We use ones in place of a...............noun. a) Read these conversations. Which shops are Martina and Alex in? 1 martina Excuse me, how much are the TVs? shop assistant Well, this TV is £329. But the TVs over there are in the sale at £279. 2 alex shop assistant martina shop assistant Have you got any sausages? Yes, these Polish sausages are very nice. Excuse me, how much are these dictionaries? This dictionary is £12.95 and that dictionary is £14.95. b) Change the nouns in bold to one and ones. C) Ejjj Listen and check. At the newsagent's a) Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in EH pl32. stamps cigarettes a map phone cards batteries a film envelopes postcards tissues a magazine a lighter a bottle of water a newspaper chocolate b) Which of the things in 7a) are in the photo? c) Make a list of things you need. Then compare in groups. f^hieed some stamps and a phone card. ) ^ F'^E Alex and Martina are in a newsagents, listen. Which things in 7a) do they buy? Help with Listening D a) ran Listen again. Put what the shop assistant says in the correct order. a) That's £22.70, please. b) Yes, they're there. c) They're £10 and £20. d) Hello, can I help you? 7 e) Here's your change and your receipt. f) Sure. Here you are. Anything else? g) No, sorry, we haven't. h) Do you need any stamps? b) Look at R5.9, pl52. Listen again and check. Real World Shop language ^) a) Fill in the gaps with these words. Jiff Can much that any SAYING WHAT YOU WANT ...JUL... have these ones, please. Have you got...............big bottles of water? ...............I have four stamps for Europe, please? ASKING ABOUT PRICES How............... are the phone cards? How much is............... ? b) Check in pl33. a) ii'MMl Q Listen and practise the sentences in 10a). Copy the stress and intonation. b) Work in pairs. Look again at R5.9, pi52. Practise the conversation. Take turns to be the shop assistant and the customer. Work in pairs. Student A -» pl07. Student B -» pi 15. Follow the instructions. J 5D In fashion c Vocabulary clothes; plural nouns Review have got; some, any, a; colours QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Write three things you can buy in: a newsagent's, a greengrocer's, a department store, a supermarket. Which of these things do you buy every week? Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in pl32. trousers shorts jeans a dress shoes a suit a skirt a jumper trainers a jacket a hat a tie boots a shirt socks a T-shirt a top a coat a cap a) Write lists for you. 1 clothes/colours I usually wear 2 clothes /colours I sometimes wear 3 clothes/colours 1 never wear b) Work in groups. Tell other students about the clothes and colours you wear. (^usually wear a suit in the week. ) f^^hiever wear red. J (^sometimes wear boots.) Help with Vocabulary a) Some nouns look plural, but can mean one thing. Look at these examples. Your jeans are nice. (= 1 pair of jeans) Where are my shoes? (= 2 shoes) b) Which of these nouns can mean one thing? Which can be singular? jeans boots shoes socks shorts trousers trainers c) Choose the correct words. 1 These trousers /5/are very big. 2 Where 's/are my blue shirt? 3 I want to buy a/some new jeans. 4 There's a/some shoe under the bed. TIP! • We can use apairof... with both types of plural noun: I've got a new pair of shoes/jeans. d) Check in p!32. a) Fill in the gaps with some, any or a. 1 I haven't got...............white shirts. 2 I've jeans. 3 I haven't got...............suit. 4 I want to buy 5 1 pair of boots. 6 I haven't got...............shorts. 7 I've got.............. clothes that 1 never wear. b) Which sentences are true for you? Compare with a partner. Read the article. Match paragraphs 1-3 to the people in the photos. Do you live to shop or How important are clothes to you? We talk to three people from different countries to see what they think about clothes, shopping - and, of course, shoes! Dl don't buy clothes very often and I don't think what people wear is very important. When I go shopping, I buy the clothes I need and that's all. I usually wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some trainers, and a jumper or a jacket when it's cold. And I hate buying shoes - I've only got three pairs! r i Oh, I love clothes! I buy U fashion magazines every week and watch programmes about clothes on TV. And I really love shoes - I've got more than fifty pairs at home! My friends and I talk about clothes a lot and we go shopping every Saturday afternoon. What do I want to buy today? Some new shoes, of course! Read the article again. Match 1-6 to Yolanda, Michael or Libby. 1 goes shopping every weekend 2 buys clothes to look good at work 3 likes reading about clothes 4 doesn't spend very much on clothes 5 doesn't have many pairs of shoes 6 loves buying shoes Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you like shopping for clothes? Why?/Why not? 2 Which person from the article is similar to you? Why? 3 What's your favourite clothes shop? What do you usually buy there? hop to live? 5 Review Language Summary 5, p131 13^ f*i I like looking good and I !■ spend a lot of money on clothes every year, especially shirts and ties. I'm a lawyer so what I wear at work is important. I go shopping every month, and today I want to get some new trousers and a suit. Yes, what I wear is really important to me - and to my girlfriend! a) Write the words for places. CO 1 feac cafe________ 2 terkam m............... 3 nattios s............... 4 partrio a............... 5 virre r............... 6 sumume m............... 7 oelth h.............. 8 timoaunns m............... b) Where is the stress on the words in 1a)? *£' cafe Tick the true sentences. Make the other sentences true, ftwfc 1 There's a park near here. There isn't a park near here. 2 There's a TV in our classroom. 3 There are ten students in our class. 4 There's a cafe near here. 5 There aren't any men in our class. 6 There isn't a station near here. a) Which word is the odd one out? Why? 1 table chair (Balcony) 2 cooker bed fridge 3 bathroom kitchen shower 4 sink desk washbasin 5 bath toilet living room 6 flat apartment bedroom 7 washing machine sofa armchair b) Work in pairs. Compare your answers. a) Draw a plan of your home. Then draw the furniture in each room. b) Work in pairs. Take turns to describe your home to your partner, fffijg] This is my living room. There's a sofa and some chairs, but there aren't any ... a) Write questions with you about your daily routine. Start each question with How much or How many. 1 / meals / have? How many meals do you have? 2 / coffee / drink? 3 / hours / spend travelling? 4 /TV/watch? 5 / time / spend on a computer? 6 / emails / write? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. a) Write a list of six things you buy in six different shops, II?£1K1 b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner where you buy the things on your list. Where do you buy sausages? J In a butchery ^ Find the clothes. <6 89 S3 (A O « a, 3 to 4* Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can describe my town and other places I know. I can describe my home and the things in it. I can ask about other people's towns and homes. I can buy things in a shop. I can talk about the clothes I wear. b) What do you need to study again? ©5A-D 6 Good times, bad times 6A Three generations QUICK REVIEW ••• Write all the clothes you know. Work in pairs and compare lists. Then tell your partner about your favourite clothes: I've got a beautiful blue shirt... Vocabulary Adjectives (2) Work in pairs. Look at Helen, Margaret and Rebecca in photo A. Discuss these questions. 1 What's their relationship? 2 How old are they, do you think? 3 Whose thirteenth birthday parties are photos A and B? a) Match the adjectives to their opposites. Then do the exercise in Language Summary 6 | jj pl34. happy interesting poor \^ tall hot "* unhappy friendly dirty noisy ill short cold boring empty well rich clean stupid intelligent quiet crowded unfriendly b) Work in pairs. Use the adjectives to talk about photos A and B. (Margaret looks friendly. ) (This party looks noisy?) Vocabulary adjectives (2); years Grammar Past Simple (1):£e Help with Listening was and were Review clothes Listening, Reading and Grammar a) lilill Listen and read. Who is talking? I live in Perth, Australia, with my parents and my three brothers. Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday and about forty friends were here. There was a lot of food and drink - burgers, chicken, Coke and orange juice. It was a great party, and my Mum and I were really happy because my grandmother's here from England. There were only two things wrong. My grandfather wasn't here for my party and my other two brothers are in the USA, so they weren't here either. b) Read about the party again. Underline these P'ace things in the text. drink number of people food people not at the party Help with Grammar was /wereJ wasn 'tl weren't a) Look at the text in 3a) again. Find all the examples of v ^ was, wasn't, were and weren't. b) Fill in the gaps with was, wasn't, were and weren't. POSITIVE NEGATIVE I ...was.... I (= was not) you/we /they you /we /they (= were not) he/she/it...... c) Check in he/she/it p!35. 6A Vocabulary and Grammar Read about Helen's thirteenth birthday party. Choose the correct words. HEtEN I ^was/were born in England in a village near Liverpool. 12was/were thirteen in 1975 and I remember my party very well. Our house3 wasn't/weren't very big, so my party 4was/were in the village hall. It5 wasn't/weren't a very nice place and there6'wasn't/weren't much to eat. Only about twenty people 7was/were there - and there 8wasn't/weren't any boys. So the party9 was/were a bit boring. --js— a) | Listen to Rebecca and her grandmother. Was Margaret's thirteenth birthday party good? Why?/Why not? b) Listen again and answer the questions. 1 When was Margaret's thirteenth birthday? 2 Where was the party? 3 Was the weather good? 4 What food was there? 5 Were her friends at her party? 6 How many people were at her party? Help with Listening a) l;f;%l Listen and notice the strong and weak forms of was and were. strong form weak form was /wdz/ /waz/ were /W3l/ Ava/ / was /waz/ in London. There were /wa/ parties in every street. Was /waz/ it good? Yes, it was /wnz/. Were /wa/ they big parties? Yes, they were /w3:/. b) Complete the rules with strong or weak. • In statements and questions was and were are usually................ In short answers was and were are Help with Grammar wers with was l were a) Look at the word order of questions with ^—y was/were. Then write questions 2 and 3 from 6b) in the table. question word was/were subject When was Margaret's 13th birthday? Were her friends there? b) Fill in the gaps in these short answers with was, were, wasn't or weren't. 1 Yes, I/he/she/it................ No, I/he/she/it............... . 2 Yes, you/we/they................ No, you/we/they................ C) Check in pl35. _,_S Q Listen and practise. / was /waz/ in London. ^^J) a) Work in pairs. How do we say these years? 1953 1970 1895 1900 2000 2005 b) Check in ffEEi pl34. C) Write the names of five people in your family. Then work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner when and where the people were born. (^When/Where was Ana born? J In 1978/Rome. a) Make questions with you. 1 / at work yesterday? Were you at work yesterday? 2 Where / last night? 3 / at home yesterday afternoon? 4 Where / on your last birthday? 5 / in this class last month? 6 Where / last New Year's Eve? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Give more information if possible. Get ready ... Get it right! Work in pairs. Student A pill. Student B-> pi 19. Follow the instructions. 6B People who changed the world r Vocabulary life events Grammar Past Simple (2) regular and irregular verbs: positive and W/j- questions Review was/were; dates; years QUICK REVIEW ••• Write six times of the day. Work in pairs. Ask your partner where he/she was at these times yesterday: Where ^wereyou at six in the evening? Vocabulary Life events ^ Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps in the phrases with these verbs. Check in JFflEI pl34. siarf get meet finish 1 ...start.... school/my first job 3 husband/my wife 4 ..............married/divorced bave" write become study 5 ...ha.vs..... a son/three children 6 ..................a lawyer/president 7 8 a book/a letter languages/law Reading and Grammar ^ a) What do you know about Nelson Mandela? b) Read about Mandela's life. Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct dates and numbers from the box. 1943 two 1996 four 1957 eighteen 18th July C) liTflEl Read, listen and check your answers. Read the text again. Put these events in Mandela's life in order. a) He went to prison. b) He got married to Winnie. c) He and his first wife got divorced. d) He went to university. 1 e) He left prison. f) He got married for the third time. g) He became President of South Africa. Help with Grammar a) Look again at the text about Mandela's life. Find the Fasi ' Simple of these verbs. I Regular verbs start study finish live work want stay marry • Irregular verbs become have get meet go forget leave write b) Answer these questions. 1 What are the last two letters of regular verbs in the Past Simple? 2 What are the endings of regular verbs that end in -e, and in consonant + y? 3 Is the Past Simple the same for all subjects (I, you, he, they, etc.)? C) Check in Iflftl pl35 and in the Irregular Verb List, pi 59. From prison to President Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa on 1..............., 1918. He started university in 1938 and studied law. After he finished university in 2............... he lived and worked in Johannesburg. He was very interested in politics and wanted to change the political system. He became President of the ANC (the African National Congress) in the Transvaal in 1952. He had two children with his first wife, Evelyn. They got divorced in 3...............and in the same year he met a woman named Winnie Madikizela. Nelson and Winnie got married a year later and they also had 4...............children. In 1964 he went to prison. He stayed there for 26 years and was in solitary confinement for 5...............years. But the world never forgot Nelson Mandela. And in 1994, only 6...............years after he left prison, he became President of South Africa. Nelson and Winnie Mandela got divorced in 7...............and two years later he married his third wife, Graca Machel. When he was President, he wrote a book about his life called Long" Walk to Freedom. 6B Vocabulary and Grammar a) |jflffijf Q Listen and practise the regular Past Simple forms from 4a). Which end with the sound /id/? b) JlT^l Q Listen and practise the irregular Past Simple forms from 4a). Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of these verbs. 1 When Nelson Mandela was a child he in a village called Mvezo. 2 at Witwatersrand University - he...............the first black student there. 3 Evelyn and Nelson...............their first child, Thembi, in 1945. 4 Nelson...............South Africa in 1962 live in Algeria. 5 He...............President of the ANC in 1991 and he...............the Nobel Prize in 1993. a) Work in groups. Do the quiz. History-makers 1 Where did Albert Einstein come from? a) Switzerland b) Germany c) Austria 2 When did the Wright brothers fly the first plane? a) 1903 b) 1918 c) 1933 3 Where did Mother Teresa live for most of her life? a) China b) India c) Europe 4 When did George Washington become the first President of the USA? a) 1789 b) 1839 c) 1889 5 When did the Italian explorer Marco Polo first go to China? When he was ... a) 17 b) 37 c) 77 b) Check your answers on pl58. How many did you get right? Help with Grammar Past Simple: Wh- questions a) Look at the table. Notice the word order in questions. question word auxiliary subject infinitive Where did Albert Einstein come from? b) Write questions 2 and 3 from the quiz in 7a) in the table c) Check in fflfflf pl35. a) Make questions with these words. 1 last night / did / you / What / do ? What did you do last night? 2 you / did / your best friend / Where / meet ? 3 Where / your parents / meet / did ? 4 to another country / When / you / first go / did ? 5 What / last weekend / do / you / did ? k) d S3 Q Listen and check. Then listen again and practise. What did you do last night? C) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 9a). Get ready ... Get it right! ^) Look at pl20. Follow the instructions. ; 6C Four weekends QUICK REVIEW ••• Write ten verbs you know. What is the Past Simple of these verbs? Which are regular/irregular? Work in pairs. Say the Past Simple to your partner. He/She says the infinitive. Real World showing interest and continuing a conversation Vocabulary weekend activities Help with Listening showing interest Review Past Simple ® It was so ^ood to see. yaw a^fti-n. We- re-ixlb* -we-ded to g-o (wicOA -for tWe. we-e.^e-itA tx-nd we Wtxd ft wo^Ae-r^iiH tiw.e with, yow i-n Route-. Tkci-nKs ft*fti-w. ® Mick's tki-ng-s to do__ ele-ei-n {We. cixr / do {We- sWoppi-n^ / drive- So-wia. to ps\r{y / write- re-porf J How was your weekend? 0^ a) Look at the picture. Who do you think had: 1 a great weekend? 3 a busy weekend? 2 a quiet weekend? 4 a terrible weekend? b) Read texts A-D. Were your guesses correct? How do you know? a) Look at phrases 1-8. Then fill in the gaps with these words/phrases. Check in U£JjJ pl34. alktay the house tired a bad cold an email for a couple of days the shopping until 11 a.m. work every evening s go away all day clean the car 6 sleep write a report 7 he do the washing 8 have ill a wonderful time b) Work in pairs. Take turns to test your partner on the phrases. (the washing^ ( do the washing ) C) How many of the phrases in their present or past forms can you find in texts A-D? d) What is the Past Simple of the verbs in 2a)? a) Think of six things you did last weekend. Use phrases from 2a) or your own ideas. b) Work in pairs. Ask your partner what he/she did last weekend. Find three things you both did. (what did you do last weekend?) (icleaned the house.^) ( Me too.) Being a good listener liijgjj Listen and match the conversations to the people in the picture. 1 Conversation 1 is between...............and................ 2 Conversation 2 is between...............and................ 6C Real World 3 Qu 1 U nutrí Fun t i mi* Hi Tom Just a note to say I'm sorry I wasn't at the party. I was ill all weekend. I think it was because I worked every evening last week! I'll phone you. Henry Saturday 16 September "Slept until II a.m. on Saturday then did the washing and watched TV. Sunday 17 September Went to the cinema with Annie. &ed at 10. Q a) E2E Listen to parts of the conversations in 4 again Match sentences 1-8 to responses a)-h). 1 I was really ill on Saturday. 2 I had a really bad cold. 3 I stayed at home. 4 I went away for the weekend. To Italy! 5 We went to Rome - it was wonderful! 6 We stayed with some old friends. 7 I worked all weekend. 8 It took me ten hours. a) Oh, right. b) Wow! c) Oh, dear. d) What a shame. e) Oh, great! f) You're joking! g) Oh, nice. h) Really? b) Fill in the table with responses a)-h). Check in 1MB pl35. I'm happy I'm sorry I'm surprised. I'm not foryou. foryou. surprised. Oh, right. Q Listen and practise the responses in 5b). Copy the intonation. Q Work in pairs. Student A -> pl05. Student B -> pll3. Follow the instructions. Real World a) Look at these follow-up questions v—y from the conversations in 4. Fill in the gaps with did, was or are. 1 What...............wrong? 2 OK now? 3 do? 4 see? 5 What ...waiL. it like? 6 Where............... you go? 7 go with? 8 stay? b) Which of the questions in 8a) can you ask someone who: a) went to the cinema? b) stayed at home all weekend? c) was ill? d) went away for the weekend? C) Check in Ij^jJJ pl35. d) flTifif Look at R6-9> P152- Listen again and read. Find the follow-up questions in 8a). a) Make notes on what you did at these times. 1 last week 2 last weekend 3 yesterday 4 before you came to this lesson 5 on Friday evening b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the times. Use the follow-up questions from 8a). How long can you continue each conversation? (what did you do last week?) (well, I went to a wedding last Friday Oh, nice! What was it tike? ) Q It was really good. J The good and the bad QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Take turns to tell your partner five things you did last week: / went to the cinema.Then ask questions to get more information: What did you see? Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you or your friends enter competitions? 2 What things do people win in competitions? 3 What is your perfect competition prize? Read only the first paragraph of the magazine article. What is the article about? a) Work in pairs. Student A, read about Jim. Student B, read about Sandra. Answer these questions. 1 What did he/she win? 2 Who did he/she go with? 3 Where did they stay? 4 What was the weather like? 5 What did they do on Saturday? 6 What did Jim/Logan do on Sunday? b) Work with your partner and ask the questions. Student A, ask about Sandra. Student B, ask about Jim. a) Read your text again. Make a list of the adjectives. b) Work with your partner. Show your list of adjectives to your partner. How many opposites can you find? Help with Vocabulary a) Match the sentences to pictures A-C. Which word is negative and means 'more than you want'? 1 It's too big. 2 It's quite big. 3 It's very/really big. b) Read both texts and find examples of very, really, quite, too + adjective. Then compare with a partner. c) Complete the rule with before and after. • Very, really, quite and too come...............the verb be and...............adjectives. d) Check in pi34. Vocabulary adjectives with very, really, quite, too Review Past Simple; Present Simple COMPETITION WINNERS -AND LOSERS! Millions of people enter competitions every year and 99% never win anything. But what happens to the winners? We talked to two people who had very different experiences. I won a weekend for two in Paris. My girlfriend, Naomi, and I went to the airport in a really big limousine. We travelled first class and we had champagne on the plane. Then we stayed in a very expensive hotel near the River Seine. The weather was quite hot all weekend and the food and wine were really good. On Saturday morning we wanted to go up the Eiffel Tower but the queues were too long, so we had coffee by the river. In the afternoon we went to the Louvre Museum. It was quite crowded but we thought it was really interesting. Then on Sunday I asked Naomi to marry me - and she said yes! It was a wonderful weekend in a beautiful city. y ■ ■> n p * o o I won a weekend for two in Scotland. I was really happy because I love Scotland. I went with my boyfriend, Logan. The hotel was nearly empty and now I know why! It was a really cheap, ugly place - the restaurant was very dirty and the rooms were too small. On Saturday the weather was really bad and we didn't go out because it was too cold. It was a really boring day and then in the evening Logan and I had a fight. I went to bed quite early and he stayed and talked to the receptionist for hours. She was very young and friendly - too friendly! On Sunday my boyfriend left me and went away with her. Yes, it was a terrible weekend! Choose the correct words. ■ 1 I can't wear these shoes. They're quite /(too) small. 2 I want to buy that bag. It's very/too nice. 3 Let's go to that new restaurant. It's really/too cheap. 4 Mmm, this food is very/too good. 5 Sorry sir, you're very/too late. The plane left at six o'clock. 6 Sam's got a new job and he's really/too happy. 7 They've got a new flat. It's quite/too nice. 8 You're only fifteen. You're quite/too young to drive. a) Write the name of a place in your town/city that is: 1 too expensive or quite cheap 2 really beautiful or really ugly 3 very dirty or very clean 4 really boring or really interesting 5 too noisy or very quiet 6 very friendly or very unfriendly b) Work in groups and compare places. Do you know any of the places the other students talk about? If yes, do you agree? I think the new coffee shop is quite cheap. (Met0^) Really? I think it's very expensive! Oly | Look at the song Da Do Ron Ron on pi02. Follow the instructions. 6 Review Language Summary 6, p134 Write the opposites of these adjectives. ill well 6 tall happy 7 friendly rich 8 stupid crowded 9 quiet clean 10 boring a) Make these sentences true for you. Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn't and weren't. 1 I............... at home yesterday. 2 My family............... all together last New Year's Eve. 3 I...............with my friends on Saturday evening. 4 Both my parents...............born in the same country. 5 I________.......born in the place I live in now. b) Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. a) Write yes/no questions for the sentences in 2a). Were you at home yesterday? b) Work in new pairs. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Read about Stan, Rebecca's grandfather. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of these verbs. b€ meet have go be live move meet get 1 \.was._._ born in 1940 and my family 2............... in London. In 1959 13............... my wife, Margaret, at a party and we 4...............married on April 5th 1960. We 5............... our first child, Helen, in 1962. Helen 6............... to Australia on holiday in 1986 and 7............... her husband there. They 8............... to Perth in 1990 and our granddaughter, Rebecca, 9...............born two years later. a) Make questions for the words/phrases in bold in 4. im When was Stan born? Where did his family live? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. a) Choose the best response in these conversations. 1 A I was ill last weekend. b Oh, nice./0h^jkar) 2 A We went away for the weekend. b What a shameJOh, great! 3 A I went to the cinema last night. b Oh, nice./Wow! 4 A I met the President of the USA last month. b You're joking! /Oh, dear. 5 A I stayed in all weekend. b Oh, right./What a shame. b) Work in pairs. Choose one of the conversations 1-5. Write six more lines. RW6.2 C) Role-play the conversation for other students. Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can describe people and places. I can talk about things that happened in my life. I can ask questions about things other people did in the past. I can say and understand years. I can talk about what I did last weekend. I can respond to people's news and ask follow-up questions. b) What do you need to study again i Q6A-D 7 Films, music, news 7A Licence to kill QUICK REVIEW ••• Think of three places you went to last year. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the places. Use very/really/quite/too + adjectives: / went to Venice last year. It was realty beautiful. Vocabulary Types of film ^ a) Tick the types of film you know. Check in Language Summary 7 QZ9 pL36. action films thrillers horror films science-fiction (sci-fi) films cartoons love stories comedies historical dramas b) Work in groups. Talk about the types of Rim you like and don't like. (^Hove sci-fi films.) f Yes, me too./Really? I don't like them at all. Reading and Grammar Work in groups. What do you know about James Bond? Think of five or more things. ^ a) Check these words with your teacher or in a dictionary. die a climbing accident a secret agent the navy a licence kill b) Read the article about James Bond and choose the best title. 1 Around the world with James Bond 2 From schoolboy to spy 3 James Bond - movie star c) Read the article again and answer these questions about James Bond. 1 Where and when was he born? 2 Why did he live with his aunt? 3 Which schools did he go to? 4 What did he do after he left school? 5 When did he become 007? 6 How many days was he married? Vocabulary types of film Grammar Past Simple (3): negative, yes/no questions and short answers Help with Listening Past Simple questions Review Past Simple: positive and Wh- questions The book You Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming tells us that James Bond was bom in Scotland in 1924, and he didn't have any brothers or sisters. When he was eleven, his parents died in a climbing accident in Switzerland, so he went to live in England with his aunt. When he was twelve he went to Eton, a famous private school, but he didn't like it there. He left after only one year and went to Fettes, his father's old school. James wasn't a good student and he didn't study very much, but he was very good at sports. SEMI CONNERY IS JAMES BOND st Simple: negative a) Complete the rules with words from this sentence. James wasn 't a good student and he didn't study very much. • To make the Past Simple negative of be, we use _______________or weren't. » To make the Past Simple negative of all other verbs, we use...............+ infinitive. b) Check in |tjr£J pl37. C) Find four more Past Simple negatives in the article. 7 A Vocabulary and Grammar He left school in 1941 and worked as a secret agent for the British navy in World War 2. After the war James Bond stayed in the British Secret Service, but he didn't get his famous 'licence to kill' number (007, of course) until 1950. He married Teresa di Vicenzo on New Year's Day 1962, but they weren't married for long -his wife died on their wedding night. And for the rest of James Bond's life ... well, watch the movies! Q listen and practise ,__• • . , • He didn't have any brothers or sisters. a) Tick the sentences that are true for you. Make the other sentences negative. 1 I got up early last Sunday. / didn't get up early last Sunday. 2 I had a big breakfast today. 3 I was at home yesterday afternoon. 4 I went out last Saturday night. 5 I went to bed after midnight last night. 6 I arrived late for class today. b) Compare sentences with a partner. How many are the same? Listen to the beginning of a radio interview with the writer, Will Forbes. Choose the correct answers. 1 Will Forbes's new book is about Ian Fleming/James Bond. 2 He says Fleming and Bond's lives are very different/quite similar. 5! st Simple questions Help with Listening a) " Listen to questions from the interview. Fill in the gaps. 1 ...............Ian Fleming...............for the...............Secret Service too? 2 _______________Fleming............... a 'licence to...............'? 3 ...........he...............for the Secret Service after the............._ ? 4 ...............Fleming and the same...............? 5 When___.........Ian Fleming............... the first Bond book? 6 _______________he...............a lot of...............? b) Listen again. Is did stressed or unstressed in Past Simple questions? a) I;V%1 Listen to the whole interview, answer the questions in 8a). b) Listen again. Find four things that are true for Ian Fleming and James Bond. Help with Grammar estions and short answers a) Fill in the gaps in these questions and short answers with did or didn't. YES/NO QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS ...............he make a lot of money? Yes, he................ No, he___________..... ...............they go to the same school? Yes, they................ No, they............... . b) Check in pl37. ^^fy a) Make questions with these words. 1 last week / go / you / to the cinema / Did ? 2 Did / last year / you / a Bond film / see ? 3 last weekend / a film on TV / you / watch / Did ? 4 an actor / want to be / Did / you / when you were a child ? b) SO Listen and practise the questions in 11a) and the short answers. C) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Continue the conversation if possible. Get ready ... Get it right! Work in two groups. Group A pi08. Group B Follow the instructions. pll6. 7B 7B My music • • • QUICK REVIEW Write five questions with Did you...? about yesterday. Choose a partner and guess his/her answers. Then work in pairs and ask the questions. How many guesses were correct? Vocabulary types of music; past time phrases with ago, last and in; question words Grammar question forms Review Past Simple; Present Simple Vocabulary Types of music and past time phrases a) fcj£J| Listen and put these types of music in the order you hear them. rap 7 rock music pop music classical music opera jazz dance music reggae rock'n'roll b) Work in pairs. Talk about the types of music you like and don't like. Who are your favourite bands, singers or composers? a) Put these past time phrases in order. Question words the day before yesterday last year about 250 years ago last month five minutes ago 7 in the sixteenth century in February 1964 in 1946 in the eighties about 80 years ago b) Fill in the gaps with one of the past time phrases in 2a). 1 Mozart wrote his first symphony ______........., when he was only eight. 2 Adolph Rickenbacker, an engineer, and George Beauchamp, a musician from Hawaii, made the first electric guitar 3 The Beatles' first concert in the USA was at the Washington Coliseum ................ Tickets cost $2 and $4. 4 The first performance of an opera was in Florence, Italy,................ 5 Elvis Presley's mother, Gladys, bought him his first guitar _______________ . It cost $12.95-but eleven-year-old Elvis wanted a bicycle c) Check your answers on pl58. How many did you get right? Work in pairs. Student A -> pi 10. Student B -* pi 18. Follow the instructions. Help with Vocabular\ a) Match the question words to the things they ask about. 1 Who a) a reason {because ...) 