Výuka jazyků
prostřednictvím ICT
leden 2012 1/3
Theme 1
Economic Systems, Human Needs and Wants
Grammar: nouns, adjectives, adverbs
Čas potřebný k prostudování učiva lekce: 8 vyučujících hodin
Čas potřebný k ověření učiva lekce: 45 minut
KLÍNSKÝ P., MÜNCH O., CHROMÁ D., Ekonomika, EDUKO PRAHA, 2010. 180s. ISBN
PORVICHOVÁ J., Ekonomika a podnikání na dlani, RUBICO OLOMOUC, 2002. 112s.
ISBN 80-85839-80-6.
SAMUELSON P.A., NORDHAUS W.D., Ekonomie, Nakladatelství Svoboda Praha,
1995. 1011s. ISBN 80-205-0494-X.
SAMUELSON P.A., NORDHAUS W.D., Economics, Fourteenth Edition, McGRAWHILL.,
INC.1992. 784s. ISBN 0-07-054879-X.
FRAUS, Velký ekonomický slovník, FRAUS, 2007. 1312s. ISBN 978-80-7238-639-0.
COLLINS-COBUILD, Business Vocabulary in Practice, HarperCollins Publishers
Glasgow, 2003. 248s. ISBN 0-00-714303-6.
LONGMAN, Dictionary of Contemporary English, LONGMAN. 2003. 1949s. ISBN 0-
ČAPKOVÁ H. a kol., English for Economists, EKOPRESS PRAHA, 2002. 570s. ISBN 80-
TULLIS G., TRAPPE T., New Insights into Business, LONGMAN, 2004. 176s. ISBN 987-
V případě potřeby je možno konzultovat konkrétní problém s vyučujícím daného
Výuka jazyků
prostřednictvím ICT
leden 2012 2/3
1. Fill in prepositions into the following expressions.
Impact ……….the environment
Interest ………. economic issues
Dependence ………. export
Success ………. home trade
Attention ………. details
Advice ………. how to prepare meetings
2. Translate the collocations into English.
Ekonomické informace - ……….
Dobré znalosti - ……….
Odborné zkušenosti - ……….
Úspěšná hospodářství - ……….
Základní lidské potřeby - ……….
Rozvojové země - ……….
Nejnovější zprávy - ……….
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjective in the
Japan ranks among the ………. (developed) countries in the world.
The ………. (high) education you have the ………. (good) position you can start at.
People are much ………. (aware) of the environmental issues than they used to be.
Our sales are not as ………. (high) as we expected them to be.
It is ………. (hard) and ………. (hard) to penetrate into foreign markets.
4. Form the correct adverbs from the adjectives in the brackets and
complete the sentences.
This textbook belongs to ………. recommended ones. (high)
His business appears to be ………. bankruptcy. (near)
Car industry is ………. supported by the government. (strong)
He always explains things ………. complicated)
Czech textile factories can ………. compete with Chinese manufacturers. (hard)
Výuka jazyků
prostřednictvím ICT
leden 2012 3/3
1. Fill in prepositions into the following expressions.
Impact on the environment
Interest in economic issues
Dependence on export
Success in home trade
Attention to details
Advice on how to prepare meetings
2. Translate the collocations into English.
Ekonomické informace – economic information
Dobré znalosti – good knowledge
Odborné zkušenosti – professional experience
Úspěšná hospodářství – successful economies
Základní lidské potřeby – basic human needs
Rozvojové země – developing countries
Nejnovější zprávy – latest news
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjective in
Japan ranks among the most developed countries in the world.
The higher education you have the better position you can start at.
People are much more aware of environmental issues than they used to be.
Our sales are not as high as we expected them to be.
It is harder and harder to penetrate into foreign markets.
4. Form the correct adverbs from the adjectives in the brackets and
complete the sentences.
This textbook belongs to highly recommended ones.
His business appears to be near bankruptcy.
Car industry is strongly supported by the government.
He always explains things in a complicated way.
Czech textile factories can hardly compete with Chinese manufacturers