Výuka jazyků prostřednictvím ICT CZ.1.07/1.1.10/03.0026 leden 2012 1/4 Topic 3 Architecture Grammar: Past simple and present perfect use Time needed for the studying of materials: 8 lessons Time needed for the testing of studied materials: 45 minutes KASÍKOVÁ, S., HORKÁ, H., NIVENOVÁ, R., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.: English for Civil Engineering. Praha : ČVUT, 2007. 181 s. ISBN 978-80-01-03786-7. MURPHY, R.: English Grammar in Use. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. 379 s. ISBN 0-521-53762-2. PETERS, S., GRÁF, T. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky. Praha : Polyglot, 1998. 437 s. ISBN 80-86195-00-7. HOLLETT, V.& SYDES, J.: Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate. Oxford : Oxford, 2005. 127 s. ISBN: 978-3464246924. WHITE, L. Engineering. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. 120 s. ISBN 019- 438827-6. GLENDINNING, E. H. - POHL, A. Oxford : Oxford English for Careers: Technology 2, Student’s Book. Oxford University Press, 2008.136 s. ISBN 9780194569538. HANÁK, M. et al. Architektonický a stavební slovník anglicko-český. Plzeň : FRAUS, 1998. 721 s. ISBN 80-7238-024-9. ELMAN, J., MICHALÍČEK, V. Anglicko-český technický slovník. Praha : Sabotáles. 2002. 1317 s. ISBN 978-80-85920-92-1. FRONEK, J. Velký anglicko-český česko-anglický slovník. Voznice : LEDA 2007. 1523 s. ISBN 978-80-7335-114-4. In case of any difficulties with the subject matter, there is a possibility to ask a course teacher for tutorials. Architecture Výuka jazyků prostřednictvím ICT CZ.1.07/1.1.10/03.0026 leden 2012 2/4 1. Write the plural for the expressions below wider It requires material costs process group both technology She may activity 2. Write past simple and past participle for the verbs below. Basic form Past simple Past participle come can be have write know understand sing wear take learn show see read choose go shout think find speak 3. Decide whether the sentences below are correct or not. Correct the ones which contain a mistake. 1. Jane has lost her purse a year ago. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Agatha Christie has written many exciting criminal stories. What a pity, she is dead. _____________________________________________________________ 3. They have had a lot of meetings with construction companies this week. Výuka jazyků prostřednictvím ICT CZ.1.07/1.1.10/03.0026 leden 2012 3/4 _____________________________________________________________ 4. Mary and John have been going out for about ten years before they got married. _____________________________________________________________ 5. Have you done any work in the garden today? _____________________________________________________________ 6. The builders constructed a new town hall recently. _____________________________________________________________ 7. The staff just came from the canteen. _____________________________________________________________ 8. They didn’t sent the postcard from Greece last July. _____________________________________________________________ Výuka jazyků prostřednictvím ICT CZ.1.07/1.1.10/03.0026 leden 2012 4/4 Key 1. Write the plural for the expressions below wider x It requires they require material materials costs x process processes group groups both x technology technologies She may they may activity activities 2. Write past simple and past participle for the verbs below. Basic form Past simple Past participle come came come can could been able to be was/were been have had had write wrote written know knew known understand understood understood sing sang sung wear wore worn take took taken learn learned/learnt learned/learnt show showed shown see saw seen read read read choose chose chosen go went gone shout shouted shouted think thought thought find found Found speak spoke spoken 3. Decide whether the sentences below are correct or not. Correct the ones which contain a mistake. 1. Jane has lost her purse a year ago. OK 2. Agatha Christie has written many exciting criminal stories during her life. What a pity, she is dead. Výuka jazyků prostřednictvím ICT CZ.1.07/1.1.10/03.0026 leden 2012 5/4 Agatha Christie wrote many exciting criminal stories during her life. What a pity, she is dead. 3. They have had a lot of meetings with construction companies this week. OK 4. Mary and John have been going out for about ten years before they got married. Mary and John were going out for about ten years before they got married. 5. Have you done any work in the garden today? OK 6. The builders constructed a new town hall recently. OK 7. The staff just came from the canteen. The staff has just come from the canteen. 8. They didn’t sent the postcard from Greece last July. They didn’t send the postcard from Greece last July.