2 Where b) a time 3 When c) a person 4 Why d) possessive (Susan's) 5 Whose e) a place 6 Which f) a thing (from many possible answers) 7 What g) a period of time (for two years) 8 How many h) a number 9 How long i) age 10 How old j) a thing (from a small number of possible answers) b) Check in il/H pl36. Reading, Listening and Grammar a) Work in pairs. Look at the quiz on page 57. Fill in the gaps with question words 1-10 from 4a). Then choose the correct answers. b) I 3 Listen to two people do the quiz. Check the question words and your answers. How many did you get right? Help with G rammar a) Look at two questions from the quiz in the table. Which question is in the present? Which is in the past? How do you know? question word auxiliary subject infinitive When did Madonna make her first record? Where do U2 come from? b) Write quiz questions 3 and 4 in the table. Are they in the present or past? C) Which verb is in quiz questions 5-9? Do we use the auxiliaries do/does/did with this verb? d) Check in CQ3pl37. 7B Vocabulary and Grammar Are you o musical genius'? 7 ...............did Madonna make her first record? a) In the seventies, b) In the eighties, c) In the nineties. 2 .........._____do U2 come from? a) England b) Ireland c) the USA 3 ...............did Sting do before he became a singer? a) He was a teacher, b) He was a writer, c) He was an actor. M...............instrument does Elton John play? a) the trumpet b) the piano c) the guitar 5 ...............were the Beatles together? a) For five years, b) For ten years, c) For fifteen years. 6 ...............was Colombian singer Shakira when she released her first album, Magfc? a) thirteen b) seventeen c) twenty-two 1 _____..........was the first singer to have a number one album and film in the USA at the same time? a) Eminem b) Jennifer Lopez c) David Bowie 8 ._.............people were in the Swedish group, Abba? a) three b) four c) five 9............... real name is or was Faroukh Bulsara? a) George Michael b) Bob Dylan c) Freddie Mercury JO ...............didn't Elvis Presley make any records between 1958 and 1960? a) He got married, b) He was in hospital, c) He was in the army. Get ready ... Get it right! a) Look at cotumn A. Decide if the question is in the present or past. Make yes/no questions with you. b) Make follow-up questions with the words in column C. A 1 / go to any concerts last year? Did you go to any concerts last year? 2 I listen to lots of different types of music? 3 / be / musical when you / be / a child? 4 / go to a club last month? 5 / like classical music? 6 / watch music videos on TV? 7 / buy any CDs last week? 8 / listen to a personal stereo on the train/bus? B Who / see ? Who did you see? What kind of music / listen to ? Which instrument / play ? Where / go ? Which composers / like ? What / be / your favourite video ? What / buy ? What / usually listen to ? a)" Ask other students the questions from column A. If the answer is yes, write his/her name in column B. Then ask your follow-up question from column C. b) Work in pairs. Tell your partner five things about the students you talked to. What's in the news? QUICK REVIEW Write all the types of film and music you know (horrorfilms, jazz, etc.). Compare your lists with a partner. Which do you both like? Real World talking about the news Vocabulary irregular Past Simple forms; verbs and nouns from news stories Help with Listening stressed words Review Past Simple The one o'clock news Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Where do you usually get your news - the TV the radio, newspapers or the Internet? 2 Do you watch or listen to the news every day? If yes, at what time of day? 3 What was in the news yesterday? a) Check these words with your teacher or in a dictionary. Help with Listening a plane crash missing (on Mount Everest) rain the lottery choose (past: chose) climb a flood a helicopter lucky i_i b) Look at photos A-D of some TV news stories. Which words in 2a) are in each story, do you think? a) Listen to the news and put the photos in order. b) Listen again and choose the correct answers. 1 a) Over 100/200 people died in the plane crash, b) The plane crashed in China/Thailand. 2 a) Terry and Carla Ellis are brother and sister/married. b) They are now in a helicopter/missing. 3 a) There are floods in one place / lots of places in India, b) 20/32 people died yesterday near Calcutta. 4 a) Joe Hall won over £3/£13 million last night, b) Joe/His dog chose the lottery numbers. a) fiTffl In English we stress the important words. Listen again to the first two sentences from the news. Notice the stressed words. It's one o 'clock and here's Teresa Ross with the news. Over a hundred people died in a plane crash in China last night. b) Look at R7.8, pl53. Listen again and notice the stressed words. Read all about it! a) Look at the headlines on page 59 of news reports 1 and 2 from the next day. Which TV news stories are they about, do you think? b) Match each infinitive to its irregular Past Simple form. Then check in KtKt pl36. Infinitive lose find take say fall break choose win put tell Past Simple chose lost told won found broke put said fell took c) liJ&J Q Listen and practise the infinitives and Past Simple forms in 5b). 7C Real World D EVEREST CLIMBERS FOUND Terry and Carla Ellis, the British couple who wanted to be the first husband-and-wife team to climb Everest, are now safe. An army helicopter found them on the side of the mountain yesterday afternoon and took them to a hospital in Kathmandu. "The weather was terrible and climbing was very difficult," said Carla. "Two days ago Terry fell a hundred metres down the mountain and broke his leg. He lost the radio when he fell and so we stayed on the mountain and waited for help. We were really happy to see the helicopter. We're lucky to be alive." Do they want to try and climb Everest again in the future? "Maybe," said Terry from his hospital bed. "Carla really wants to come back next year. I'm not so sure." NEWS 365 - ALL the news ALL the time. as Rffr»ih tit ej3 M*il I http://www.rtevre365.nefdogwln.html I Dog luins lottery! ) Wednesday night's lottery winner Joe Hall received a cheque for over £13 million yesterday at the supermarket where he works. His dog, Max, who chose the winning numbers, was with him. "I usually choose the numbers," said 28-year-old Joe from Liverpool. "But I never win anything. So this time I asked Max to choose the numbers for me - and I won over £13 million!" But how did the dog choose the numbers? "I wrote the numbers 1 to 49 on envelopes and put a dog biscuit in each envelope," Joe explained. "I put the envelopes in different places in my house and told Max to find the biscuits. Then I wrote down the numbers from the first six envelopes he found -and now I'm a millionaire!" Now Joe wants Max to find him a girlfriend! b tittp.// html Talking about the news a) y q2 Listen to four conversations about the news. Which news story is each conversation about? b) Listen again and match sentences 1-6 to responses a)-f). 1 Over thirteen million pounds. 2 His dog chose the numbers for him! 3 Did you hear about the floods? 4 Over a hundred people died. 5 One of them fell and they lost their radio. 6 Yes, a helicopter found them yesterday. a) Yes, isn't it awful? b) Really? c) Oh, that's good. d) Oh, dear. Are they OK? e) Oh no, that's terrible. f) You're joking! a) Work in two groups. Group A, read report 1 and answer questions 1-5. Group B, read report 2. Answer questions a)-e). 1 Where are Terry and Carla now? 2 When did Terry fall? 3 What did he break when he fell? 4 Why didn't they call for help? 5 Do they want to come back next year? a) Where did Joe receive the cheque? b) What did Joe write on the envelopes? c) Where did Joe put them? d) Why did the dog want to find the envelopes? Real World Iking about the news »j a) Fill in the gaps in the questions and responses with these words. was happened about hear 1 A Did you.............about that plane crash? B No, 2 A Did you read.............the couple on Everest? B No, what.............? b) Fill the table with responses a)-f) in 7b). good news bad news supnsing news b) Really? C) Check in pl37. e) What does Joe want his dog to do now? b) Work in pairs. Student A, ask your partner questions a)-e). Student B, ask your partner questions 1-5. li^iii Q Listen and practise the questions and responses in 8a) and 8b). Did you hear about that plane crash ? No, where was it? ^) Work in pairs. Student A -» pi 10. Student B -» pi 18. Follow the instructions. E7D Do you know any jokes? QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. What can you remember about the four news stories from 7C? Compare ideas with another pair. Then check on p58 and p59. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 What's your favourite comedy programme or film? 2 Do you like listening to or telling^jokes?- a) Tick the verbs you know. Check new verbs with your teacher or in a dictionary. love hate come laugh cry say buy sit wait start see happen b) What is the Past Simple of each verb? Which verbs are irregular? Check in the Irregular Verb List, pl59. 0^ a) G5E1 Read and listen to the joke. Fill in the gaps in the last line. b) Read the joke again. Match paragraphs 1-4 to pictures A-D. Help with Vocabulary a) Look at these sentences. Then complete the rules with a/an or the. An old man in a long coat came and sat near him. The old man had a big black dog. He sat in the front row. » We use............... to talk about things or people for the first time. » We use............... when we know which thing or person. • We use...............when there is only one thing or person in a particular place. TIP! • We also use the in some fixed phrases: go to the cinema, in the evening, etc. b) Check in It/EI pi36. Read the joke again and find all the examples of a, an and the. Work in pairs and decide why they are used. Vocabulary articles: a, an and the Review Past Simple: irregular verbs 1 One day Mike went to the cinema to see a film. He bought a drink and an ice-cream. Then he sat in the front row of the cinema and waited for the film to start 2 A few minutes later, an old man in a long coat came and sat near him. The old man had a big black dog, and the dog sat on the floor by the man's feet 3 When the film started, Mike saw that the dog was very interested in the film. When something funny happened, the dog laughed and laughed. When a person in the film died or something bad happened, the dog cried and cried. This happened all the way through the film. 4 At the end of the film, Mike went to talk to the old man. "That was amazing," said Mike. "Your dog really loved the film." The old man looked at him and said, "Yes, it was amazing. He...............the .........." I a) Check these words with your teacher or in a dictionary. cut down a tree an axe a noise a cha'insaw J b) Read another joke. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the. One morning wanted to cut down 2___......_.....tree in his garden. He went to to buy 4...............axe.5...............manager of said, "Why don't you buy7...............chainsaw? It will save you a lot of time." 8......_________man agreed and bought 3...............very expensive chainsaw. He took it home and started cutting down 10...............tree. He worked very hard for six hours, but11...............tree didn't fall down. was very angry and went back to "This chainsaw is no good," he said. "Hmm, it looks OK to me," said 14...............manager. He looked at it for a minute, then started 15...............chainsaw. "What's that noise?" asked a) Choose the correct words. 1 Did you have a/the big breakfast this morning? 2 Is there a/the park near your home? 3 Did you go to a/the capital city of another country last year? 4 Do you often go to a/the theatre at a I the weekend? 5 Do you watch a I the TV programme The Simpsons? 6 Who was a/the main actor in a I the film The Terminator? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Ask follow-up questions if possible. 7 Review a) Write the missing letters in these types of film. Kr/iE 1 horror films 2 s_i e_c e - f_c t__n f__m s 3 c_rt__ns 4 l_v_ s__r_es 5 th_i__ers 6 a_t__n f_ 1 _s 7 c_m__i es 8 h_st_r_c_l dr_m_s b) Tick three types of film you like. Find two students who like the same types of film. a) Tick the correct sentences. Don't look at p54. 1 James Bond was born in England. 2 He had two sisters. 3 His parents died in an accident. 4 He lived with his grandparents. 5 He liked studying. 6 He worked as a doctor in World War 2. 7 He got married in 1962. b) Check your answers on p54. C) Make the incorrect sentences in 2a) negative. Then write correct sentences. Language Summary 7, p136 James Bond wash't born in England. He was born in Scotland. a) Fill in the gaps in these questions about yesterday with Did, Was or Were. 1 get up early? 2 _______________you at work/school all day? 3 ...............your manager/teacher nice to you? 4............... you listen to any music? 5 at home in the evening? 6 go to bed late? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask the questions about yesterday. a) Match questions 1-7 with answers a)-g). fuJEt 1 When did you last go to a birthday party? 2 Whose birthday party was it? 3 Who did you go with? 4 Where was the party? 5 How many people were there? 6 What music did they play? 7 How long did you stay? a) Until 2 a.m. b) About fifty. c) My cousin, Tim's. d) Dance music. e) Two months ago. f) My boyfriend, Leo. g) In Tim's flat. b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask questions 1-7. Answer for you. a) Find fifteen verbs. WA(C HOOS E)D Y M 0 T S L T L E H ÍBl C M H G S A 0 Q R E A K L R V W U Y I P K A T A A & X F P P U T M I T S E E W G D L T W I N N F H A T E S T 0 LISTEN b) Work in pairs. What is the Past Simple of the verbs? Which are irregular? Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can talk about types of film and music. I can say when things happened in the past. I can ask and answer questions about the past and the present. I can understand simple news stories. I can start a conversation about the news. I can respond to news stories. b) What do you need to study again í o7a-0 8 Let's go away 8A Holiday USA QUICK REVIEW • • • Work in pairs. How many different things do you both do in your free time? Make a list. How many of these things did you do last week? Vocabulary Holiday activities Think of three places tourists go to in your country. What do they do there? Compare your places with a partner. a) Tick the words/phrases you know. Then do the exercise in Language Summary 8 f Q pl38. # • go for walks go fishing go sightseeing go shopping go to the beach go skiing go swimming go cycling go on boat trips sunbathe have picnics stay in a hotel stay with friends/family camp rent a car rent a bike travel by public transport go on holiday [US: go on vacation] b) Work in pairs. Which of the things in 2a) do you usually do on holiday? a) Make questions with these words. 1 last / holiday / your / was / When ? When was your last holiday? did / go / Where / you ? Who / with / did / go / you ? stay / you / did / Where ? did / What / in the day / do / you ? around / How / you / did / travel ? have / you / a good time / Did ? Vocabulary holiday activities Grammar can/can't for possibility Help with Listening can/can't Review Past Simple Listening and Grammar a) What do you know about San Francisco? b) Work in pairs. Find these things in the photos. a prison a cable car a bridge a park an island tourists boats b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions about your last holiday. a) liiiSJ James is asking his friend, Rachel, about San Francisco. Listen and put photos A-D in order. b) Work in pairs. Match activities 1-8 that Rachel talks about to these places - Golden Gate Park (G), Nob Hill (N) and Fisherman's Wharf (F). 5 eat good seafood 6 walk from there to Chinatown 7 relax in the Japanese Tea Garden 8 go from there to Alcatraz 1 go for long walks C 2 go there by cable car 3 see street musicians 4 see the whole city C) Listen again and check your answers. Alcatraz 8A Vocabulary and Grammar a) W'EWM Listen to these sentences. Notice how we say can and can't. Which is stressed? You can /kan/ go by cable car. You can't /kaint/ stay on the island. b) lis* Listen and tick the sentence you hear first. 1 a) You can go for walks. b) You can't go for walks. 2 a) You can go shopping. 3 a) You can go swimming. 4 a) You can stay there. 5 a) You can rent a car. b) You can't go shopping, b) You can't go swimming, b) You can't stay there, b) You can't rent a car. Golden Gate Bridge and Park Help with Grammar a) Look at these sentences. Then complete -—' the rules with can or can't. You can go on a boat trip. You can't stay on the island. • We say that something is possible. • We say that something isn't possible. b) Look at the sentences in 6a) again. Complete the rules with can and can't. • For positive sentences, we use: subject +...............+ infinitive. • For negative sentences, we use: subject +...............+ infinitive. • ...............and...............are the same for all subjects (Í, you, he, they, etc.). c) Make questions with the words in 1 and 2 and fill in the gaps in short answers 3 and 4. QUESTIONS 1 do / What / there / you / can ? 2 stay / Can / on the island / you ? SHORT ANSWERS 3 Yes, you_______________. 4 No, you................ d) Check in IBM pl39. C) fciaJ Look at R8.1, pl53. Listen again and read. Notice the difference between can and can't. Q| Q Listen and practise. Copy the strong and weak forms of can. Can /kan/you go swimming there? Yes, you can /kaen/. No,you can't /ka:nt/. James also wants to visit Yellowstone Park in Wyoming in the USA. Work in pairs. Student A -> pl08. Student B pi 16. Follow the instructions. Get ready ... Get it right! a) Work in pairs. Choose a holiday place that you know, but your partner doesn't know. It can be in your country or another country. b) Work on your own. Which of these activities can/can't you do in the place you chose? go dancing late at night • go to the cinema after 11 p.m. watch films in English go shopping on Sundays go to football matches go out to eat at 2 a.m. travel by public transport after midnight go to museums Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about your holiday places. Use the phrases from 10b) and 2a). Give more information if possible. (can you go dancing late at night?) Yes, you can. There's a really good club called The Bronze. 8B 8B A trip to Thailand QUICK REVIEW • • • Imagine a friend is on holiday in your town/city/ region.Think of five things he/she can do there. Work in pairs. Tell your partner your ideas. Vocabulary Adjectives to describe places Find the opposites. Check new words in JEO pl38. noisy clean boring old friendly dangerous crowded unfriendly empty safe modern quiet dirty interesting a) Choose eight adjectives from 1. For each adjective write the name of a place you know. b) Work in pairs. Take turns to tell your partner about the places. Use very/really/quite with the adjectives. Vocabulary adjectives to describe places Grammar comparatives Review can for possibility; holiday activities Oxford Street in London is always very crowded. The beautiful island of Phuket is famous for its fantastic beaches, delicious food and friendly people. It's the perfect place for a week's break. You can relax and sunbathe all day on one of the island's wonderful beaches, or rent a motorbike and travel round the whole island. In the evening you can eat fresh fish in one of Phuket's excellent restaurants, then enjoy a quiet walk along the beach under the stars. Whatever you want from your holiday, it's here in Phuket! Reading and Grammar a) Look at the photos. What do you know about Thailand? b) Read about two holiday places in Thailand. Choose one for a holiday. Tell another student why you chose it. c) Read the texts again. Find three things you can do in each place. Read these sentences comparing Phuket and Bangkok. Which sentence is false? a) The Kata Hotel is smaller than the Sawadee Hotel. b) Phuket is hotter than Bangkok. c) Bangkok is probably noisier. d) Bangkok is more crowded than Phuket. e) The holiday in Bangkok is more expensive. Help with Grammar a) Look at the sentences in 4 and find the comparatives (smaller, etc.). Then complete the rules. • With most 1-syllable adjectives (small, old), add................ • With 1-syllable adjectives ending in consonant + vowel + consonant (hot, big), double the last consonant-and add............. . With 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y (noisy, happy), change the -y to...............and add................ • With most other 2-syllable and 3-syllable adjectives (crowded, expensive), put ._............. before the adjective. i The comparatives for good and bad are irregular: good -> better, bad -> worse. b) Look at sentences a), b) and d) in 4. Which word do we use after the comparative? C) Check in f%El pl39. 8B Vocabulary and Grammar Bangkok The capital of Thailand is always a wonderful place to visit. You can go sightseeing in the city and visit beautiful Buddhist temples, and the amazing Royal Palace. Or why not take a boat trip on the river and go shopping in the colourful markets? You can enjoy traditional Thai food in restaurants all over the city and then go dancing in the evening in one of Bangkok's many exciting nightclubs. Come to Bangkok - it's the holiday of a lifetime! Accommodation: Sawadee Hotel *** (162 rooms) Cost per week (including flight] Average temperature (April-May): 29°C 240 Write the comparatives. 1 boring 3 beautiful 5 safe 7 big 2 dirty 4 good 6 bad 8 dangerous a) Listen to Luke and Monica planning a holiday in Thailand. Where does each person want to go? Find one reason why they want to go there. b) Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Use than if necessary. 1 Phuket's Bangkok, (beautiful) 2 Bangkok's.............................................................................. . (interesting) 3 Phuket looks...................................................._______________Bangkok, (good) 4 But Bangkok's................................____________........._...................... (crowded) 5 And the people in Phuket are probably........................ . (friendly) 6 But Phuket's...................____________............................................... (expensive) 7 I still think Bangkok's.....................................................................Phuket. (interesting) 8 Phuket's probably.....................________________...................................too. (safe) 9 And it's.................................................................................................. . (quiet) c) Work in pairs. Who says the sentences in 7b), do you think - Luke or Monica? d) Listen again and check. \ Listen and practise the sentences in 7b). Phuket's more beautiful than /don/ Bangkok. Where do you think Luke and Monica went on holiday? Listen and check. a) Choose one of the adjectives in brackets. Then fill in the gaps with its comparative form and than. MY TOWN/CITY 1 Food was last year, (expensive/cheap) 2 It' was five years ago. (dangerous/safe) 3 Public transport was ten years ago. (good/bad) MY LIFE 4 My English was last month, (good/bad) 5 My hair was last year, (long/short) 6 My life is_______........ it was five years ago. (interesting/boring) b) Write two more sentences about your town/city or your life. C) Work in pairs. Compare your sentences from 10a) and 10b) with your partner. How many are the same? 0 Get ready ... Get it right! Work in two groups. Group A Follow the instructions. pl09. Group B pll7. SC Planning a day out QUICK REVIEW • • • Think of two holiday places in your country. Write five sentences comparing them. Work in pairs. Tell your partner your sentences. Which place does he/she think is nicer to visit? Why? A day out Work in pairs. Think about places near where you live. Where can people go for: an exciting, an interesting, a relaxing day out? a) Read the articles and answer the questions. chessincton 1 Can you go to Chessington on Sundays? 2 Which animals can you see there? 3 How long is Chessington open every day? 4 What are the names of two rides? regent's park 5 Is the theatre in Regent's Park open in October? 6 Can you go on a bird walk in the evenings? 7 How long is the Royal London Bike Ride? 8 What kind of music can you hear in the park? b) Read the articles again. How many things can you do in each place? C) Work in pairs and check your answers. a) Listen to the Stevens family. Put the places they talk about in order. Where do they decide to go? a) Chessington b) Regent's Park c) the station d) the beach e) an open air theatre b) Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 The Stevens family went to the beach last weekend. 2 Mrs Stevens thinks Regent's Park is boring. 3 Her son wants to go to Chessington. 4 His friends went to Chessington two weeks ago. 5 He can bring a friend with him. Real World planning a day out: I'd rather... /I'd like... II want... Help with Listening I'd and the schwa hi Review can/can't; free time activities CHESSINCTON WORLD OF ADVENTURES Chessington is a really tun day nut tor all the family. There are lots nl exciting rides to go on, Including the frightening Vampire ride in Transylvania - but don't Iwve lunch first! You can also visit Mexičana and go on the amazing Runaway Train ride - it's really scary! Then why not have lunch in the excellent Mexican restaurant nearby? f And in Animal l3nd ynu can meet a family | ^ of gorillas and see some beautiful big cats, -including a pair of Sumatran tigers (there ^ j are only 400 left in the wild). Chessington World of Adventures is open every day (rom April to October from 10.00 a.m.-7.00 p.m. Tcket flee 0870 444 7777 Help with Listening ia and the schwa hi a) Listen again to the first two sentences of the conversation. Notice how we say I'd (= I would) and the schwa Id. What do you want to do tomorrow? Well, I'd like to go to the be'ach. /aid/ /ta/ /tada/ b) Look at R8.8, pl54. Listen again. Notice how we say I'd and /a/ in the sentences in bold. in Regent's Park 1 Most people who visit Regent's Park go to the world-famous London Zoo, but there are many other things happening in the park this summer — and a lot of them are free! MUSIC: June-September. Everything from rock and jazz to classical. OPEN AIR THEATRE: June-September.This season includes Romeo and Juliet and High Society. ROYAL LONDON BIKE RIDE: A 12-mile ride through Regent's Park and other Royal Parks in central London. GUIDED BIRD WALKS: 8.30-11.30 a.m.every Sunday in August. INFORMATION LINE: TEL. 020 7486 7905 8C Real World Real World Planning a day out a) Look at how we ask and answer about a day out. asking people what they want to do saying what you want to do What do you want to do tomorrow? Where would you like to go? Do you want to go to Regent's Park? I'd like to go to the beach. I want to go to Chessington. I'd rather stay at home. TIP! • would like is more polite than want. b) Complete the rule with í wcmi to do this or I want to do this more than something else. We use I'd rather to say................ C) Complete the rules with would rather, would like and wcmi. o After _..............we use the infinitive (go, do, etc.). • After...............and...............we use the infinitive with to (to go, to do, etc.). d) Check in pl39. | Q Listen and practise. Copy the stress and intonation. Would you /wud3a/ like to go to the beach? I'd /aid/ rather stay at home. a) Work in pairs, A and B. Take turns to suggest plans for Friday. (^Would you like to go to the cinema?) (j'd rather watch a video ) ( Do^you want to go for a walk?) (\es, that's a good idea?) 1 a go to the cinema? 2 b go for a walk? 3 a go to a club? 4 b watch TV? 5 a play tennis? 6 b go out for a meal? b watch a video a J b / a go OUt b go swimming a go for a drink b) Take turns to make three more suggestions of your own. a) Choose Regent's Park or Chessington for a day out. Read the article about this place again. Find three reasons why you want to go there. b) Work in threes. Plan a day out to Regent's Park or Chessington. Decide on these things. which place when to go how to get there where/when to meet things to do there (^Where shall we go?) Let's go to „T) c) Tell the class where your group wants to go for a day out. Which place is more popular? 8D Come to the wedding QUICK REVIEW • • • Write the alphabet from A to Z. Work in pairs. Try to think of one verb for each letter: A = ask, B = buy, etc. Compare with another pair. a) Answer these questions. 1 When did you last go to a wedding? 2 Where was it? 3 Whose wedding was it? 4 How many people were there? 5 What did you wear? 6 What did/didn't you like about the wedding b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. a) Read email 1 and tick the correct sentences. 1 Phil can go to the wedding. 2 The wedding is in England. 3 He can only stay for three days. 4 He wants to travel around by motorbike. b) Work in pairs. Check your answers. Correct the false sentences. Vocabulary verb collocations Review can/can't; question words ® a) Read email 2 and answer the questions. 1 How many weeks can Phil stay with Ellen? 2 Did Ellen rent a motorbike for Phil? 3 Is it easy to get to Ellen's home? 4 Does Uncle Jeff always work in Canada? b) Work in pairs. Check your answers. Help with Vocabulary Verb collocations Q a) Read the emails again. Find two more words or phrases that go with these verbs. Fill in the gaps. Then check in From: To: Subject: Oliver's wedding Date: 14 February Dear Aunt Ellen and Uncle Jeff Thanks very much for the invitation to cousin Oliver and Becky's wedding. Of course I'd love to come. I'm on holiday then, so I can stay in Canada for three weeks. Actually, I booked my flight yesterday and I arrive the day before the wedding. Can I stay with you when I arrive? If that's not possible, don't worry. I can stay in a hotel. Also, do you know where I can rent a motorbike after the wedding? If not, I can rent a car. See v" Love Phil Ps How do I get to you soon f< ^ P'ace from the airport? can then book rent get stay a flight a motorbike to your/our place with you/us b) Work in pairs. Think of two words or phrases that go with these verbs: play, have, write, go, study. From: To: Subject: Great news! Date: 16 February Dear Phil We're really pleased you can come to the wedding. I'm afraid you can't stay with us for the first week, because Becky's parents are with us then. If you want, I can book a hotel room for you nearby and then you can stay with us for the rest of your holiday after they leave. And yes, you -rent motorbikes. Shall I send you a list of companies and you can email them? It's easy to get to our place. You can get a taxi from the airport or you can get a bus to Yonge and Spadina. Our apartment is 2 minutes from the bus stop. Let me know the time of your flight. We can book a table at our favourite restaurant that evening with Becky and her family. See you in June! Lots of love Aunt Ellen PS Uncle Jeff has some work in England soon and we want to rent an apartment in north London. Can you check prices for us? Thanks. 8 Review Language Summary 8, p138 a) Fill in the gaps with these ■ - prepositions or -. Jpf to with in on for 1 travel transport 2 go......-......sightseeing 3 go............... the beach 4 go...............a boat trip 5 go...............walks 6 rent .„....._......a car 7 stay............... a hotel 8 stay _.............friends b) Think about the last time you went away for the weekend. What did you do? C) Work in groups. Tell the other students about your last weekend away. a) Make questions with these words. 1 to / a bus / can / get /1 / the airport / Where ? Where can I get a bus to the airport? 2 Can / for under $30 / I / a hotel room / find ? 3 museums / can / Which / visit / I / for free ? 4 buy / some nice presents / can / Where / I ? 5 a really good / get / Where / pizza /1 / can ? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions about your home town, or the town/city you are in now. a) Fill in the gaps with the comparatives. 1 Which country is........._______ (small)? 2 Which capital city is (big)? _ 3 Which country is............... (expensive)? 4 Which capital city is............... (modern)? 5 Which country's football team is............... (good)? b) Work in groups. Answer the questions about England and your country. England's smaller than my country. Fill in the gaps with the infinitive or the infinitive with to. ^^JJ A What do you want \ (do) tomorrow? B I'd like 2............... (go) shopping in town. A We did that last weekend. I'd rather 3_.._........... (go) to the beach. B OK, let's 4............... (do) that. Where would you like 5............... (go)? A Can we 6............... (go) to Angel Beach? It's really nice. B Yes, good idea. Let's 7............... (go) there. a) Think of three things you would like to do tomorrow evening. b) Work in groups. Tell the other students your ideas. Then choose one place to go tomorrow evening. RW8.1 Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can talk about things I do on holiday. I can say what you can and can't do where I live. I can describe and compare places I know. I can find important facts in tourist information articles. I can discuss and plan a day out. I can understand a simple email or personal letter. b) What do you need to study again? ©8A-D 9 All in a day's work 9A The meeting QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Write all the jobs you know. Do you know any people with these jobs? Tell your partner about them Vocabulary work ^ a) Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in Language Summary 9 pl40. a customer a report notes a letter a message a contract a company a me'eting a conference Vocabulary work Grammar Present Continuous for 'now' Review jobs; common verbs b) Which word does not go with the verb? 1 write customers /reports/letters 2 answer the phone/notes/emails 3 take contracts/messages/notes 4 sign contracts I letters I meetings 5 work for a company I'm an office la report 6 go to meetings I contracts/conferences 7 write to a contract /customer /company Work in groups. Talk about what you (and/or people you know) do at work. Listening and Grammar ^ a) Look at pictures 1 and 2. It's 9.50 a.m. Where are the people? b) fjjffip Listen. What is Franks problem? C) Listen again and choose the correct answers. 