Demand for developing competencies Approval of the competence Yes Does the respective group of competencies exist?Yes Ne Is there an adequate training course for the given competence? Yes No 1 Creating a new training course, including given requirements Head of the Lifelong Learning Centre Classifying the group into the respective group of competencies in the Code List of Competencies Chancellor Creating a new group of competencies Chancellor Determining the competence by a guarantor of the Code List of Competencies Chancellor Suggesting a new competence, including its detailed description and conditions for its acquiring Immediate Superior 1 Creating a calculation for the course Head of the Lifelong Learning Centre Determining whether the course will include an entrance test Head of the Lifelong Learning Centre Algorithm for Defining Competencies and Training Courses Annex 9 No Determining the minimum number and the maximum number of the course participants Head of the Lifelong Learnin g Centre Assigning the competence to the course Head of the Lifelong Learning Centre Assigning the request for competencies to an employee and implementation of the course SM2/2018-9