3. How Does a DC to AC Power Converter Work? How Does a DC to AC Power Converter Work? Two basic types of electricity: AC Alternating Current switches continuously from negative\ to positive DC Direct Current always flows in the same direction How Does a DC to AC Power Converter Work? Early DC to AC convertors used mechanical switches Modern DC to AC convertors use two or more electrical switches called transistors How Does a DC to AC Power Converter Work? Electricity flows through power lines at 120 – 240 volts (depends on the country) DC ranges between 12 and 30 volts (far too low to power appliances designed to run from outlets.) How Does a DC to AC Power Converter Work? How do you run appliances when the voltage is too low? Use a DC to AC convertor with a step-up transformer. How Does a DC to AC Power Converter Work? AC at home changes polarity 60 times/second. This is referred to as: 60 Hertz or 60 cycles.