1 Frank isn't at work because the bus/train was late. 2 The meeting with the Tamada brothers is at ten/eleven o'clock. 3 Frank wants Janet to start the meeting/ wait for him. 4 The contract is Franks /Janet's. 5 Adriana is in the office I at home. 6 Janet wants Liz to take notes in the meeting! finish some reports. a) Who says these sentences - Frank, Janet or Liz? 1 I'm waiting for a taxi. 2 They're sitting in your office. 3 They aren't looking very happy. 4 She's working at home today. 5 I'm not doing anything important at the moment. 6 Danny isn't doing anything. b) Listen again and check your answers. Help with Grammar iili lirrill'iliiVlVulii III a) Are the sentences in 4a) about now or every day? b) We use be + verb+ing to make the Present Continuous. Fill in the gaps in the tables. POSITIVE NEGATIVE I'm...... 1' not you/we/they' verb+ing you/we/they verb-w'ng he/she/it' he/she/it C) Write the -ing form of these verbs. play playing smoke study sit look go run write live stop d) Check in p!41. G9.1 9A Vocabulary and Grammar Present Continuous, t answers Help with Grammar ffl a) Write questions 3 and 4 from 9 in the table. question word auxiliary subject verb+ing Where is Frank calling from? Is the taxi moving? o | Listen and practise. I'm waiting for a taxi. a) Look at picture 3. Liz is talking to Danny. It's 9.55 a.m. Put the verbs in the Present Continuous. Liz Danny are you busy? danny Well, er, 11............... (write) a letter. Liz Can you take notes at the meeting, please? danny Why me? Look, Bob 2............... (read) the newspaper. Ask him. Liz He 3............... (not read) the newspaper. He 4...............(study) the business pages. danny Well, 15.___........... (wait) for a phone call from New York. Liz They 6...............(not work) in New York now, Danny. It's 5.00 a.m. there! danny OK, OK, 17............... (go) now. Which room? b) Listen and check your answers. Work in pairs. It's 10.05 a.m. What are these people doing now, do you think? 1 Janet 3 The Tamada brothers 5 Frank 2 Bob 4 Danny 6 Liz ( Khink Janet's having a meeting/) | It's now 10.15 a.m. Frank is phoning Liz. Listen and answer the questions. 1 Where is Frank calling from? 2 Is the taxi moving? 3 What are Janet and Danny doing? 4 Where are they having the meeting? 5 What is Frank doing at the end of the phone call? b) Write positive and negative short answers for these questions. 1 Am I working here today? Yes, you are. /No,... 2 Is Janet answering her phone? 3 Are they having the meeting now? C) Check in tfflif'-l pl4l. (jJjU Who signs the contract, do you think -Janet or Frank? Listen and check. 0 a) It's now 6.30 p.m. Frank is talking to his wife, Karen, on the phone. Make questions in the Present Continuous. frank Hi! It's me. karen Hello, darling. 1you / St/7/ / work ? Are you still working? frank No, I'm having a drink with Liz. I signed the contract today. karen Oh, that's wonderful! 2you I have / a nice time ? frank Yes, thanks. 3 What I you I do ? karen I'm making dinner. frank 4 the kids I do I their homework ? karen Er ... no, they're not. frank 5 What I they I do ? karen They're watching TV Listen and check. r} Listen and practise the questions b)d 0122 in 12a). Are you still working? Get ready ... Get it right! Work in two groups. Group A pi 10. Group B pi 18. Follow the instructions. 9B 9B Strike! QUICK REVIEW ••• Write six actions (get up, watch TV, etc.). Work in pairs. Take turns to mime the actions to your partner. He/She guesses what you are doing. Vocabulary Transport a) Draw pictures of six of these types of transport. You have three minutes! a car a plane a train a taxi [US: a cab] a bus a tram a bike a scooter a boat a motorbike b) Work in pairs. Take turns to show your pictures and say what the pictures are. That scooter. J (No, 't isn't. It's a biteT) a) Match phrases 1-6 to a)-f). Check in £23 pl40. go by bike -v go on foot go by plane go by car go by boat go by train/ tube/bus a) sail b) fly c) walk d) drive ^- e) cycle f) take the train/ tube/bus b) Work in groups. Talk about how you travel: 1 to work/school/university 2 to parties 3 to the centre of your town/city 4 to other places in your country 5 when you're on holiday (^usually go to work by bus.^ (j always drive to work. Vocabulary transport Grammar Present Simple or Present Continuous? Help with Listening linking (2) Review question forms The Daily News 50p TRANSPORT STRIKE TODAY No buses, trains or tubes for 24 hours Vs Wednesday apologise to you because, sadl Listening and Grammar a) Look at the newspaper headline. What is happening today? b) Listen to a news report about the strike. Fill in the table. how he/she usually gets to work how he/she is getting to work today first man woman second man C) Listen again and answer these questions. 1 When did the first man leave home? 2 How long is his journey on a normal day? 3 Why does the woman usually cycle to work? 4 How long is her journey to work on a normal day? 5 Why is the second man walking to work? 9B Vocabulary and Grammar Help with Listening £ ^) a) Find the consonant-vowel linking in these sentences. 1 What do you think^of the strike? 2 Its^about forty minutes, thats_all. 3 And it's taking a very long time. 4 Here's someone on a bike. 5 I'm in the centre of the city. 6 The traffic isn't moving at all. b) (yjy Listen to the sentences. Notice the linking. C) |2JD Look at R9.8, pl55. Listen again and notice the consonant-vowel linking. [JjJ Q Listen and practise the sentences in 4a). thinkof-) thinkof the strike -> What do you thinkj)fthe strike? Help with Grammar esent Simple nt Continue a) Look at this sentence. Then complete the rules with Present Simple (PS) or Present Continuous (PC). I usually go to work by train, but I'm driving today. > We use talk about things that happen every day/week/month, etc. • We use talk about things happening now. • We use am, are and is in...............questions. • We use do and does in...............questions. b) Do we usually use the Present Simple (PS) or the Present Continuous (PC) with these words? usually PS now today sometimes always often normally at the moment never hardly ever every day C) Check in p!41. a) Read what some other people are doing on the day of the strike. Put the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. ELtA I'm a journalist and I \.w/vte. (write) for a national newspaper. I usually 2...............(work) in the city, but today 13...............(work) at home because of the strike. At the moment 14___............ (sit) in the garden and writing an article on my laptop. Is...............(not work) at home very often - but it's much nicer than the office! rose On Thursdays we usually6............... (drive) into town and 7...............(visit) some friends. But we 8...............(stay) at home today because there are too many cars on the roads. At the moment my husband, Albert,9...............(answer) his emails and I 10......_________(watch) tennis on TV. Normally I 11...............(not watch) TV in the day, but I 12...............(enJoy) this match very much. V b) Listen and check your answers. a) Make questions about the people in 7a). 1 What ...does.. Ella (do) 2 the office today? (work) 3 What...............she the moment? (do) 4 home very often? (work) 5 What.............._ Albert and Rose usually...............on Thursdays? (do) 6 What ..........they (do) 7 ...............Rose normally...............TV in the day? (watch) 8 ...............she...............the tennis match? (enjoy) b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. (what does Ella do?) (she's a journalist ) Get ready ... Get it right! a) Write the names of four people in your family and four friends on a piece of paper. b) Think what these people are doing at the moment and what they usually do in their free time. Don't write anything. Work in pairs. Swap papers. Ask about your partner's people. (Who's Alexis?"") (what's he doing now, do you think?) (what does he do in his free time? ) 9C On the phone QUICK REVIEW ••• Write four phone numbers you know. Work in pairs. Take turns to say them to your partner once only. Write your partner's numbers. Check the numbers. I'll get back to you ^ Emily is at work. Look at 1-3 and answer the questions. a) What is Chris Morris's job? b) What type of play is Say Cheese!? c) What is the postcode of Morris Computers? d) In which month is the conference? e) How many phone calls does Emily want to make? f) What is Chris Morris's email address? g) Who are the actors in Say Cheese!? h) Is Katrina a friend or a customer, do you think? Help with Listening a) fj^Fn Listen to these phone messages. Fill in the gaps with these words. wieefrtait person choose back message press try 1 Hello, this is Alan Wick's vpjcemaU . 2 If you leave a message, I'll you. 3 I'm sorry, but called is not available. 4 Please leave your...............after the tone. 5 of the following three options. 6 For any other enquiries,...............three. 7 Please______________later. b) UJJ Listen to four messages. For each message, do you: a) hang up? b) leave a message? c) press a number on the phone? r Real World phone messages; talking on the phone Help with Listening phone messages Review can for requests and possibility; suggestions Tel: 0161 788 4553 email: ^ cot* , a) (] Listen and answer these questions. 1 When does Emily want to: a) meet Alan Wick? b) meet Katrina? c) go to the theatre? 2 How much are the theatre tickets? b) Look at R9.14, pl55. Listen again and check your answers. Say Cheese! by Michael Hutton starring Jenny Ross and Brian Winter This year's best comedy! The Manchester News The King's Theatre, Manchester Box office: 0800 411 411 9C Real World Talking on the phone a) Write these headings in the correct places a)-d) in the table. Can I call you back? a) Read conversations 1 and 2. Match them to photos A and B. b) l&lfcl Listen and choose the words/phrases the people say. 1 tim Hello, 3DUK. Can I help you? katrina Hello. V want to/(^anj) speak to Emily, please? tim 2Hold on/Stop a moment, I'll get her. emily Hello. Emily Wise. katrina Hi. ^It's/I'm Katrina. I 4got/had your message. emily Good. Shall we go for a coffee after work? katrina Sure. Is six o'clock OK? emily Yes. Let's meet at Cafe Uno. katrina OK. See you there at six. Bye. 2 emily chris emily chris Hello, 5/s that /areyou Chris Morris? ^Speaking. II am. 7This is/I'm Emily Wise, from 3DUK. Hello, Emily. Look, I'm in a meeting now. Can I call you 8back/again? emily Of course. If it's after five, call me 9on/by my mobile. chris Right. 10/7/ call/I'm calling you later. emily Thanks a lot. Bye. C) Listen again and check. d) Work in pairs. Answer these questions. 1 Which conversation is a: a) business call? b) call between friends? 2 In which conversation do they plan to: a) meet? b) talk later? 3 Who: a) is in a meeting? b) works with Emily at 3DUK? r other useful phrases calling people back saying who you are asking to speak to people a) b) Hello, can I speak to (Emily), please? Hello, is that (Chris Morris)? This is (Emily Wise), from (3DUK). It's (Katrina). Speaking. c) d) other useful phrases Can I call you I'll call you lat Can you call n b) Check in back? sr. le back; ► pl41. I got your message. Call me on my mobile. Hold on a moment, I'll get him/her. 530 Q Listen and practise the sentences in 5a). Hello, can I speak to Emily, please? a) Katrina is making some phone calls. Fill in the gaps with parts of the phrases from 5a). 1 katrina Hello, \is that Simon Dale? simon Speaking. katrina Fli, Simon. 2.........................Katrina Clark. simon Oh, hello, Katrina. Look, I can't talk right now. 3......................... you back? katrina Yes, of course. mobile. simon Right. I'll 5.........................later. Bye. 2 katrina Hi, Veronica. 6.......__________________Katrina. veronica Hi, Katrina. How are you? katrina I'm fine, thanks. 7......................... to Rob, please? veronica 8____________.............a moment, I'll get him. rob Hello, Katrina. 19......................... your message. Lets meet at 8.30 outside the cinema. katrina OK, see you then. Bye. b) lu'Xri Listen and check. a) Work in pairs. Write a phone conversation. b) Swap conversations with another pair. Practise the new conversation in your pairs. Then role-play it for the pair who wrote it. Work in pairs. Student A -> pill. Student B -> pll9. Follow the instructions. 9D The Adventure Centre QUICK REVIEW • • • Work in pairs. Write all the telephone phrases you can remember. Compare with another pair. Which pair has more phrases? a) Tick the words/phrases you know. Then do the exercise in ^ pl40. swim ski type surf windsurf sail sing cook drive speak another language use a computer ride a horse ride a motorbike play tennis play chess play a musical instrument b) Work in pairs. Find four things that you can do, but your partner can't do. Use the words/phrases in 1a) or your own ideas. (Can you play chess?) (Yes, I can./No, I cahtT) Read the job advert. Would you like to do this job? Why?/Why not? Group Leaders - The Mayo Adventure Centre We are looking for people to work as group leaders at our outdoor centre in County Mayo, Ireland. We offer holidays and weekend breaks for adults and teenagers (including school groups from Europe). We want people who: • like working with young people • enjoy doing outdoor activities • are good at water sports • can ride and like working with horses • are good at languages • have a driving licence • are friendly and helpful For an application form email us at: Z^""^ Experience and references required. a) Read Melanie's reference. Do you think she's a good person for the job? b) Read the reference and advert again. Find six reasons why she can do the job. Vocabulary indoor and outdoor activities; adverbs and adjectives Review can I can't The Highland Outdoor Centre Galloway DG7 3NQ Scotland Tel: 01644 457899 Fax: 01644 457898 email: 23rd March 2005 Dear Sir or Madam Reference: Ms Melanie Simms I am writing to recommend Melanie for the position of group leader with your company. She worked for our outdoor centre last summer and was a very hard worker. She made friends easily and was a popular group leader with everyone at the centre. Melanie loves all sports, particularly climbing and mountain biking. She can sail very well and is a good windsurfer and a fast swimmer. She can also play the guitar beautifully -the children loved listening to her around the campfire in the evening! She speaks French fluently and is an excellent driver. Please contact me by phone or email if you would like any further information. Yours faithfully Andrew McCaffrey Centre Manager Help with Vocabulary Adverbs and adjectives a) Look at this sentence. Then complete the rules with adverbs or adjectives. adverb adjective She speaksFrenc^ and is an excellent driver. 1 We describe nouns. They usually come before the noun. We use............... to describe verbs. They usually come after the verb. b) Look at the adverbs and adjectives in bold in the letter. Which nouns or verbs do they describe? c) Write the adverbs for these adjectives. What are the spelling rules? Which adverb is irregular? 1 beautiful 2 fluent 3 easy 4 good d) Check in [J pl40 and look at the other irregular adverbs. 9 Review Language Summary 9, p140 Write the adverbs. 1 quick quickly 5 careful 2 happy 6 hard 3 fast 7 quiet 4 slow 8 bad a) Choose the correct words. 1 I'm a(qooc?ywel[ tennis player. 2 I usually sleep quite bad/badly. 3 I work very hard/hardly. 4 I always do my English homework very careful/carefully. 5 I'm a bad/badly driver. 6 I speak more than one language fluent/fluently. 7 I'm a very well/good cook. b) Change the sentences to make them true for you. I'm not a very good tennis player. I usually steep very well. C) Compare sentences with a partner. How many are the same? a) Choose three adjectives or adverbs from 4c) or 5. Write a sentence about you for each word. Give the sentences to your teacher. b) Listen to your teacher read sentences about different students. Can you guess who he/she is talking about? Look at the song Dancing in the Street on pl03. Follow the instructions. a) Write two words/phrases that go with these verbs. C28 1 sign 4 answer a contract 5 take 2 write 6 work for/in 3 write to 7 go to b) Work in pairs. Compare your answers. a) Draw six pictures of people doing different activities. b) Work in pairs. Swap pictures. Guess what the people in the pictures are doing. / think he's dancing. No, he isn't. He's running! Put the verbs in the correct form of the Present Continuous. mum Jim, can you help me? jim Sorry, Mum, Vm. .dojng.. my homework, (do) mum What'2 your sister ...........7 (do) jim She'3.....................a shower. (have) mum And what4............... Gary and Sam............._. ? (do) jim They'5..................... football. (play). But Dad 6............... ............... anything, (not do) dad Yes, I am. I'7......._____......... the paper, (read) mum Not any more! a) Write these travelling verbs/phrases. 1 ylf ...Ik..... 2 leccy ............... 3 vired 4 lisa ............... 5 kawl ............... 6 kate het ratin b) What is another way to say these verbs/phrases? fly go by plane a) Put the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1 Where ...does., your best friend work or study? (work) 2 What...............your best friend at the moment? (do) 3 Which TV programmes week? (watch) 4 What.......________your parents today, do you think? (do) 5 usually on Friday evenings? (go) 6 What............... the teacher now? (do) b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. a) Write three things you can do quite well and three things you can't do. | b) Compare ideas in groups. Can the other students do the things you can't do? Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can talk about things people do at work. I can describe things that are happening now. I can talk about types of transport. I can understand simple phone messages. I can have a conversation on the phone. I can talk about things I can and can't do. I can understand a simple letter. b) What do you need to study r. again? ©9A-D 10 Mind and body 10A A healthy heart QUICK REVIEW • • • Work in groups. Tell other students one thing you: always, usually, often, sometimes, don't often, hardly ever, never do at home. Vocabulary Health a) Tick the phrases you know. Then do the exercise in Language Summary 10 fTfrffl pl42. do exercise lose weight stop smoking get stressed get fit go to the gým have a heart attack eat fried food drink alcohol high/low in fát b) Which of these phrases match a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? C) Work in groups. Do you think you have a healthy or an unheathy lifestyle? Why? Reading and Grammar a) Work in pairs. Guess the answers to these questions. Don't read the article. 1 Which disease kills more people in Britain: cancer or heart disease? 2 How many adults die of heart disease in Britain every hour? 3 Do women have more heart attacks than men? 4 Where do people have more heart attacks - the UK or Japan? 5 How many grams of salt is it good to eat every day? 6 How many portions of fruit and vegetables is it good to eat every day? 7 Is alcohol always bad for your heart? b) Read the article and check your answers. c) Read the article again and find four things that are good for your heart and four that are bad. Does anything in the article surprise you? Vocabulary health; How often...? and frequency expressions Grammar imperatives; should/shouldn't Review Present Simple questions TOP TIPS FOR fl HEALTHY HEART! Heart disease kills more people in Britain than any other disease, including cancer. One adult dies every three minutes from heart disease and it's more common in men than women. Age is also important. 80% of people who die of heart attacks are 65 or older. And it's an amazing fact that five times more men die of heart disease in the UK than in Japan. But there are many things you can do to help your heart stay healthy. Here are our top tips for a healthy heart! • Stop smoking. Everyone knows that cigarettes give you cancer, but they're also very bad for your heart. If you only do one thing to help your heart, do this! Do more exercise. Regular exercise (four times-^ a week for 30 minutes) is very good for your heart. - • Don't eat a lot of fried food and only eat red meat once a week. This type of food is bad for your heart because it's high in fat. Eat fish twice or three times a week. It's good for your heart because it's low in fat and high in Omega-3 oils. • Don't eat a lot of salt. We only need about lg of salt a day — most people eat about 6g! C Eat more fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day). • Lose some weight. Overweight people have more heart attacks! • Don't drink a lot of alcohol — but a glass of red wine every day can be good for your heart. 10A Vocabulary and Grammar Help with Grammar e a) We often use imperatives to give very strong advice. Look at these sentences and answer the questions. Stop smoking. Don't eat a lot of salt. 1 Is the positive imperative the same as the infinitive? 2 How do we make the negative imperative? b) Check in p!43. a) Write five tips on how to get fit. Use positive and negative imperatives. Walk to work/school. Don't sit and watch TV every night. b) Work in groups of three. Compare sentences and choose your top five tips. Tell the class what they are. Listening and Grammar a) |j Listen to Mr Taylor at the doctor's. Is he healthy, do you think? Why?/ Why not? b) Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How much does he weigh? 2 How often does he do exercise? 3 How often does he eat red meat? 4 When did he stop smoking? 5 How often does he drink alcohol? 6 What advice does the doctor give him? Help with Grammar should/shouldn't lelp with Vocabular How often,..? ssions a) Look at the frequency expressions in bold in the article. Then fill in the gaps once I a day ............... a..........- ■ three times a month four times a year every week month year ? to ask about b) We use How often .. frequency. Make questions with these words. 1 do / How often / go / you / to the theatre ? 2 your brother / does / How often / phone you ? 3 did / visit / you / your grandfather / How often ? C) Check in MfiJW p!42. a) Work in pairs. Ask your partner how often he/she does these things. We use should and shouldn't to give advice. Look at these sentences and choose the correct words in the rules. Then check in Ifll'M pl43. You shouldn't eat so much red meat. And you should do more exercise. m We use should to say something is a good/bad thing to do. • We use shouldn't to say something is a good/bad thing to do. • After should and shouldn't we use the infinitive/ infinitive with to. a) The doctor gave Mr Taylor more advice. Fill in the gaps with should or shouldn't. ... eat salad more often. ... eat so many pizzas. How often do you eat red meat? 1 You 2 You 3 You 4 You 5 You 6 You b) eat red meat do some exercise get very stressed go on holiday eat fish drink more than one glass of alcohol have less than six hours' sleep b) Who has a healthier lifestyle - you or your partner? Why? Listen and practise. You should eat salad more often. c) Write three more pieces of advice for Mr Taylor. Compare sentences in pairs. Get ready ... Get it right! Work in groups of three. Student A pl06. Student B pi 14. Student C pl20. Follow the instructions. 10B What's he QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Write all the words for clothes you know. What clothes are you wearing today? Vocabulary Appearance a) Look at photos 1-4 for two minutes. Remember the people and their clothes! b) Work in pairs. Close your book. Say what the people are wearing. a) Work in pairs. Tick the words you know. Check new words in pi42. Vocabulary describing people's appearance and character Grammar questions with like Help with Listening sentence stress (3) Review clothes; free time activities Help with Listenmc Sentence stress (3) a) Look at the beginning of the conversation. Remember: we stress the important words. OK, Leo. I've got jour people for the Break poster. See what you think. b) OPm Look at R10.3, pl56. Listen again and notice the sentence stress. young middle-aged old tall short fat overweight thin slim beautiful good-looking attractive white black Asian bald B blue/brown/green eyes long/short hair dark/fair/blonde/grey hair a beard a moustache b) Which group of words do you use with have got? Which do you use with he? a) Write a description of one person in photos 1-4. Don't write his/her name. b) Work in pairs. Read your partner's description. Who is it? Are there any mistakes? a) Tina and Leo want someone for a poster to advertise Break, a new chocolate bar. Listen and put the people they talk about in order. b) Listen again. Make notes on the people's good points and bad points. c) Work in pairs. Compare your answers. Who do Tina and Leo choose, do you think? Why? d) (2 Listen to the end of the conversation. Who did they choose? Why? [ilil 10B Vocabulary and Grammar Vocabulary Character Listening and Grammar a) Tick the sentences that are true for you. 1 I like giving people money and presents. 2 It's difficult for me to talk to new people. 3 I don't like working and 1 watch TV all day. 4 I like doing things to help other people. 5 I make people laugh a lot. 6 I usually think about myself, not other people. 7 I'm friendly and I like meeting new people. 8 When I promise to do something, 1 always do it. b) Work in pairs. Compare your answers. How many are the same? Match these words to one of the sentences in 6a). Check in vTfiKM pl42. generous 7 kind funny selfish outgoing shy lazy reliable Work in groups. Use the adjectives in 7 to describe members of your family. ( My brother is quite shy. J -— Tina asks Leo about his new girlfriend. Listen and match questions 1-3 to answers a)-c). Who is Leo's girlfriend? 1 What's she like? 2 What does she like doing? 3 What does she look like? a) She's tall and slim, and she's got long dark hair. b) She likes dancing and going to restaurants. c) She's really friendly and outgoing. And she's very beautiful. Help with Grammar a) Complete the rules with questions 1-3 in 9. • We use............... to ask for a general description. The answer can include character and physical appearance. We use............... to ask about physical appearance only. We ask about people's likes and free time interests. • How is he/she? asks about health, not personality. Example answer: She's fine, thanks. b) Check in pl43. My father is very kind and generous. J -^- 0 a) Write the questions for these answers. 1 She's tall, attractive and very friendly. What's she like? 2 She's quite short and has got dark hair. 3 He's selfish and lazy, but really good-looking! 4 She likes gardening and cycling. 5 He's not very tall and he's bald. 6 They're both quite shy. b) ffijjfffl O Listen and check. Then listen again and practise. What's she like? Get ready ... Get it right! Write the names of four friends on a piece of paper. Think how you can describe their character, appearance and the things they like doing. Don't write this information. ffi a) Work in pairs and swap papers. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 9 about your partner's friends. b) Choose-one-of your partner's friends that you would like to meet. Tell the class why you chose that person. 10C I feel terrible! r QUICK REVIEW • • • Think of three famous people. Work in pairs. Take turns to describe the people but don't say their names. You can talk about their appearance, character, job, age, nationality, etc. Guess your partner's people. Real World talking about health; giving advice with Why don't you...? Vocabulary health problems and treatment Help with Listening being sympathetic Review have got; imperatives; should/shouldn't What's the matter? a) Match the sentences to the people. 1 I've got a stomach ache. B 4 I feel sick. 2 I've got a cold. 3 My back hurts. b) Listen and check. 5 I've got a cough. 6 My arm hurts. a) Work in pairs. Fill in the table with these words. Check in tM'.^l pl42. bade .4W- a stomach ache terrible arm foot a temperature a headache leg a toothache a sore throat a cold sick better a cough I've got I feel hurts. a stomach ache Get better soon! a) Match these phrases to the verbs. Check in * pl43. to-befl jtherne jhs-day-BTf some painkillers home to the doctor some co'ugh medicine in bed to the dentist some antibiotics go ...lab.ed..... stay ....atbams... take ill back My b) |[2j23 Q Listen and practise. c) Work in pairs. Take turns to test your partner. sick (acough ) (Yve got a cougfu) (sick) (l feel sicQ b) Work in groups. Look at the words in 2a) again. What do you usually do when you are ill? When I've got a cold I normally stay in bed. ) ( I usually take some aspiria ) IOC Real World a) Read the conversations and match them to photos A and B. Then fill in the gaps with the words in the boxes. 1 can't stomach wrong dear how A Hi, Diana, 1...............are you? b I'm not very well. A Oh, what's 2............... ? b I've got a bad 3...............ache. A That's a shame. Why don't you go home? b 14............... . I've got a meeting this afternoon. A Oh,5............... . I hope you get better soon. b Thanks. See you later. 2 headache terrible throat drink should A Hello, Gerry. Are you OK? b No, I feel6................ A Oh, dear. What's the matter? b I've got a 7............... and a sore 8............... . A You 9__............. take the day off and go to bed. b Yes, good idea. A And 10_______........lots of water. b OK. See you tomorrow, maybe. b) liiM'l Listen and check. Real World a) Fill in the gaps in the table with the sentences in bold in 4a). asking about someone's health expressing sympathy giving advice How are you? Are you OK? What's wrong? Oh, dear. That's a shame. You should take the day off. Drink lots of water. b) Check in RW10.1 pl43. UiffiMlF O Listen and practise the sentences in 5a). Copy the intonation. How are you? £^ a) Work in pairs. Choose conversation 1 or 2 from 4a). Practise the conversation until you can remember it. b) Close your book. Practise the conversation again. a) Choose an illness from 2a). Have conversations with other students. Be sympathetic and give advice. (jli, how are you? ) R10.10 Listen. Which sounds sympathetic, a) or b)? 1 What's wrong? © b) 2 What's the matter? a) b) 3 Oh, dear. a) b) 4 That's a shame. a) b) 5 Why don't you go home? a) b) 6 You should take the day off. a) b) ( I'm not very welL^) Oh, dear.What's wrong?} (a (l've got... /I feel... /My ... hurtT) Why don't you ...?/You should ..Tj (wj b) Tell the class your illness. What advice did students give you? Was it good advice, do you think? w 10D Are you SAD in winter? Vocabulary seasons; weather; word building Review What's... like? QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Take turns to mime illnesses to your partner. Don't speak! He/She guesses what's wrong and gives advice. a) Put the seasons in order. Then check in lTffi^/ pi43. winter summer autumn [US: fall] spring 7 b) Look at photos 1 and 2. Which seasons are they, do you think? a) Read the first paragraph of the article. Why does the woman in photo 1 have a light on her desk? b) Read the whole article. Answer these questions. 1 How did Herb Kern feel in summer/winter? 2 What did the scientists make for him? 3 In which countries is SAD quite common? 4 Why do people get SAD? 5 Do men get SAD more often than women? 6 How do you know if people have SAD? 7 How long should you use a light box a day? c) Work in pairs. Check your answers. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you feel depressed in winter? Why?/Why not? 2 What activities do you usually do in winter? 3 Which is your favourite season? Why? If you're SAD, , see the light! ! Many people feel depressed in winter - and now scientists think they know why. n the 1970s, an American engineer called Herb Kern noticed that in spring and summer he was happy and had a lot of energy, but every winter he became depressed and lazy. He thought it was because there wasn't much daylight in the winter and asked some scientists to make a 'light box'. He put the box on his desk and after a few days he felt a lot better. In 1982 the scientists gave his illness a name - Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. n the USA about 6-20% of people have SAD and it is common in other countries like the UK and Sweden. People get SAD in autumn and winter, when the days are shorter and there is less daylight. It Ts more common in women than in men. People with SAD usually sleep a lot and feel tired all the time. They also eat a lot of sweet food and feel depressed. The answer is bright light. People with SAD should use a light box for half an hour a day. Or you can go on holiday to a sunny country, of course! a) Tick the words you know. Then do the exercise in i'iC'U pl43. 10 Review Language Summary 10, p142 What's the weather like? (ST) hot warm cold wet dry ra'ining snowing windy cloudy sunny 34° (degrees) b) What's the weather like today?- Work in pairs. Student A pl09. Student B -» pi 17. Follow the instructions. Help with Vocabulary Word building a) Look at the table. How do we make the adjectives from the nouns? Then fill in the gaps. noun adjective verb rain rainy snowy snow wind - cloudy - sun - b) Check in pl43. a) Choose the correct words. 1 It rainy/<£djned)d. lot last night. 2 It's a beautiful sun/sunny day. 3 There's usually a lot of snow/snowy in January. 4 It was very wind/windy last weekend. 5 It's cloud/cloudy today. 6 Look - it's rainy/raining again! b) Make the sentences true for where you are living now. Compare sentences with a partner. It was really cold last night. a) Match the verbs in A to the words/phrases in B. | A B do —x stressed eat s— exercise drink fried food get alcohol lose smoking stop to the gym get fit go weight b) Choose four phrases that you do now, or did in the past. c) Work in groups. Discuss why you chose your phrases. