prostřednictvím ICT
Výuka jazyků
CZ. 1.07/1.1.10/03.0026
Theme 8
Labour and Wages Grammar: reported speech
Čas potřebný k prostudování učiva lekce: 5 vyučujících hodin Čas potřebný k ověření učiva lekce: 30 minut
KLÍNSKÝ P., MUNCH O., CHROMÁ D., Ekonomika, EDUKO PRAHA, 2010. 180s. ISBN 978-80-87204-21-4.
PORVICHOVÁ J., Ekonomika a podnikání na dlani, RUBICO OLOMOUC, 2002. 112s. ISBN 80-85839-80-6.
SAMUELSON P.A., NORDHAUS W.D., Ekonomie, Nakladatelství Svoboda Praha, 1995. 1011s. ISBN 80-205-0494-X.
SAMUELSON P.A., NORDHAUS W.D., Economics, Fourteenth Edition, McGRAW-HILL, INC.1992. 784s. ISBN 0-07-054879-X.
FRAUS, Velký ekonomický slovník, FRAUS, 2007. 1312s. ISBN 978-80-7238-639-0. COLLINS-COBUILD,  Business Vocabulary in  Practice,  HarperCollins Publishers Glasgow, 2003. 248s. ISBN 0-00-714303-6.
LONGMAN, Dictionary of Contemporary English, LONGMAN. 2003. 1949s. ISBN 0-582-50664-6.
ČAPKOVÁ H. a kol., English for Economists, EKOPRESS PRAHA, 2002. 570s. ISBN 80-86119-52-1
TULLIS G., TRAPPE T., New Insights into Business, LONGMAN, 2004. 176s. ISBN 987-0-582-84887-0.
V případě potřeby je možno konzultovat konkrétní problém s vyučujícím daného kurzu
leden 2012
I sociálni       ^^■^^^l ministerstvo Školství      op vm*u>»nt       ■ [tiíM
k^^J I    ÍOndvCR    EVROPSKÁ UNIE      VlADEŽE A tělovýchovy      pro komiwMCMChoinMt li^lH
1. Finish the sentences using reported speech.
She works for a company near here. I don't know.............................
Does she study at university? I'd like to know.....................................
Where were they last night? I wonder.................................................
Switch on the light, please. I'd like you.................................................
Don't drink alcohol before you drive. She is always asking him........
2. Finish the sentences using reported speech.
I am very busy. He said....................................................................
We will get home late. They said...................................................
I have lost my watch. She said........................................................
Was she at home? I asked...............................................................
Where are they going? I didn't know...........................................
3. Rewrite these imperatives in reported speech.
Tell me about it. I asked her...............................................................
Don't copy. She asked them..............................................................
Be there on time. They asked him....................................................
4. Translate the sentences.
Did he know when his train was leaving?
She told me she would go shopping later.
Řekl, že je nemocný.
Nebyla jsem si jistá, jestli to pochopili.
Výuka jazyků prostřednictvím ICT CZ. 1.07/1.1.10/03.0026
leden 2012
prostřednictvím ICT
Výuka jazyků
CZ. 1.07/1.1.10/03.0026
1. Finish the sentences using reported speech.
She works for a company near here. I don't know which company she works for. Does she study at university? I'd like to know if she studies at university. Where were they last night? I wonder where they were last night. Switch on the light, please. I'd like you to switch on the light.
Don't drink alcohol before you drive. She is always asking him not to drink alcohol before he drives.
2. Finish the sentences using reported speech.
I am very busy. He said he was very busy.
We will get home late. They said they would get home late.
I have lost my watch. She said she had lost her watch.
Was she at home? I asked if she had been at home.
Where are they going? I didn't know where they were going.
3. Rewrite these imperatives in reported speech.
Tell me about it. I asked her to tell me about it.
Don't copy from each other. She asked them not to copy from each other. Be there on time. They asked him to be there on time.
4. Translate the sentences.
Did he know when his train was leaving? Věděl, kdy mu jede vlak? She told me she would go shopping later. Řekla mi, že půjde nakupovat později.
Řekl, že je nemocný. He said he was ill.
Nebyla jsem si jistá, jestli to pochopili. I wasn't sure they had understood it.
leden 2012