IGC Announcement of IGC Vicer-Rector for Creative Activities Submitting application for IG IG applicant Meeting of committee, potential budget changes, valuation of individual projects, creating the order of the projects Committee Has IG been approved? Preparation of the meeting minutes Initiation of IG solution IG IG applicant Purchasing is governed by separate internal standard Progress report IG applicant Output, final report IG applicant 1 1 Opponent suggested by the IG applicant Has the opponent been approved? Appointing of opponent Committee Submitting materials to opponent Vice-Rector for CA Preparation of opponent opinion opponent Completion of IG IG applicant IG defence before committee IG applicant Has IG been defended sucessfully? Has a deadline for IG completion been set? Termination of IG END NO NO NO YES NO YES NO YES YES YES List of abbreviations: IG – Internal grant IGC – Internal grant competition Vice-Rector for CA – Vice-Rector for Creative Activities Attachment 3 SM9/2016-3.1