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner how often he/she does these things. I'iiiM 1 eat out 2 get up late 3 go to the theatre 4 check your email 5 watch sport on TV 6 go to parties a) Write two pieces of advice for these people. 1 Ana can't get up in the morning. Ana should go to bed earlier. 2 Gail is tired all the time. 3 Rob can't remember people's names. b) Work in groups. Compare your advice. Which is the best advice for each person? a) Do these words describe appearance (A) or character (C)? ^jlffij I'iMtl beautiful A generous C overweight good-looking attractive funny selfish lazy reliable slim outgoing bald short b) Work in pairs. Where is the stress on these words? beautiful a) Make questions with these words. 1 Who / Joe / is ? Who is Joe? 2 like / What / look / he / does ? 3 doing / he / like / does / What ? 4 he/'s/like/What ? b) Match questions 1-4 with answers a)-d). a) He likes travelling. b) He's very kind and quite shy. c) He's my brother. d) He's tall and he's got fair hair. c) Write the names of three of your friends. d) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask the questions in 5a) about your partner's friends. a) Cover the words in 1 p84 and 4 p85. Then add words to these groups. Vm5lV1G\7 1 health problems a cold 2 parts of the body leg 3 seasons summer 4 weather adjectives hot b) Work in groups and compare lists. Who has got the most words? Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can say how often I do things. I can ask for and give advice. I can talk about people's appearance and character. I can say what's wrong when I'm ill. I can express sympathy. I can talk about the weather. b) What do you need to study again? I10A-D 11 Future plans 11A New Year's resolutions QUICK REVIEW • • • Work in groups. Talk about a country you know (not your own). What's the weather like in January/April/ July/October? When is the best time to visit? Why? Vocabulary Verb collocations Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 How do people in your country celebrate New Year? s-* 2 What did you do last New Year? 3 Do people in your country make New Year's resolutions? If yes, what kind? Tick the phrases you know in box A. Then match the words/phrases in box B with the verbs in bold. There is one word/phrase for each verb. Check in Language Summary 11 iTfiWI pl44. A get fit work less lose weight stop smoking do more exercise have a holiday move to another country B three kilos a computer course eating sweet things fun house harder a new job Listening and Grammar ^i^ffP Look at the picture of a New Year's Eve-party. Listen to two conversations and match the people to their New Year's resolutions A-E. a) Look at the people's New Year's resolutions. Fill in the gaps with words from 2. 1 I'm going to work less and have more fun 2 And I'm going to have a......._......this year. 3 I'm going Australia. 4 I'm going to do a............... . 5 We're going to get......._______and Val's going to stop ... 6 And David's going to............ weight. 7 I'm going to do more............... . 8 I'm not going to eat...............any more. b) Ilium Listen again and check. Vocabulary verb collocations Grammar be going to (1): positive, negative and Wh- questions Review weather r Help with Grammar it'if'iwi fit 'mHnTfiriir^ a) Look at the sentences in 4a). Then choose the correct words in the rules. 1 • These sentences talk about the present/future/past. • The people decided to do these things before/ when they said them. • We use be going to + infinitive for future plans/ things we do every day. b) Look at the sentences in the table. Then write sentences 7 and 8 from 4a) in the table. subject auxiliary (+ not) going to infinitive We 're (are) going to get fit. Val 's (is) going to stop smoking. C) Check in pl45. Q Listen and practise. I'm going to /gauinta/ work less and have more fun. 11A Vocabulary and Grammar a) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of be going to and the verb in brackets. 1 1' look far. a new job soon, (look for) 2 He...............................___________any fried food, (not/eat) 3 She..........................________________her house, (sell) 4 a gym. (go) 5 I_....................................any cigarettes, (not/buy) 6 He..........................................a lot. (study) b) Work in pairs. Match the sentences to the people at the party. Qjbink Ed's going to look for a new job soonT) a) Read email 1 from Jack to Meg after the party. Why is Jack sending this photo to her? b) Read email 2. Find three questions. c) Read email 3. Find Jack's answers. Meg, have a look at this picture! This is where I'm going on holiday. What do you think? going to: Wh- questions Help with Grammar a) Look at the question in the table. Then write the other two questions from email 2 in the table. question auxiliary subject going to infinitive word What are you going to do all day? b) Check in p!45. a) Make questions with you and going to. 1 What / do after class ? What are you going to do after class? How / get home today ? What / do next weekend ? What / have for dinner tonight ? Where / have lunch tomorrow ? When / do your English homework ? Q Listen and practise the questions in 10a). 2 3 4 5 6 b) c) Work in groups. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 10a). et ready ... Get it right! Wbat are you going to do in the future? Write at least three things about: next week, next month and next year. Use the phrases in 2 or your own ideas. Q a) Work in groups of four. Take turns to ask and answer questions about your plans. Are your plans the same or different? (Wiat are you going to do next week? j b) Tell the class about people with the same plans as you. Hi Jack It looks amazing! But what are you going to do all day? There's nothing there! And where are you going to stay? I can't see any hotels. And what are you going to eat?! Meg Nam mtg | Rephj m i & ä © a * .-my Ml : Forward Hi Meg Don't worry about me. I'm going to stay in a small house by the beach and there's one restaurant on the island. They say it only has fish, but that's OK. I love fish. And I'm not going to do any work - I'm going to sit on the beach and read lots of books. See you when I get back! Jack 11E 11B No more exams! QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Take turns to say three things you're going to do tomorrow evening, and three things you aren't going to do. Are you going to do the same things? Vocabulary studying Grammar might; be going to (2): yes/no questions and short answers Help with Listening going to Review be going to: positive, negative and Wh- questions Vocabulary studying Fill in the gaps with these words/phrases. Then check in \ pl44. starf revise for take go to a qualification pass fail leave a degree a job Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Which things in 1 do people usually celebrate? 2 What was the last exam you took? Was it difficult? 3 Did you celebrate when you finished? If yes, what did you do? Listening and Grammar a) £ J3 Listen to Tim, Debbie and Sid talking after their final university exam. Tick the things they talk about. b) Listen again and tick the true sentences. 1 The exam was quite easy. 2 Tim is sure that he's going to Jane's party. 3 Debbie wants to go home and sleep. 4 Debbie's going to meet her boyfriend, Tony, in town later. 5 Debbie and Tony are sure that they're going to a club. 6 Sid and Clare are sure they're going to the cinema. 11B Vocabulary and Grammar I Help with Grammar a) Look at these sentences. Then choose the correct words in the rules. / might go for a drink with Peter, or I might go to Jane's party. I'm going to meet Tony in town. • We use might/be going to to say a future plan is decided. * We use might/be going to to say something in the future is possible, but not decided. After might we use the infinitive/infinitive with to. b) Check in Ittiftl pl45. Q Listen and practise. • • • • / might go for a drink with Peter. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of be going to or might and the verb in brackets. (/) = decided, (/X) = not decided. TIM 1 (V) I...............(not do) another course next year. 2 (SX) My brother and I________....... (go) to France for a couple of weeks. 3 (/) I...............(not work) in the family business. DEBBIE 4 (//) I...............(get) a job in Italy. 5 (/) I............... (do) a Spanish course. 6 (/X) Tony and I............... (get) married next year. a) Write three things you might do and two things you're going to do next year. b) Work in pairs. Take turns to say your sentences. Are any of your sentences the same? Help with Listening a) ClTF? Listen and notice the two diflcrent ways we say going to. Both are correct. I'm going to /gaoirjto/ meet Tony in town. What are you going to Iganol do this evening? b) Listen to these sentences. Which way do these people say going to, a) or b)? /g soirjta/ /gona/ 1 Are you going to get a job? a) ® 2 I'm going to study law. a) b) 3 We're going to talk to the bank. a) b) 4 Are you going to stay here? a) b) 5 I'm going to get a job. a) b) 6 I'm going to sell my car. a) b) Listen to Tim talking to Sid and Clare about their plans. Answer the questions. 1 Are Sid and Clare going to study in the UK? 2 Are they going to study the same thing? 3 Is Tim going to stay in the UK? 4 Is he going to do another course? 5 Is Sid going to sell his car? Help with Grammar a) Fill in the gaps with part of the verb be. 1 going to get a job? b Yes, 1................/No, I..............not. 2 A...............he going to sell his car? b Yes, he................/No, he____........._ . 3 A ...............they going to study in the UK? b Yes, they............... ./No, they............... . b) Check in pl45. Work in pairs. Student A -3 pl07. Student B ' pll5. Follow the instructions. Get ready ... Get it right! Look at these possible plans. Make yes/no questions with you. _ Find someone who is going to: meet a friend after class Are you going to meet a friend after class? work next weekend study tonight stay at home tomorrow go away next weekend have a holiday in the next three months watch a video or DVD this evening buy some clothes next weekend take an exam this year a) Ask other students your questions. Find one person who is going to do each thing. Then ask two follow-up questions. b) Tell the class about another student's plans. Finding your way QUICK REVIEW ••• Write a list of places you can find in a town or city (museum, station, etc.). Work in pairs and compare lists. How many of these places are near where you are now? Real World asking for and giving directions Vocabulary prepositions of place and movement Review rooms in a house; • places in a town; imperatives Choosing a holiday home a) Read the adverts for holiday homes in Seaton. Which place is better for Sue's family, do you think? Why? Directions €> Sue Daniels and her family Craven Holiday Home Hill Place SEATON • Three bedrooms. Sleeps up to S people. • Living room with TV and DVD player. • Fully equipped kitchen with dining area. Shower room and separate toilet. Small garden. S minute walk to town centre. 10 minute walk to beach. From £280 per week. Benton House SEATON • Three bedrooms. Sleeps up to 6 people. • Small living room with TV. Large fully equipped kitchen with dining area. Bathroom and separate shower. 10 minute walk to town centre. 1 minute from the beach. From £360 per week. 01834 654389 Tick the phrases you know. Then do the exercise in |^jJ£J pl45. b) Work in groups. Say which holiday home you chose and why. Do you agree? Listen to Sue phone Craven Holiday Homes. When is the family's holiday? Which place does she choose? Why? turn right turn left go over the bridge go past the pub go along this street it's on the/your left it's on the/your right it's opposite it's next to a) Look at the map on page 91 and read the email. Draw the route from You are here to the holiday home. □ NeuTmsg Reply Reply nil ft Forward Dear Mrs Daniels Thank you for booking one of our holiday homes. Here are your directions. When you come into the town you're on Abbott Street. Go along this street, past the bus station on the right, then go over the bridge and turn right. This is East Street. Go along East Street (the river is on your right now) and turn left at the end of the street. Then go along South Road for about 100 metres and turn right. Benton House is the first house on the left, next to a small car park. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Best wishes Angela Craven b) Work in pairs. Check your route. Which number is the holiday home on the map? R11.10 Look at the map and listen. Start at You are here. Which four places do the directions take you to? 11C Real World a) Sue is now at the bus station. She is asking for directions. Put each conversation in order. teal World ng for and giving directions 1 SUE man SUE SUE man 2 sue sue GIRt GIRt 3 man □ Where's that? | | Yes, there's one in Berry Street. | | Thanks very much. [T] Excuse me. Is there a newsagent's near here? □ Go along this road and turn right. That's Berry Street. Go past the pub and the newsagent's is on the right, opposite the supermarket. I | Oh yes, I can see it. Thanks. □ Excuse me. Where's the police station? n No problem. |] It's over there, next to the Internet cafe. a) Read conversations 1-3 in 6a). Fill in the gaps ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Excuse me. Is...............(a newsagent's) near here? ...............'s (the police station)? Do you _.............(the Park Hotel)? GIVING DIRECTIONS There' (Berry Street). Go...............this road and turn right/left. Go...............the pub. Go...............the bridge. (The newsagent's) is...............the/your right/left. It's...............(the supermarket). It's............... to (the Internet cafe). It's......there. Q Yes. You go along this street, over the bridge and it's on your left, in New Road. You can't miss it. sue O Great. Thanks a lot. sue □ How far is it? man O Oh, it's not far. Only about five minutes' walk. sue J Excuse me. Do you know the Park Hotel? b) OUSO Listen and check. Find the places on the map. What numbers are they? You can' b) Check in RW11.2 pl45. |Q} OEES O Listen and practise the sentences in 7a). Excuse me. Is there a newsagent's near here? Q Work in pairs. Student A pl04. Student B ■: pi 12. Follow the instructions. «11D The grass is always greener QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Write five places near where you are now that you both know. Take turns to give directions to two of the places. Your partner guesses the place. Start with: Co out of the building and... Vocabulary verb patterns Review comparatives; things you like and don't like Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you live in a city or in the country? 2 Do you like where you live? Why?/Why not? 3 Would you like to move house? If yes, where to? Why? Work in groups. Which of these sentences do you agree with? Give reasons if possible. -1- The city is dangerous for young people. 2 You can find jobs more easily in the city. 3 It's cheaper to live in the country. 4 Life in the country is easier. 5 Transport is better in the city. 6 The cost of living in the country and the city is the same. a) Look at the photos of the people. Who agrees with the sentences in 2, do you think - Matthew or Stuart? b) Read the article and check your answers. Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Where are the Lane family going to move to? 2 How many days a week does Matthew see his children? 3 Do all the family want to move to the country? 4 Did Stuart find a job easily when he moved to the city? 5 Has he got a car? 6 Does he sleep well, do you think? 7 Where does he want to live in the future? Time for a chang THEY SAY that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But can moving house really solve your problems? We asked two people from different parts of the UK why they decided to try a new way of life. Matthew Lane We're going to sell our house in the city and move to a beautiful village in the mountains - I've got a job as a National Park manager there. We want an easier life and I want to spend more time with my family. I really enjoy spending time with my children, but I only see them on Sundays at the moment. I work six days a week because you need a lot of money to live in a city - everything's very expensive here. But the kids aren't very happy about moving. They love living in the city, but my wife and I think the country is safer for them. Of course, teenagers like going out on their own, but it can be quite dangerous around here, especially at night. Stuart Reed I moved to the city because I needed to get a job. There were no jobs for me in the country, but when I moved here I found one in the first week. People say it's more expensive in the city, but you don't need a car here and cars are very expensive. I live in an old part of the city and I can walk to work or go by tube. So I think generally the cost of living is about the same. But I'd like to go back to the country one day. Sometimes I hate living here - it's dirty, crowded and really noisy at night. When I'm old, I'd love to have a little place somewhere by the sea where it's really quiet. Help with Vocabulary 11 Review a) Look at these sentences. What comes after want? What comes after love? / want to spend more time with my family. They love living in the city. b) Find these verbs in the article. What comes after them? Write the verbs in the correct column in the table. need would like hate would love enjoy like + infinitive with to + verb+ing want love C) Check in pl44. a) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs. Jjwy' be study read watch find go 1 I need some new clothes. 2 I like...............newspapers. 3 I on TV 4 I want...............a new job. 5 I enjoy..........._ languages. 6 I the cinema. 7 I'd like_______________famous! b) Make questions with you from the sentences in 6a). Then make two more questions of your own. Do you need to buy some new clothes? C) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. (§J Look at the song Chapel of Love on pl03. Follow the instructions. J a) Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the box. QEsJ do' lose stop work move have get 1 more exercise/ a language course 2 new job 3 to another country 4 ..............more fun/a holiday 5.............. less/harder 6..............smoking/ eating chocolate 7 ..............weight/five kilos b) Tick three things that you want to do in the future. C) Work in groups. Compare your ideas. How many people want to do the same thing as you? a) Make questions with these words. 1 going to / you / tomorrow evening / are / do / What ? What are you going to do tomorrow evening? 2 next year / a holiday / have / you / Are / going to ? 3 you / tomorrow afternoon / be / are / going to / Where ? 4 do / after class / going to / What / you / are ? 5 Are / study / going to / you / next year / English ? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in 2a). a) Write three things you're going to do and three things you might do next weekend. I'm going to visit friends. I might rent a DVD. b) Work in groups. Compare your sentences. Language Summary 11, p144 a) Draw pictures of five of these phrases on a piece of paper. Don't write the phrase. turn right turn left go over go past go along on the left on the right opposite next to b) Work in pairs. Swap papers. Guess your partner's phrases. a) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: infinitive with to or verb+ing. 1 1 want XQ_b_uy_ (buy) a car. 2 I love..............(eat) out. 3 I hate..............(take) exams. 4 I'd love..............(live) in the USA. 5 I don't like....._________(drive). 6 I need..............(get up) early tomorrow. 7 I'd like.............. (be) a teacher. 8 I enjoy.............. (study) English! b) Tick the sentences that are true for you. C) Work in groups. How many of your sentences are the same? Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can talk about future plans that are decided or possible. I can ask other people about their plans. I can talk about exams and studying. I can find information in holiday adverts. I can ask for, give and understand directions in the street. I can understand a simple magazine article. b) What do you need to study again? OHA-D 12 Life experiences 12A World records QUICK REVIEW • • • Write something you: love doing, want to do tomorrow, need to do when you get home, enjoy doing, hate doing, are going to do tonight Work in pairs and compare answers. How many are the same? Vocabulary Big and small numbers Match the numbers to the words. Then check in Language Summary 12 RT*l pl46. A6* 1,000,000 3.25 2,300 45,270 156 650,000 70,000,000 1 nought point six 0.6 2 three point two five 3 a hundred and fifty-six 4 two thousand, three hundred 5 forty-five thousand, two hundred and seventy 6 six hundred and fifty thousand 7 a million 8 seventy million Listen and write the numbers. Check your answers in pairs. Reading and Grammar Read the article. Match the world records 1-5 to pictures A-E. a) Read the article again. Fill in the gaps a)-h) with these prices and numbers. £12,300 $120,000 335 85 £44,007 11.68 82 0.01 b) | Listen and check. C) Which record is the most interesting or surprising, do you think? Vocabulary big and small numbers Grammar superlatives Review comparatives; Past Simple 5 A Mexican couple, Octavio Guillen and Adriana Martinez, had the longest engagement in the world. They got engaged in 1902 - and got married in 1969. They were both a>...............years old on their wedding day. The wettest place in the world is probably Mount Wai'ale'ale, in Hawaii. It rainsb)...............days a year, with an average rainfall of c>...............m a year. And the world's driest place is the Atacama Desert in Chile. It only gets d'..........._.. cm of rain a year. The earliest computer game was called Spacewar. A group of American students wrote it in 1960 for a computer called PDP-1. This computer cost e>...............- and there were only fifty in the world. The most boring film in the world is probably A Cure for Insomnia, directed by John Henry Timmis IV of Chicago. It'sf)...............hours long and is also the world's longest film. In July 2001, six businessmen spent s) the Petrus Restaurant in London, making this the world's most expensive meal per person. Most of the bill was for the five bottles of wine they drank - the best bottle costh)................ The restaurant didn't ask them to pay for the food! 12A Vocabulary and Grammar Help with Grammar a) Fill in the table with superlatives from the article. adjective comparative superlative long longer longest wet wetter early earlier boring more boring expensive more expensive good better bad worse worst b) Complete the rules with comparatives or superlatives. • We compare three or more things. • We compare two things. C) Work in pairs. Look at the words in 5a) again. What are the rules for making superlatives? (Think about spelling and the number of syllables.) |J pl46 and read d) Check in the TIPS!. a) Write the superlatives. 1 rich richest 7 safe 2 difficult 8 crowded 3 thin 9 friendly 4 happy 10 beautiful 5 hot 11 bad 6 modern 12 good b) Q Listen and practise the superlative adjectives in 6a). richest /ist/ a) Work in teams. Read the quiz. Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Then do the quiz. b) Check your answers on pl58. How many points did your team get? Which of these cities has the...............population? (large) al Istanbul bl Buenos Aires c) New York Which of these film stars is the...............? (old) al Mel Gibson bl Julia Roberts c) Brad Pitt Which is the world's (crowded) al Bangladesh bl Singapore cl Monaco Which of these countries is the...............? (big) a) The USA bl Brazil 0 Australia What's the world's to live in? (expensive) al Moscow bl Tokyo cl New York Who was the...............person to score a goal in a football World Cup final? (young) al Maradona b) Pele c) Ronaldo Which is the...............first language in the world? (common) al English b) Chinese c) Spanish Which of these cities is the Equator? (near) al Mexico City b) Rio de Janeiro cl Madrid Get ready ... Get it right! ^ Write six of these things on a piece of paper. Write one or two words, not complete sentences. Don't write the answers in order. the name of the oldest or youngest person in your family your oldest or most important possession • the most interesting or boring thing you did last weekend the latest or earliest you went to bed last month the best or worst present you got last birthday the best or worst film you saw last year a) Work in pairs. Swap papers. Take turns to ask questions about your partner's words. Ask follow-up questions. Is Stefan the oldest | ST. 7~~. 77~, ,£ person in your family? J lYes'he IS- He's my grandfather, j (How old is he?) (He's 79.) b) Tell the class two things about your partner. 2E 2B Have you ever QUICK REVIEW ••• Write ten adjectives. Work in pairs. Say the adjectives to your partner. He/She says the comparative and superlative form. Listening, Reading and Grammar Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you know anyone who is self-employed? What do they do? 2 What are the good and bad things about being self-employed? 3 Would you like to be self-employed? Why?/Why not? a) ' Listen and read about three friends, Steve, Lucy and Guy. Do they like being self-employed? b) Tick the true sentences. Correct the false ones. 1 Steve went to Mexico two weeks ago. 2 He was in Barbados two months ago. 3 He wants to go to Australia on holiday. 4 Guy and Lucy were self-employed three years ago. 5 The Prime Minister came to their restaurant last month. 6 Guy and Lucy want to go to the USA next year. Vocabulary past participles Grammar Present Perfect for life experiences: positive and negative, Have you ever... ? questions and short answers Review Past Simple I love being self-employed. I've been to about forty countries and I've stayed in some of the world's best hotels. I've written travel articles about lots of amazing places - two weeks ago I went to Mexico and last month 1 spent five days in Barbados, in the Caribbean. But I've never been to Australia. I'd love to go there one day, when I have time - but for a holiday, not for work! Help with Grammar ent Perfect positive and negative a) Look at sentences 1 and 2. Then answer questions a) and b). 1 I've been to about forty countries. (Present Perfect) 2 Two weeks ago I went to Mexico. (Past Simple) a) In sentence I, do we know when Steve went to these countries? b) In sentence 2, do we know when he went to Mexico? b) Complete the rules with Present Perfect (PP) or Past Simple (PS). e We use the............._ to talk about experiences in life until now. We don't say when they happened. We use the.....__________if we say when something happened. C) Find seven more examples of the Present Perfect in the texts. Fill in the gaps in the table with have, has, haven't and hasn't. Steve White-travel writer positive negative l/you/we/they + + past participle l/you/we/they + + past participle he/she/it + + past participle he/she/it + + past participle a) What are the past participles of these verbs? Check new past participles in the Irregular Verb List, pl59. Which three verbs are regular? d) Check in pl47. Read the rules for making past participles and the TIPS!. J 6 7 8 9 10 lose meet study see go Listen and practise the infinitive, Past Simple and past participle of the verbs in 4a). write, wrote, written 12B Vocabulary and Grammar We've had lots of other jobs. Three years ago Guy was a teacher and I worked in an office. But we'd rather be self-employed and we love having our own restaurant. We've met some really interesting people - last year the Prime Minister had dinner here! But it's very hard work and Guy and I have never had a holiday together. We might go to Miami next year -Guy hasn't been to the USA before. a) gyllgj Listen to a conversation between Steve and Lucy. Where are they? What do they talk about? b) Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Steve has been to Rio de Janeiro. 2 He went there three years ago. 3 Lucy wants to go to Brazil on holiday. 4 She's been to Australia. 5 She travelled around Australia by bus. 6 Guy hasn't been to Australia. Help with Grammar m Perfect Have you ever... sowers a) Fill in the gaps in the questions and short answers with have or did. ever been to Australia ? Yes, I................ have a good time? Yes, I........_______ b) Complete the rule with Present Perfect (PP) or Past Simple (PS). We use ask about people's experiences. If the answer is yes, we use ask for (or give) more information. Guy and Lucy Rogers - restaurant owners a) Look at these phrases and write six sentences about your experiences. They can be positive or negative. o work in a restaurant I've worked in a restaurant. • go to the UK / haven't been to the UK. meet someone from Ireland see a Japanese film stay in a five-star hotel be on television/the radio work in an office study another foreign language b) Work in groups. Tell other students your sentences. How many are the same? TIP! • ever + Present Perfect = any time in your life until now. We often use it in questions. C) Check in pl47. Listen and practise. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? Yes, I háve. a) Fill in the gaps. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple and complete the short answers. 1 A France? (go) B Yes, 12................ I 3............... there six years ago. (go) a Where (stay) B 15...............a flat near Bordeaux, (rent) you ever a diary? (write) B Yes, 17................ 18_............._ one when 1 was a teenager, (write) A it every day? (write) b No, 110............... . Only when 111...............on holiday, (be) J)) Listen and check. Get ready ... Get it right! H Work in two groups. Group A Follow the instructions. pill. Group B -» pi 19. Have a good trip! QUICK REVIEW ••• Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions and find three things you have both done in your life: Have you ever been to /met/ worked/seen/studied/had... ?Yes, I have./No, I haven't. Real World at the airport; saying goodbye Vocabulary things and places at an airport Help with Listening questions on the phone Review prices; times; requests Buying a plane ticket Discuss these questions in pairs or groups. 1 What are you going to do at the end of this course? 2 Are you going on holiday soon? If yes, how are you going to get there? 3 How do people usually buy plane tickets in your country? a) Look at the adverts for two travel companies and answer these questions. 1 Which company is open longer on Sundays? 2 Which is more expensive - a return flight to Istanbul or Rome? 3 How many nights is the city break to Miami? 4 How much is the cheapest flight to the USA? 5 Which is cheaper - a return to Prague or Lisbon? 6 What's the most expensive ticket? 7 Does the special offer to California include car hire? 8 Do both companies fly to Boston? If yes, which is cheaper? b) Imagine you have £500. Which flight or holiday would you like to buy? Why? ca(( US DM Call-a-Flight For the cheapest flights - try us first! ★ SPECIAL OFFERS! ★ RETURN FROM SYDNEY............. £759 BOSTON £240 NEW YORK £199 LOS ANGELES . £276 ROME .............. £119 LISBON £130 Hong Kong 4nts from £685 incl flights and 2* hotel California 7nts from £473 incl flights and car hire 0870 777 6565 Book online at: Open 08.00-21.00 seven days a week CITY BREAKS! New York flights + 3nts 3* hotel: £479 Miami, Florida flights + 7nts 2* hotel: £349 ( Good Trips Ltd) 0207 899 6532 rtn from New York....... £219 San Francisco .... £271 Boston........ £269 Istanbul....... £158 Prague........ £139 Round the world . . . £829 Mon-Fri 9.00-19.00 I Sat-Sun 10.00-17.00 I Help with Listenin Questions on the phone a) Joe Hunter wants a ticket to Boston. Match the travel agent's questions a)-g) to the things she asks about 1-7. a) How many people are travelling? b) How can I help you? c) When would you like to go? d) And what's your name, please? e) How would you like to pay? f) When do you want to come back? g) And from which airport? 1 by credit card, cheque 2 the date you leave 3 the date you return 4 the reason you're calling 5 the name of an airport or city 6 number of passengers 7 a name Listen and put questions a)-g) in order. R1Z1Ü Listen to Joe's phone call to Call-a-Flight. Fill in gaps 1-7 in his notes. Uaw"9 Saturday , departL°^He,th;:;.................Ftb^ arri* Zosion * ........................... deparf Bö«*, 5 .............................. March 3rnVe Lond0n * " Prfce 7jr .............................. 12C Real World At the airport Work in pairs. Tick the words/phrases you know. Then do the exercise in Q 3 pl46. a passport a bo'arding card hand luggage a ticket sharp items pack your bags # • passengers a flight number a gate • • •. a check-in desk a window/a middle/an aisle seat a) Joe is at the airport. Work in pairs. What \~y does the woman at the check-in desk say to him? woman Can I have your 1^^^ and your , please? joe Yes. Here you are.__________......______.......... woman How many ^jjj^ have you got? joe ....................................................................... woman Did you yourself? joe ......................................_________........................ .a 1000 or an |j SBB iEJ jbqb SBB woman Have you got any in your ? joe .............___________________................... woman And would you like a joe ....................................................................... woman OK. Here's your • You're in seat 16A. joe woman joe gate 12 woman Yes, it is. It leaves at joe...................____________.............. Enjoy your b) Fill in Joe's part of the conversation in 6a) with these phrases. Y£sJd*Fe-yotraTeT Is the flight on time? Thanks. Bye. Two. Which gate is it? No, I haven't. Yes, I did. A window seat, please. C) R12.11 Listen and check. a) Work in pairs. Practise the conversation in 6a). Take turns to be Joe. b) Work in new pairs. Practise again. When you're Joe, close your book. Real World a) Fill in the gaps with these words. holiday See Have postcard Send ...............a nice weekend! nice...............! You too. Thanks, I will good trip! in two weeks, next year, on the next course. Yes, see you. . me/us an email. a................ Yes, of course. b) Check in RW12.2 p!47. 0 R12.12 Listen and practise the sentences in 8a). Have a nice weekend! a) liiWIfcl Joe is saying goodbye to his friends. Listen and tick the sentences in 8a) that you hear. b) Imagine you're at an airport. Say goodbye to other students in the class! 12 Review Language Summary 12, p146 a) Write the superlatives with the. 1 Who's the tallest ? (tall) 2 Who's got............... cousin? (young) 3 Whose home is............... ? (near) 4 Who's got...............job? (interesting) 5 Who's............... today? (happy) 6 Whose watch is ? (big) 7 Who' English? (good) b) Work in groups. Find answers to these questions. a) Put the verbs in the Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1 1' the film Titanic, (see) 2 I watched TV last night, (watch) 3 1............... to Australia, (not go) 4 I to the UK last year, (go) 5 I............... last night, (stay in) 6 I............... in a shop, (never work) 7 I.......________ skiing twice, (go) b) Make these sentences true for you. C) Work in pairs. Compare sentences with a partner. Are any the same? a) Write four Have you ever ...? questions. Use the past participles of these verbs. go meet stay have work lose study see write play Have you ever been to the USA? b) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Ask follow-up questions if possible. Do the airport word puzzle. Find the message. I'fMM 1 Did you have a good...............? 2 14C is 3 The opposite of depart. 4 On a plane you're a............... . 5 Pack your................ 6 Have you got any hand............ ? 7 You can........_______ tickets online. 8 14A is a________....... seat. 9 Here's your............... card. 10 My plane leaves from............. 7. 11 You can't take any............items. 12 Go to the...............desk. 13 You do this before you travel. © F L / c H T © S L ® A E © s s G 1 R © B s © L G G © B ® W W ® B R G ® C © S c N ® A K Progress Portfolio a) Tick the things you can do in English. I can compare three or more things. I can talk about my past experiences. I can ask other people about their experiences. I can find information in adverts for travel companies. I can buy a plane ticket on the phone. I can check in my luggage at the airport. b) What do you need to study again? O 12A-C Work in groups of four. Read the rules. Then play the game! Rules You need: One counter for each student; one dice for each group. How to play: Put your counters on 5TART HERE. Take turns to throw the dice, move your counter and follow the instructions on the square. The first student to get to FINISH is the winner. Grammar and Vocabulary squares: The first student to land on a Grammar or Vocabulary square answers question 1. The second student to land on the same square answers question 2. If the other students think your answer is correct, you can stay on the square. If the answer is wrong, move back to the last square you were on. You can check your answers with your teacher. If a third or fourth student lands on the same square, he/she can stay on the square without answering a question. Keep Talking squares: If you land on a Keep Talking square, talk about the topic for 20 seconds. Another student can check the time. If you can't talk for 20 seconds, move back to the last square you were on. If a second or third student lands on the same square, he/she also talks about the same topic for 20 seconds. End of Course Review START HERE Say five: 1 types of film 2 types of music Describe a person in your family. Do we use a/an or some with each of these words? 1 cheese, book, money, toast 2 water, rice, sandwich, apple What is the Past Simple of each of these verbs? 1 become, find, choose, 4 meet 2 leave, take, write, put © Make a question with Where for this answer. 1 Her mother was born ' in Rome. 2 Tom's sister lives in the USA. HAVE A REST! How do we say these prices and numbers? 1 239,4,500,0.3, $750,000 2 £250,000,3.4,760, 22,650 MOVE BACK THREE SQUARES MOVE FORWARD TWO SQUARES Say five: 1 illnesses 2 weather words Make a sentence with these words. 1 get up / usually /1 / * at / nine / about 2 bought / our / ago / a year / We / house Make a question with these words. 1 What / you / last / j weekend / do / did ? * 2 tonight / you / going to / Who / meet / are ? 0 Talk about what you do in your free time. © Do we use the Present Simple or Present Continuous with each ■ of these words? 4 1 sometimes, at the moment, now 2 never, often, today HAVE A REST! © © What is the opposite? 1 cheap, unfriendly, fast, clean 2 boring, poor, happy, noisy What is the infinitive of these Past Simple forms? 1 fell, won, lost 2 broke, forgot, told © © Say six: 1 types of shop 2 things you can wear Compare two people you know. What are the comparatives? 1 boring, good, long, easy 2 expensive, bad, happy, wet MOVE FORWARD THREE SQUARES Describe your house or flat. © Make adverbs from these adjectives. 1 beautiful, fast, bad 2 happy, hard, good © Say the nationalities. 1 5pain, China, the U5A, Poland 2 France, Turkey, Italy, Brazil MOVE BACK FOUR SQUARES © Say eight types of: 1 food 2 drink © Talk about your daily routine in the week. © Make a sentence with these words. 1 going to / I'm / tonight / my sister / not / meet ' 2 the theatre / might / next / go to / We / weekend © Talk about what you're going to do next weekend. Say eight: ' 1 family members 2 things in the house © What are the superlatives? 1 beautiful, short, bad, dirty 2 good, fast, friendly, modern FINISH © Make the sentence negative. 1 We went on holiday last year. 2 They've got a car. © © HAVE A REST! Talk about things' you can/can't do in your town/city. © MOVE BACK THREE SQUARES Da Do Ron Ron 6D p53 What are the Past Simple forms of these verbs? Which verbs are irregular? 1 meet met 5 walk 2 stand 6 know 3 tell 7 catch 4 be 8 look a) lilfliM Listen to the song. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple forms of the verbs in 1. I 1_jOJ6.t_ him on a Monday And my heart 2...............still Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Somebody that his name 4...............Bill Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Yes, my heart 5............... still Yes, his name 6...............Bill And when he home Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron 18...............what he was doing When he 9............... my eye Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron He 10............__. so quiet but my oh my Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Yes, he eye Yes, my oh my And when he home Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron He picked me up at seven And he fine Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Some day soon I'm going to make him mine Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Yes, he fine Yes, I'll make him mine And when he home Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron b) Work in pairs. Compare answers. a) Read the song again. Find two more pairs of words that rhyme. still Bill b) Find words in the song that rhyme with these words. 1 get met 2 start 3 same 4 ten 5 take 6 not 7 eleven 8 play Holiday sd p69 a) Think of three places you would like to go to on holiday. b) Work in pairs. Compare places and say why you want to go there. a) (] j Listen to the song. Choose the correct words/phrases. Holiday! Celebrate! Holiday! Celebrate! CHORUS If we ^($ook)/had a holiday Took some time to 2celebrate/have fun Just one 3 week/day out of life It would be, it would be so ^great/nice If we finally spread the 5 word/news We're going to have a 6party/celebration All across the world In every 7nation/country It's time for the 8happy/good times Forget about the 9old/bad times, oh yeah One day to wlive/come together To release the pressure We "need/want a holiday CHORUS We can turn this 12place/world around And bring back all of those happy ndays/times Put your troubles down It's time to u celebrate/have fun Let love shine And we will ^find/get A way to ^live/come together Can make 17life/things better We w'need/want a holiday CHORUS Holiday! Celebrate! Holiday! Celebrate! CHORUS Holiday! Celebrate! Holiday! Celebrate! b) Work in pairs. Compare answers. a) Read the song again. Find all the adjectives. great b) Work in pairs. What are the comparative forms of these adjectives? Dancing in the Street 9D p77 Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 What kind of music do you like dancing to? 2 How often do you go dancing? 3 When was the last time you went dancing? 4 Where did you go? a) Listen to the song. Put the sentences in order. a) For dancing in the street b) Are you ready for a brand new beat? c) They're dancing in Chicago d) Calling out around the world 7 e) Down in New Orleans f) Summer's here and the time is right g) In New York City CHORUS h) They'll be dancing, they're dancing in the street i) There'll be music everywhere j) All we need is music, sweet music 8 k) So come on, every guy, grab a girl, everywhere, around the world 1) Dancing in the street, oh m) It doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there They'll be swinging, swaying and records playing n) o) p) q) r) s] t) There'll be laughing, singing and music swinging A chance for folks to meet Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore and DC now This is an invitation across the nation 75 Dancing in the street Can't forget the motor city CHORUS Way down in LA, every day They're dancing in the street ... b) Work in pairs. Compare answers. Look at the words in bold. Find another word in the song that rhymes with these words. street beat Chapel of Love 11 d p93 Work in pairs. Match these words/phrases. get married people can be birds the sky the sun bells a) is blue b) in a chapel c) shines d) ring e) lonely f) sing -s' to a)-h) R11.13 Listen to the song. Match 1-8 CHORUS Going to the chapel And we're going to get married Going to the chapel And we're going to get married Gee, 1 really love you And we're going to get married Going to the chapel of love 1 Spring is here, 2 Birds all sing, 3 Today's the day 4 And we'll never Because we're ... CHORUS 5 Bells will ring, 6 I'll be his 7 We'll love until 8 And we'll never Because we're ... CHORUS a) as if they knew b) be lonely any more c) the sky is blue d) we'll say "I do" e) and he'll be mine f) be lonely any more g) the sun will shine h) the end of time b) Work in pairs. Compare answers. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. 1 When is the best time of the year to get married? Why? 2 What is the best age to get married? Why? Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A 1 P7 a) Take turns to ask and answer questions. Fill in the gaps in name cards A, C and D. Don't look at your partner's cards. Card A. Where's he from? Cards C and D. What are their names? How do you spell that? b) Check your answers with your partner. 11C0 p91 a) Work on your own. Find these places on the map on p91. Don't show your partner. 2 the cinema 10 the market 6 The Pizza Place 12 the petrol station 7 the bank b) Work with your partner. Ask for directions to places a)- e) from You are here. When you find the place, check the number on the map with your partner. Don't look at your partner's map. You start. a) the museum b) The Burger Bar c) the post office d) The Moon nightclub e) the school 4B 0 a) p33 Jo Jo is 29 and she's a journalist. In her free time she watches TV, goes shopping and reads a lot. On Saturday evenings she usually goes to the cinema or eats out - she loves Chinese food. She doesn't like sport and she hates football. Her favourite music is rack and she also likes jazz. She likes animals but hasn't got any pets. 1B 0 p9 a) Work on your own. Look at the list of people at the conference. Make yes/no questions to check the information in the circles. (Mr = Mrs = [f]) Is Mr Popov a doctor? Are Mr and Mrs Soprano in room 320? Is MrAkdeniz from Turkey? b) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. There are five mistakes on the list. Correct the wrong information. Is Mr... ? Yes, he is./No, he isn't. Is Mrs...? Yes, she is./No, she isn't Are Mr and Mrs... ? Yes, they are./No, they aren't. c) Check your answers with another student in group A. Mr Popov isn't a doctor. He's a police officer. (^onferencTguest^ I COUNTRY MR SOPRANO MRS SOPRANO MR AKDENIZ MR TERRy MRS TERRS MRS BANA ACCOUNTANT LAJjy£R__ ENGINEER BUILDER ^USEUIf^ MANAGER 115 219 MR LEE MRS LEE MR PEREZ MRS PEREZ l^CTOR) TEACHER Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A 2A 0 p15 a) Guess the things your partner has got, but don't talk to him/her. Put a tick (/) or a cross (X) in the your guess column. your guess your partner's answer b) Look at the pictures. Write questions with you. Have you got a mobile phone? c) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Put a tick or a cross in the your partner's answer column. Are your guesses correct? d) Work with a new partner. Tell him/her five things your first partner has/hasn't got. a) You are a customer. Choose one of these films. Buy two tickets from your partner. Fill in the times and the prices for your film. You start. 48 Hours Three Long Years Two Weeks from Sunday Time:..............£ Time:..............£ Time:..............£ (Two tickets for.............., please/) (jHow much is that? ) (what time is the film? ) b) You are a ticket seller. Look at the times and prices of the films at your cinema. Sell tickets to your partner. Your partner starts. today'sfilms 60 Seconds 8.10 Nine Months 8.25 A Day in the Life 8.35 Adults: Children: |*S?H C) Do a) and b) again. Buy tickets for different films. Change the tickets you buy. Take turns to say sentences 1-6. When your partner says a sentence, respond with one of these words/phrases. You start. Oh, dear. What a shame. Oh, right. Wow! Oh, great! Oh, nice. Really? You're joking! 1 I met Tom Cruise on Saturday. 2 1 went to an expensive restaurant last night. 3 My sister was very ill last week. 4 I did my washing yesterday. 5 I went to New York last week. 6 I worked all weekend. Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A 3B- visit parents go running (/Yes, he is^) ("Tno. he isn't move house watch lots of TV go to a party play tennis /XHe^T; staV in bed on SundaV Tim Debbie Sid and Clare b) Who is going to have: a lazy weekend, a busy weekend, an active weekend? Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A 7A 0 p55 a) Work on your own. Read about Pierce Brosnan. All the information in black is correct. Some of the information in blue is wrong. b) Work with a student from group A. Make yes/no questions to check the information in blue. 7 Was Pierce Brosnan born in Ireland? 2 Did his father leave after his first birthday? C) Work with a student from group B. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. You start. Correct the mistakes in the blue information. d) Check your answers with your partner from group A. Then find three reasons why Pierce Brosnan was 'born to be Bond'. BoMt Tierce Brosnan was bom in Ireland in 1952, but 2his father left after his first birthday. His mother went to England and became a nurse, and 3Pierce lived with his aunt. He went to live with his mother in 1964, on the same day that Ian Fleming died. A week later he went to see Goldfinger - a James Bond film. It was the first film he saw in his life. 4Pierce left school when he was fifteen and then he went to drama school. In 1978 5he met actress Cassandra Harris at a party. Cassandra was a Bond Girl in the film For Your Eyes Only. 6They got married in 1979 and they had a son^Sadly, 7Cassandra died in 1993. Brosnan became James Bond in 1994 and 8his first Bond film was Goldeneyc. It made $350 million. Pierce Brosnan was definitely born to be Bond. mm 8A 0 p63 a) Work on your own. Look at the information about Yellowstone Park. Write questions with can for pictures a)-f). Can you takeyour dog? b) Work with your partner. Ask your questions. Put a tick or a cross next to pictures a)-f). c) Answer your partner's questions. d) Would you and your partner like to go to Yellowstone Park? Why?/Why not? # 8B 4P p65 p65 a) Work with a student from group A. Make sentences about 1-6 with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Don't tell group B your sentences. Sáo Paolo is bigger than Rio de Janeiro. 1 Rio de Janeiro: 11 million people. / Sáo Paolo: 16 million people, (big) 2 A Big Mac in Australia: $2. / A Big Mac in Switzerland: $5. (expensive) 3 Bill Gates: $39.8 billion. /John Paul Getty: $1.6 billion, (rich) 4 Jennifer Lopez: born 1970. / Leonardo DiCaprio: born 1974. (old) 5 Cuba: 115,000 km2. / Ireland: 83,000 km2, (small) 6 Elton John: born 25lh March 1947. / David Bowie: born 8lh January 1947. (young) b) Work with the same partner. Use the adjectives in brackets to compare the places, people and things a)-f). Then circle the one you think is smaller, more crowded, etc. a) Spain / Peru (small) b) Tokyo / Hong Kong (crowded) c) Tiger Woods / Venus Williams (young) d) A Rolls Royce Corniche / A Lamborghini (expensive) e) The Atlantic Ocean / The Pacific Ocean (big) f) Julia Roberts / Tom Cruise (short) Doyou think Spain is smaller than Peru? ) (^Ves, I think soT) (Jjti not sure. I think Peru is smaller.} c) Work in a group of four with a pair from group B. Say your sentences from b). The students from group B say if you are right or wrong. d) Listen to group B's sentences. Say if the sentences are right or wrong. e) Which pair got more sentences right? Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A 1OD0p85 a) Take turns to ask and answer questions. Fill in the gaps in the table. You start. f^^What's the weather like in ... today? ^) It's ... and it's... degrees^) weather °c Athens Buenos Aires 19 Bangkok Chicago 21 Helsinki Moscow 2 Munich Paris 24 Rome Stockholm O 6 b) Which places are: hot, warm, cold, wet, dry? C) Where's the best place to go today? Why? 4B<£> c) p33 mark I like Kim very much and we like a lot of the same things. We both go to the cinema a lot and we both really like animals. But she doesn't like the same music as me and she hasn't got a TV - I don't believe that! Yes, I'd like to see her again. She's very beautiful. KIM Sorry, I don't like Mark very much. He talks about football and TV programmes all the time and I don't like watching TV. Also, we don't like the same music - and music's very important to me. I don't want a second date with him. Sorry. Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A 9A Q p71 a) Work with a student from group A. Describe the picture. (j(evin's talking on the phone. ) He's wearing a j jacket, shirt and tie. j b) Work with a student from group B. Don't look at his/her picture. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Find eleven differences in the pictures. (^What's Kevin doing? ) (^What's he wearing? ) C) Work with your partner from group A. Did you find the same differences? In picture A Kevin but in picture B ' in's..., | he's.... J 7C Q P59 a) Work on your own. Read about the news stories. Check you understand all the words. Big flood USA about 20 people died Man who found 1 million dollars under kitchen floor gave money to his family Tourists lost in Africa Sahara desert lost for 2 weeks other tourists found them OK now A woman i tioned; bery that t< on Monda in the sleep Sandy Ridf witness sa4 incident, tl very concel a baseball 1 carried a b man was it; twenties ar noticeable I forehead, police will this further today b) Work with your partner. Take turns to tell your partner about the news stories. Respond with phrases from the box. Did you hear/read about...? No, what happened? No, where was it? Oh, dear. Are they OK? Oh, that's good. Oh no, that's terrible. You're joking! Really? a) Ask your partner the last time he/she did these things. Ask follow-up questions if possible. (when did you last cook a meal?) (what did you cook?) • cook a meal • play tennis • go to the theatre • watch a good film on TV • stay up very late • go out with friends b) Answer your partner's questions. Use phrases with in, last or ago. ( In 200^Q ( Last weekend^) {^About three years ago. Pair and Group Work: Student/Group A p47 a) Work on your own. Write questions with you or your about when you were thirteen. you your partner 1 / happy at school? Were you happy at school? 2 Who / best friend? 3 / good at languages? 4 What / favourite food? 5 What / favourite TV programme? b) Write your answers in the you column. C) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Write your partner's answers in the table. d) Tell another student about you and your partner when you were thirteen. I was happy at school when I was | thirteen, but Vanessa wasn't. j 12B

16 Paris Rome 20 Stockholm b) Which places are: hot, warm, cold, wet, dry? c) Where's the best place to go today? Why? 4B Q c) P33 MARK Jo and I like some of the same things - we both like going to the cinema and going to Chinese restaurants. But she talks about books and shopping all the time. We both like rock music but she hates sport and I love it! No, I don't want to see her again. Sorry! JO I really like Mark. He's very different from me but that's a good thing, I think. I hate football but he loves it. And he plays computer games all the time and he never reads books. But yes, I'd like a second date with him. Definitely. He's very nice. Pair and Group Work: Student/Group B 9A ® p7i a) Work with a student from group B. Describe the picture. (^Kevin's sleeping^) He's wearing | a shirt and tie. J b) Work with a student from group A. Don't look at his/her picture. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Find eleven differences in the pictures. (^What's Kevin doing? ) (^What's he wearing?) C) Work with your partner from group B. Did you find the same differences? In picture B Kevin but in picture A ' in's..., i he's.... J 7C <£) p59 a) Work on your own. Read about the news stories. Check you understand all the words. 3 students lost in Brazil Amazon jungle lost for six days helicopter found them -OK now Train crash in Africa over 60 people died Man who won the lottery dog ate ticket gave dog to friend Parry-go astonish Mike Far! son of M "We cam lias happ nor can 1 There ws. from the Meanwhf It is agair Re\eren< John Mcf everyone the pews laughing while the bridesma aftermatl b) Work with your partner. Take turns to tell your partner about the news stories. Respond with phrases from the box. Did you hear/read about...? Norwhat happened? No, where was it? Oh, dear. Are they OK? Oh, that's good. Oh no, that's terrible. You're joking! Really? 7B0 p56 a) Answer your partner's questions. Use phrases with in, last or ago. (jn ^OOzT) ( Last weekend^) ((About three years ago. ^) b) Ask your partner the last time he/she did these things. Ask follow-up questions if possible. (when did you last go dancing? J • go dancing • go to the cinema » watch sport on TV Where did you go?) read a good book i go shopping for clothes • eat out Pair and Group Work: Student/Group B 6A 0 p47 a) Work on your own. Write questions with you or your about when you were thirteen. you your partner 1 / tall for your age? Were you tall for your age? 2 Who / favourite teacher? 3 / good at sport? 4 What / favourite drink? 5 Where / thirteenth birthday party? b) Write your answers in the you column. C) Work with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. Write your partner's answers in the table. d) Tell another student about you and your partner when you were thirteen. I was tall for my age when I was ] thirteen, but Federico wasn't. J - 12B

p5) pictures. 7 Check your answers 8 □ Work in pairs. 10 rj] Listen and practise. 11 Q Don't write. 12 Q Close your book. I can say the alphabet, a b c d e f... , ill* 6"V>» '*i,h' Language Summary 1 Countries, nationalities and languages 1A0p6 countries I'm from... nationalities I'm... languages 1 speak... Brazil Australia • Argentina the USA Germany Italy Mexico Russia m Brazilian Australian Argentinian American German Italian Mexican Russian Portuguese English Spanish English German Italian Spanish Russian the UK Spain Poland Turkey British Spanish Polish Turkish English Spanish Polish Turkish • China Japan Chinese Japanese Chinese Japanese France French French Numbers 0-20 iB0p8 0 = zero/nought /no:t/ 7 = seven 14 = fourte'en 1 = one AvAn/ 8 = eight /eit/ 15 = fifteen 2 = two /tu:/ 9 = nine 16 = sixte'en 3 = three /8ri:/ 10 = ten 17 = seventeen 4 = four 11 = eleven 18 = eighte'en 5 = five 12 = twelve 19 = ninete'en 6 = six 13 = thirte'en /83i'ti:n/ 20 = twenty CO Jobs ClB0p8) Match the jobs to pictures a)-p). 1 □ a doctor 9 □ □ a musician /mjui'zijan/ 10 Q Q an engineer/eno3i'ni3/ 11 Q {~j a shop assistant 12 [a] □ a cleaner 13 □ Q a police officer 14 □ a wa*iter/a waitress 15 \~] an accountant 16 Q □ 8 □ an actor/an actress a builder a teacher a manager /'maenickp/ a housewife a lawyer /'loia/ unemployed /Anim'ploid/ retired /n'taiad/ TIPS! • What do you do? = What's your job? • We use a or an with jobs: I'm a lawyer, not I'm lawyer. • unemployed and retired are adjectives. We say: I'm unemployed, not I'm an unemployed. QQ 3and an (iB0p8) We use a with nouns that begin with a consonant sound. (The consonants are b, c, d,f, etc.): I'm a student. 4ise-an-with nouns that begin with a vowel sound. (The vowels are a, e, i, o, u): He's an actor. TIP! • We use a with nouns that begin with a /j/ sound: a university /jumi'v3:siti/. Numbers 20-100 Qcflpio) 20 = twenty 21 = twenty-one 22 = twenty-two 23 = twenty-thre'e 24 = twenty-four 25 = twenty-five 26 = twenty-six 27 = twenty-seven 28 = twenty-eight 29 = twenty-nine 30 = thirty 40 = forty 50 = fifty 60 = sixty 70 = seventy 80 = eighty 90 = ninety 100 = a hundred fiO Personal possessions (1) (ipQpi2) Do you remember these things? Check on pl2. a diary a coat a watch a bag a bike/bicycle a suitcase an umbrella a camera a wallet a CD player /'kaemrs/ a shoe /Jin/ an ID (identity) card a dress /'baisikl/ false te'eth Plurals (Tpgpi2 singular plural most nouns: add -s a bag a shoe a suitcase bags shoes suitcases /'suitkeisiz/ nouns ending in -ch, -sh, -s,-ss, -x or -z: add -es a watch a dress watches /'wDtJiz/ dresses /'dresiz/ nouns ending in consonant +y: -y -> -/es a diary diaries irregular plurals a man a woman a child a person a tooth men women /'wimin/ children people /'pi:pl/ teeth /ti:U/ here J there Jfi singular this (umbrella) that (CD player) plural these (watches) those (false te'eth) Language Summary 1 be: positive and Wh- questions 1A0 p7 POSITIVE I'm from Italy. You're in room C. He's from Mexico. She's from Australia. It's Maria Favia. We're from the USA. They're from Spain. (I'm = I am) (you're = you are) (he's = he is) (she's = she is) (it's = it is) (we're = we are) (they're = they are) WH- QUESTIONS Where am I? Where are you from? Where's he from? Where's she from? Where's it from? What's your name? Where are we? What are your names? Where are they from? TIP! • you and your art singular and plural in English. C3T Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives 1A p7 subject pronouns you h. she it we they possessive adjectives my your his her its our their TIPS! • We use subject pronouns with verbs: J^am a teacher. Theyjiye in Rome. • We use possessive adjectives with nouns: Myjwme's Rupert Giles. It's herboph. EO be: negative, yes/no questions and short answers i b O ps NEGATIVE • We make negatives with not. I'm not a teacher. You/We/They aren't from Australia, (aren't = are not) He/She/It isn't famous, (isn't = is not) YES/NO QUESTIONS Am I late? Are you from Spain? Is he/she a musician? Is it from the USA? Are we in room 5? Are you from Sydney? Are they French? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he/she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. No, I'm not. No, you aren't. No, he/she isn't. No, it isn't. No, we aren't. No, you aren't. No, they aren't. Yes, they are. TIP! • We can also make negatives and negative short answers with's or 're + not: You're not from Australia. He's not famous. No, you're not. No, she's not, etc. iiiViM Introducing people (^Elena, this is Roberto. ) ('Hello, Elena. Nice to meet you/) Q And yo'u. ^ EffilTO Asking people to repeat things (icQpn) Could you say that aga'in, ple'ase? I'm sorry? Sorry, could you repeat that, please? RW1.3 Asking for personal details (lC(£)pii) What's What's What's What's What's What's What's What's your surname? your first name? your nationality? your address? your postcode [US: zip code]? your home phone number? your mobile number? your email address? Are you married? How old are you? TIPS! • In phone numbers: 0 = oh and 44 = double four. • In email addresses we say: . = dot, @ = at, M = capital M. • If you aren't married, you can say: No, I'm single. • We say: I'm thirty-two (years old). not I have thirty-two (years old). or I'm thirty two years. Language Summary 2 p Adjectives (1) Q2AjPp14j Match the adjectives to pictures a)-n). 1 new [TTl old 2 good □ bad 3 cheap /tj*i:p/ FJ expensive 4 beautiful □ ugly 5 e'asy Q difficult 6 big □ small 7 long Q short 8 9 10 11 12 13 fast Q slow young Q old right /rait/ Q wrong /rorj/ nice jm| important rj great /greit/ 14 favourite /'feivrit/ Q 1^9 Adjectives with very 2A 0 pu • We put adjectives after the verb be: She's old. • We put adjectives before a noun: It's a small bag. • We put very before adjectives: He's a very happy child. • Adjectives aren't plural with plural nouns: Those are my new shoes. Personal possessions (2) (2A0pis) a video recorder [US: a VCR] a TV/television a mobile (phone) /'maubail faun/ [US: a cell /sel/ phone] a CD player a radio /'reidiau/ a laptop Family 2B#pi6 a digital /'did3itl/ camera a personal stereo Cf male 9 female ^9 male and female father (dad) mother (mum) parents /'pearants/ son /saii/ da'ughter /'dsita/ children (kids) brother /'brAOa/ • sister - husband wife (plural: wives) - grandfather grandmother grandparents grandson granddaughter grandchildren uncle aunt /a:nt/ - co'usin /'kAzan/ co'usin co'usins TIPS! • parents = mother and father only, relatives = all the people in your family. • brothers = men/boys only. We ask: How many brothers and sisters have you got? • boyfriend/girlfriend = a man/woman you have a romantic relationship with. • We use How many ... ? to ask about a number: How many children have you got? G23 Time words 2C O pi 8 60 seconds = 1 minute /'minit/ 60 minutes = 1 hour /aua/ 24 hours = 1 day 7 days = 1 week 12 months /rriAnGs/ = 1 year TIP! • We say two and a half hours not two hours and a half. 133 Things in a house (2DQp2o) Match the words to a)-j) in the picture. □ □ □ □ □ a table a chair /t[ea/ a desk a sofa a carpet 6 7 8 9 10 □ □ □ □ □ a door • a window the floor a plant a coffee table Prepositions of place 2D 0 p2o under behind in front of J FrlT have got: positive and negative 2A 0 pis POSITIVE l/you/we/they've got (= have got) he/she/it's got (= has got) NEGATIVE I/you/we/they haven't got (= have not got) he/she/it hasn't got (= has not got) IW have got: questions and short answers (2A4flp15) QUESTIONS Have I got any letters today? Have you got a computer? Has he/she/it got a DVD player? Have we got any CDs? Have they got any cheap TVs? What have you got in your bag? What has he/she got in his/her bag? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, I have. Yes, you have. Yes, he/she/it has. Yes, we have. Yes, they have. No, I haven't. No, you haven't. No, he/she/it hasn't. No, we haven't. No, they haven't. TIPS! • We don't use got in short answers. • We use any in plural negatives and questions with have got: We haven't got any CDs. Have 1 got any letters? EST Possessive's 2B0pi7) • We use name + 's for the possessive: Kate is Lisa's sister, not Kate is the sister of Lisa. Pat is Chris and Emma's grandmother. TIPS! • For plural nouns, the apostrophe (' ) is after the s: My parents' names are Pat and Bill. • 's can mean the possessive, is or has: Bill is Lisa's father, ('s = possessive) Kate's her sister, ('s = is) She's got a brother, ('s = has) • We use whose to ask which person/people a thing belongs to: Wliose mobile phone is that? It's Tom's. Language Summary 2 Telling the time ,^2C00pi&) TIPS! • We can say quarter past/to six or a quarter past/to six. We don't say fifteen past six. For other times, we say minutes: nineteen minutes past six not nineteen past six. • We can also say the time like this: six fifteen, two thirty, ten forty, six nineteen, etc. But for 6.05 we say: six oh five not six five. • In American English, 10.05 = five after ten. RW2.2 Talking about the time (2C0w) QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TIME A What time is it? b It's five o'clock. A What's the time, ple'ase? b It's about half past two. A Excuse me. Have you b Yes, it's e'ight fifteen, got the time, ple'ase? PREPOSITIONS OF TIME • We use at for times: My English class is at ten. • We use from for length of time: My son's class is from seven to nine thirty. TIPS! • a.m. = 0.00-12.00 midday/noon = 12.00 p.m. = 12.00-24.00 midnight = 24.00 RW2.3 Asking about prices (2C

-ies studies the verbs go and do: add -es goes does ld\z/ the verb have is irregular has fHfl Present Simple: questions and short answers {he/she/it) 4B0p33) * We use does in questions with he/she/it. We use do in questions with I/you/we/they. QUESTIONS question auxiliary subject infinitive word Does he/she/it like animals? What does she do in her free time? Does she watch TV a lot? Does she like films? What music does she like? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn't. TIP! • We don't repeat the verb in short answers: Yes, she does, not Yes, she likes. No, she doesn't, not No, she doesn't like. f have or have got? 4B 0 p33 We can use have or have got to talk about possessions and family: She's got two dogs. = She has two dogs. I haven't got any children. = I don't have any children. Have you got a car? = Do you have a car? We can only use have to talk about meals and other activities: f don't have breakfast, not I haven't got breakfast. We often have coffee with friends, not We often have got coffee with friends. Do you want to have a game of tennis? not Do you want to have got a game of tennis? ■iWEsi Requests and offers (4CQp35) • We use I'd/We'd like and Can I/we have ... ? for requests (we want something). I'd like = I would like; We'd like = we would like. (j'djike a bottle of water, ple'ase.^) (can l/we have the bill, ple'ase?) • We use Would you like ... ? for offers (we want to give something or help someone). Would you like to order now? ) (what would you like to drink?) TIPS! • We use a noun after Can I/we have ...?: Can we have a bottle of wine? • We use a noun or an infinitive with to after Would you like ... ? and I'd/We'd like: Would you like a drink? I'd like to order, please. Language Summary 5 FEE! Places in a town/the country (5AQp38) Match the words to pictures a)-t). □ □ 1] □ □ □ □ 8 □ 9 □ 10 □ 11 □ 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ 15 □ 16 □ 17 □ 18 □ 19 □ 20 □ TIP! • a station a square /skwea/ a park a market a bus station /'steifan/ a station a lake a beach /biitJV the sea /si:/ a river a museum /mjui'ziigm/ an a'irport mountains /'mauntinz/ a road /rgud/ a café a bar a shop a flat [US: an apartment] a house a hotel a bed and breakfast a train station. Rooms and things in a house (5B QQ p40) Do you remember the things in the flat in Park Street? Check on p40. rooms furniture /'f3:nit Ja/ and other things in a house in the kitchen /'kitjin/ a cooker, a sink, a fridge /fnd3/, a table, four chairs, a washing machine /mg'/hn/ • in the living room a coffee table, two plants, a sofa, two armchairs in the bathroom a bath /ba:9/, a shower, a toilet, a washbasin /'wDfbeisgn/ in the bedrooms a double /'dAbl/ bed, a single bed, a chair, a desk, a plant on the balcony a table, three plants, two chairs PEIEI Shops (5Cffp42) Fill in the gaps with these words. a fiupormorkct a bookshop a bank a dry cleaner's a chemist's /'kenusts/ [US: a pharmacy] a kiosk a newsagent's /'nju:z,eid33nts/ a butcher's /'but Jaz/ a baker's a department store a greengrocer's /'gri-.ngrausaz/ a post office 1 You buy food in a supermarket.. 2 You buy fruit and vegetables in....................... 3 You buy meat in....................... 4 You change money in....................... 5 You buy things for the house in....................... 6 You buy bread in............__________. 7 You buy medicine in..............________. 8 ...................... cleans your expensive clothes. 9 You buy books in....................... 10 You post letters at....................... You buy newspapers at......................or in....................... 11 TIP! • We use in or at with shops: You buy meat in/at a butchers. But we say: at a kiosk not in a kiosk. BEEI one and ones (5C0p42) • We use one in place of a singular noun: How much is this sofaT^Thisjme? • We use ones in place of a plural noun: A kilo of apples, please. The green ones? # Language Summary 5 FEU Things to buy (scflp43") Match the words to pictures a)-n). 1 |~J stamps 2 [ | cigarettes 3 fj a map 4 f] phone cards 5 rj batteries 6 □ a film 7 [ | envelopes /'envslsups/ 8 f~J postcards 9 [ | tissues /'tijuiz/ 10 | | a magazine 11 □ a lighter 12 | | a bottle of water 13 f~J a newspaper 14 □ chocolate /'t Jokbt/ Clothes (5DQp44) Match the words to pictures a)-s). 1 □ trousers 9 □ trainers /'trauzaz/ 10 □ a jacket 2 □ shorts /'d3sekit/ 3 □ jeans 11 □ a hat /d3i:nz/ 12 □ a tie 4 □ a dress 13 □ boots 5 □ shoes 14 □ a shirt 6 [|] a suit /J3lt/ /suit/ 15 □ socks 7 □ a skirt 16 □ • a T-shirt /skait/ 17 □ a top 8 □ a jumper 18 □ a coat /'d3Amp3/ 19 □ a cap [V5.7] Plural nouns (5D0P44J look plural but can mean one thing can be singular or plural jeans a shoe/shoes shorts a sock/socks trousers a boot/boots a trainer/trainers TIPS! • We can use a pair of... with both types of plural noun: I've got a new pair of shoes/jeans. • The word clothes /klaudz/ is always plural. If we want to use the singular, we can say an item of clothing. © Language Summary there is/there are 5A Q p39 singular plural POSITIVE There's a beautiful lake. There are lots of things to do. NEGATIVE There isn't a park near our flat. There aren't any restaurants. QUESTIONS Is there a hotel? Are there any cheap places to stay? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, there is./No, there isn't. Yes, there areVNo, there aren't. TIPS! • We use any in negatives and questions with there are. • We can also make negative sentences with no: There are no shops. = There aren't any shops. ffEEl How much... ?/How many... ? 5B0 p40 HOW MANY... ? • We use How many ... ? with plural countable nouns (tables, bedrooms, people, chairs, etc.): How many bedrooms are there? How many people are in this room? HOW MUCH... ? i We use How much ... ? with uncountable nouns (furniture, money, space, time, etc.): How much space is there in the flat? How much furniture have you got? TIP! • When we ask about prices we say: How much is that? It's £10. I&fl some, any, a 5B0 p4i We usually use some in positive sentences with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. We usually use any in negatives and questions with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. • We use a (or an) in positive sentences, negatives and questions with singular countable nouns. singular countable nouns plural countable nouns uncountable nouns POSITIVE There's a cooker. There are some chairs. I'd like some information. NEGATIVE There isn't a TV. We haven't got any children. I haven't got any money. QUESTIONS Has it got a shower? Are there any shops? Is there any furniture? QSS) Shop language (sc (P p43) SAYING WHAT YOU WANT C I'll have these ones, ple*ase/) | Have you got any big | f Can J have fo'ur stamps | ZZs- IbSttles of water? J [for Europe, ple'ase? J ASKING ABOUT PRICES (How much are the phone cards?) (How much is that?) Language Summary 6 ffESl Adjectives (2) (6A0p46) Match the words to pictures a)-k). 1 hippy unhappy 2 poor □ rich 3 hot □ cold 4 friendly /'frendli/ □ unfriendly 5 noisy □ quiet /kwaiot/ 6 short □ tall 7 boring □ interesting /'mtrestin/ 8 well □ ill dirty /'daiti/ 9 clean □ 10 intelligent □ stupid 11 crowded /'kraodid/ □ empty ff?H Years (6Affip47) 1953 = nineteen fifty-three 1970 = nineteen seventy 1895 = eighteen ninety-five 1900 = nineteen hundred 2000 = two thousand 2005 = two thousand and five school Life events (6B0p48j / start } my first job finish school ( meet ...... my husband my wife married university /ju:ni'v3:siti/ divorced /di'voist/ a son 1 become l three children a lawyer president ( write ) study a book a letter languages law /to:/ Weekend activities (6Cgp5o) work every evening/all day go away for the weekend/for a couple of days clean the car/the house sleep for eight hours/until 11 a.m. write a report/an email be ill/tired /taiod/ do the washing/the shopping have a wonderful time/a bad cold Adjectives with very, really, quite, too (6D0 p52) It's quite big. It's very/really big. It's too big. • Too has a negative meaning. It means more than you want. • Very, really, quite and too come after the verb he and before adjectives. TIP! • We don't use too to mean very very: She's really happy, not Site's too happy. Language Summary 6 I3H was f were/wasn't/weren't 6A0p46 POSITIVE I NEGATIVE I was I wasn't (= was not) you/we/they were you/we/they weren't (= were not) he/she/it was ] he/she/it wasn't TIPS! • We say: When/Where were you born? I was born in 1987/Paris. • The past of there is/are is there was/were. EST Questions and short answers with was/were 6A O P47 QUESTIONS question word was/were subject When was l/he/she/it in London? Where were you/we/they yesterday? When was Were Margaret's 13th birthday? her friends there? Where was Was the party? the weather good? YES/NO QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS Was l/he/she/it good? Yes, l/he/she/it was. No, l/he/she/it wasn't. Were you/we/they at the party? Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren't. Was there a lot of food? Yes, there was. No, there wasn't. Were there parties in every street? Yes, there were. No, there weren't. itfSfl Past Simple regular and irregular verbs: positive (6B|>p48) We use the Past Simple to talk about the past. We know when these things happened. The Past Simple is the same for all subjects: I/You/He/She/It/We/They played tennis yesterday. regular verbs: spelling rule examples most regular verbs: add -ed started worked stayed finished wanted regular verbs ending in -e: add -d lived hated regular verbs ending in consonant+y: -y -» -;' and add -ed studied married regular verbs ending in consonant stopped + vowel + consonant: double the last consonant TIP! • There are no rules for irregular verbs. There is an Irregular Verb List, pl59. Past Simple: Wh- questions 6B 0 p49 question word auxiliary subject infinitive Where did l/you/he/she/it/ we/they go last weekend? Where When Where did did did Albert Einstein the Wright brothers Mother Teresa come fly live from? the first plane? for most of her life? TIP! • Notice the difference between Present Simple questions and Past Simple questions: Where do you live? (Present Simple), Where didyou live? (Past Simple). I'm hap Showing py for you. nterest ^6C0p5i I'm sorry for you. ) I'm surprised. I'm not surprised. Oh, gre*at! Oh, nice. Oh, dear. What a shame. Wow! You're joking! Really? Oh, right. RW6.2 Continuing a conversation (6O0-p5t^ QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK SOMEONE WHO ... ... WENT TO THE CINEMA ... STAYED AT HOME ALL WEEKEND What did you see? What did you do? What was it like? Who did you go with? ... WAS ILL What was wrong? Are you OK now? ... WENT AWAY FOR THE WEEKEND What was it like? Where did you gó? Who did you gó with? Where did you stay? Language Summary 7 cartoons love stories historical dramas . science-fiction (sci-fi / saifai/J films TIP! • The American English word for film is movie: action movies, etc. Types of music (7bq pm) L13S pop music classical music Question words 7B O p56 question word meaning example Who a person Who's that man over there? It's Michael. Where a place Where did you go last week? To Germany. When a time When does the lesson start? At two o'clock. Why a reason Why are you late? Because 1 missed the bus. Whose possessive Whose shoes are these? They're Susan's. Which a thing (from a small number of possible answers) Which do you like, the red shirt or the blue shirt? The red shirt. What a thing (from many possible answers) What do you want to do tonight? Let's watch a DVD. How many a number How many people are there in your class? Twelve. How long a period of time How long did you work in Russia? For two years. How old age How old is your teacher? She's about thirty. TIPS! • We often answer Why ... ? questions with Because ... . • We often answer How long ... ? questions with For + period of time: For six hours. • We also use Wliat time ... ? to ask about time and How much ... ? to ask about prices. dance music reggae /'regei/ rock'n'roll Irregular Past Simple forms (7C0p58) lose /lu:z/ (lost) find (found) say (said /sed/) fall (fell) take (took) break /breik/ (broke) ■ choose (chose) win (won) put (put) TIP! • For other irregular Past Simple forms, see the Irregular Verb List, pl59. tell (told) ITU a, an and the (7Dflp6o) • We use a/an to talk about things or people for the first time: An old man in a long coat sat near him. • We use the when we know which thing or person: The old man had a big black dog. • We use the when there is only one thing or person in a particular place: He sat in the front row. TIP! • We also use the in some fixed phrases: go to the cinema/the theatre, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at the weekend, the news, etc. Language Summary 7 122 Past Simple: negative jkQ p55, • To make the Past Simple negative of be, we use wasn't or weren't (see G6.1). • To make the Past Simple negative of all other verbs, we use didn't + infinitive. subject auxiliary infinitive I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn't (= did not) study very much. TIP! • We use didn't for all subjects (I, you, we, they, etc.). IS*! Past Simple: yes/no questions and short answers (7A{pp55) YES/NO QUESTIONS auxiliary subject IN • We use in with years (in 2005) and months (in May). • We use in the with decades (in the nineties) and centuries (in the twenty-first century). TIPS! • We can use on with days (on Monday) to mean last: 1 met him on Monday. = I met him last Monday. • We use at with times (at ten o'clock). TTTt Question forms 7B Q p56 QUESTION FORMS: ALL VERBS EXCEPT BE • We use the auxiliary did in Past Simple questions (see G6.4), and the auxiliary do or does in Present Simple questions (see G3.2 and G4.3). PAST SIMPLE infinitive question word auxiliary subject infinitive make go a lot of money? to the same school? When What did did Madonna Sting make do her first record? before he became a singer? Did SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they did. No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they didn't. Past time phrases (7Bflp56) AGO • We use ago to talk about a time in the past. We use it with the Past Simple: I went to Mexico two years ago. (= two years before now). LAST i We use last to say the day, week, etc. in the past that is nearest to now: I went dancing last Saturday. (= the Saturday before now). • We use last with days (last Tuesday), months (last March) and in these phrases: last night, last week, last weekend, last month, last year, last century. TIPS! • We say last night, but yesterday morning/afternoon/ evening not last morning, etc. • We don't use a preposition with last: last weekend not in last weekend, last month not at last month. PRESENT SIMPLE question word auxiliary subject infinitive Where do U2 come from? Which does Elton John play? instrument TIP! • We can also make Present Simple questions with have got: What car has he got? (see G2.2). In the Past Simple we say: Did you have a car? not Did you have got a car? QUESTION FORMS: BE • For the verb be, we don't use do, does or did to make questions (see Gl.l and G6.2). question word be subject PAST SIMPLE How old How long was were Shakira the Beatles when she released Magic? together? PRESENT SIMPLE Where What How old am is are 1? your name? they? GJEH Talking about the news jcQ p59) • To start a conversation about the news, we can say: •—To-respond to good, bad and surprising news, we can say: Did you hear about that pláne crash? Did you read about the couple on Everest? (No, where was it?j ----vX (Vjo, what happened?) TIP! • news is a singular noun. We say: The news is terrible, not The news arc terrible. good news bad news surprising news Oh, that's good. Yes, isn't it awful? Oh, de'ar. Are they OK? Oh no, that's terrible. Really? > You're joking! Language Summary 8 P7TI Holiday activities (jikQp62) Match the words/phrases to pictures a)-r). 1 | ] go for walks □ go fishing ] go sightseeing /'saitsinn/ □ go shopping [J go to the be'ach □ go skiing rj go swimming 8 [] go cycling /'saikhn/ 9 PJ go on boat trips 0 rj sunbathe /'sAnbeid/ 1 | ] have picnics 2 [ ] stay in a hotel \H\ stay with friends/family | | camp ] rent a car PJ rent a bike | | travel by public transport 8 rj go on holiday [US: go on vacation] Adjectives to describe places Verb collocations (WQm) book rent get stay a flight /flait/ a motorbike to your/our place in (Canada) a hotel room a car a taxi with you/us a table (at a restaurant) an apartment a bus in a hotel TIP! • a flight is a journey by plane: Have a good flight! dangerous /'deind33ras/ safe TIP! • We can also use these adjectives to describe places (see V6.1): noisy/quiet, clean/dirty, boring/interesting, friendly/unfriendly, crowded/empty. Language Summary 8 Gram G8.1 can/can't for possibility 8A0p63 We use can to say that something is possible. We use can't to say that something isn't possible. For positive sentences, we use: subject + can + infinitive. For negative sentences, we use: subject + can't + infinitive (can't = cannot), can and can't are the same for all subjects (Í, you, he, they, etc.). OSITIVE i subject + can + infinitive: I/You/He/She/It/We/They can go for long walks. ■ i subject + can't + infinitive: I/You/He/She/It/We/They can't stay there. WH- question word + can + subject + infinitive: QUESTIONS What can l/you/he/she/it/we/they do there? YES/NO QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS can + subject + infinitive: Can l/you/he/she/it/we/they stay on the island? Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they can. No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they can't. TIPS! • We also use can for ability, making requests and offers. ability She can speak French. 1 can't decide where to go. requests Can you help me? Can 1 borrow it? offers Can 1 help you? P Comparatives 8B0p64 We use comparatives to compare two places, people or things: Phuket is hotter than Bangkok. Bangkok is more crowded than Phuket. When we compare two things in the same sentence we use than after the comparative: The Sawadee Hotel is bigger than the Kata Hotel. type of adjective spelling rule comparative most 1-syllable adjectives add -er smaller older but! dry -» drier 1-syllable adjectives ending in -e add -r safer nicer 1-syllable adjectives ending in consonant + vowel + consonant double the last consonant and add -er hotter bigger but! new -» newer 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y -y -» -/ and add -er noisier happier 2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y put more before the adjective more crowded more common adjectives with 3 syllables or more put more before the adjective more expensive more interesting irregular adjectives good bad better worse far further/farther TIPS! • The opposite of more is less: The holiday in Phuket is more expensive. The holiday in Bangkok is less expensive. • We can also use more with nouns: There are more rooms in the Sawadee Hotel. Planning a day out (8CQp67) asking people what they want to do What do you want to do (tomorrow)? Where would you like to go? Do you want to (go to Regent's Park)? saying what you want to do I'd like to (go to the beach). I want to (go to Chessington). I'd rather (stay at home). • I'd = I would. • We use I'd rather to say Í want to do this more than something else. • After would rather we use the infinitive (go, do, etc.): I'd rather rent a bike. • After would lifee and want we use the infinitive with to (to go, to do, etc.): I'd like to go swimming. Í want to rent a car. TIP! • woidd like is more polite than want. ^_ Language Summary fTTI Work (9Aflp7u) Match the words to pictures a)-i). 1 □ a customer 6 [] a contract 2 Q a report 7 [a] a company 3 \g] notes 8 □ a meeting 4 □ a letter 9 □ a conference 5 fj a message Types of transport (m0^2) a train a taxi [US: a cab] a bike a scooter I%TEI Travelling verbs/phrases (9B0p72) go by bike = cycle go by car = drive go on foot = walk go by boat = sail go by plane = fly go by train/tube/bus = take the train/tube/bus TIPS! • We say go by bike, train, etc., but go on foot not go by foot. • We can say the tube or the underground in British English: the London underground. The: American English word is subway: the New York subway. G2J Indoor and outdoor activities (wnQ^e) Match the verbs/phrases to pictures a)-p). 1 □ swim 2 □ ski 3 □ type 4 □ surf 5 □ windsurf 6 □ sail 7 □ sing 8 □ cook 9 □ drive 10 □ speak another language 11 □ use a computer 12 □ ride a hcVse 13 □ ride a motorbike 14 □ play tennis 15 □ play chess 16 □ play a musical instrument TIP! • We use can/can't to talk about ability: I can type. I can't ride a horse. (See G8.1.) BEH Adverbs and adjectives 9DQp76) • We use adjectives to describe nouns. They usually come before the noun: She is an excellent driver. • We use adverbs to describe verbs. They usually come after the verb: She speaks French fluently. a boat a motorbike spelling rule adjective adverb most adverbs: add -ly to the adjective beautiful beautifully fluent fluently bad badly adjectives ending in -y. -y -> -/ and add -ly easy easily happy happily irregular adverbs good well fast fast hard hard Language Summary 9 Present Continuous: positive and negative 9A0 pzo • We use the Present Continuous to talk about things happening now: I'm waiting for a taxi. They're sitting in your office. POSITIVE NEGATIVE I'm ('m = am) I'm not you/we/they're ('re = are) verb+/ng you/we/they aren't (= are not) verb+ing he/she/it's ('s = is) he/she/it isn't (= is not) verb+mg: spelling rules examples most verbs: add -ing verbs ending in -e: take off -e and add -ing play -> playing look -> looking study -» studying go -> going smoke -> smoking write -> writing live -> living sit -» sitting stop -» stopping run -> running verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant: double the last consonant and add -ing TIP! • We can also make negatives with 're or's + not: Danny's not doing anything. They're not looking very happy, etc. fcEJEI Present Continuous: questions and short answers 9A (p p7i QUESTIONS question word auxiliary subject verb+mg Where is Frank calling from? Is the taxi moving? What are Janet and Danny doing? Where are they having the meeting? YES/NO QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS Am I working here today? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Are you watchin g TV at the moment? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. Is he/she/Janet answering the phone? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't. Are we going now? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. Are they having the meetin g now? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. IcEEl Present Simple or Present Continuous? 9B0p73 • We use the Present Simple to talk about things that happen every day/week/month, etc. • We use the Present Continuous to talk about things happening now. We use am, are and is in Present Continuous questions (see G9.2). We use do and does in Present Simple questions (see G3.2 and G4.3). • We usually use the Present Simple with these words: usually, sometimes, always, often, nonnally, hardly ever, never, every day/week/ month, etc. I nonnally go to work by train. I visit my grandparents every month. • We usually use the Present Continuous with these words: now, today, at the moment. He's watching TV now. I'm driving to work today. What are you doing at the moment? TIP! • We can also make negative short answers with 're or's + not: No, you're not. No, she's not, etc. (323) Talking on the phone (9C0p7s) asking to speak to people saying who you are Hello, can I spe'ak to (Emily), ple'ase? Hello, is that (Chris Morris)? This is (Emily Wise), from (3DUK). It's (Katrina). Spe'aking. calling people back other useful phrases Can I cSll you bSck? I got your message. Call me on my mobile. Hold on a moment, I'll get him/her. I'll call you later. Can you call me back? TIPS! • We say It's (Katrina). not I'm (Katrina). • I'll = I will. Language Summary 10 ÍCTíCT Health iOA0p78 Match the phrases to pictures a)-j). 1 [/Ť] do exercise 2 \~j lose we'ight /weit/ 3 \~] stop smoking 4 [ | get stressed /strest/ 5 □ get fit 6 \~] go to the gým 7 [ have a he'art attack /a'taek/ 8 [ | eat fried food 9 [ | drink alcohol 10 [J high/low in fát ntTE) How often... ? and frequency expressions (iOA0p79) • We use How often ... ? to ask about frequency: How often do you go to the theatre? How often does your brother phone you? How often did you visit your grandfather? Appearance iOB0p8u age height /hait/ body general appearance race He's/She's... young middle-aged /midl'eid3d/ old He's/She's... tall short He's/She's... fat overweight /auva'weit/ thin slim He's/She's... beautiful good-looking attractive He's/She's... white black Asian /'ei33n ovSjc^ eyes hair /hea/ WJjs^ He's/She's got... blue eyes brown eyes green eyes He's/She's got... He'sgot... He's... long/short hair a beard /bisdV bald /bo:ld/ dark/fair /feo/ hair a moustache blonde /blond/ hair /mus'ta:J7 grey hair once twice three times four times ten times etc. a day a week a month a year an hour etc. every day week month year weekend etc. overweight slim blonde hair grey hair a beard a moustache TIPS! • Middle-aged = the time in your life between young and old. • Overweight is more polite than fat. Slim is more attractive than thin. • Beautiful, attractive and good-looking all mean the same. Beautiful is usually for women. Good-looking is usually for men. Attractive can be for both men and women. • Asian = from a country in Asia: India, Thailand, Japan, etc. • We say long hair not long hairs and long dark hair not dark long hair. fflrjjp Character (JOB 00 p8i) A generous /'dsenaras/ person likes giving people money and presents. It's difficult for a shy person to talk to new people. A lazy person doesn't like working and enjoys watching TV all day. A kind /kamd/ person likes doing things to help other people. A funny person makes people laugh a lot. Selfish people usually think about themselves, not other people. An outgoing person is friendly and likes meeting new people. When reliable /ri'laiabl/ people promise to do something, they always do it. Health problems (loc^pšž) I've got... a stomach ache /'stAmak eik/ a temperature /'tempratja/ a he'adache /'hedeik/ a toothache /'tuiGeik/ a sore thro'at /so: 'Oreut/ a cold a cough /kof/ I feel... ill terrible sick better My... hurts. back arm foot leg TIPS! • We can also say: I'm ill/'sick/better., but not I'm tcmblc. • In British English I'm sick, usually means I'm ill, while I feel sick. usually means I want to be sick. • We can say I've got a stomach ache/a toothache, or I've got stomach ache/toothache, but not I've got headache. g° take Treatment (ioc0 p82) to bed stay home to the doctor to the dentist at home in bed the day off some painkillers some cough medicine /'medisan/ some antibiotics /aentibai'Dtiks/ Seasons (lODfl p84) spring winter TIP! summer autumn [US: fall] We use in with seasons: in (the) winter. Weather iOD0p85 Match the words to pictures a)-k). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 □ 9 □ 10 □ 11 □ hot warm LU □ cold I I wet □ □ □ dry raining snowing windy /'windi/ clo'udy /'klaudi/ sunny 34° (degrees) (what's the weather like?) (jt's very hot and sunny/) JJJJJJ Word building (ioD0~pB5) noun adjective verb rain ra'iny rain snow snowy snow wind • windy - cloud cloudy - sun sunny - Noun: There's not much wind today. Adjective: I love sunny days. Verb: Look! It's snowing! Language Summary 10 fTm Imperatives 1OA0 p79 • We often use imperatives to give very strong advice. • The positive imperative is the same as the infinitive (go, do, etc.): Stop smoking. Do more exercise. • The negative imperative is don't + infinitive (don't go, don't do, etc.): Don't eat a lot of salt. TIP! • We also use imperatives to give orders: Go home! and instructions: Don't write anything. flTin should/shouldn't 1OA0 p79 • We use should/shouldn't to give advice. • We use should to say something is a good thing to do: You should do more exercise. • We use shouldn't to say something is a bad thing to do: You shouldn't eat so much red meat. > After should and shouldn't we use the infinitive: He should stop smoking, not He should to stop smoking. TIPS! • To ask for advice, we can say: What should I do? • In spoken English, should!shouldn't is more common than the imperative for advice. FTPTR Questions with like iob <£> psi • We use What's (= What is) he/she like? to ask for a general description. We often ask this when we don't know the person. The answer can include character and physical appearance: She's really friendly and outgoing. And she's very beautiful. • We use What does he/she look like? to ask about physical appearance only: She's tall and slim, and she's got long dark hair. • We use What does he/she like doing? to ask about people's likes and free time interests: She likes dancing and going to restaurants. TIPS! • How is he/she? asks about health, not personality: How's Buffy? She's fine, thanks. • We don't use lihe in answers to questions with What's he like? He's kind, not He's like kind, and What does she look like? She's very tall, not She's like very tall. RW10 1 Talking about health (ioc0p83) asking about ' expressing sympathy someone's health How Ire you? Are you OK? What's wrong? What's the matter? Oh, de'ar. That's a shame. I hope you get better soon. giving advice Why don't you (go home)? You should (take the day off). • # Drink lots of water. TIPS! • Only use the imperative to give advice to people you know well: Go home and go to bed! • After Why don't you ... ? we use the infinitive: Why don't you see a doctor? Language Summary 11 weight three kilos smoking eating sweet things more exercise a computer course Studying (flBfl p88 ) C get a qualification /kwDlifi'keiJan/ a degree TIP! • We get a degree when we finish university. A qualification is more general: we get a qualification when we pass any official exam, for example, when you leave school, finish a training course, etc. Q29 Verb patterns p93) • After some verbs only one verb form is possible: I want to spend more time with my family. K They love living in the city. + infinitive with to + verb+ing want (to do) need (to do) would like (to do) would love (to do) love (doing) hate (doing) enjoy (doing) like (doing) TIPS! • These verbs can also be followed by nouns or pronouns: You don't need a car. (noun) He hates it. (pronoun) • It is also possible to use the infinitive with to after like, love and hate, but verb+ing is more common in British English. J Language Summary 11 be going to: positive and negative 11a0 p86 I'm going to do a computer course. | I'm not going to eat I sweet things anymore. • These sentences talk about the future. * The people decided to do these things before they said them. < We use he going to + infinitive for future plans. subject auxiliary (+ not) going to infinitive I 'm/'m not going to work harder. You/We/They 're/aren't going to have a holiday next year. He/She/It 's/isn't going to lose ten kilos. We 're going to get fit. Val 's going to stop smoking. I 'm going to do more exercise. I 'm not going to eat sweet things anymore. TIP! • With the verb go, we usually say I'm going to Spain, not I'm going to go to Spain. But both are correct. nira be going to: Wh- questions 1 ia O p87 question word auxiliary subject going to infinitive What am I going to do? Where are you/we/they going to live next year? When s (is) he/she/it going to arrive? What are you going to do all day? Where are you going to stay? What are you going to eat? HUE! might or be going to 11 b O p89 i We use be going to to say a future plan is decided: I'm going to meet Tony in town. • We use might to say something in the future is possible, but not decided: I might go for a drink with Peter or I might go to Jane's party. «• After might we use the infinitive: We might go and see a film. TIPS! • might is the same for all subjects (I, you, he, they, etc.). • To make questions with might, we usually use Do you think ... ?: Do you think he might come to the party? HTFI be going to: yes/no questions and short answers 11 b

newest 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y -y -i and add -est earliest happiest 2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y put most before the adjective most boring most common adjectives with 3 syllables or more put most before the adjective most expensive most interesting irregular adjectives good bad far best worst furthest/farthest TIPS! • We say: The best place in the world, not of the world or for the world. • Before superlatives in sentences we use: the Mount Wai'ale'ale is probably the wettest place in the world. The best bottle of wine cost £12,300. possessive's It was the world's most expensive meal. He's my sister's oldest relative. possessive adjectives Mat's my best friend. It was his most important book. • the + superlative is the most common form. J Language Summary 12 Present Perfect: positive and negative )2b0 p% t We use the Present Perfect to talk about experiences in life until now. We don't say when they happened: I've been to about forty countries. I've stayed in some of the world's best hotels. • We use the Past Simple if we say when something happened: Two weeks ago I went to Mexico. Last month I spent five days in Barbados. TIP! • We can't use the Present Perfect if we say a time: I went to England in 2003. not I've been to England in 2003. POSITIVE subject auxiliary past participle I/You/We/They He/She/It 've (= have) 's ( = has) had met been lots of other jobs, some interesting people, to Mexico. NEGATIVE subject auxiliary + not past participle I/You/We/They haven't ( = have not) had a holiday. He/She/It hasn't ( = has not) been to the USA before. TIP! • We often make negative Present Perfect sentences with never: I've never been to Australia. PAST PARTICIPLES • For regular verbs, add -ed or -d to the infinitive: work -> worked, live ■* lived, etc. The Past Simple and past participles of regular verbs are the same (see G6.3). • For irregular verbs, there are no rules. Look at the past participles in the Irregular Verb List, pl59. TIP! • go has two past participles, been and gone. When we use the Present Perfect to talk about experience we usually use been: I've been to Italy. (7 am back in my country now.) HTW\ Present Perfect: Have you ever... ? questions and short answers 12B Q p97 • We use the Present Perfect to ask about people's experiences. If the answer is yes, we use the Past Simple to ask for (or give) more information: Have you ever been to Australia? Yes, I have. Did you have a good time? Yes, I did. QUESTIONS auxiliary subject (ever) past participle Have l/you/we/they ever worked in a restaurant? Has he/she/it ever been to the UK? SHORT ANSWERS Yes, l/you/we/they have. Yes, he/she/it has. No, l/you/we/they haven't. No, he/she/it hasn't. TIP! • ever + Present Perfect = any time in your life until now. We often use it in questions. RW12.1 At the airport (i2CQp99) THINGS YOU HEAR AT THE CHECK-IN DESK Can I have your ticket and your passport, please? How many bags have you got? Did you pack your bags yourself? Have you got any sharp items in your hand luggage? Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? Here's your boarding card. You're in seat (16A). Gate (12). It leaves at (13.20). Enjoy your flight. THINGS YOU CAN SAY AT THE CHECK-IN DESK (I'd like) a window seat/an aisle seat, ple'ase. Which gate is it? Is the flight on time? RW12.2 Saying goodbye (i2CQp99) Have a nice weekend! • # nice holiday! good trip! Yo'u too. # • Thanks, I will. Se*e you in two we'eks. next year. on the next course. Yes, se*e you. Send me/us an email, a postcard. Yes, of co'urse. Recording Scripts AHJKIBCDEGPTV'FLMNSXZi IYIQUWIOR yellow i please I green , class ! teacher ' student ' welcome Open your book. I Look at page ten.' Match the words to the pictures. ' Read the article. ! Answer the questions. ' Check your answers. I Listen and practise. Work in pairs. | Work in groups. | Fill in the gaps.' Don't write. | Close your book. pablo Hello. Sorry I'm late. teacher No problem. What's your first name? p It's Pablo. t What's your surname? p Ruano. t How do you spell that? p R-U-A-N-O. t Welcome to the class, Pablo, p Thank you. iWiiw'iff a Isabel Hello, is this the English class? teacher Yes, it is. I Oh, good. I'm sorry I'm late! t No problem. What's your first name? I Isabel. t How do you spell that? I I-S-A-B-E-L. t And what's your surname? I It's Boutron. t And how do you spell that? I B-O-U-T-R-O-N. t Thanks, Isabel. Welcome to the class. B pavel Hello, sorry I'm late. teacher No problem. What's your name? p My name's Pavel. t Is that your first name? p Er, yes. t How do you spell that, please? p P-A-V-E-L. t And what's your surname, Pavel? p Stepanov. t OK ... and how do you spell that? p S-T-E-P-A-N-O-V T S-T-E-P-A-N-O-V. Thanks. Welcome to the class, Pavel, p Thank you. answer Thursday. ! pin answers 3 Italy 4 the USA 5 Mexico; Australia; Spain B1.7 My name's Carol. ' What are your names? Our names are Joe and Susan. ! What are their names? ' His name's David, i Her name's Molly. a receptionist Hello. What are your names, please? karen My name's Karen Jansen. r Hmm. How do you spell your surname, please? k It'sJ-A-N-S-E-N. r Ah. Right. peter And I'm Peter Iveson. That's I_V-E-S-0-N. r OK. And where are you from? p We're from the UK. r OK ... here are your name cards, p Thank you very much. B receptionist Good morning, sir. What's your name, please? murat My name's Murat Demirlek. r OK ... um how do you spell your surname? m D-E-M-I-R-L-E-K. r D-E-M-I-R-L-E-K. Um, right. And where are you from? m I'm from Turkey. r OK, here's your name card. Enjoy the conference. m Thank you very much. C receptionist Hello, are you here for the conference? dorota Yes, my name's Dorota Koprowska. r And how do you spell your surname, please? o K-O-P-R-O-W-S-K-A. r K-O-P-R-O-W-S-K-A .... Um and where are you from? d I'm from Poland. r Here's your name card. d Thank you very much. [ re.9; a a Welcome to our hotel, Mrs Johnson. You're in room 19. b Thank you. B a Hello, Tom. Where are you? b I'm in my room. It's number 427. C a Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Richards. You're in room 15. b Thank you very much. d a Peter, what's our room number? b 319. a Oh yes, of course. E a Good evening, Mr Jones. Room 316? b Yes, that's right. Thank you. a What's the number of their hotel? b It's 01622 654331. a ... and Tina's in London. Her mobile number is 07931 516087. C a What's our new phone number? b Er ... wait a minute ... it's 01902 785664. a Oh yes, that's right. d a Hi, Tim! What's your number in Spain? b It's ... er ... 0034 96 3922 959. a So that's 0034 ... 96 ... b ...3922 959. a OK. Thanks. answers 1 engineer; lawyer 2 musician 3 doctor; teacher I'm not a teacher.! We aren't from Australia.' He isn't famous. I Are you from Spain? ' Yes, 1 am. ' No, I'm not. ' Is he a musician? I Yes, he is. ' No, he isn't. ] Are you from Sydney? I Yes, we are. ! No, we aren't. clerk Right, I need some personal details. david OK. c What's your surname, please? d It's Holmes. c And how do you spell that? d H-O-L-M-E-S. * • * • c OK. What's your first name? d David. c And what's your nationality? d I'm British. * • • c OK. What's your address? d It's 57 Green Road, Birmingham, B22 4LJ. c Could you say that again, please? d Yes, it's#57 Green Road^ Birmingham. c That's G-R-do*uble E-N, like the colour? d Yes, that's right. c And the postcode again, ple'ase? D Yes, it's B22 4LJ. c OK. What's your home phone number? d It's 0121 787 6544. c I'm sorry? d 0121 787 6544. c And what's your mobile number? d It's 07810 056678. c 07810 05 ... d 6678. c Right. And the last question ... what's your email address? d It's d holmes at webmail dot com. c Sorry, could you repe'at that, ple'ase? d Yes, it's d holmes at webmail dot com. c OK, thanks a lot. Now, what do you .. R1.22 1 this What's this? -* What's this in English? 2 these ■* What are these? -> What are these in English? 3 that ■* What's that? -» What's that in English? 4 those -> What are those? R2.2 I've got an old car. | You've got a great CD player. | He's got a lot of CDs. I She's got a red dress. We've got a new DVD player, | They've got a dog. | I haven't got a lot of CDs. i She hasn't got a car. R2.3 interviewer Hello. bill Hello? i Have you got time to answer some questions? It's a product survey about cameras, computers, that sort of thing. b Yes, OK. sally Sure. i Thanks. Right, first question - have you got a computer? b Yes, I have. I've got an old laptop. i And what about you? Have you got a laptop, too? s No, 1 haven't got a computer. i OK. And have you got a mobile phone? s Yes, of course! Everyone^ got a mobile phone! b Well, 1 haven't. They're expensive. i And have you got a digital camera? s Er, no, I haven't. I've got a normal camera, but not a digital one. i And you, sir? b Yes, I've got a new digital camera. i And have you got a personal stereo? b Yes, 1 have. s No, I haven't. I've got a CD player at home, but not a personal stereo. i OK. And have you got a DVD player? s No, I haven't. i What about you, sir? b Yes, I've got a very good DVD player, s Yes, but his TV isn't very good! b No, I'm here to buy a new one. i Well, we've got some beautiful new TVs and they're very cheap at the "moment. answers Lisa 2 children 4 son s father 6 mother 7 brother max 9 sisters ii grandchildren 12 granddaughters 13 grandson sally 1s uncle 16 cousins 1b grandfather 19 grandmother Sally's -> Lisa is Sally's aunt. I Anna's -> Max is Anna's husband, i Bill's -» Pat is Bill's wife. I Pat's -» Chris is Bill and Pat's grandson. Chris's -» Emma is Chris's sister. I Max's -» Sally is Anna and Max's daughter. R2.9 kate Tim, come and /an/ look at /at/ these photos of hvl my family. TIM OK. k Right ... This is my sister, Lisa, and /and/ her /ha/ husband, Tom. t Lisa's a hi doctor, isn't she? k Yes, that's right. t What about Tcjm? k He's a hl jázz musician. He's very go'od. t Oh, right. How many children have /hav/ they got? k Two. A hi girl and /an/ a hl bôy. Lo'ok, here's a hi photo of hvl them /ôam/. t Hmm. How old are they? k Er, Emma is seven, I think and /an/ Chris is about ten months Sid. t They're beautiful. k Yés, they áre. And /and/ this is my brSther, Max. He's a hi lawyer. t And who's that? k That's Max's wife, Anna. She's from /fram/ Italy, but /bat/ her /har/ English is very good. t WSw! She's nice. k Yés, she is. She's an /an/ actress, actually. And that's their da'ughter, Sally. She's sixteen. t Right. k And these are hi my parents. Mum's a hi te'acher - she te'aches French - and Dad's retired. t How old are they? k Míím's sixty-thre'e and Dad's séventy-thre*e. t OK. k And that's Fred, my favourite member of hvl the /ôa/ family. t Sorry, where? k There. t Ôh, the /ôa/ dôg! k Yés, he's gre'at! RMO 1 a What time is it? b It's five o'clock. 2 a What's the time, ple'ase? b It's about half pást two. 3 a Excuse me, have you got the time, ple'ase? b Yes, it's eight fifte'en. a Thanks a lot. b You're welcome. Recording Scripts SHOOK) A Hello, you have reached the Lewisham Gallery information service. We're open Mondays to Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Currently the exhibition is Modern Art in [end of R2.12] Europe and admission is £7, or £5 for students and children. For more information call the Ticket Office on 020 8960 2424. B ticket seller .., OK, so that's 2 tickets for the Mary Colgan concert at the Camden Apollo on Friday the 5th of April at 7.30 p.m. customer Yes. That's right. How much are the tickets? [end of R2.12] ts They're £19.50 and £17.50. c £19.50 and £17.50? ts Yes, that's right, c OK, 2 tickets at £19.50 please. C Welcome to the Ritz Cinema information and booking line. Here are the films showing at this cinema from Friday April the 5th to Thursday April the 11th. Sons and Daughters, certificate 12, showing at 3.25, 5.40 and 8.50 p.m. Good Times, Bad Tt?nes, certificate 15, showing at 2.50, 5.10 and 8.30 p.m. To hear these times again, say "yes please" after the tone, [end of R2.12] Ticket prices for all performances are £6.50 for adults and £4 for children under 16. To book tickets, say "yes please" after the tone. R2.16 tom Lisa, where's my suitcase? lisa Here it is, behind the sofa. t And have you got my keys? l No, Tom, of course I haven't. They're on the desk. By the computer. t OK, thanks. And where's my mobile phone? l Oh, I don't know. Look, there it is, under my coat. There, on the sofa! t Thanks. emma Mum, where are my new shoes? l They're under the chair by the window. e And where's my bag? l Oh, Emma. It's by the door. Where it always is. e Thanks, Mum. t Right. Are you ready, Emma? e Yes. l Have you got your school books? e Yes, they're in my bag. Look. t Oh no! Where's my passport? l It's on the table by the window. In front of the plant. t Oh yes, thanks. l Bye, darling. See you on Sunday. t Bye, sweetheart. L Right ... hmm ... where's the baby? Recording Scripts interviewer When do you finish work? sam Most days we finish at about 9 o'clock. i You start at 5.45 and you finish at 9! s Yes, it's a long day. But some days I sleep for an hour or two in the afternoon, i And when do you have dinner? s At about half past 9, after we finish work. We have dinner together and we talk about the day. i What time do you get back to the hotel? s At about half past 10. i And what time do you go to bed? s At 11 o'clock. And then I sleep for 6 hours, t i So, do you have a glamorous life? s Not when I'm at work, no - definitely not. answers 2 What do you do in the evenings? 3 Do you eat out? 4 And what do you do at the weekends? s Do you go to concerts? Robert Hello, Tanya! tanya Oh, hello. It's Robert, isn't it? You work in ... er ... r In our King Street office. I'm the manager there. t Oh, that's right, yes. r Good party, isn't it? t Yes, very nice. r Er, Tanya. Do you go for a drink after work? On Fridays, maybe? t No, I don't. r What do you do in the evenings? t Well, I don't go out very much in the week. r OK. Do you eat out? t No, I don't. Restaurants are very expensive round here. r Right. And what do you do at the weekends? t Well, on Saturday afternoons I go shopping. But 1 don't go out on Saturday evenings. I stay in and watch TV. r Right. Er ... do you go to concerts? t Er, yes, I do. r Well, um ... there's a good concert on Friday. Do you want to come with me? t Er ... thanks, but there's a problem - well 3 problems, actually! R Oh? t I'm married! And I've got 2 children! r Oh... a It's nearly midnight. Come on, everybody! people 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, 1 ... a Happy New Year, Chris! b You too! 2 a Is it a boy or a girl? b It's a girl! c Congratulations! 3 a Happy anniversary, darling. b Happy anniversary, dear. Oh, what nice flowers! a So, 50 years ... a long time. b Yes, a very long time! 4 a Happy birthday, Sheena. b Oh, thank you. a How old are you now? b Er ... 22 ... again! 5 a Hello. b Hello, Uncle John. Guess what - we're getting married! a Congratulations! That's wonderful news. «3.9 1 I'm 30 today. 2 We've got a new baby boy. 3 Today is our 40th wedding anniversary. 4 We're getting married! s 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... answers 1 April 2 July 3 May U&3EJ 1 a When do you start your English course? b September the fifth. 2 a When's your birthday? b The thirteenth of December. a Oh, that's on Tuesday! 3 a When's Mother's Day? b This year it's on March the fourteenth. a Oh, that's next week. 4 a When do your courses finish? b They all finish on the second of July. 5 a Excuse me. What's the date today? b It's, er, October the twentieth. a Thanks a lot. 6 a When's Jim and Mary's wedding day? b 1 think it's the first of February. a Oh no! That's today! answers 1 tenth 2 birthday 3 book 4 DVD s DVD 6 good 7 watch What shall we get him for his birthday? I Let's get him a bo'ok. I I'm not sure. I Let's buy him a DVD. | That's a good ide'a. | What about a Star Trek DVD? | No, 1 don't think so. tanya Do you think I'm a happy person in the morning? simon Sometimes. Why? t It's a questionnaire. "Are you an early bird or a night owl?" But I don't have a lot of energy ... so that's b). s What are the other questions? t Here, look. Question 2, well, that's easy. I hardly ever get up before 9 at the weekend, s Yes, that's true. t Right, question 3. Yes, I often watch films late at night. s But you never see the end! t Yes, that's true! So that's c). Next question — parties. s Oh that's easy. You never stay to the end. t True, I never stay to the end, so it's c). Question 5 ... well, I usually see friends in the afternoon, I think. Right, the last one. Yes, I'm always happy to talk to friends when they phone before 8. s What! I always answer the phone. t Yes, you answer the phone, then I talk to my friends. So, it's a). Right, what's my score then? Vicky Hi, Alison. How are you? alison Hello, Vicky. I'm fine, and you? v Fine, thanks. Is Paul here? a Paul? Oh no, he's got a new job. He works in Antarctica now. v No! a Yes, he works at a weather station there. He's got a job as an engineer. v Wow! Does he like it? a Yes and no. He doesn't like the job very much. The people on the weather station all work 6 days a week, but then they have 3 months off a year and the money's good. alison The peopleat the weather stationall work 6 daysa week, but then they have 3 monthspffa year_and the money's good. vicky Hmm, that's good. What about his free time? a Well, you know Paul. He's usually quiteactive. He doesn't read_a lot_and he doesn't listen to the radio. So it'sa bit difficult for him. v So what does he do? a Well, they havea TV there, so he watches_a lotj)f sport. And he goes skiing and running. Oh, and he takes_a lot_of photos. They're very good! v Right. a And he goes swimming. v In Antarctica?! a Well^jmly on New Year's Day. Everyone goes swimming then - but_pnly for_about_a minute! v Hmm. Do you talk to him a lot? a No, he doesn't phone much, it's_expensive. But he emailsa lot. v And what do you think about his job? ... Recording Scripts livejn -» They livejn Toronto. I worksjat -» She worksjtt the airport. I She's_always -> She's_always very happy. I a lot_of -» He buys her_a lotpf presents. I watch it -» She doesn't watch it. What does she do? ! Does she like rock music? ' What food does she like? I Does she like sport? | Does she have any animals? I What does she do on Saturday evenings? CO message Sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the tone. jack Hi, Emma. This is Jack. It's 6 o'clock. I'm at the airport. See you in about 2 hours. Oh, don't worry about food. We can eat out. See you soon. Bye. jack Hello? emma Hi, Jack. It's Emma. I got your message. Where are you now? j I'm in a taxi, about 20 minutes from your flat. e Oh, good. j Where do you want to eat? e Shall we go to the Chinese restaurant again? j No. Let's go somewhere different this time. e OK. There's a new restaurant on Queen Street. j You mean The Jazz Cafe? e Yes. It's very nice, 1 think. j Is it expensive? e No, 1 don't think so. It's quite cheap and the food's very good. j OK. Let's go there. e OK. See you there at 8 o'clock then. J Bye. e Bye. GSBD answers 1 Would you like to order now? 2 What would you like to drink? 3 Would you like red or white? 4 Would you like anything else? Would you like to order jiow? | Would you like anything else? I I'd like a tuna salad, please. I Can I have a che'eseburger and chips, ple'ase? I We'd like a bottle of mineral water, please, i Can we have the bill, please? Would you like to order now? a) Can I have a chicken salad, please? b) What would you like to drink? b) Can we have a bottle of red wine? a) Would you like anything else? b) I'd like a Neapolitan pizza, please, a) andy Morning, Kevin! kevin Hi, Andy. a Ah, have we got a new breakfast menu? k Yes. The students say they want lots of different breakfasts - you know, from different countries. a OK. Tell me what they want and 1 can write it on the board. k Right ... the Japanese usually have rice and fish and soup, and they drink green tea. a And green tea. OK. What about a Brazilian breakfast? k Well, Carlos says he has bread and cheese, orange juice and coffee. He says that's a typical breakfast in Brazil. a Orange juice and coffee. Well, that's easy. And what do the Spanish have? k Well, that's another easy one. In Spain they have biscuits or toast, or a sandwich. But they always have coffee. a OK. Biscuits, toast, sandwich, coffee - got that. k And some students say they want a full English breakfast. You know - eggs, sausages, toast, jam and tea. a So that's eggs, sausages, toast, jam and tea. Right. k OK, let's start cooking. a Actually, it's time for my break! A A b a b a B a b a b Do you know any good places to go on holiday in England? Well, we always go to Keswick, in the Lake District. It's lovely. Really? Yes. There's a beautiful lake near the town and it's a good place for walking. There are lots of mountains. It sounds great. Are there any cheap places to stay? Yes, there are. B-and-Bs are quite cheap. B-and-Bs? Bed-and-breakfasts. Oh, right. What was the name of the town again? Where are you from, Vanessa? I'm from a small village in Ireland called Eyeries. My family still lives there. Is it nice? Yes, it's beautiful. It's by the sea and there's only one road. And all the houses are different colours! It sounds nice. Is there a hotel? No, there isn't. And there aren't any restaurants! But there are 3 or 4 little shops. And where in Ireland is it? ... tony Hi, Aunt Rosie! rosie Hello, Tony! How are you? t I'm fine, thanks. r And how's life in New Zealand? Do you like living in Auckland? t Yes, I love it here. There are lots of things to do in the evening and lots of great restaurants. r And where's your new flat? t It's in a place called Mission Bay. There's a nice beach here and the people are very friendly. 1 play football with a group of New Zealanders every weekend. r Oh, great. And do you still go running? t Yes, of course. There isn't a park near our flat, but I run on the beach every morning. And how are things with you and Uncle Frank? john Hello. Rent-A-Home. My name's John. How can I help you? alex Hi. I'd like some information about the flat in Park Street, please. j Of course. What would you like to know? a Er, firstly, is there any furniture? j Yes, there are some chairs, a sofa, beds - it's fully furnished. But, er, there isn't a TV a Oh, that's OK. And the bedrooms - are they big? j Er, well, one bedroom's very big, but the other is, er, quite small. It's OK for a child. a That's OK. The flat's for me and my wife. We haven't got any children. j Right. a And the bathroom. Has it got a shower? j Yes, there's a shower and a bath. It's very nice. a OK. Now, what else ... Oh yes, what's in the kitchen? j There's a cooker, a fridge and a washing machine. And I think there are some chairs and a table. a Right. And are there any shops near the flat? j Yes, there are some shops only 5 minutes away. And it's near the station. a That's very good for £700 a month. j Actually, It's, er, £800 a month. a But your advert says 700. j I'm sorry, that's a mistake, it's 800. But it is a beautiful flat. Would you like to see it? a Er, yes ... OK. j Great! What about this afternoon at 3? answers 2 some 3 any 4 some s any 6 some 7 some 8 any 9 a 10 any 11 some 12 some 13 a answers 2 600 3 550 4 think s apples 6 green 7 red 8 bananas Recording Scripts EH shop assistant Hello, can I help you? alex Hi. Have you got any batteries? sa Yes, they're there. a Oh, yes. I'll have these ones, please. And have you got any big bottles of water? sa No, sorry, we haven't. a Oh, OK. How much are the phone cards? sa They're £10 and £20. a OK, I'll have a £10 one. Oh, and, um, these postcards, please. sa Do you need any stamps? a Yes, can I have 4 stamps for Europe, please? sa Sure. Here you are. Anything else? a No, that's all, thanks. How much is that? sa That's £22.70, please. a Thanks. sa Here's your change and your receipt. a Thanks very much. Bye. sa Bye. rebecca Grandma, when were you born? grandma Oh, I was bom in 1940. r And where were you on your 13th birthday? c I was in London. I remember that birthday party very well. r Why? Was it good? g Yes, it was. r Where was the party? c It was in the street. r In the street! g Well, it was June 2nd 1953, the same day as Queen Elizabeth's coronation. The weather wasn't very good, but there were parties in every street in the country. r Wow! Were they big parties? g Yes, they were. r And was there any food? g Oh yes, there was. There were lots of chicken sandwiches and tea and beer. My family was very poor, but that year my birthday party was wonderful. r Were your friends with you? g No, they weren't. They were at other street parties with their families. But I was very happy because there were about 300 people at ray party. ED I was /waz/ in London. | There were W parties in every street. ] The we'ather wasn't /woznt/ very good. | My friends weren't /w3:nt/ with me. ' Was /waz/ it go'od? I Yes, it was /wdz/. ! No, it wasn't /wDznt/. I Were /wa/ they big parties? | Yes, they were /w3:/. | No, they weren't /w3:nt/. I Where was /waz/ the party? | When were /wa/ you born? mlummw answers 1 18th July 2 1943 3 1957 4 two 5 eighteen 6 four 7 1996 B6.9 1 jane Hi. How was your weekend? henry Terrible. I was really ill on Saturday. J Oh, dear. What was wrong? h I had a really bad cold. j What a shame. Are you OK now? h Yes, much better, thanks. And how was your weekend? j Oh, very quiet. I stayed at home. H Oh, right. What did you do? J Not much. 1 slept a lot, did the washing and watched TV, you know, the usual. But I went to the cinema yesterday afternoon. h What did you see? J Night and Day. h Oh yes. What was it like? j It was good. I really liked it. h I want to see that. It sounds good. 2 mick Hi. How are you? sarah I'm very well, thanks. I went away for the weekend. To Italy! m Wow! Where did you go? s We went to Rome - it was wonderful! m Oh, great! Who did you go with? s My friend, Ingrid. m And where did you stay? s We stayed with some old friends from university. m Oh, nice. s What about you? How was your weekend? m Oh, busy. I worked all weekend, s Really? What did you do? m I wrote the report you wanted. It took me 10 hours, s You're joking! Did you finish it? m Yes, here it is. s That's great! Thanks, Mick. I met him on a Monday And my heart stood still Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Somebody told me that his name was Bill Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Yes, my heart stood still Yes, his name was Bill And when he walked me home Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron I knew what he was doing When he caught my eye Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron He looked so quiet but my oh my Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Yes, he caught my eye Yes, my, oh my And when he walked me home Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron He picked me up at seven And he looked so fine Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Someday soon I'm going to make him mine Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Yes, he looked so fine Yes, I'll make him mine And when he walked me home Da do ron ron ron, da do ron ron Listening Test (See Teacher's Book) He didn't have any brothers or sisters. I He didn't like it there. ! He didn't study very much. I He didn't get his 'licence to kill' until nineteen fifty. I He wasn't a very good student. I He wasn't married for long. R7.2 J B7.4 presenter Good afternoon and welcome to "On the Page". Today's first guest is the writer, Will Forbes. will Hello. p Now, Will, you're the author of a new book about Ian Fleming, the man who wrote the James Bond books. w Yes, that's right. p We all know about James Bond, of course, but what can you tell us about Ian Fleming? w Well, what's interesting is that Ian Fleming's life was quite similar to James Bond's. p Really? [end of R7.2] Did Ian Fleming work for the British Secret Service too? w Yes, he did. He joined the navy as an Intelligence Officer in 1939. Bond was also in the navy, of course, p Did Fleming have a 'licence to kill'? Double oh six, maybe? w No, he didn't. But his job was very important. p Did he work for the Secret Service after the war? w No, he worked for a newspaper as a journalist and then he became a writer. p And what about his early life? Did Fleming and Bond go to the same school? w Yes, they did, actually. They both went to Eton and were both very good at sports, p Hmm ... so Ian Fleming was James Bond, w Yes, in a way. p When did Ian Fleming write the first Bond book? w He wrote Casino Royale, the first Bond book, in 1952. p Did he make a lot of money? w No, he didn't. He died in 1964 - only 2 years after the first Bond film, p Well, thank you for coming to talk to us, Will. That was Will Forbes, whose new book, The Man behind Bond, is ... R7.3 1 Did Ian Fleming work for the British Secret Service too? 2 Did Fleming have a 'licence to kill'? 3 Did he work for the Secret Service after the war? 4 Did Fleming and Bond go to the same school? Recording Scripts 5 When did lan Fleming write the first Bond book? 6 Did he make a lot of money? R7.5J Did you go to the cinema last week? I Did you see a Bond film last year? I Did you watch a film on TV last weekend? Did you want to be an actor when you were a child? I Yes, 1 did. I No, I didn't. GO answers 2 rock music 3 reggae 4 opera 5 rock'n'roll 6 jazz 7 dance music 8 classical music 9 pop music R7.7 woman Hey, do you want to do this quiz? It's called "Are you a musical genius?". man Yes, OK. Read me the questions, w Right, the first one. When did Madonna make her first record? Was it in the 70s, 80s, or 90s? m Er, the 70s 1 think, about 1979? w Correct. Number 2. Where do U2 come from? m That's easy. They're from Ireland. w Yes, that's right. Question 3. What did Sting do before he became a singer? Was he a teacher, a writer or an actor? m Er ... an actor? w No, sorry! He was a teacher. The next, one's easy, though. Which of these instruments does Elton John play? m The piano. w Correct. Number 5. How long were the Beatles together? Was it for 5, 10 or 15 years? m Hmm, let me think ... 15 years? w No, only 10 years. From 1960 to 1970. Right, the next one! How old was Colombian singer Shakira when she released her first album, Magic? Was she 13, 17, or 22? m I've got no idea, but my guess is 13. w Yes, that's right. Well done. Number 7. Who was the first singer to have a number one album and film in the USA at the same time? Was it Eminem, Jennifer Lopez or David Bowie? m 1 don't know - David Bowie? w No, it was Jennifer Lopez, in 2001. The film was called The Wedding Planner and the album was J-Lo. Next one. How many people were in the Swedish group, Abba? m 4-2 women and 2 men. w Correct. Whose real name is or was Faroukh Bulsara? Was it a) George Michael, b) Bob Dylan, or c) Freddie Mercury? m Well, I know it's not Bob Dylan ... was it George Michael? w No, it was Freddie Mercury. Right, the last question. Why didn't Elvis Presley make any records between 1958 and 1960? m Ah, I know this. He was in the army. w Correct. So your final score is ... 6 out of 10. Sorry. m Why? w Well, I got 10 out of 10. m I don't believe you! w I did! Look! announcer It's one o'clock and here's Teresa Ross with the news. newsreader Over a hundred pe*ople died in a plane crash in China last night. The plane was on its w5y to Thailand but crSshed only minutes after it left the airport. Terry and Carla Ellis, who want to become the first British husband and wife to climb Mount Everest, are missing, only three days after they started their climb. Helicopters are now lo'oking for the two climbers. In India there are fldbds in many parts of the co'untry, after five days of he'avy ra'in. Yesterday thirty-two people died in fldbds near Calcutta. And finally, supermarket manager Jo'e Hall won over thirteen million po'unds in last night's lottery - thanks to his dog! Jo'e told reporters today that his dog, Max, chose the numbers! That's the news this Thursday lunchtime. And now over to Wendy Simmons for the travel news. R7.10 1 a Did you read about the man who won this week's lottery? b No. How much did he win? a Over 13 million pounds. b Really? a Yeah, but that's not the best bit. His dog chose the numbers for him! b You're joking! a Yes, apparently he wrote the numbers on envelopes and ... 2 a Have you got family in India? b Yes, why? a Did you hear about the floods? b Yes, isn't it awful? I saw it on the news last night. a Is your family alright? b Yes, they're fine. They don't live in that part of India. 3 a Did you hear about that plane crash? b No, where was it? a Somewhere in China. Over a hundred people died. b Oh no, that's terrible. a Yes, 1 know. I've got a friend who works in China and she says ... 4 a Did you read about the couple on Everest? b No, what happened? a One of them fell and they lost their radio. b Oh dear. Are they OK? a Yes, a helicopter found them yesterday. b Oh, that's good. a Yes, the husband broke his leg, but... ■R7.11 Did you he'ar about that pláne crash? I No, where was it? 1 Did you re'ad about the co'uple on Everest? I No, what happened? i Oh, that's good. | Yes, isn't it awful? ' Oh, de'ar. Are they OK? | Oh no, that's terrible. | Re'ally? | You're joking! R7.Í2 woman Do you know any good jokes? man No, but Tom's good at telling jokes. w OK, Tom, Tell us a joke. tom OK, let me think ... right, here's one ... One day Mike ... [see p60] ... Yes, it was amazing. He hated the book. james Rachel? rachel Yes? J Can /kan/ you help me? r Sure, what's the problem? j 1 want to go to the USA on holiday, but 1 can't /ka:nt/ decide where to go - any ideas? r Well, how about San Francisco? We went there last year and had a great time. j That's an idea. What can /kan/ you do there? r Well, there's Golden Gate Bridge of course, and Golden Gate Park. It's a really big park - you can /kan/ go for long walks or just relax in the Japanese Tea Garden. It's beautiful there. j Uh-huh. r And there are the cable cars - they're really good. You can /kan/ go by cable car to a place called Nob Hill, where you can /kan/ see the whole city. Then you can /kan/ walk to Chinatown, which has lots of good places to eat. j Hmm, that sounds good. r And there's also a place called Fisherman's Wharf. That's really popular with tourists. There are lots of shops, cafes and street musicians, and some wonderful seafood restaurants. We went there for dinner every night. j Right. r And from there you can /kan/ go on a boat trip to Alcatraz. You know, the island where the prison is. j Oh, I'd like to go there. What a great place to stay! r No, you can't /ka:nt/ stay on the island, there aren't any hotels. You can /kan/ only go for the day. I think I've still got Recording Scripts a book and a brochure about San Francisco at home. J Can /kan/1 borrow them? r Of course you can /kaan/. I'll give them to you tomorrow, j Thanks a lot. San Francisco, here 1 come! answers 1a) 2b) 3b) 4a) 5b) Can you go swimming there? I Yes, you can. ! No, you can't. I Can you stay there? I Yes, you can. 1 Can you rent a car? | No, you can't. What can you do there? | You can go for walks. ' You can go on bo'at trips. 1 You can't stay on the island. I You can't camp there. luke Well, it's a week in Phuket or a week in Bangkok. Where do you want to go, Monica? Monica Hmm, it's difficult. Phuket's more beautiful than Bangkok, t But maybe Bangkok's more interesting. M Yes, maybe. But Phuket looks better than Bangkok - look at the photos. It's beautiful! l Yes, but Bangkok's a fantastic city. There's lots to do there. We can go sightseeing, visit Buddhist temples, go to markets, er, go shopping. M Maybe. But Bangkok's more crowded. l Well, all capital cities are crowded. M And the people in Phuket are probably friendlier. They usually are in smaller places. l But Phuket's more expensive. m Yes, but 1 love the beach. I'm happy to spend every day there. l Yes, but you know I'm not really a beach person. It's boring after a couple of days. m But you can go for walks, or you can rent a motorbike and go round the island. l I still think Bangkok's more interesting than Phuket. m Phuket's probably safer too. Especially at night. And it's quieter. I want to relax, Luke. It's a holiday! t But we can go to a beach near Bangkok, you know, just for a day or two. And next year we can ... terry Hi Luke, how are you? luke Hi, Terry. I'm fine, thanks. Just back from holiday, actually. t Where did you go? l Er, we went to Thailand, a place called Phuket. It's an island. t Yes, I know. But I thought you didn't like beach holidays. l Me? Oh yes, I love the beach. It was my choice, actually. Monica wanted to go to Bangkok! t Really? father What do you want to do tomorrow? /d3a/ /ta/ hi mother Well, I'd like to go to the beach. /aid/ /ta/ /ta da/ son Oh no. Not the beach again. I'd rather go somewhere different, /aid/ /a/ hi f He's right. We went to the beach last weekend. m Would you like to go to London, then? /wud3a/ /ta/ /ta/ hi f Yeah, that's a good idea. m We can spend the day at Regent's Park. It's really beautiful in summer and there's lots to do there. f Do you want to do that? Idzsl /ta/ s Do what, Dad? f Do you want to go to Regents Park? /d3a/ /ta/ /ta/ hi s Sounds boring. I'd rather stay at home. /aid/ hi /at/ m It isn't boring. You can go on bike rides, go to concerts and there's a really good open air theatre there, s Mmm. f So where would you like to go? /wud3a/ /ta/ s I want to go to Chessington. f Oh, I don't think so. It's a long way. s But my friends went there last week. There are lots of animals and some great rides. It sounds fun. f But you can see animals in Regent's Park - that's where London Zoo is! Look, your Mum's right, the park sounds good. Let's go there. You can bring a friend with you. s Yeah, OK. Can I ask Jason? m Fine. Tell him to be at the station tomorrow at 9. Would you like to go to the be'ach? I'd rather stay at home. Do you want to go to the the'atre? I'd rather go to the cinema. What do you want to do tomorrow? I'd like to go to London. Where would you like to go? I want to go to the park. Holiday! Celebrate! Holiday! Celebrate! CHORUS If we took a holiday Took some time to celebrate Just one day out of life It would be, it would be so nice If we finally spread the word We're going to have a celebration All across the world In every nation It's time for the good times Forget about the bad times, oh yeah One day to come together To release the pressure We need a holiday CHORUS We can turn this world around And bring back all of those happy days Put your troubles down It's time to celebrate Let love shine And we will find A way to come together Can make things better We need a holiday CHORUS Holiday! Celebrate! Holiday! Celebrate! CHORUS Holiday! Celebrate! Holiday! Celebrate! frank Janet? It's Frank. janet Frank! Where are you? f I'm at the station. The train was late. I'm waiting for a taxi. j But we've got that meeting with the Tamada brothers at 10 o'clock! f Yes, 1 know. Are they there yet? j Yes, they're sitting in your office. f Oh no! j And they aren't looking very happy. f Hold on ... here's a taxi. Start the meeting without me, but take notes. Oh and Janet? j Yes? f Remember - this is my contract! j Of course it is, Frank ... bye! Liz? Liz Yes? j Where's Adriana? l Adriana? Oh, she's working at home today. j Oh, dear. 1 need someone to take notes at the Tamada meeting, t Well, I'm not doing anything important at the moment. Do you want me to do it? j Actually, 1 want you to finish those reports. l Well, Danny isn't doing anything. 1 can ask him. i OK, thanks. I'm waiting for a taxi. ' They're sitting in your office, i They aren't looking very happy. I She's working at home today. | I'm nôt doing anything important. I Danny isn't doing anything. Recording Scripts R94 frank Hello, Liz, it's Frank. uz Hi, Frank. Where are you calling from? f I'm in a taxi. There was an accident or something. We're not moving. l Oh, dear. f Look, Janet isn't answering her phone. What's she doing? l She's talking to the Tamada brothers. And Danny's taking notes. f Oh, right. Where are they having the meeting? l Er ... in Janet's office. f In Janet's office? Oh no! Liz, please go and tell Janet not to sign that contract. l OK, Frank. See you soon. And hurry up! frank Hi, Liz. Are they still in Janet's office? uz Yes, they are. Good luck! f Right ... Hello, everybody. Sorry I'm late. janet Er, hello, Frank. Mr Tamada and I are just signing the contract. f No, you're not, Janet. I'm signing the contract. J OK, Frank. It's all yours. f I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you arrived. You see, there was an accident and ... r9.7 Are you still working? ] Are you having a nice time? I What are you doing? f Are the kids doing their homework? i What are they doing? &£} presenter ... are meeting later this_afternoon. And now for morejan today's transport strike, let's go to our reporter_Amy Peters. amy Hi, Michael. I'mjn the centre_pf the city and the trafficjsn't moving_at_all. Excuse me, sir. What do you thinkpf the strike? first man WellJ'm not very happy aboutjt. I usually go to work by train, butJ'm driving today. Andjt's takingji very long time. a Right. When did you leave home? fm About_a quarter past 6 - that's 3 hoursago. a Wow! How longjs your journey, usually? fm Er, it's_about 40 minutes, that's_all. a Well, good luck! And here's someone_pn_a bike. Hello, madam, are you going to work? woman YesJ am. a Do you cycle to workevery day? w YesJ do. It's cheaper than the tube. a And how longjs your journey, usually? w lt's_about halfjanhour, butjt's taking longer today, of course, because_pfall the traffic. a Thanks. Excuse me, sir. Are you walking to work today? second man YesJ am. It's quicker than driving^ think. ButJ'm getting very tired! | a And how do you normally get to work? sm I take the tube - or sometimes the bus. a Do you have_a message for the peoplejan strike? sm YesJ do. Go back to work! a Wellj_as you can hear, Michael, many people_pn their way to work_aren't_enjoying their journey. p Thanks_Amy. That was_Amy Peters, reporting_pn today's transport strike. 19.10 think of -» think of the strike? -» What do you think of the strike? I It's about It's about forty minutes -» It's about forty minutes, that's all. I And it's -» And it's taking a -* And it's taking a very long time, someone ona-> someone on a bike -» Here's someone on a bike. I I'm in -» I'm in the centre of -» I'm in the centre of the city. I The traffic isn't -» moving at all -» The traffic isn't moving at all. fl9.13|R9.14 1 message Hello, this is Alan Wick's voicemail. I'm sorry I can't take your call at the moment. If you leave a message, I'll get back to you. Thanks for calling, [end of R9.13] emily Hello, it's Emily Wise here, from the contracts office at 3DUK. Can we meet tomorrow moming, at about 10? 1 need to talk to you about the new contract with Morris Computers. Can you call me back? Thanks. Bye. 2 message Welcome to the NRL voicemail service. I'm sorry, but the person you called is not available. Please leave your message after the tone, [end of R9.13] emily Hi, Katrina, it's Emily. Would you like to meet for coffee after work? Call me later - I'm at the office. Bye! 3 message Thank you for calling the King's Theatre. Please choose one of the following 3 options. For ticket information, press 1. To book tickets by credit card, press 2. For any other enquiries, press 3. [end of R9.13] You are in a queue. Please hold. Your call will be answered as soon as possible. ticket seller Hello, King's Theatre. emily Oh, hi. Are there any tickets available for Say Cheese! on Saturday? ts Yes, there are. e How much are they? ts They're £27.50 and £22. e £27.50 and £22. OK, thanks a lot. Bye. ts Goodbye. 4 [R9.13 only] I'm sorry, there's no one available to take your call. Please try later. R9.15 answers 2 Hold on a moment, I'll get her. 3 Hi. It's Katrina. 4 I got your message. s Hello, is that Chris Morris? 6 Speaking. 7 This is Emily Wise, from 3DUK. 8 Can I call you back? 9 If it's after 5, call me on my mobile. 10 I'll call you later. R9.17 answers 2 This is 3 Can I call 4 Call me on s call you 6 It's 7 Can 1 speak 8 Hold on 9 got Calling out around the world Are you ready for a brand new beat? Summer's here and the time is right For dancing in the street They're dancing in Chicago Down in New Orleans In New York City CHORUS All we need is music, sweet music There'll be music everywhere They'll be swinging, swaying and records playing Dancing in the street, oh It doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there So come on, every guy, grab a girl, everywhere, around the world They'll be dancing, they're dancing in the street This is an invitation across the nation A chance for folks to meet There'll be laughing, singing and music swinging Dancing in the street Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore and DC now Can't forget the motor city CHORUS Way down in LA, every day They're dancing in the street ... [BtO.1 doctor Hello, Mr Taylor. mr taylor Hello, doctor. d Right, is everything OK? t Er, I think so. d Good. First let's check your weight. Over here, please. Mmm. t How much do I weigh? d 93 kilos. t Really? d Yes. Do you do much exercise? t Er, no, not really. I go swimming about once a month, that's all. d And what do you usually eat? t I eat a lot of meat and vegetables. You know, business lunches - but I sometimes have salad. And, er, we eat a lot of pizzas at home. d And do you usually eat red meat, or chicken or fish? Recording Scripts t Oh, I suppose I eat red meat about 4 times a week. And we usually have chicken on Sunday. d Do you smoke? t No, I don't. I gave up 2 years ago. d That's good. And what about alcohol? Do you drink a lot? t No, not much. d Do you drink every day? t Er, yes, but only 1 or 2 beers. And maybe a glass of wine with a meal. d Hmm. Well, your diet's not too bad, but you shouldn't eat so much red meat. Have chicken or fish instead, it's better for you. And I'm not sure about all those pizzas! T OK. d And you should do more exercise, maybe 3 times a week. But you probably know that. t Er, yes. Til try. d Right, lets listen to your heart. tina OK, Leo. I've got four people for the Break poster. See what you think. leo Right. Where's the first one? Hmm, he's not bad. t Yes, I quite like him. He looks friendly, the type of person who buys a lot of chocolate. I can see that! Yes, he's a bit overweight, isn't he? Is that a problem? Er, I'm not sure. Who else have you got? Well, there's him. He's better, maybe. He's tall and good-lo'oking. He's very good-looking - but I don't know about the hair. Yes, you've got a point there. Who's next? What about her? She's nice. Tall, slim, nice hair and very attractive. Yes, she's beautiful - but do we want a beautiful person on this poster? Do beautiful pe'ople eat chocolate? Not very often, probably. But everyone wants to be beautiful and eat chocolate! Is that all of them? No, there's one more. She's - well, she's a bit older, isn't she? Yes, but maybe that's go'od. People her age buy a lot of chocolate. And she's attractive - she lo'oks very friendly and happy, I think. Yes, she does. And people eat chocolate because they want to be happy. Yes, you're right. Well, let's cho'ose. OK. Do we want a man or a woman? tina OK. Do we want a man or a woman? l I think that we want a woman, not a man. t Why's that? l Well, women buy more chocolate than men. So they want to see a woman on the poster. t Yes, good point. l And people know that chocolate makes you fat - but everyone wants to be thin. t So we want someone slim. l And people always think they're young -so they want to see young people on posters. t Which means ... l ... Zoe. t OK. Zoe. Fine. Shall I ask her to come for a meeting? l Yes, good idea. Right, what else do we need to talk about? tina Hi, Leo. 1 hear you've got a new girlfriend. leo Er, yes, I have. t What's she like? l Well, she's really friendly and outgoing. And she's very beautiful. t I see. What does she like doing? l Well, she likes dancing and going to restaurants. The same things as me, really. t OK. What does she look like? l Well, she's tall and slim, and she's got long dark hair. t Leo? l Yes? t What's your new girlfriend's name? l It's, er, Zoe. You know, from the poster. t Oh, really? 1 What's she like? 2 What does she look like? 3 What's he like? 4 What does she like doing? 5 What does he look like? 6 What are they like? I've got a stomach ache. I I've got a temperature. | I've got a headache. ! a toothache. I've got a sore throat, a cold. I've got a cough. 11 feel ill. terrible. ' 1 feel sick. ! 1 feel better. ] hurts. ' My arm hurts. My leg hurts. My foot hurts. answers 2b) 3b) 4a) 5a) 6b) I've got I I've got I I feel My back meg Happy New Year, Jack! jack Thanks, Meg. And happy New Year to you. m Any New Year's resolutions? j Yes, I have, actually. I'm not going to work until ten every night. I'm going to work less and have more fun. And I'm going to have a holiday this year. m Good! Where are you going? j Oh, 1 don't know. Somewhere I can relax. m Good idea. j And what about you? Have you got any plans for the New Year? m Yes, I'm going to move to Australia. j Wow! When did you decide that? m Oh, a couple of months ago. j That's great. Are you going to sell your house? ... 2 ed Hello, David. Hi, Val. david Hi, Ed. Happy New Year! e Happy New Year to you too! val Have you got any New Year's resolutions? e Yes, I'm going to do a computer course. d Oh, right. Why computers? e I want to get a new job. The one I've got now is really boring. d Right. Well, good luck with that. e Thanks. And what about you? Any New Year's resolutions? d Yes, we're going to get fit and Val's going to stop smoking, v Yes, I am. And David's going to lose weight. Well, he says he is. d Yes, 1 want to lose eight kilos. I'm going to do more exercise - and I'm not going to eat sweet things any more. woman Chocolate cake, anyone? d Not for me, thank you. w Oh, go on. It's really good! d Well, er, just a little, thank you. But this really is the last. I'm going to work less and háve móre fún. ' I'm going to háve a holiday this year. I She's going to move to Australia. ] He's going to do a computer course. I We're going to get fit. i I'm not going to work every night. I He's not going to eat sweet things. tim Wow, Debbie, that was a difficult exam. And 1 really revised this time. debbie Do you think you passed, Tim? t I don't know. The first part was OK, but the last question was really difficult. d Yes, for me too. So how are you going to celebrate tonight? t I'm not sure. I might go for a drink with Peter, or I might go to Jane's party. What about you? Recording Scripts d Well, first I'm going to go home and sleep. t Yes, good idea. d Then I'm going to meet Tony in town. After that, I don't know. We might go to a club, but I'm not sure what Tony wants to do. He might just want to go home and watch a video. t Well, I'm sure of one thing. d What's that? t That's the last exam I'm ever going to take! What are you going to do this evening, Sid? sid Well, Clare and I might go out with some friends, or we might go to the cinema. t That sounds good. There's a really good film on at the Ritzy. I might go for a drink with Peter. | I might go to Jane's party. | We might go to a club. ' We might watch a video. ' We might go o'ut with some friends. I We might go to the cinema. cm? answers 2a) 3a) 4b) 5b) 6b) tim Are you going to get a job, Sid? sid No, I'm not. I'm going to do a business course in the USA. t Really? s Yes, if I can find the money. t Are you going too, Clare? clare Yes, I am. I'm going to study law. t Wow! How are you going to pay for it all? c Good question. We're going to talk to the bank tomorrow, actually, s Are you going to stay here, Tim? I mean in the UK? T Yes, I am. I'm going to get a job. No more studying for me. s Mmm. And you haven't got a car, have you? t No, why? s Well, I'm going to sell my car. Do you want to buy it? t Yes, I might. How much do you want for it? s Oh, about $30,000! t Yeah. You mean the cost of a business course! s Well, and the plane tickets. t You don't need to do a course, Sid. You're already a businessman! angela Hello, Craven Holiday Homes, can I help you? sue Oh, hello, I'm phoning about your advert for Benton House. Is it available in September? a Yes, it is. When would you like to stay there? s From September 12lh for 2 weeks. a Er, yes, it's available then. Would you like to book it? s Er, how much is it? a 2 weeks in September, er, that's £650. s Oh, that's a bit expensive. Is Hill Place cheaper? a Yes, that's £570. s And is it available for those 2 weeks? a Let me check ... Oh, it's available the first week, but not the second. Sorry, s Right ... OK, can I book Benton House, please? a Certainly. Can I have your name, please? s Yes, my name's Sue Daniels. a And do you have an email address, Mrs Daniels? s Yes, it's s daniels at freemail dot com. a Right. I'll email you directions. It's very easy to find, s Thank you very much. 1 Go along Abbott Street and it's on the right, next to the bus station. 2 Go along the High Street, past the station, and it's on the left, opposite the department store. 3 Go along the High Street, past the department store, and tum right. Go along North Road and it's on the left. 4 Go along Abbott Street and turn right by the river. That's West Street. Go along that street for about 100 metres and it's on the right. CHORUS Going to the chapel And we're going to get married Going to the chapel And we're going to get married Gee, I really love you And we're going to get married Going to the chapel of love Spring is here, the sky is blue Birds all sing, as if they knew Today's the day we'll say "1 do" And we'll never be lonely any more Because we're ... CHORUS Bells will ring, the sun will shine Til be his and he'll be mine We'll love until the end of time xAnd we'll never be lonely any more Because we're ... CHORUS 1 sixteen million 2 four point two three 3 five hundred thousand 4 seven thousand, six hundred and fifty s three hundred and ninety 6 nought point one 7 a hundred and seventy-two 8 ninety-eight thousand, five hundred answers a) 82 b) 335 c) 11.68 d) 0.01 e) $120,000 0 85 g) £44,007 h) £12,300 lucy Are you enjoying the food? steve Yes, it's wonderful. Guy's a great cook. How's business? l Oh, it's fine. Busy, you know. I really need a holiday, s Yes, me too. l But you're always on holiday! s No, I'm not. People always say that. I work very hard when I'm travelling. l Yeah, right. Have you ever been to Rio de Janeiro? Yes, 1 have. When did you go there? 4 or 5 years ago. And did you enjoy it? Oh, yes, I had a great time. The people are really friendly and the beaches are beautiful. l I'd like to go there on holiday. It sounds fun. s Td like to go to Australia. Have you ever been there? l Yes, I have, actually. I went there about 8 years ago, with a boyfriend, s And did you have a good time? l Yes, we travelled around in an old car and camped on the beaches. It was fantastic, s Mmm, it sounds great. guy Is the food OK, Steve? s Yes, very good, as usual. Guy, have you ever been to Australia? g No, 1 haven't. I never leave this restaurant! a Have you ever worked in a restaurant? b Yes, 1 have. a Have you ever been to the UK? b No, I haven't. a Have you ever met anyone from Ireland? b Yes, I have. a Have you ever se'en a Japanese film? b No, I haven't. travel agent Welcome to Call-a-Flight. My name's Helen. How can I help you? joe Hello. I'm calling about flights to Boston. ta When would you like to go? J On 24,h February. That's a Saturday. ta When do you want to come back? j Sunday 11 th March. ta How many people are travelling? j Er, just me. ta And from which airport? j London Heathrow. ta And what's your name, please? j It's Joe. Joe Hunter. Recording Scripts ta OK, hold on a moment, I'll just check availability. Right. There's a British Airways flight that leaves London Heathrow at 13.20 on the 24th of February and arrives in Boston at 18.45. j So that's leaving Heathrow at 13.20 and arriving in Boston at 18.45. ta That's right. And the return flight leaves Boston at 5.15 on Sunday the llIh of March, arriving at London Heathrow at 08.20. That's the cheapest direct flight we have. j So the return is on Sunday the 11th, leaving at 5.15 in the morning and er ... TA ... arriving at London Heathrow at 8.20. j OK. And how much is that? ta Let me check. That's £259, including all taxes. j OK, that's not too bad. Can 1 book that, please? ta Yes, of course. How would you like to pay? j By credit card, please. ta And the number on the card? R12.11 woman Can 1 have your ticket and your passport, please? joe Yes. Here you are. w How many bags have you got? j Two. w Did you pack your bags yourself? j Yes, 1 did. w Have you got any sharp items in your hand luggage? j No, 1 haven't. w And would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? j A window seat, please, w OK. Here's your boarding card. You're in seat 16A. j Which gate is it? w Gate 12. j Is the flight on time? w Yes, it is. It leaves at 13.20. Enjoy your flight. j Thanks. Bye. announcer Flight BA 901 to Boston is now boarding at gate 12. joe Well, that's my flight. Time to go. woman Have a good trip, Joe. j Thanks, 1 will. man And have a nice holiday. j Thanks. See you in 2 weeks. m and w Yes, see you. Bye. j Bye. w Oh, Joe? j Yes? w Send me a postcard! j Er, yes, 1 will. mm Listening Test (see Teacher's Book) Answer Key 3D 0 b) p28 Are you an early bird or a night owl? 1 a) 1 point b) 2 points c) 3 points 2 a) 2 points b) 1 point c) 3 points 3 a) 3 points b) 1 point c) 2 points 4 a) 3 points b) 2 points c) 1 point 5 a) 2 points b) 1 point c) 3 points 6 a) 1 point b) 2 points c) 3 points j 5-7 points: You're definitely an early bird. You probably get up very early and do lots of things before lunchtime. But you're probably not a good person to go to an all-night party with! 8-11 points: You're not a night owl or an early bird -so you're probably an afternoon person! You probably get up early in the week and then sleep a lot at the weekend. 12-15 points: You're definitely a night owl. You probably go out a lot in the evening and watch TV late at night. But you're probably not a good person to have breakfast with! 6B0a) p49 History-makers 1 b) Albert Einstein came from Germany. He was born in Ulm in 1879. 2 a) Orville and Wilbur Wright flew the first plane on December 17th 1903 in the USA. 3 b) Mother Teresa lived in Calcutta, India, from 1931 until she died in 1997. 4 a) George Washington became the first President of the USA in April 1789. 5 a) Marco Polo first went to China in 1271 when he was only seventeen years old. 7B0 C) p56 1 Mozart wrote his first symphony about 250 years ago, in 1764. 2 Rickenbacker and Beauchamp made the first electric guitar about 80 years ago, in 1931. 3 The Beatles' first concert in the USA was in February 1964. 4 The first performance of an opera was in the sixteenth century, in 1598. 5 Elvis Presley's mother bought him his first guitar in 1946. \2A0b) p95 The best quiz in the world! 1 largest (1 point) b) (2 points) Buenos Aires has a population of 13.8 million, Istanbul has 9.29 million people and about 8 million people live in New York. 2 oldest (1 point) a) (2 points) Mel Gibson was born in 1956, Brad Pitt was born in 1963 and Julia Roberts was born in 1967. 3 most crowded (1 point) c) (2 points) There are 17,000 people per km2 in Monaca, in Singapore there are 5,400 and in Bangladesh there are 850. 4 biggest (1 point) a) (2 points) The USA is 9.1 million km2, Brazil is 8.4 million km2 and Australia is 7.6 million km2. 5 most expensive (1 point) b) (2 points) In 2004 Tokyo was the most expensive city to live in, Moscow was third and New York was twelfth. 6 youngest (1 point) b) (2 points) Pele was 17 when he scored in the World Cup final in 1958. 7 most common (1 point) b) (2 points) Chinese is the most common first language with about 900 million speakers. 8 nearest (1 point) a) (2 points) Mexico City (+20°) is nearest to the Equator, Rio de Janeiro is -23° and Madrid is +40°. Phonemic Symbols Vowel sounds Id father ago Idčl apple cat lul book could Id on got /I/ in swim HI happy easy Id bed any /a/ cup under /3l/ her shirt /a:/ arm car luil blue too /o:/ born walk Ihl eat meet /eg/ chair where lid near we're /U9/ tour mature /oi/ boy nojsy /ai/ nine eye /ei/ eight day hul go over /au/ out brown Consonant sounds /p/ park soup /b/ be rob III face laugh /v/ very live It/ time white lál dog red /k/ cold look girl bag /e/ think both 161 mother the /tr/ chips teach /*/ job page Isl see rice Izl zoo days /J7 shoe action '3/ television Iml me name Inl now rain /n/ sing think Ihl hot hand /l/ late hello /r/ marry write /w/ white we '}' you yes Irregular Verb List infinitive Past Simple past participle infinitive Past Simple past participle be was/were been leave left left become became become lose /lu:z/ lost lost begin began begun make made made break broke broken meet met met bring brought /brojt/ brought /bro:t/ pay paid /peid/ paid /peid/ buy bought /bo:t/ bought /bo:t/ put put put can could /kud/ been able read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/ catch caught /ko:t/ caught /ko:t/ ride rode ridden choose chose /tfouz/ chosen run ran run come came come say said /sed/ said /sed/ cost cost cost see saw /so:/ seen cut cut cut sell sold sold do did done IdKnl send sent sent drink drank drunk /drArjk/ sing sang sung /sAn/ drive drove driven sit sat sat eat ate eaten sleep slept slept fall fell fallen speak spoke spoken feel felt felt spell spelled/spelt spelt find found found spend spent spent fly flew/flu:/ flown /floun/ stand stood stood forget forgot forgotten swim swam swum /swAm/ get got got [US: gotten] take took /tuk/ taken give gave given teach taught /to:t/ taught /to:t/ g° went been/gone tell told told have had had think thought /0o:t/ thought /Qoitl hear heard /h3:d/ heard /ti3:d/ understand understood understood hold held held wear wore worn know knew /nju:/ known /naun/ win won /wAn/ won /wAn/ learn learned/learnt learned/learnt write wrote written CD-ROM/Audio CD Instructions Start the CD-ROM • Insert the Jacc2jacc CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. • If Autorun is enabled, the CD-ROM will start automatically. • If Autorun is not enabled, open My Computer and then D: (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). Then double-click on the facdfacc icon. Install the CD-ROM to your hard disk (recommended) • Go to My Computer and then D: (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). • Right-click on Explore. • Double-click on Install facc2face to hard disk. • Follow the installation instructions on your screen. Listen and practise on your CD player You can listen to and practise language from the Student's Book Real World lessons on your CD player at home or in the car: R1.19 R1.20 R2.ll R2.I3 R2.15 R3.8 R3.16 R4.ll R4.14 R5.7 R5.10 R6.10 R7.ll R8.9 R9.16 R9.17 R10.8 RIO.11 R11.12 R12.12 What's on the CD-ROM? • Interactive practice activities Extra practice of Grammar, Vocabulary, Real World situations and English pronunciation. Click on one of the unit numbers (1-12) at the top of the screen. Then choose an activity and click on it to start. • My Activities Create your own lesson. Click on My Activities at the top of the screen. Drag activities from the unit menus into the My Activities panel on the right of the screen. Then click on Start. • My Portfolio This is a unique and customisable reference too). Click on Grammar, Word Lisl, Real World or Phonemes at any time for extra help and information. You can also add your own notes, check your progress and create your own English tests! Practice activities A face2face Elementary 2. 3 4 5 6 7 6 3 10 11 12 My Activities r A My Activities My Portfolio System specification • Windows 2000 or XP • 256Mb RAM • 500Mb hard disk space (if installing to hard disk) Support If you experience difficulties with this CD-ROM, please visit: Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all the team at Cambridge University Press for their tireless devotion to the jacf2jacc project. Special thanks for their support, enthusiasm and inspiration go to: Sue Uflstein (Commissioning Editor), Laurie Harrison (Electronic Project Manager), Rachel Jackson-Stevens, Lynne Rushton and Dilys Silva (Editorial team), Ruth Atkinson (Freelance editor), Alison Greenwood, Nicholas Tims and Lynn Townsend (CD-ROM team). Chris Redston would like to thank the following people for their help and support during the writing of this hook: Mark and Laura Skipper, Will Orel, Dylan Evans, Natasha Munoz, Margie Baum, Joss Whedon, SMG, David B, John and Avis Hilder, his sisters, Anne and Carol, and his dear father, Bill Redston. Gillie Cunningham would like to thank Amybeth for her continued humour and patience, Richard Gibb for all his invaluable help and support, and Sue Mohamed for her constant encouragement. The authors and publishers would like to thank the following teachers for the invaluable feedback which they provided: Isidro Almendarez, Spain; David Barnes, Italy; Julia Blackwell, Germany; Mike Carter, Spain; Mike Delaney Brazil; Jayne Freeman, Poland; Alison Greenwood, Italy; Ingrid Gurtler, Germany; Madeline Hall, Portugal; David Hill. Turkey; Krystal Jamct, France; Brenda Kent, UK; Hanna Kijowska, Poland; Justyna Kubica, Poland; Aleksander Kubot, Poland; Silvana Kuskunov, Argentina; Celia Martinez, Spain; Patricia Martinez, France; Rosa Mate, Spain; Michelle McKinlay New Zealand; Paul Mitchell, Spain; Helen Paul, Germany; Dan Prichard, UK; Neide Silva, Brazil; Matgorzata Szulczyriska, Poland. The authors and publishers are grateful to the following contributors: Pentacorbig and Oliver Design: cover design Pentacorbig: text design and page make-up Hilary Fletcher: picture research, commissioned photography Trevor Clifford: photography Anne Rosenfeld: audio recordings The authors and publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material. All efforts have been made to contact the copyright holders of material reproduced in this book which belongs to third parties, and citations are given for the sources. We welcome approaches from any copyright holders whom we have not been able to trace but who find that their material has been reproduced herein. For the text in 8C "Chessinglon World of Adventures," with permission of Tussauds Theme Parks Limited,; for the text in 8C, "Regent's Park," with permission of The Royal Parks. The information on Chessington World of Adventures and Regent's Park is accurate at the time of going to press and is subject to change at any time. Da Do Ron Ron (When He Walked Mc Home): words and music by Ellie Greenwich, Jeff Barry and Phil Spector © 1963 Trio Music Company (BM1). All Rights Reserved. Lyric reproduced by kind permission of Carlin Music Corp., London NW1 8BD. Holiday: words and music by Lisa Stevens and Curtis Hudson © 1983 Pure Energy Music Publishing lnc and House Of Fun Music Inc, USA. Warner/ Chappell Music Ltd, London W6 8BS. Reproduced by permission of International Music Publications Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Marathon Music International Limited, for the sound recording, © Marathon Music. Dancing in the Street: words and music by Ivy Jo Hunier, William Stevenson and Marvin Gaye © 1964, Stone Agate Music, USA. Reproduced by permission ofjobete Music Co lnc/EMI Music Publishing Ltd, London WC2H OQY. Universal Music Group for the original recording, © Universal Music Group. Chape] of Love: words and music by Ellie Greenwich, Jeff Barry and Phil Spector © 1964 Trio Music Company (BMI). All Rights Reserved. Lyric reproduced by kind permission of Carlin Music Corp., London NW1 8BD. The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs and material: Key: 1 = left, c = centre, r = right, t = top, b = bottom, back = background. Alamy/©Goran Kapor for p38 (t), /©Sally & Richard Grcenhill for p99, /©Andre Jenny for ppl08 (b), 116 (b); Aquarius/UlP/Uniled Arlisls/Danjaz/EON for ppl08 CO, 116 (t); Anthony Blake Picture LibraryADJoff Lee for p34 (1), /©Gerrit Buntrock for p34 (2), /©Maximilian Stock Ltd for p34 (3), /©Robert Lawson for pp34 (4, 5), 35 (6), /©Heather Brown for p35 (10); Briush Antarctic Survey for p30; ©Will Capel for p38 (b); ©Chessington World of Adventure for p66; CORB1S for p57 (0, /©Louise Gubb for p49 (1), /©Hulton-Deutscb Collection for p54 (t), /SYGMA/©Ed Crisostomo for p58 (C), /©Keren Su for p65, /©Robbie Jack for p67 (b), /SYGMA/©John Van Hasselt for p88 (hack); UK Images for p35 (9); ©Eye Uhiquitous For p64; Gettylmages/lmagcbank/David Sacks for p44 (r), /Andrea Pistolesi for p63 (C), /Roger Wright for p84 (2), /Kaz Chiha for ppl04 (A), 112 (A), /Terry Vine pp]04 (F), 112 (F); Geltylmages/News/Scou Barbour for p72 (r); Gettylmages/Photodise Collection for pp35 (7), 44 (1), /Ryan McVay for p80 (2); Geltylmages/Photographer's Choice/Phil Leo for p97; Getlytmages/Rubbcrball Productions pp7,81 (3); Getlylmages/Stone/Norma Zuniga for p32 (rc), 112 (r), /Christopher Thomas for p35 (8), /Martin Barraud for pp52 (t), 96, /Ranald Mackechnic for p52 (b), /Jorn Georg Tomtcr for p58 (D), /Mitch Kezar for p62 (B), /John Lamb for p62 (A),/Moigan Azimi for p80 (4), /David Hanover for p92 (1), AVhil Preston for p92 (r). 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The following photographs were taken on commission for CUP: Trevor Clifford for pp4, 6, 9, 10 M/Audi- CD with exercises in .ill language areas, incluJing video, games, rto r.'inc, capability, progress chart an J customised tests. There is alsr a selection of material fr. m the World lessons which can listened trj r,n normal CD players. • Innnvative Help with Listening sections hoi,-- students tc understand natural s^ken English in context. • jouble-page flea/ Wi rid loss'-ns focus ->n the functional and social language students need for rg/elt/facc2face face2face Student's Book Eltmintvy rre-inurmer1i*ti; intermediate Upper IntermedBbJ CEF level Related examinations Council of 1 Europe document A1 Breakthrough A2 KET Key English Test Waystage B1 PET Preliminary English Test Threshold 1 Cambridge W UNIVERSITY PRESS 9780521714976